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I make myself the most ridiculous notes every day.
I know they are silly but they help me through the day
Clean house
Washing etc etc .....
But never, ever in my 21 years of being a mammy has it occurred to me to put "parent" on the list 😅😅😅😅😅
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I do think she was beeped at but not for the reason she thinks, she’s made an absolute show of herself. And the stupid fool with the marathon comment, what has she got against people doing the London marathon, she’s a miserable bitter fool not surprised she’s never had a relationship.
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Hang on hang on now. This is the same woman who at one stage posted either and instastory or a tiktok of lads playing football and made a comment about them ???
I distinctly remember this because I remember what a hypocrite she was!
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To be fair she seems to have lost a good bit of weight recently - she is looking leaner in those videos and there is a peep of abs. How does she do it with a crap diet and little "training"

I agree she is still nowhere near what a fitness coach should look like. The women in my gym look way better!
She's thinking of her wedding day
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That dose Aoife Devlin was on the other doses podcast, Niamh Cullen.

They were talking about trolling and they mentioned Siobhan.
Something along the lines off

Oh poor Siobhan was trolled. Someone sent her a nasty message about drinking and as soon as Siobhan shared the message the girl was apologising.
Fuckin dopes the whole lot of them.
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If they want to gawk / leer, all they have to do is look at her insta...her bare arse is plastered all over it

It just baffles me that she is the only woman this is happening to, like London, Portugal now clongriffin!
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I am literally clueless about yoga, never done a session in my life. Can someone give a completely unbiased opinion on her yoga? She surely to
God cannot be as bad as people say 😂
What I will say is: yoga is not super easy and it looks different on absolutely everyone's body.

She is doing that position from the photograph shared completely wrong, her hips should be level and if I was teaching her I would be adjusting her or advising her to remain in downdog for now or not raising her leg as high until she can self correct it.

I still make plenty of mistakes doing yoga after years, your body has movement patterns which it learns/develops and will naturally do "what's easy" for it unless you challenge it, but it's about acknowledging and using props to support you, making a change to the pose. There's day I can't do warrior poses without my knee tracking inwards and I have to just accept in order to really be in and feel the pose I need to use a prop.

I think Shivs issue is she has a phenomenal sense of pride and ego around her yoga practice and you really can't have that attitude on the mat, you have to accept you will make mistakes, your yoga will not always be perfect or look right, etc. it doesn't mean you should stop or not practice until you can do it right it just means you need to be mindful and keep you and your body safe.

I'd have no issue with her teaching poses as, like I said, sometimes I don't do it right myself (!) but being able to talk other people through it, advise and guide them through the poses and not have an ego you're solid.

I wouldn't like anyone to be put off trying yoga by people saying Shivvers is all wrong, your practice is your practice I would always advise going to a few in person classes (for the social as well as the benefits of having a teacher available to watch you), but becoming a teacher is a different kettle of fish and I wouldn't advise anyone to become a teacher after only ever practicing online and attempting the teacher training online previously.
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i can’t get over the cringe of her. ned’s willie must shrivel up at the life he’s made for himself dealing with this nut.

on another note i’ve said it before, plenty of beautiful women with amazing figures and she isn’t one of them. i’ve got a great arse myself, walk every weekend and don’t think anyone’s ever beeped at me.
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I'm a massive single mam bellend 🤬 why did she pick a nice smug picture shouldn't it be the usual sweaty face picked to death picture.
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Sour Pickle

Chatty Member
The good old Shiv specialty of using a “😅” in a shitty, passive aggressive comment to try and make herself sound like less of a twat.

View attachment 2880615
I don’t get this. As a mother of 3, sometimes they wanted out of the high chair/pram anyway. So you hold them. Obviously.

I also cannot believe the audacity of “should places have high chairs?” off this specimen. Maybe the cafe is “living differently”.
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Hold on a second, is she forgetting she was away on two freebie hotel stats last week? Was it tues/wed or wed/Thurs & then away all weekend in wexford ( thoughts & prayers to the county)?

And is now whinging she has so much to do ( including is that on the to do list, you just do!)

I sincerely doubt she stopped at one or two glasses of wine...she's been drinking at least 4 out of the last 7 days! No wonder your skins in shit

So busy but let's schedule in a facial!
My god she really is as it surprising when she's spent the best part of the last decade arsing her way through the magnum supply of Bali?

While I'm ranting, I will be never understand the want in people to drink a good bit whilst a baby is in their care. Never. If anything happened like...was the bottle of red & 5 bulmers really worth it?!
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Please do not compare Sarah Everard murder to Siobhan’s attention seeking and internet validation.

You say Joe Rogan and Dana White are the problem - yet Siobhan would listen to anything they have to say over anything you say 😂.
This x100, she'd stomp over you if it increased her engagement numbers.

She's no advocate for women. Let's be very clear about that. In fact she takes advantage of women and sees them beneath her.
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The single mam who’s about to go on a 4 day piss up in Portugal while the baby’s father takes up parenting duties. The single mam who will likely have her own parents round multiple times before then to watch the baby so that she can go to the gym, go to “jits,” get her nails done etc. The single mam who gets 2 nights a week to herself while the baby’s dad takes over. The single mam who’s had more nights out since the baby arrived than most parents do before their kids leave home. The single mam who’s been able to piss about in yoga teacher training almost every weekend for the past couple of months because her own mam watches the baby. A single mam who chose to get pregnant on a whim by a total stranger and now wants to be seen as a hero. Just a single mam doing it all on her own 🥹🏅
All of this, I’m a married, working full time Mam and could only dream of EITHER a weekend away for a course, a 4 day holiday to Portugal or consistently having time for gym, nails, nights out, never mind all of the above!!
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I’d put money on the fact she’ll spin the “demand” for her yoga video (lol) into an “idea”.

“Since so many of you *slurp, teeth suck* were loving my flowwww *slurp, eyes darting* and said you’d love to support a *slurp* single MAM on her journey, *slurp* I’ve decided to start a premium yoga service *eyes darting*. More details to follow, but it’ll be very expensive *slurp* and there’ll be a waiting list *slurp, teeth suck*.”
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Exactly you make do with what you have don’t make a fuss about it some cafes don’t have high chairs but you just make do with what you have or simply go somewhere else no fuss.
Yeah but how do you take a photo of your raw egg and avocado on toast and post it to insta with one hand. That’s the real issue here
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Hold up hold up ...
She's posts her weight.... then says 2 hours later that she doesn't want people commenting on her weight and body??!
Don't post yer weight then?
This wans a fruit loop.
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Off topic but I’ve just started Baby Reindeer.

Siobhan gives off Martha vibes 😂. The photoshopping and imaginary life… that’s Siobhan 😂😂

I’m watching Donny freaking himself out searching Martha online… Poor Ned.. I imagine this is what he went through 😂😂
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She left a cafe cos they’d no high chairs and babyC needs two hands on her cos she’s wriggly.
Newsflash, she’s not a robot, she’s human, she will move. You’ll quickly learn to get everything done one handed hun ✌ hoovering, peeing, eating, you name it 😂😂 she’s a lot of reality checks to come
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