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I think she was very often wearing extensions of some sort, esp during those times; for a while she wore a halo.
Look at the healthy overall coloring. The healthy ends. She looks alive.

But then again, it could quickly devolve into this mess, tbf.


And then this happened...


Nothing wrong with pulling your hair back a little, though, for a bit neater, sophisticated look when you're not blessed with good hair.

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‘I struggle to fall in love with books that have such utilitarian writing’ - from her Stories today 🤡

Lmao how pretentious from someone without even a bachelor’s degree, and whose ‘career’ is appealing to the masses about beauty and vanity
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Tanya's hair was terrible before having Herby so I feel like it's unfair to blame it on post partum hormones. She was on the highway to hair hell long before she got pregnant.

Her hair was a rich auburn. In order to get it to that cool blond, she has to have loads of bleach and drain it of it's natural warm tendencies. Which has turned it into a porous, straw like mess.

She needs to dye it close to her natural hair color and just let it grow. I guarantee there'd be a massive difference within two years.
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But that doesn’t mean she owes everything to them.
I use my company’s computer. I once borrowed an outfit for an interview. It doesn’t mean all my work achievements are down to these people.
Plenty of YTers copied the idea to do a beauty channel. Sam was an OG but plenty have tried and failed.
This isn’t about defending Tanya, but that you can’t remove credit from a person based on how they got started IMO. Very few people have a totally original idea and I don’t think she’s been cagey about saying Sam gave her her big break.
That's not even remotely the same though. You're using equipment . She used their audience, their ideas, their fame. I don't know what you do for work but let's say you're in insurance. This would be like you setting up your own firm, taking the clients of your old firm with you, and copying every single document they had, just using a different font.

Tanya got thousands of subscribers off Sam's back. Who knows how many more did she get because her account name was a variation of theirs, so she'd have shown up on the searches. She copied Sam's business model.

She was always a mediocre MUA on other people. Remember those videos with subscribers where she'd just scrub at people's faces and yank their eyelids and be overall terrible? No way would her side hustle kept up for long without YouTube. No way did she have talent to make it on her own.

She became bigger thanks to connections to other YouTubers like Zoe. She copied everything they did, including their personality.

Early Tanya videos showed her quiet and sullen. Then when Zoe became big, suddenly Tanya was bubbly and friendly and silly and approachable. She's a fake, uncreative person.

Her one talent back then was knowing who to copy. She now copies people whose style doesn't suit her and that's why she's more irrelevant than an expired pickle these days.
Ok so it wasn't all Sam. It was Dom Smales - Who she got connected with because of Sam, Nic and Jim. Yes plenty have tried and failed but the root of it all is still her personal connection to the Chapmans. Others did not have that. She got lucky and was put into this money making machine by a guy who saw the potential to get rich off of these empty vessels of people. They did what they were told, they participated in a manufactured friend group, they 'wrote' books and slapped their names on products.
Exactly. And to me, she'd have never been invited to be anyone by Dom without having met Sam through Jim. Without those connections, Tanya Burr would be back in Norfolk, having had a string of failed mediocre jobs and we would have never heard her name.
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Chatty Member
Shame she got too snooty and deleted all her old videos
she looks a healthier weight
i am not disliking the video but i am Amazed at all the events and stuff she still does I thought she had left it all behind for acting.
i think it cheers me up to think that creepy Jim will be secretly watching and drawing her
im still amazed what a comfortable life these ogs have with very little effort
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Chatty Member
Tanya has had a bob style hair cut before and it suited her, in her natural hair colour. She used to style it with a wave and it looked really nice. So she could get away with a good trim and going dark again.
Agreed. It looked good on her this way IMO


This on the other hand 🙄

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I love how she's pretending this is for any reason other than she needs the money.

She has no talents to speak of beyond being a 'content creator' so naturally she'd come crawling back.
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I saw a tiktok of Jim talking about the divorce and the cheating thing, like, say what you want about Tanya but at least she isn’t still talking about her ex all these years later. Like, granted it could be because she wasn’t innocent in the split but Jim and his wife are coming across obsessed with her and like they can’t move on. If someone brought up my ex now I’m married with children I’d simply say: “why are we still talking about my ex? We’re all moved on. Next topic!”
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Hannah Banana

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Let’s be fair, it doesn’t really say she gave anything up. I actually found this part to be really honest:

