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Chatty Member
I don’t think his family travelled on the same plane as them either. I reckon they did the normal thing and went the most economical route. Surely they would be staying in the same place as them? Sinéad spins the biggest load of shit ever. We didn’t even see the outfit she’s wearing so how are we to even know it’s not sitting in the suitcase. I have a few friends who think she’s absolutely brilliant to watch and love her- the rage when I hear it 😂😂😂 how people can’t see through her is beyond me.
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When she poses with the one foot pointing out and turned I always think she's about to break into a jig.
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I'd say Mares got in touch and told her to put the phone down when the two of them are getting plastered with the baby. Knackers of the highest order.
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Goes looking at Cloo stuff yesterday, points out a few bits they’d like sent to them for free. Then goes on to show two square lookin T-shirts she got for a tenner somewhere else. Way to support another woman in business Sinead. Don’t put your hand in your pocket anyway.
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I'm guessing her family waited until after the ceremony and then had to tell her
She hasn't been online since. The timing is just horrendous for everyone involved and she couldn't be further away from her family. That's very tough.
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And her Ego!!

She is doing a magazine shoot with family she said, wtf is she up to? Ring maybe?

Be prepared for lots of fake open mouthed laughs and head thrown back shots. Give me a dose of thrush before I'd deal with her. She is a horrible witch.
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Thay have the poor child in a swimming suit travelling, imaging how sweaty that is. Could they not put him in a little cotton t-shirt and shorts....
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Well-known member
No way did she forget her outfit! Let’s be honest if she had an outfit we would have seen snippets of material or trips to the zip yard and she would have been mouthing about how gorgeous she is gonna look and how amazing her shape wear will be underneath but nope we heard nothing!! Your girl couldn’t find anything or let’s be real she wasn’t offered any freebies!!
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Drama Lama

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Lads I don’t know if y’all are aware at this stage but . . . . . . The sides are coming down nicely 😂😂😂😂😂😂
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I hope she has shorts on under that dress, it's way too short - what my mother would call an ABC dress (ass barely covered) 😂

Also one 8 hour sleep will not get you over jetlag when you travel to the other side of the world Sinead. Not by a long shot.
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It’s unbelievable really, it’s like this is the first time in what 6/8 months I don’t know how old DD-cup is that she has sole responsibility for him. She’s coming face to face with the reality that being a mother/father means prioritising your child over yourself forever more.
must be a bit sickening to have to travel to the other side of the world for that realisation. I’ve traveled with kids, I might have had one glass of wine on a flight but after that I wouldn’t ever risk being drunk/ making a show of myself and being irresponsible when I’m the one who’s meant to be protecting my kids.
She’s a selfish woman who’s been enabled over and over again by her family. She needs to grow the fuck up but I’d bet my life on it that she won’t.
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Is anyone surprised she supposedly "forgot" the dress. Shur didn't the same thing happen when she went to Inchydoney I think it was. Forgot the suitcase, and she proceeded to go around with her bra exposed and another dress up around her gooch that she got in Dunnes when she was buying all round her trying to get a collab with them! Anything for content with her. Coz we'll all be waiting on tenterhooks to see what she finds to wear 😁 oh the suspense 🙈🤣🤣
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Active member
Wheres the content of bringing Jcup swimming or playground or just her gentley playing with him. No instead it dragging him into a hair app , propped up unbuckled in a car seat nice and high up off yhe ground and then drinking and stuffing her face at 2pm.
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The absolute state of her today. The gunt hangin out, the too short creased white tshirt, the creased jacket, the plastic lookin shoes and the big gob hangin open. She is so so gross
okay I haven't watched her in years. no lie.. like I'd no idea she had even had a baby.. but sineads curvy style the title needs to go. that's not curvy. I'm not going to be mean but looked at her stories today, that's not what curvy means.
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Is there not a hairdresser or barber in the hospital usually there is a service available once a week or something like that for long term patients.
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With the hope (expectation) all the plus size boutiques within a 50 mile radius will be bangin the door down with outfits to match it in the hopes she will share with her thousands of followers 😅 shes a small fish in oz, nobody will give a shiny shite about her there.

Ya but wait for the shout out to all her Irish/Oz followers for the freebies!!! The hair, nails and tent outfit for the wedding.

She is shameless. Those slug eyebrows make her look like she came from the halting site in the Well. I'd say the wedding couple are dreading her arrival and her attention seeking antics.

Mares needs to tell her to rein it the fuck in with the drinking and gluttony. It's not a good look for either of them. They look like incompetent numpties playing house when they have a baby to mind. Guaranteed they will fight like cats in a bag. It's only a matter of time. Between the drink, coke binges and who's minding JCup.

They. Will. Kill. Each. Other. 🍿
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If ever there was a video of someone who has never stirred anything in a pot with a wooden spoon, it's that one! With your mother's attempts at cooking Jcup you will have an iron gullet soon enough and will be having chicken curry chips and rice with the rest of them soon. Telpis
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