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VIP Member
I would cut IFYE (I do forget it exists), Afterglow, Me, False God.

I might try listening in a different order and see if it makes it more cohesive.

I agree about the teeny bopper songs. Cornelia St is just perfect and I hope she goes in that direction or just more guitar based.

Sorry for double post but @bubbletea123 have you listened to Dua Lipa’s new album. It’s a great pop album, would recommend it.
Oh my god I can't believe nobody has mentioned cutting It's Nice To Have A Friend?!? I would cut that instantly.


VIP Member
She has time to shave her legs everyday!

Have any of her celeb friends supported her petition? She's only just got 100k - the cleaners and mums got 1k on their stupid petition to close tattle.
O/t but who tried to get tattle shut down? 🤨 do you have a link? 😅


Chatty Member
I'm thinking that this album should have just been released as outtakes from the Folklore sessions
Definitely, when I saw she was just selling the one version of the album and not a crazy number of special editions with 20 different skus of merch it kinda gives away that it's more of an afterthought.

At least it didn't have a tedious buildup.

I'll probably listen a couple more times to pick out the good ones for a playlist.

I didn't realise some of the rerecords were out there:



Chatty Member
It's catchy with a decent hook, but so are most of the tunes from kiddies TV. She should scrap it and start again, but she's so arrogant will probably just repeat it's achievements like most views in 24 hours for a music video and totally ignore the backlash. She went very quiet after missing the #1.

This reads like she's congratulating herself, despite me not challenging her at all as an artist.


Iconic Member
Something doesn’t feel right with this. I feel like we’re getting half truths from both sides.

And Taylor’s drama queen history doesn’t do her any favours especially when her industry friends are keeping quite.

it feels a bit weird right now. Maybe I haven’t looked into it all enough 🤦‍♀️


VIP Member
Everybody in the industry knows that her and Joe are a PR relationship. She swings the other way. I would be very surprised if she takes Joe down the aisle.
I could easily see this. It's the only "conspiracy" I could buy. It would work as Joe was an "unknown" before Taylor so its very beneficial to him and if he lives in the UK she doesn't have to stunt with him often. Interestingly I have seen theories that he isn't really bowery but if he is a beard because of the pandemic he isn't getting much promo so it's a deal for him to get credited as Bowery for promo and payment. I think Taylor herself is WB, just like she was Nils. Joe himself said in an interview he isn't a singer and I find it hard to believe his writing is on par with multiple Grammy winner, Taylor.

Thoughts on that? Before covid they were only photographed together when he had a new film coming out, TV show or she had a single coming out....(hiking in LA in dark jeans and Nikes 😂)


Well-known member
I'm starting to really stan for her

Although people need to stop encouraging her to release the man! I still think Ms swift who was meeting record execs at 13 shouldn't be talking about getting there quicker and theres been a handful of articles giving it way too much credit.

I half want London boy to be a single just for the video.

Hasn't she said she won't release cruel summer as it's the winter?
I get what you mean by The Man. Although I don’t really like the song, I still the idea applies to her as a women, albeit a more privileged one.


VIP Member
I'm not even sure if she cares much about music thesedays. She's just released the 8th (iirc) version of me, just a signed copy to exploit the fanbase more and get the #1. All these extra versions are just lazily put together ploys, I doubt many of her fans even have a record player to play the two different vinyl copies.

Her fanbase makes Mrs Hinch's look normal, all this talk of "we need to get to number one". Just like infuencers she isn't their friend just wants to get #1, sell them a $65 hoddie and be rich. Now the stans are going crazy gifting people copies of me as she is sending out personal video messages to a handful.

She's first and foremost about the buisness, seems to spend most of her time thinking about ploys to sell more even though the song is garbage. It's in someway admirable the lengths she goes to with her ruthless tatics, but I won't be giving her any money apart from a couple of coppers for the streams of old albums.
Not gonna lie... I got a signed copy of the cd. I have never bought merch but she got me there. You get a certificate of authenticity. And it was only $5. Haha.


Chatty Member
I swear pitchfork have influenced me to watch this by saying it's like a long behind the song video

Her and Joel (Lorde) little celebrating ME! Surrounded by Voss bottles and the next scene is her management company all drinking smart water 😂 I'm easily amused

The private jet going through turbulence and their yellow green spinach sliding around 😆

Taylor is so fascinating as a popstar, I'm so mixed about her. Really worth watching although didn't reveal anything.

Why didn't Katy and you need to calm down make the cut? They never released the behind the scenes video for that did they? And that's the one everyone was waiting for.

I still don't buy her "nice girls don't have an opinion, I was sick of people telling me to stay out of it". She's had complete control for a long time, I bet the advisors in her management company that she owns just changed their advice that now is the right time to say something. She owns her team, I doubt they were actually annoyed at her. All she showed is her dad and other old cronies saying dont do it, we know from her dad's deleted Facebook how crazy he is. I don't doubt she believes what she's saying, but think she's taking too much personal credit for what was a no doubt a team effort and carefully planned.

Not a fan of the "only the young" song, it's not very good with terrible cringe lyrics.


Iconic Member
Anyone watch the AMS’s?

I liked the songs she performed, she totally skipped everything from reputation 😬

was Selena sitting with her parents during, awkward Camila was up there and not her 😂


Iconic Member
Shawn and a co-writer. He is also apparently gay and bearding with Camilla.
Honestly couldn't care who he loves, if he is gay and he's trying to hide it that's incredibly sad. 🙁
straight as a ruler.....I STILL wouldn't buy this relationship. It's like watching a brother and sister play boyfriend and girlfriend 🤢


VIP Member
I was wondering if it’s to do with the broadcasting rights of the live performance rather than the awards themselves? Like whoever’s bought that has it in the contract that the owners of all the songs agree to it being broadcast.


VIP Member
I hope Taylor is happy with whoever she's with. I don't think she's had an easy time in the music industry. I know a lot of people, including myself, used to see her as someone who'd drag 'poor, innocent' men in her songs (early teenage internalised misogyny) but then grew up and realised that if men have one thing, its the audacity and they probably did all treat her like shit 😂. I've always loved her music but now I love her as a person and hope she's content. Of course she isn't perfect but I think the way she's been treated in the industry is horrible and I'm glad a lot of the people, especially girls, who used to drag her are now embracing her.
I never judged her. She is 10 years younger than me and all I thought was that I had been worse at 22 with jumping from man to man. Completely normal at that age. If only I was an amazing songwriter...