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Does it give anyone else the panic over much they are showing about where the new place is located? Like, you can’t be too careful surely?
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She’ll be posting pictures of them as soon as she reads here 😂🤣 I feel for Margo if it is Spain she’s moving to - poor kid being totally uprooted and even further away from her dad than she already is too 😢
Moving to Spain with some chap she’s picked up on a night out who’s a painter.. with her 2 year old daughter after a year together?! Also moving away from her Mother, brother & dad who’s her main support network. Where is her bro these days?! Absolute mad pipe dream. It’s way too quick. I have a little boy the same age & all the moving about would be so confusing and unsettling for him so can’t imagine how Margot feels. She will have had 4 different homes by the time she turns 3! Sophie will be back within 6 months. She’s too unstable and emotionally screwy for this long term surely. Margot’s dad clearly couldn’t cope with her & the more she shares of herself and her life I can kinda see why.
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I was mortified at how Jack was talking to her. He seemed quite aggressive in his demeanor. I know he had been drinking but it's no excuse. I also noticed her mum and dad watching the loves so I wonder what they made of it. It's sad because you can tell how much she wants to have a happy little family.
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Couldn’t read all the screenshots so don’t if it was mentioned at all but I’m surprised she doesn’t try to convince Margo’s dad to have some donor involvement, she’s an entrepreneur and it wouldn’t be his first rodeo
She’s absolutely off her rocker. Saying oh clearly I’m not that unreasonable for asking because someone else suggested it 🫣😵💫😵 she also basically admits Margo’s dad’s mum (so Margo’s Nan) isn’t really interested in Margo

And I’m sorry, but the questions she is answering all seem like she’s written them to herself. Saying she doesn’t need a man, she’s an amazing mum, Margo is perfect, she’s bossing life, she should have sperm donor children because she’s more than enough, Margo is her soul mate, blah blah. Honestly some people must be unhinged to be writing all the bullshit she is responding to. She just seems utterly obsessed with trying to prove everything is amazing and she mentions tattle too much 🤭

She’s acting like she’s bloody Mother Earth and going on about her life destiny is to be a mother and have lots of children. Is she actually alright? She genuinely seems brain washed and like in a cult state of mind
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Been watching over the exploits of Sophie for a while. She clearly reads here as well -so part of my post is for her benefit.

On one hand - a single young attractive girl having a charmed life, financially carefree, moving from show property to show property (To keep up with the gram lifestyle appearance), relocating to Marbella (For the total run of 6 weeks!)- meeting new man - is all what you’d expect a singleton to do if they had the financial means to do so!

However she has one big responsibility - Margo.. Her daughter really needs a structure in her life with familiar surroundings (For more than 6 months lease). She shouldn’t be introduced to new fellas either until much later down the road - it’s basic common sense parenting ffs!

It was blindingly obvious Jack wasn’t long term material (He was just a bit of “rough” - that likely made the step of travelling a bit easier).

Sophie isnt manifesting for a Painter/decorator to become husband material let’s be perfectly clear- it will be a ceo/ hedge fund manager/ advocate etc (You get the picture) who will likely be late 30’s + to keep her in the lifestyle she’s accustomed.

I personally believe that’s her drive to have the older look - to try and avoid father/daughter age gap comparisons- when she inevitably lands the ‘big fish’ in time to come.

The whole MLM stuff is just utterly horrible - setting wannabe hopefuls up with false hope - all smoke and mirrors and preying on hard up young people who will never ever have the same opportunities as Sophie- but dream they can too. They will never ever will attain her level/lifestyle..I suspect her Mum somehow bestowed her “tier/league position” in the MLM pyramid scheme to allow her to have had such a head start / leg up the pyramid.

Look at Sophie’s role model (her Mum) She continues to rake in the big bucks on the manifesting con routine she runs - to pay the monthly lease on the Aston Martin convertible she poses around in! and sea view rental apartment etc- again it’s all about the image. .

