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VIP Member
i dislike (don’t wanna say hate) most of the new females doing the rounds.

maybe I’m just getting old but I find them all SOOOOOO “try hard“ whilst pretending they aren’t trying 🤣

camila is just a clown, I’ve no idea if she’s talented because her fake relationship takes away from her vocals.
i see her and scream “he’s not into you, you’re female, STOP LYING!!!!l“
I'm sure they both know. It's so obv a PR/bearding relationship. Plenty of rumors she is gay too.


Chatty Member
I’m more invested in this album since the scooter drama.
The theory that she kept her better tracks until she was out of her contract has me interested!
I should have left Taylor in my teenage years but I still love her songs, i want her to release a good album before taking time off.
Well if you need to calm down is #14 and me is #16 it might be a good 13 track album.

She hasn't ever released a stinker of an album, but this could be it. Used to be so much better than this. But at least she owns the master to ME! 😗


Iconic Member
Absolutely love Folklore but I just don’t enjoy evermore. I haven’t listened to it through once.
this was me, first time I’ve listened to it (almost fully through, I don’t think I’ve heard it all 😂) was this week,
I didn’t rate it at all but I’m enjoying it now, not the songs others seem to love though.

isn’t she living/staying in the uk at the moment?


VIP Member
I really liked her performance at the BBMAs last night but I still hate the song lol


VIP Member
First listen to lover.
Really like it. Definitely my favourite from the album so far!!! I really wasn’t feeling any of them before now.
It is the Taylor that I love. So beautiful. The drum melody reminds me of Last Kiss and in the bridge some of her vocals remind me of Zooey Deschanel.

I’m more invested in this album since the scooter drama.
The theory that she kept her better tracks until she was out of her contract has me interested!
I should have left Taylor in my teenage years but I still love her songs, i want her to release a good album before taking time off.

Jesus 🤣 What would Taylor Swifts kids be like.
I fear for the future generation of kids who end up in school with them, if they’re a mini version of her that’s the child that’s gonna rob your (Boyfriend) pencil case and say they were looking after it for you
She said she isn't sure if she wants kids which is interesting.


VIP Member
I love this video. The stage that takes her over the crowd wasn't working so she improvised and sung a random song acapella and then her band started playing with her.


VIP Member
I know it's not his thread so sorry for hijacking 😂 but he’s an absolute idiot,
why do this KNOWING the reaction That would follow.
Now, putting him aside because he’s a twat, Hayley is the biggest loser in this whole set up.
She’s seriously the fan girl that married her idol and therefore puts up with the fact he’s a grade a twat.
Perhaps JB needs his own thread. Lots to talk about. Haha.


VIP Member
Personally was a fan of her earlier stuff, for me Red was the last album I liked of hers, I wish she'd go back to her country roots. Also, don't care about her sexual orientation.
That's exactly my thoughts as well. Reputation was rubbish while Red was her best album. I agree she needs to go back to her country root.


VIP Member
I'm just so cynical with everything to do with her. To go from saying nothing to all of a sudden saying quite a bit, the day after her tour finished in the rebplican states😂. I feel everything she does is for commercial reasons, it's not really risking sales in 2019 to support the democrats. She can say her opinions without forcing them onto people.

She's shown that even in the states a Listers can just disappear if they want to.

I still haven't watched the gaga doc
She said she didn't speak out cause of her safety. At the Sundance q&a, she said she gets threats daily and many of them aren't known but her father has to go through them. They have a file of her stalkers, death threats, etc. That is why her team didn't want her to speak out about politics as they were worried someone could kill her. She said her dad worries even just about her standing on stage in front of a big crowd. For her, it wasn't about the sales. She ends up arguing with her team and father as they cite concerns about her safety if she posts it on Instagram and Taylor says "fuck that. I don't care anymore" because she was so upset she never spoke out against Trump. They had to get armored cars for her after revealing her political stance. She has some real nut jobs stalking her, and even more scary in the USA where guns are so readily available.


VIP Member
1989 is her magnum opus and she won't ever top it. I have been listening to Rep recently. I do think Lover is too long. I have to say, when she was singing "Me" on the piano in her documentary, it sounded way better than the album version, more meaningful.

From Lover, I would have cut out Soon You'll Get Better, Me and You need To Calm Down...and maybe False God.

Daylight is such a beautiful song and I love the production, as well as Afterglow.

Cruel Summer should have been the first single, it would have been a summer hit. She needs to stop releasing teeny-bop songs as singles.
I would cut IFYE (I do forget it exists), Afterglow, Me, False God.

I might try listening in a different order and see if it makes it more cohesive.

I agree about the teeny bopper songs. Cornelia St is just perfect and I hope she goes in that direction or just more guitar based.

Sorry for double post but @bubbletea123 have you listened to Dua Lipa’s new album. It’s a great pop album, would recommend it.
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VIP Member
She has time to shave her legs everyday!

Have any of her celeb friends supported her petition? She's only just got 100k - the cleaners and mums got 1k on their stupid petition to close tattle.
What's her petition for? I thought I had seen that interview but obviously I must've been mentally checked out.

If I shaved my legs everyday I'd have some ungodly razor burn.


VIP Member
I think there’s a few parts to this, if she is gay/bi then I don’t criticise her for not coming out earlier in her career because from her early fan base she would have been crucified by them.
I get why many Hollywood stars wouldn’t come out because they worried they would not get certain parts in films etc but in her position now she could easily come out tomorrow and be even more famous. She’s shown she’s good with PR in the past and could easily shake off some dodgy questions.
However on the flip side if she keeps dropping hints at being gay/bi but doesn’t come out then I think it sends the wrong message out that even with all the power she has she still wouldn’t be comfortable coming out.
With all the money she has surely it would be better for her to be able to find someone she’s genuinely interested in, even if some of her fans wouldn’t accept it, happiness is more important than more money and I can’t see what she could do with more money than she currently has
I am pretty sure she is going to come out. She did another performance last night with a Pride speech. When she talks about pride she uses inclusive pronouns such as we and I. It is becoming very obvious what she is saying. And well, if she doesn't, then for the past year she has been queerbaiting. There's been speculation about her being gay or bi for years but she has only just began openly talking about pride etc.