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Few comments telling them to get a baby gate or stop Chip going in the kitchen. They are so completely useless that they couldn't think of that for themselves, that poor Dog and his numerous vets trips because of their stupidity.
They don't even think of getting a baby gate to the kitchen to keep their mobile crawling BABY safe, let alone their dog.
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‘Dad mode: engage’… only over a year late. Take it that won’t carry on to ignoring every one while you get shredded in the gem you slob
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The whole Yaz and Ash thing has REALLY brought to light just how dire the Soaf and Dave situation is hasn't it.

(For anyone who hasn't been following -

Charlotte Ruff, youtuber and who also works for Disney in the social media/influencer department, was once friends with Soaf and Dave. However, since Soaf and Dave broke covid rules to move house (and Charlotte made a little dig on insta which may or may not have been aimed at them) they don't appear to be friends anymore, neither in person or online.

She raised an excellent point re Yaz and Ash that;
'An influencers follower count and all the metrics that come with it (views, likes etc) are a commodity. It’s a commodity influencers use to monitise their platforms. You can usually tell the influencers that treat their audience as a commodity rather than a community. There’s the lying or not being totally honest, lies by omission, guilting your audience etc Having a platform is a privilege and taking accountability when you’ve done something that your audience is telling you they think is wrong is also a really good indicator on whether somebody aligns with your beliefs. If an influencer then chooses to delete constructive comments, well that tells you all you need to know.'

Well, doesn't that apply to Soaf and Dave too.

They have treated viewers as nothing more than a commodity. An object for them to pick up and put down when they want and when it suits them. They promise things to these loyal viewers but never keep those promises. They promise to upload 3 times a week but don't do that and don't even give their loyal viewers the respect of a 'insta post' or 'YouTube post' to make them aware. They promise good content, interesting content but again, don't deliver.

Oh but when Soaf and Dave need money, need to sell an AD or need to sell a product, that's when suddenly they 'LOVE THE FLAMILY SO MUCH'. This is when they will reply to comments, maybe.

When Soaf and Dave are held to account over anything, the get defensive, block and delete. They even do this to people that have bought their shoddy merch and paid towards their holidays/lifestyle. I've followed them for 3 years, I've seen a wide variety of comments left across their platforms and truthfully, I've never ever seen someone leave a hateful or abusive message to them. I've seen frustrated messages but that has ALWAYS been in retaliation to Soaf and Daves ignorance, blocking and failure to do things they have promised.

They haven't made any comment in relation to the Yaz and Ash situation. Every single DECENT UK Vlogger has. The Despicable 3, Mr David and Mr Ian, Charlotte Ruff, the list goes on etc. They have all held their integrity and stood in outrage at it and yet. Soaf and Dave did an Ad for a meal kit that they never use (last week they were flogging Gousto) and talked about brownies.

Tonight, I hope and pray that people ask in their comments about Yaz and Ash. Where they stand will say everything we need to know about them but I have a feeling, we already know where they stand...
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I would be mortified if this happened to a dog of mine and so embarrassed that it wouldn't be all over social media. These two however aren't daft they know the flamily love Chip more than Barney.
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What a pair of tulips!

First off...not a mention of Yaz and Asshat, even though they’ve been asked a few times. Even without mentioning them, for them to say it clearly and concisely that as things stand in the US they would not recommend going now nor would they go near the States til things are better over there. Even that, with Soph doing her eyes wide open ‘look into my eyes’ ‘we need a chat’ look, that would have been SOMETHING. Nope. Nada. Not a sausage.

Noticed Dave not wearing his MDA top like he usually does in these videos though. So that’s something at least. Have ye withdrawn as brand ambassadors? Really to get on a good (better) footing ye should publicly disassociate yourselves from them.

Talking all about food food food food food. Yep that’s why you’re 30 stone Dave.

Universal??? How ye planning on getting there with a child from Disney and no car...the added ticket expense and for what?? Not much B can do, not much D can fit on all adds up to an expensive ass day!!

At least he admitted it was his weight on FOP tbh fair play.

Shes just an annoying blinking vacuum. Enough said.

On about getting B to nap nap nap... so it’s not his holiday eh he’s just an inconvenience to you.

Remember that time we rode that ride loads of times in a row....yeah you’ve got a kid now that ain’t happening. When will they look at the actuality’s of bringing a baby to Disney? They’re in for a massive shock!!
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It's actually pitiful that all they have in life is an obsession with A theme park in Florida !
No dreams for the future other than their next long haul flight to Orlando .
I couldn't agree more.

