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Could Jack look any less bothered in that video… starts walking away from her and then remembers he’s being filmed. I actually feel sorry for her, he looks so bored.
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That’s right professor young - because when you have cancer you just KNOW, you don’t need any tests or biopsies. You JUST KNOW! The ignorance and stupidity of her.
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Has she deleted that now
I think it’s from a few weeks ago?

She overshares and doesn’t try to protect Margo. She isn’t exactly secretive about where they live either. Very reckless and Margo doesn’t get a say in being splashed all over the internet for god knows who to look at.

I think the whole lifestyle and money aspect of their business is crap. It’s MLM and preys on vulnerable people. I doubt she’s as rich as she loves to claim otherwise she wouldn’t need a mortgage, she could just buy somewhere.
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Aaaand Sophie is working really hard to try to draw people into new MLMs, a travel one and a finance one. Get a job, you amoral, conscienceless person.
I cannot abide the way she claims it’s money for people, no risk etc.

She doesn’t give a shit about taking advantage of vulnerable desperate people and now we’re in a cost of living crisis, so more people will fall for her crap 😔
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Chatty Member
I think it’s awful putting babies in bikinis. Not only is it cringy, but she should be in a proper UV protection suit with long sleeves. Sophie is just such a shit mum in every way.
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Jack may be a good boyfriend but it looks like he’s not an Instagram boyfriend. No 500 roses at 8 am on Valentine’s Day?! Sophie, are you ok? How are you holding up?
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🤣 the thing is Margo doesn’t have a “style” she’s dressed in. It’s like a mix and mash of all different things. I find it wild people think she’s dressed well!

Also can we just talk about HOW LONG it has taken them to pack up that apartment?! Literally weeks!! And she’s had help from palming Margo off non stop, Jack doing it with her and removals/help to dismantle and take away furniture 🤯 my mind is blown. I have a 3 bedroom house with a loft and a lot more furniture and bet I could have trumped her by weeks!
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After all the pushing Sophie did to get Margo in her own bed when she was with jack, they’re now back bed sharing. I just can’t with her parenting!
but i must admit, margo always looks happy and sophie almost never complains about her (like other insta mums do). Margos outfits are a bit old fashioned but she wears it with pride and she looks like a kind hearted child with a strong will. Margo is still young. staying up late or sleeping in her mothers bed again is totally normal in that age and sophie manages it quite well. she's still a young mom, single parenting and it's her first child- i don't know shes younger than me and gets along well in life, but is in fact very naive-
the thing i can critique about sophie are her and her moms shady jobs, the mlm and the hyping abt the lumi. (i got a simliar device from wish and it works and looks the same... lol)
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Considering how picky she was being previously when she was looking at houses, it’s obvious this wasn’t her choice really and she had to move quick.
Before she had a long list of requirements which this place doesn’t have, and no garden plus smaller than before!

the marquee story is 😱
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I think filming your child having a tantrum is just terrible tbh. I get her point was she’s trying to be transparent about parenting but there is absolutely no need to film your child in distress EVER! It was purely to feed her ego as she wanted people to tell her what a great parent she is Also reading one book on gentle parenting doesn’t make you a parenting expert!!!
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She’s actually unhinged. She’s dedicated 30-odd stories to not getting a Dominos? Who is so desperate that they offer £20 tip and tag Dominos just because they can’t get a delivery?
She’s got such skewed priorities, she’s so privileged if this is the most devastating thing to happen to her.
Did you see her say when they said no to £20 she then said £30?!

As above, she’s unhinged. Imagine making that many stories about wanting a domino pizza and spending most of your evening going on about it 🤯 there’s something not right. I hope for the sake of Margo, Sophie is ok or other people are looking out and helping her. It was her first “cheat” meal in 4 months, it seems to have made her crazy and completely obsessed with having something she considers naughty. That’s not healthy! And I don’t understand why she was saying she couldn’t collect it as Margo was asleep but was then talking to someone?! Why couldn’t they collect it? Or was she talking to herself?!
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@koda28062020 welcome to the thread and thank you for sharing with us what happened. I’m sorry you got sucked into the nuksin “business” but I’m so glad you realised early on what was really going on.

I hope more people see the light and realise the scam it is. What annoys me the most is she clearly has things done to her face in order to claim it’s all the lumi. Sophie knows what she’s doing and she can sit there and complain about her thread, when she’s the one taking advantage of lots of vulnerable people for her own gain 🤷🏼‍♀️
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She’s left Nero?! All Margot has known has just been left behind. Isn’t she going to be asking where everyone is? Surprised her Mum is so quiet too! Very bizarre decision to make impulsively. Where are the cats? 😂 She doesn’t half pick up and drop stuff! Chaotic lady
Looks like she’a reading here posting how she’s waiting for the pets. I just think she’s so self centred it’s ridiculous
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It’s Sophie’s world isn’t it and everyone has to put up and shut up. Noticed we haven’t seen the dog or the cats since they’ve moved in with the sister 🤷🏼‍♀️
She’ll be posting pictures of them as soon as she reads here 😂🤣 I feel for Margo if it is Spain she’s moving to - poor kid being totally uprooted and even further away from her dad than she already is too 😢
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Basically she hated getting ready each morning.

I think she went into the role completely naive and didn’t realise it would take time and patience to build up her reputation but also that she wouldn’t see results and income overnight. She said she brought loads of business in - so why not see that through and earn the commission? Or is that another little lie as she always catches herself out when she lies. She kept saying it didn’t compare to her nu skin income but she hasn’t even given it a chance. She quit after less than 2 months! And nu skin wasn't entirely her. I’ve worked in property and things don’t happen overnight. If she paid attention to selling sunset she’d see that even though they earn a whack ton of commission it takes hard work, consistency, time and effort.
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