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Mia is stunning, Manley looks like the early man or a customised character on the PlayStation my 9 year old would create. He is abusive and Mia had a lucky escape.

Chloe doesn't want Jordan to get a job because she likes to keep an eye on him, probably worried he will be able to cheat again without her monitoring him 24/7.

I like Sassy, she says what she means and admits when she's wrong and tries to work on herself. She just needs to watch that short fuse of hers though.

Amber is a passenger in her own life, she sits zoned out alot just watching the kids causing mayhem. I feel for her, I think her depression just puts her in freeze mode and she just struggles to snap out of it and take action. Ste loves giving out advice yet prioritised his hair cut (which would take minutes he's barely got any) over taking his children, take them with you! But again Amber is frozen to the spot exhausted and doesn't stand up and take action, she just goes quite and zones out. I'm sorry I would be on my feet and demanding 'take your boys with you Ste since it's all so easy for you' he gets off too lightly then she is a marder and moans after, no chance I would have let that slide.
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Did anyone else think it sounded like Amber was almost blaming Beth or her house for the boys bad behaviour?
Saying they weren’t like this before Beth’s
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Found it weird and unfair of sassi to go on to zenaya about missing her when she goes on holiday and to then say about her heart beating in a different place to hers???!! Talk about mess a childs head up and make her feel guilty for going away?! She should be bigging up the holiday and making it exciting for her not putting sad thoughts into her young head! And amber is always going through something but its things she could sort for herself too, she seems to enjoy being lazy and sitting around in sadness, if she had more motivation she could change so much about her life. Also being a mother who had no choice but to live in a hostel for many months with my child, it did strike a nerve to see amber say silly things like ‘beth might want us to go and we will be on the streets’ okay but you wouldnt though amber because 1 you have a car, absolute worst case youd have to live in it, 2 you have family and friends, 3 mtv would not see you lot on the literal streets and 4 the COUNCIL WOULD GIVE YOU A HOTEL/HOSTEL. She just always seems so depressing and dramatic she would drain me
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The Geddes family like people they can manipulate and control
Hit the nail on the head 👏🏼 they only liked Erin because she was easily manipulated and was a yes woman. Never forget that the full family were bitching about Mia while she sat upstairs I hated maggie at the time for that, I personally don’t think they’d ever met someone quite like Mia young pretty bold confident they were used to seeing damaged woman as horrid as that sounds they couldnt handle Mia that’s why Manley hates her so much. The ideal woman to Manley is someone who stays at home while he drug deals, does as she’s told, doesn’t have socials, doesn’t party or socialise with friends only speaks with his family etc. What he doesn’t realise is most of the time these woman are victims of domestic violence he thinks that’s a regular woman and that’s what alarming about him
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I think Mia is making a terrible decision… her dad isn’t well, her daughter & her own support system is in Southampton .. her friends, her family, Marliya’s dad (even tho he’s a waste of air) Maggie etc.. why would you upheave the child & move her hundreds of miles away, for a man who you barely know, who you don’t have the most stable relationship with? Surely it’s easier for Olly to move to be with her, considering he’s always away working, so he mustn’t be a constant in his own child’s life? This will not end well
I also think because she can’t afford a place alone she would rather go with him. She has this idea of a family unit but it’s not like she’s a single mom who’s baby dad doesn’t see her child. Maggie and Manley are heavily involved in Marliya’s life. I think she would move and then realise she won’t even be able to spend any time with her precious Ollie because there’s no one to babysit. Also, after one meeting with him and Marliya she’s thinking so impulsively. Not even to be rude but she’s been in an abusive relationship she needs to think about the safety of her daughter letting them move in with a man she has a toxic relationship with. Not only that her dad has cancer. Does she really truly know Ollie? Because of one meeting at a go ape she suddenly thinks they can play happy families. Surely if he was a decent person he would understand she has more commitments there and a dad with cancer and should offer to move to her as he has no other commitments. He gives me narcissistic vibes, I can guarantee he’s guilt tripped her in some way which is why she’s considering moving to him.
