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Well-known member
It was obviously Sineads idea to do the charity work, you can that see from her detailed stories she shared and she donated her own money to feed a village for two weeks which is $3000 if you click into the gofundme page.
Siobhan acted like she was dragged along and couldn't be arsed.
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Today’s stories. Take your pick but two of my highlights:

“I’m delighted about not being able to bring phones into the event”. I’d say she’s furious 😂😂

As for the afterthought “actually I shouldn’t boast about the event... that’s going to be difficult to watch from home”. Just does not give a flying fuckatini. Ok Siobhan, you’ve ticked the “caring” box, off you go 🙄
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I think she’s always so defensive for a reason, if you didn’t have anything to defend you wouldn’t care about people’s opinions. We don’t care if you don’t want kids, I don’t know if I do either but I don’t go around telling everyone and wouldn’t rule it out 🤦🏼‍♀️ She doesn’t want a man, fair enough but is it just cause you can’t find one? be honest and relatable for a change! She really gets on my nerves lately and I used to find her really interesting as I love travel and fitness accounts, I liked her way of “living differently” as it was similar to me but she is neither of those now. She reeks of privilege, she comes across so mean and selfish and can’t take any form of criticism, she’s a narcissist and it would probably do her good to go to that mosque and listen to the call of prayer because as someone said above her soul is a mess, she’s in the most amazing continent leaching off the locals and never gives anything back, embraces the culture or shows it’s true beauty 😔😡 she may aswell be in Dublin. I can’t understand how she’s a PT either because she certainly wouldn’t inspire me.
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She'll do a post on it later, she'll open up her bible and underline a few quotes on Shove Tuesday. "Swipe up for your 30% discount for your take home ashes for ash wednesday"
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She can't go to that village to distribute food as Sinead is sick and she's her carer?! she actually having a laugh?? How could she say that with a straight face?
That charitable behaviour didn't last long did it? You sit in your luxury villa Siobhan and continue your miserable selfish existence...
They didn’t isolate when they thought Sinead had Covid, and now this. Hahaha fuck off Siobhan, where do you get off?
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Why does she think that just because she is unsure what she wants in life that so is everyone else?? Her next great piece of advice will be “if you’re thinking of having a baby, foster a child to ‘test it out’, before giving birth to your own”. Let’s say rent is €1000(unlikely in today’s world), testing it out for a year, that’s 12 grand down the drain that could have been put towards a house deposit. She is a self proclaimed advocate for taking risks so why would she not advice her friend to take the risk and buy the house by sea? Does she not understand that you can sell the house if it doesn’t workout and buy elsewhere 😡😡
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It's mental she tracks all her calories like that in an excel spreadsheet while trying to give off the vibe she eats whatever she wants and doesn't care about calories? Also why does she bother tracking them. They are obviously grossly inaccurate because she doesn't actually count calories because all she eats are takeaways. When she posts up her estonated calories for a takeaway anyone can see it's completely wrong. Food from a restaurant is made to be delicious not healthy.

For example she had some kind of special rice in her takeaway the other day and counted it as plain basmati rice 🤣. I get what she is saying you don't need to count perfect all the time but when every meal is a take away and every meal is underestimated....

I don't even care if she counts calories or not. I have never counted calories in my life. Just everything she does and says is a massive contradiction... ?
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Everything this slob says she doesn't want is because she can't get them. Doesn't want a boyfriend(can't get one). She goes on about her not being lonely(can't keep friends). Doesn't do before and after pics on the furnace because she doesn't have them/can't get them. Her leaving cert/instagram following is her only real accomplishment in her life. Sad really. Must really hurt for her to see her former classmates progressing in life and forming meaningful relationships/friendships and her trying to convince herself/show others she's doing well/happy. Say she can't understand why and has turned bitter and sour. I'd say the reality of her situation is quite sad. Full of shit but it's her excuse for living differently.
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These emails do her absolutely no favours. I wonder why she does them? Surely they wouldn’t entice people to give her money?

