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Honestly, watching the videos of the celebrations of Graz's birthday from everyone, this tour group seems lovely and close-knit.
I genuinely really like this group of pros and I think that's why (for me anyway) these last couple of series have been a lot better. Lots of good new pros coming (Carlos, Nikita, Jowita, Vito, Michelle, Kai, Lauren) in that have jelled well with the cast, plus existing pros that were sidelined (Nancy, Luba, Graz) being able to show what they can do with decent partners.
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It is, in my opinion, just as much a pros job to provide a memorable and enjoyable experience as it is to teach them to dance.
It absolutely is, imo, and if you look at the ones who were among the first out in the last series - Nikita (Kanda) and Gorka, for instance. I enjoyed their performances. They always looked so upbeat and like they were enjoying themselves. She was never going to get very far but she was sad to leave because it had been a great, fun, experience for her. That's a pro's job well done, in my opinion.

Les and Nancy, another example, they seemed to have great fun too. Again, Les was never exactly going to be setting the place alight, but he genuinely seemed to have a great experience and spoke very warmly about Nancy.

I think it's probably quite a challenge being partnered with someone without a whole lot of potential and it's a measure of a real pro, to do what they are being paid to do, tailor the dances to the ability of their partner, and make it as good as possible for the celebrity.
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I think a Dianne/Vito tour will do well, but not sure about the name 'Red Hot and Ready'😯 sounds a bit like a sleazy b-movie
I would like to see Vito be the lead in a b movie called Red Hot and Ready - in fact I would like to write the script.
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Of course she knows what’s going on. I think she said plenty without actually saying anything. She’s not friends with him, she hasn’t even had a professional relationship with him and she hopes the women are getting support. That says a lot. I think there are plenty of people who know exactly what he is like but won’t speak out for fear of retribution or getting black listed in the dancing field. I don’t like Amanda at all but fair play to her for standing her ground in the face of massive hostility.
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When a DM journo defends you, you know maybe just maybe you might have done something wrong:
'But what did they expect...' um I don't know. Maybe to have a bit of fun, at worst, be tired and have sore feet but overall to enjoy the experience?

And don't start me on the use of the word 'tragedy' 🥴 in that context.

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I think he dumped yer woman after a few weeks and then they 'rekindled' in late April, which, yes, would track. I think he absolutely did not want to be single when this came out. She is a fool if she believes his loved-up routine but I guess she's young.
That’s pretty much what I suspected. Oh dear. 🙄

Ranvir supposedly being involved gives me pause as she has kept herself absolutely separate from SCD for a long time so if she has made a complaint she must believe the Beeb seriously were at fault. The posters on DS and FB who say 'why didn't they complain at the time??!' The abuse they're getting now is why.
Indeed. As I mentioned up-thread, the abuse women get when they oppose or criticise a ‘nice guy’ is horrifying. We live in a deeply misogynistic society 🙁
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It's really sad that such a fun show that brings joy to many is descending into this sort of ugly scandal. If it doesn't get sorted out ASAP, I can see it somewhat tainting next series.
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Graz is honestly the sweetest man. Hope he gets a lovely partner who can dance so we can see lots of him this year 🥹❤
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Reading the article he is taking a 3 week break to consider his decision so I guess no announcement until he is back. The article actually reads as if he is bored of strictly can’t be arsed with it and has had a better offer that will pay the bills until his tour next year.
Strictly just needs to kick his arrogant arse to the kerb. He isn’t bigger than the show.
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Bin Dianne, Neil, Giovanni and Karen followed by Amy and Gorka after a good season and I think it'll be good again with some fresh newcomers.
I like Gorka, I think the past couple of years he's really been about giving his celebs a good experience (both Helen and Nikita seem to have loved it despite having completely different runs on the show), but I think another final/win and he'd leave. He's got plenty of opportunities plus two young kids. Agree with binning Neil obviously, and Amy and Dianne, I never really warmed to either of them and they've never wowed me with choreo (bar Amy's jive with Karim). Karen and Giovanni I like, but neither of them seem arsed anymore. I saw a couple of people mention Katya moving on but I think someone like Katya who is giving fresh choreo every year, and is committed to Strictly shouldn't be pushed out once they reach a certain age or have done a certain number of series. I think they should hold onto Katya as long as possible, she's the best choreographer by a long way imo and doesn't throw the towel in when she gets a duffer.
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A Dianne and Vito tour is definitely a weird one… I’m sure they dance well together but not everyone needs a tour.

Desire to see Vito Vs. Desire to never see Dianne.