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Why do we have a 5 min montage of absolutely boring as fuck throw backs of Chloe 😵💫 notice how she didn’t mention the cheating either 🫠
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It’s crazy how respectful Manley is to the mediator but as soon as Mia walks in the room he gets fuming. There’s just something he really doesn’t like about Mia isn’t there. I’m not saying she’s the best person ever but he is so rude and a hypocrite. He’s insufferable to watch. It’s okay for him to have a baby with another girl but not for Mia to have a boyfriend. And him missing her school things because he “forgot” yet he blames Mia for not reminding him… bet you wouldn’t forget to meet your bros for a raid. He said the only thing he does wrong is shout at Mia. No, what about the fact you’re on the streets selling drugs, beating people up and thinking you’re a gangster. If Mia missed one of Marliya’s things he’d hold it against her forever and god forbid Mia ever does have another baby. He would never allow it.
You could tell even the mediator was like “yeah this is a lost cause”
Honestly the way he said he had known the baby’s mum 2 years but he seems to forget he was with Erin playing happy families for 90% of those 2 years with Marliya and then all of a sudden he’s had another baby and a new gf and introduced Marliya at the same time. Imagine if Mia did it!
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Jesus people get offended over the weirdest things 🤣 I’m mixed too so it’s a common topic of mine especially as I’ve given birth recently so we’ve all been speculating beforehand. It’s not meant in offence ffs, we’re allowed to discuss it
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What does Chloe mean? What if need you?
Need him for what
To take pictures for Instagram.
She’s just selfish
She’s just being a controlling mare as usual! It’s Chloe’s way, or the highway! I think him going back to work would have done wonders for his mental health, and something else to focus on, seems as he just lost his best friend - but once again it’s all about Chloe & what she wants. She is awful! She’s acting like she’s some big time molly mae influencer/YouTuber with all this content and events to attend. I only ever see her ramping up her social media presence when the show is on.. apart from that I don’t ever see her doing much
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I feel sorry for Amber. Her mum and Ste are arseholes. If anything happened to Amber what would Ste do - put the boys into care? I’m wondering honestly.
Amber needs to give herself a shake she sits about moaning and does nothing. She is quick to blame ste and everyone else but she doesn’t absolutely nothing she doesn’t work, doesn’t clean, hardly cooks unless it’s a pizza. She sits back and lets they kids be feral. She always uses adhd as an excuse it’s an insult to kids that have adhd making out they all act shit and that’s not the truth. See if she actually got up and tried to parent her kids wouldn’t be half as bad. Brooklyn was the exact same as Hudson as a child it’s like night and day with Brooklyn now he’s so much better than before
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Remember when he cried on Maggie’s shoulder about Mia 😂😂
So heartbroken yet Maggie knew he was refusing to talk to her or see her 🤣😂 and was shouting ‘I don’t like you’ from his mums house hiding haha then Maggie allows him to play the victim and doesn’t say ‘well you wanted this’ instead. Maggie is def a big part of why he is how he is.
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Olly didn’t even entertain the idea of moving to Southampton when Mia said it did he
🚩 🚩 🚩

Imagine a fully grown adult uprooting their child from all she’s ever known based on her saying she likes Middlesborough. Kids change their mind so quickly
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I don’t think Manley is on the spectrum I honestly just think he’s a terrible person sometimes people r just horrid with no explanation and I believe he’s one of them people. He’s fine when he’s in control the minute he’s no he flips we seen how he treated that therapist he was lovely to her soon as Mia walked in his whole demeanour changed. I wonder how he treats Erin now? He always seemed to coparent well with her (obv cause he knew she still wanted him) does he even regularly see Aaliyah now? She looks most like him out all his kids I also see a lot or marlayia in the baby
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It ain't normal is it? 🙈 carrying around his universal credit in a Louis v carrier bag 😂
Mia must get so embarrassed when he does show up to Marliya’s things, no wonder she doesn’t stand near him 😂 Surprised he hasn’t got a Darren style bucket hat, but Darren can pull it off because he’s sexy 😂😂😂😂
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