Sophie - please please please now give your daughter some stability in her life - and start to take some sensible parenting decisions in life.. how about laying down some roots for Margo and allowing her to have some continuity in seeing her family, play groups / schooling - and a place she can call home..
Excellent post! I agree with everything you say. Except sadly for her, she’s going to struggle to attract the kind of successful, wealthy professional she will want because let’s face it - she’s a young single mum with no career and while she can pull a pout for Instagram she’s actually not that stunningly gorgeous.

And her mum is absolutely gross. A horrible conwoman. Not aspirational at all.
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Margo was on a trampoline (one of those in the ground) and she had “a foot” on it with her and “wasn’t even properly bouncing” and an old couple - corrected to elderly couple - were sat on a bench and made a remark about grown adults playing on toys made for 6 year olds. But they’re a different generation that didn’t play with their kids and just watched them 🙄
And obviously Sophie being the child development guru that she is, waffled on for about 15mins about how great of a mum she is because she’s hands on
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Struggling to see how it’s a cheat meal when she literally lives off pasta and claims it’s healthy by putting some spinach in it. Like you say, she drinks a lot and eats out loads too.

I’d love to know how many people actually sit through her stories I always have to turn them off as she just goes on and on

She sounds drunk. Also how is she a relateable single mum, most single mums couldn’t just throw £20 at a pizza delivery driver
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Sorry but I think moving abroad where your only support system is your boyfriend you’ve only been with a year is a disaster waiting to happen! I really feel so sorry for Margo there is no stability for her. If they move abroad what’s the boyfriend going to do for work?
This exactly. It absolutely baffles me, but I guess with how things worked out with Margo’s dad she jumps in both feet first and doesn’t think things through practically. As much as she has enjoyed slagging him online, they were both so young, and I imagine he just freaked with the reality of becoming a dad and while he broke up with her, she was the one who moved miles away to jersey and we don’t know genuinely the circumstances. For a while he wouldn’t have been able to visit due to covid (my daughter is the same age so I know the timeline) and it seems to tie in that he was visiting once travel was allowed 🤷🏼‍♀️

Anybody who’s a parent will know, once you have a child, that nothing but their happiness matters. Sophie has said before she wants the warm weather of living abroad but is that really worth taking Margo away from the family, who she seems to adore spending time with every day of every week?
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I’ve just seen her stories about the neighbours. If she was just sat in her garden eating crisps why was she videoing before the neighbour said anything 🤔🤔
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I live in turkey and I hate seeing babies in bikinis. They need to be in Uv suits especially with her complexion. My oldest is 4, half Turkish and he’s still wears the suits.
Exactly. I also just think it’s completely inappropriate. You wouldn’t put a baby boy in a bikini, you’d just put them in shorts. So why put a bikini on a baby girl? It’s like implying there’s something to be hidden about her little innocent baby chest. But her chest is no different to a baby boy’s.
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I don’t understand why she didn’t try to settle in Marbella? She’s been saying for years that it is a dream of hers, if that’s true you need to give it time (I’d say at least a year) to decide if it’s right for you or not. Her choices just seem so erratic and ill thought out, like the constant house moves in Jersey and now the big move to Spain that was over before it even began. She needs to slow down and think things through instead of shooting from the hip all the time. I’m sure she’s feeling very down about the failed relationship though.
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She’s talking about us. She completely fails to address the main issues everyone actually has with her though…the fact that her ‘success’ comes from a predatory awful MLM. And that she fails to provide a stable home life for her gorgeous daughter.
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For someone who claims to be so spiritual and positive, she doesn’t have much luck manifesting good things does she? Boyfriend left her which pregnant (not saying her fault but absolutely shit for her) horrendous relations with her neighbours, always got some story or other about bad things or accidents or rude people
That would be a thing known as bad karma… what goes around comes around basically. Her spirituality is fake and contrived. She is too greedy and superficial to truly be in connection with higher consciousness. Her goal is money.. that is all she wants from the universe 😅 Good luck to her!
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I thought the same, she hasn't shown him on her account. If it is the case that he has left I'm glad her mum has flown out to be with her. I can't imagine it being very nice to be left alone, if that is what's happened. Either way I hope she and Margot are both ok.
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It worries me that anything could happen - her flat doesn’t look exactly baby proof - and she’d be too wasted to properly deal with it. She seems to be constantly drinking recently
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