I actually really enjoy the emails because I think she shows her true colours. Se definitely let's her guard down with them where she doesnt as much on her stories. She sounds like 10x more of a dose in her emails in my opinion. They are actually what made me start being like wtf is this bitch saying?????
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Chatty Member
It suits Siobhan that Sinead will be out there basically single so they can go out all the time. I can't for 1 minute imagine Siobhan having a convo with jack. I don't see Siobhan as a supportive friend to someone in a couple
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I'd logged out with the intention of not commenting this yoke again. I see shes now setting up her excuses for getting rid of the little dog...."give him back" to whom?
I dont especially care what she looks like or how often she showers or bullsh1ts about furnace places but treating these animals as disposable as she flits around is the lowest of the low. The sweet little face of that puppy trusting her to look after it. I hope karma bites this absolute trollop in her minging camel toe. Piece of sh1t excuse for a human with a pointless imaginary life
I feel the same. I don’t have issue with her looks/sweat/hair/weight.
What I DO have issue with is the notion that a calorie is a calorie and it doesn’t matter what food it’s from. She comes across as desperately uneducated in the field of nutrition. Which often surprises me as she really does read a lot (albeit the same books on loop) I would love to get a list of people who sign up to this furnace and contact them with advice in this area. I’m no expert but all that sugar she takes in should not be replicated by clients as they would all develop a leaky gut. It’s a genuine worry that she has this platform to preach how to guesstimate calories with no regard to nurture one’s health. I wonder will she change her mind on all this in a few years.
The other issue I have is how she’s now setting it up so that the dog gets given whom, I don’t know , but it’s clear that she has moved on. She’s sees nothing wrong with the cruelty of this. She’ll call all dog lovers who contact her in the aftermath haters and continue her life believing she is always correct in her recently adopted/little researched opinions.
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Am I way off or was she complaining this morning about being woken by the call to prayer? 🤔 What an absolute ignoramus.

Here's an idea Siobhan, you could've saved on the ear plugs and kept your ass at home, instead of choosing to relocate to a country with the largest Muslim population in the world.

Living differently.. please 🙄
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You know the body building comp Siobhan did well RB prepped her for it. Now she turns around saying how damaging it was for her and that she lost her period etc (never saying anything at the time) and of course this could be seen as reflecting badly on RB even though they are professionalism personified. Last time shiv posted the same old ding dong Amanda from RB commented basically saying eh no, your prep was fine and you were v healthy (she said it in a respectful way but got her point across).

In addition to this..... Siobhan spent the whole of the prep singing about how easy the prep was, how she didn't ever feel deprived, how her calories were still high etc she didn't put the work into posing practice and it showed on stage. She didn't reverse diet properly and that's why she ballooned afterwards. She binged which she is now blaming on her prep... Which she couldn't praise enough while she was doing it 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Chatty Member
There is no need for the sarcasm she throws out sometimes. Don't do a question box if you don't want to be asked stuff. Such a spoilt brat.
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People who have to justify or not wanting something are usually those who want it most. If she was completely content about not wanting kids she wouldn't talk about it all the time! I've plenty of friends who are single, happy being single, don't have kids and will more than lightly rent for the rest of their lives! Absolutely nothing wrong with that. But everytime I see them or speak to them they don't remind me that they're very happy not having kids or woudlnt want a relationship! It's the constant justifying of life choices! If she was happy she wouldn't have to keep justifying every life choice!
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Doesn’t have time? Like she literally has nothing to do.
I really think the phrase, ‘ask a busy person’ comes into play here. She has loads of time but tasks expand to fill that time, ie reading, eating, lifting. She really doesn’t see how having all that time means she seems like she hasn’t got any.
When I was on furlough I genuinely got less done because I could always do it tomorrow. Now I am back at work i seem to fit more in because I make better use of my time.

*Hope that makes sense, was talking to a mate about this recently and possibly have explained it badly!
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I‘m not sure what shocks me more; the invasion of privacy by sharing that families home across Instagram or the lack of knowledge of how some local people in Bali actually live.
Their lack of awareness is staggering.

There is also a cultural issue with taking photos of locals. Many people believe that taking a photo takes part of the soul. I wonder if permission was asked before the photos were taken but even then when these Western saviours turn up with food it would be hard to say no.

Whilst it is good that they are finally sharing the struggles of locals, it has taken them long enough!
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