View attachment 2790577
What irritates me is not that she won’t admit outright she was rubbish (I mean, who would?), but that she keeps repeating this line, which she started iterating when she was in the thick of it and wasn’t getting cast, about how difficult and how much of a hustle it is, as though that’s why she couldn’t make it. Don’t get me wrong, it absolutely is prohibitively difficult to make it as an actor, but we all know that is not, actually, the primary reason why she didn’t make it. It’s incredibly disingenuous for her to have ever presented herself as a struggling aspiring actor. Unless I missed something, she has never, ever acknowledged the incredible leg up she had over actual struggling aspiring actors having to ‘hustle’ out there—the money to buy parts, the connections, the ‘fame’ to get stunt-cast as a lead in the play. In fact, when she was getting panned in ‘Confidence’, she had the gall to make out that it was because of who she is (not classically trained), as though she was not, in fact, cast in the first place simply for who she is. She can ignore as much as she wants to how rubbish she was, but it irritates the flake out of me when she pretends to have been just another struggling actor, who couldn’t make it because of ‘how the industry is.’
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I'm younger than Tanya. Elements of what she is wearing are in fashion - the shoes, the jacket - but to me she just seems like a millennial trying to be young and cool. I thought this about Zoe recently too. They're both trying to follow fashions, but not doing it very well. So now they both look like try-hard millennials.
Being the same age as Tan, I feel a bit victimized by this comment 😂😂😂
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Mia Thompson who won the rising star BAFTA this year just had a baby and mentioned it in her acceptance speech
Barry Keoghan who was in Saltburn and nominated all over the shop also just had a baby
Having a baby is no excuse Tanya you are just a lazy bum
It's the continued lack of honesty for me. Like there's zero shame in saying "I've had a baby and realized that I'd rather be with my son than in the labor market."Plenty of women do it and it's as valid an opinion as the opposite. But aside from a jokey admission that her IMDB page wasn't great, there's no recognition of "I was no good at it so I was never going to amount to much and I'd rather not waste time I could spend with my son in silly plays where I have flakes up me fanny." Or something like that. Instead she keeps lying about her career now inflating her producer role and talking about writing and producing a short film and having loads of meetings with charities. Like who would meet with her and why? Who outside of Tattle even knows what a Tanya Burr is?

She and Jim are just as delusional. I'm glad she escaped him cause no woman deserves THAT weasel of a man but in terms of their delusions and lies, they're two peas in a pod.
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Just finished the vlog and I'm afraid to say I'm in the "I enjoyed it" camp oops. It wasn't groundbreaking but it was nice to see actual Tanya and not just Instagram wannabe fashionista Tanya! She seems to have matured and appears really content as a mother, I'm happy for her and hope Jim is rattled by her return lol
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Fucking hell, her latest post. That hair isn’t fried, it’s DONE. It’s over. It’s past any point of saving, no amount of a nourishing hair mask is going to fix that. I’m actually amazed she posted these pics.
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Christ. Tanya is so boring that after five years she returns to YouTube but her thread is talking about things that happened five years ago instead 😂
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Is it normal for hair to be such a strong part of people's identity?

This is a genuine question; I'm Autistic and hair is a bunch of mostly-dead cells that occasionally become inconvenient and need to be clipped short again. Like fingernails. It seems genuinely bizarre to me that someone would think hair is "who they are" or somehow represents their identity. But does it? Is that how people actually think?
For most people yes!
I think it has mostly to do with confidence. I used to have really beautiful, thick and long hair. I'm not trying to brag but I had such beautiful hair and I didn't have to do much either, basically just washing and brushing and it looked super healthy and during summer I had kinds of shades of blond and light red. In a way it was a big part of me. I always had really bad body image, from young age, but that was something I liked about myself .. always. I took pride in it and it gave me something about my outer appearance to be happy about. I got bullied a lot growing up, but my hair was never subject of it. If anything people would often say they wish they had my hair and it made me feel better about myself. So I started associating my hair with something very positive, something to take pride in, something to like. Something I had that people wouldn't shame me for etc. In a way it represented a lot for me in ways I can't really describe well in English. Then, when I got ill many years ago I got really really stressed about it and the shock of my illness and the diagnose caused me basically lose most of my hair. It shedded and shedded and I had a few baldish spots (was able to cover them up a bit but I noticed). There I was, ill and feeling awful mentally.. I lost my health, and then something that I always had that was "mine" something that was almost untouched (?) in a way, I lost it! I felt so much shame! I didn't dare leaving the house without a cap. I lost so much of my confidence! It felt like I lost a huge part of myself! It's really awful when something that happens on the inside starts to show on the outside. I was devastated. I couldn't stop crying about it. I was so afraid people would start to get mean to me, or comment on it, that people would tell me I looked awful, that people would gossip about it... ask about it.
I think for a lot of people it represents something like that, too. Like pride, confidence.
Now years later my hair is still not back, it's better than it was back then but I have accepted by now that I will never get my old hair back and through a lot of therapy I have come to accept it in a way and I try not to think about it too much. I now just do my best to take good care of it (and myself) and hope for the best. Now i'm just happy it's healthy and grows well and even though it's not thick and a lot anymore it doesn't look too bad either.
I think for a lot of people hair is very important in a confidence and pride but also for identity. A certain haircut can make people feel a certain way or it matches a certain style they like or feel like it suits them or something that they feel comfortable with! When you lose that, you can really lose a lot of your identity and part of who you are because your outer appearance doesn't match anymore with your personality - for a lot of people this is very confusing and can cause a lot of mental issues.
(with therapy those can definitely be addressed though and get better, but that is a learning process that takes a long time)
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