This is a hard balance and hard decision.

(Hard decision, yeah, my dick makes that decision for me 😆, go see Vito)
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All workplaces coverup bad behaviour and hope it goes away. As no formal complaint had been made when they offered Gio the contract, had he not wanted to leave strictly and had they not have offered him a contract, he wouldn’t have gone quietly and it would also have made it look like the allegations were true. For all we know perhaps they were going to bench him.
I hope the BBC for their sake kept notes/records of what was discussed at those crisis talks. Interesting that they couldn’t release the training videos due to data protection etc. isn’t the point of the training footage so that it can be used as part of the show - therefore available for public viewing. Surely anyone that might be on the training footage would have to sign something to say they are happy that this to be used for public purposes etc?
BIB with GDPR any data (in this case video) can only be used for the manner it’s been obtained I.e to show training for the purposes of the Strictly TV show and by the people it’s been obtained for.
Therefore, her legal team wouldn’t be allowed access to it for other reasons without Gio’s permission as it breeches his and anyone else in its data protection.
However, it speak volumes that he wouldnt agree to it if it were innocent.
I think they’d need to go down a legal route to gain access. Which is what I’m assuming they are doing.
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I wonder will it be slightly harder to get celebrities to sign up, with the fall out from this?

As well as seeing poor Nigel getting nitpicked, and ultimately getting physically injured. The cameras constantly on them, although in the case of Bobby and Dianne, for example. that was possibly orchestrated, but even so.

It's all very full on. Photos of the celebrity or pro leaving rehearsals, and describing them as looking close, or distraught or sad or whatever else. I imagine it's a lot more than what people bargained for, when they signed up.
I doubt it tbh, very few shows these days are capable of getting anything like the numbers strictly gets.

Anyway, not long now till Su Pollard (Strictly Winner 2024) is announced.
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What's worrying about his statement is that he did not write that. The grammar and spelling is too good. I'm sure it's been prepared for him by his PR.

They must have known that DM article was coming out today and that's why there was a very late night statement put out.
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Well-known member
I've said it before, but the show as a whole needs to just take a step back and calm the fuck down, before someone gets properly hurt. Ellie should never have attempted that ridiculous stunt in the showdance, the judges shouldn't have nitpicked Nigel to death and shattered his confidence, and obviously they should have made FR behave himself when Amanda first complained, or swapped him out for Neil or whatever instead of ignoring it until she couldn't take it anymore.
Agree completely, some of the lifts they do now are ridiculous, especially for untrained female celebs. Ellie’s final lift in the show dance was too dangerous and Vito/the choreographers shouldn’t have put it in. That’s the way the show is now though, most people train full time hence the standard of dance has increased. Safety should still come first though
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Did Gio keep in the bit of the show where he called Krishnan a sh!t dancer? I still find that so disrespectful. Would like to see Gio go out and report on and in a war zone.
Krishnan confirming Lauren is back as a professional on Strictly.
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I just don't think AJ had any real passion for the show unlike others and just wanted fame. And it's a shame because he was naturally a better teacher/choreographer than some and age-wise, could have stayed for years. I could definitely have imagined him still being on now, they could have quite easily ditched Neil or Graziano and kept AJ if he was more invested, but it is what it is.

He always comes with a side order of Curtis as well which is bordering on off-putting.
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Come see us dance together for the last time, since the last time, and the last time before that.. 😁
Afraid I have Lakita fatigue, but good luck to them. And good luck to Nikita's next partner 😬
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Never thought I'd see the day when I wasn't annoyed by Stacey Dooley, but she was on BBC breakfast this morning and they asked her about the Gio thing in general terms - she said she didn't know him so couldn't comment but said that it's a slippery when people say they don't believe women from the outset and that she hoped the women involved were being looked after.

Which is a very sensible response. I'm no fan of Gio or Amanda (or Laura) but I'm just still really shocked at how it's all being dismissed out of hand by so many. Just because you don't like someone, doesn't mean they shouldn't be believed
Stacey knows what she was doing with that answer. There is absolutely no way, the Cliftons being as well-connected as they are in the dance world in general, and Strictly in particular, that she doesn’t know exactly what has happened.

She’s sadly absolutely right that societal misogyny leads to women automatically being pegged as liars when they speak out against a well-known man, but as well as making a general observation, I think she’s also speaking more specifically when she says ‘don’t assume that they’re lying’.
I have a decided I want to be reincarnated as an attractive male - to see how much I can get away with in my next life.
You don’t even need to aspire to be an attractive male 😐

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