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Chatty Member
It's really annoying me that they were recycling a dirty jar. Or am I the weird one? Please tell me I'm not the only one that rinses jars before putting them in recycling?
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Chatty Member
Few comments telling them to get a baby gate or stop Chip going in the kitchen. They are so completely useless that they couldn't think of that for themselves, that poor Dog and his numerous vets trips because of their stupidity.
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Yeah the fact none of them posted for Barneys Birthday or during his birthday party (except Nina who posted a photo of WILF during Barneys birthday party) says a lot.

It’s got nothing to do with privacy. Or backlash. They still kept up photos of Wilfs Covid Breaking birthday party and kept their accounts public. They post a lot of photos of Wilf and Penelope but just not Barney. Wonder why.

But look at the state of them. All chasing Instagram and online fame.

Nina - The Social Media PR CEO 😂
Lauren - Wanna be Insta model and eyelash business CEO
Jess - The Cheshire Home wannabe Home instagrammer who basically brags about her luxurious her life is.

Oh and little miss ‘I cry if we have one rough night’ is now bragging about how much her baby lies in. Yes Soaf, this is why we don’t give a fuck when Barney has ONE sleepless night because you have 364 other nights of 15 hours of sleep!!!


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Another thread already! These two are so boring it's amazing the threads go so quick 😂
It’s no surprise at all when they’re a pair of utter cunty gobshites. Really they should be looking at the amount of threads for them set against their views and following...they get a much bigger quota than similar people with millions of views and followers. It’s all on them.
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Still can’t believe they are even talking about having another baby, they do so little with the one they already have. I cba to watch them either, might do later if I struggle to fall asleep 😂
Honestly you missed NOTHING, even tattle is quiet as we can't be arsed commenting on it, it was that dull!
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The only pounds he has lost is paying the personal trainer!

And for god sake have they never heard of Google before coming out with these lies. Literally as I assume Goofygirl has done just type in 50lb weight loss into google and click on images, a VERY different story there Dave 🤷‍♂️
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Am I just been been cynical of Dave here because I don’t trust a word these two say- or does his latest Instagram post look like he’s used photo editing tool to lengthen himself to appear slightly thinner-I’m looking at the elbow to finger tip length on both pics and back crease to neck- looks like a photo edit tool to me🤔
Honestly, Dave is the only person I know that's before and 'after' photos look the fucking same!!!
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New member
I think they have a gut feeling that international travel won’t happen in February. So they’ll push it out to September/October. Which is why they’re planning all the sit down meals, and extras that they clearly can’t afford. Because they know they’ll get another 6 months to scrape the cash together.
And if travel is allowed, they’ll claim they’re too scared to go because of Covid and rules, and push it out anyway. There’s no way they’ll be able to afford to go in Feb
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@MyRightTit - you joined only a week ago to the better side. Open up and make your first post! Is tattlers LOVE new wolves in our pack. What made you join the other side??

was it Soph with her owl eyes, sloppy spelling & fake grin. Or maybe Dave with his ‘weightloss’and naughty shanannagans in the GEM? 🤔
It was how neglectful they are of that beautiful baby boy. They way she slobbers all over the dog but hardly gives her baby any attention. And how BIG a joke he is on his never ending weight loss journey. They make me sick. Other people would give their right arm to have a healthy baby, a home & be able to stay home with their baby. They’re a flea on the arse of humankind.
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'Thats not my dinner, it's not from Gousto!!!!!'

Well, she just shows how fucking pathetic she is and what she will do for a free meal :ROFLMAO:

Last week she flogged Gousto. This week it's Green Chef!!!!!

Can't make this shit up!! Hahaha
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VIP Member
What a flattering angle
View attachment 754864
Isn’t it amazing what 9 months of having your own gym, a personal trainer and nothing to 24/7 can do!!!!! #goals!!

Seriously though, Dave started on the GEM back in August 2020. It's now September 2021 and here we are. He's not had a job, he's not had anything to do except pander to his wife 24/7. He's had a person trainer. Access to expensive GEM equipment, endless money apparently to buy expensive protein powder etc.

And he's still CONSTANTLY talking about junk food he's going to eat the moment he's got the chance. Dave, junk food is the reason you reached nearly 30 stone pal. Do you really want to go back there!? You'd think after all this time, his mindset would change and he wouldn't want to fill his body with so much shit but if anything, he's worse. Every video is he salivating over something.

Yes he has lost some weight. But enough to justify the above? Fuck no.
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Active member
Agreed !

But he won't listen! He won't take advice even from people who know what they are talking about.

I sometimes wonder how this is all going to end for Dave. Will he ever go to the doctor and take some proper medical advice instead of paying personal trainers not long out of school and mucking about with protein powders ?

It's crazy.... I've never seen anything like it. Isn't he embarrassed to be going on like this on social media where everyone but him knows he's a great big fool!
Isn't he concerned? ...isn't Sophie concerned?
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They actually say you're supposed to lose between 1-2lbs a week. 16 stone would be almost 4.5lbs a week and not considered safe or sustainable.

It just baffles me how people on here cry about how dave needs to lose weight and then when he actually seems to be losing weight it turns into a "you've not lost enough" or "you've not lost it quick enough". At least he's going in the right direction. They have their flaws but I honestly hope Dave has a big weight loss, massive glow up and leaves Sophie with all the Klarna debt
But doesn’t look like he has lost anything and as he is constantly offering up advice of some kind of guru I think it totally wrong that he blithely lies about it. My point was that in a year, without any kind of special diet just regular cardiovascular exercise this woman who is older than Dave and has a disability to contend with (all three factors - female, age, life limiting conditions - which mean she would probably lose weight slower than him) has lost more than a whole person. And that is impressive and worthy of ‘likes’ (or whatever it is that drives him). Arsing around with photoshop to try and get rid of one of your several chins isn’t. So he needs to either do something about that - I mean he definitely has more time at his disposal than most so could really do some amazing shit if he tried - or stop banging on about his ‘journey’ which seems to be going precisely nowhere….
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hahhaahahahahah of course not, she's casually just posting her taking Barney for a walk (he looks so cold BUT HE HAS SOCKS ON!!!) and bragging about baby clothes she's bought.

Oh read the fucking room Darlin.

BUT ........................🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 BARNEY HAS SOCKS ON GUYS - WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!


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She only buys Joules as her sister does. Keeping up with the Jess’s except they can afford these things. Secretly (or not so much now I’m telling you lot) I hope Jess knows this and deliberately gets bigger and bigger things out of her range.
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