Also. Notice how they never have any ambition to travel anywhere else? Even before Barney came along their only other holiday was a few days in Lanzarote.
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The filming during a “family emergency” beats me too. I can’t imagine where their heads were at thinking “let’s get the G7X and film for the flamily” 🤔💭. Sad that they’re not living in life’s moments, they’re constantly thinking of where they’re going to get that vloggable/Insta moment 📸
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The speck of blood. I mean, the way she was describing it, I was expecting her to be in blood soaked clothing but seriously.

I don't think she drove an hour to the vets, to be told to wait outside and for Chip to not even be checked. That's just weird.

Surely if a dog has ingested glass, the vet isn't just worried about his tongue and the glass making a 'neat cut'? Surely they are worried, he's ingested it and it's making it's way through his insides?! SURELY!? They were more worried about Chips cut tongue?! Nah, this is odd.

Something doesn't fucking add up here.
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Chatty Member
blue goes with his hair! But she would totally have the pink version of the cardigan if they made her size! Definitely challenging stereotypes in the Brown Bungalow 😂
can you imagine if we just didn’t turn up to work on a day, no telling bosses or for the self employed, no communication to staff / clients.

I quite fancied doing this yesterday but theres accountability and responsibility. These two have none. I struggled putting my child to nursery when she was wee and now after school clubs but i work hard and am hopefully teaching her a good work ethic.
Imaging skipping work then texting your boss saying I went shopping. Wanna see what I bought 🤣🤣
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Considering it impacts my life in no way at all, it still makes me irrationally angry when they don't upload (or upload late).

They have one job. ONE. Between two of them.
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Just imagine if he’s ingested any glass and they or the vet haven’t yet discovered it.

Every single time something happens with Chip, surely it takes away from their ‘Disney trip’? They are so light hearted about it like it’s he’s ripped a teddy apart or ruined a shoe?

I don’t think these two are all the ticket mentally. Honestly the more I observe, the more I question their mental capacity
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Am I just been been cynical of Dave here because I don’t trust a word these two say- or does his latest Instagram post look like he’s used photo editing tool to lengthen himself to appear slightly thinner-I’m looking at the elbow to finger tip length on both pics and back crease to neck- looks like a photo edit tool to me🤔


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I would much rather they get gifted a car seat for Barney than a Disney cruise or anything for themselves.

If brands want to be complete mugs and waste their money sending out free stuff to idiots like these two, without doing their research first then their the ones we should be angry at to be fair.

I mean,Barney needs a safe car seat so when his mum is driving with one hand and drinking tea in the other, whilst his Dad distracts her by belting out show tunes and Chip is in the back trying to lick everyone, at least Barney is as safe as possible in the awful event of an accident.

Also any feedback can go here

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Oh really? I thought they had won Cosmopolitans Biggest Scammer's of 2021 award. or Cosmopolitans Laziest and Most Useless Vloggers of 2021 award. Or Cosmopolitans Special Award for the least contribution to a global pandemic award 2021.
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They shouldn't be crossing their fingers that Chip doesn't have another emergency. They should be dog proofing their home and being better owners.
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The thing is if they didn't block so much they wouldn't have half of the profile that they have on here but the more they block the more people come here to ask what they have done wrong or are miffed and so another wolf is born.

5 comments on the post. 1 of which is her sister :ROFLMAO: (y)

I will be interested to see if anyone posts a comment on her video tomorrow!
10 fans on their Cameo page...rolling in it they will be after this venture :ROFLMAO:
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I want to see the absolute mayhem that the pretend Florida trip will bring lol
I am living for this. Just the idea of them building up this "magical trip for Barney" which in reality will be a shitshow with even the best behaved of children. It's hard enough to drive five hours with kids in the car to reach WDW, I can't even begin to imagine international travel with a toddler, especially with those two unfit parents leading the way!

At his age he won't be able to go on many rides, and he certainly isn't going to be able to see much from his vantage point crammed in the stroller, just everyone's butts walking past. Kids at that age at Disney need the Magic Kingdom in small doses, tons of swimming, naps, and running about the resort. I just can't stop thinking about how red and raw the inside of Dave's thighs are going to be after one day, let alone after a long holiday. Him huffing and puffing about the parks makes me want to go just to follow him around and laugh. I am evil.

No matter WHEN they end up going, it's going to be such a failure, especially if they try to film. I feel bad for Barney, I am sure he would be just as happy with a day at the zoo.
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New Instagram post from big davey, daddy of the year....

"I'm thrilled Barney will be travelling in comfort"

Yes you two slobs.....your poor baby boy should have always been in comfort 😡😡 not squished into a seat that was too small for him- you were too lazy and work shy to spend any money on him, you've had to beg to make sure your child is comfortable!

Shame on you, Barney deserves so much better than these two lardy arses....
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I haven't watched the slog but surely you would have kept this quiet, she doesn't want nasty comments but is more than happy to let the whole world know what has happened, anyone who loves animals will be pissed off that their recklessness caused this to happen in the first place :mad:
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