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Knew it, all she had to do was wait 24hrs and she would of known it was nothing instead of dramatics yesterday. It was 100% for sympathy she is definitely not well in the head
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She really needs to take her own advice about thinking before you send a message , she didnt think about missys feelings when she sent her that message and she is only racing she might miss the gossies she is not bothered about collecting her daughter from school sure she never has her and is constantly in the bed


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I doubt Róisín even noticed she wasn't there when she got in from school.

Shannen seems to pay more attention in seeking attention from her phone than actually quality time with her daughter.

And take your own advice Shannen with the messages - you didn't once stop to think of what you were saying to Missy or Tea spills, yet you did, really horrible disgusting stuff. You're right, you're not a normal 27 year old, no normal 27yr old adult behaves like an utter cunt.
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I wouldn’t believe gods word out of her mouth.
I really hope that her cancer isn’t back. however, if she’s so worried, what the f**k is she doing spending her time reposting posts that she’s tagged in? Like why?? Is the attention and sympathy not enough when she’s tagged? Would she not want to put the phone away, wrap herself around her little girl and pray that it’s a false alarm.
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24 hours of attention seeking & now it’s just a 1cm lump.
I’m telling ye, she wanted the attention and love Saoirse got this week.
She’s sick for sure just not what she thinks.
Also a girl of her history you can be sure bloods & biopsy would be key.
She knows for fact this isn’t anything but she won’t say that now as that’s not bringing in the attention
She did the very same the week Vicky Phelan was getting all the attention and support. Her true Color’s have never been so obvious. It’s beyond pathetic, just disgusting.
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The little girl from Galway Saoirse also donated the rest of her Go fund me once she had payed for the equipment she needed . This one could take a leaf out of this little girls book .
That little girl has just been told her cancer returned. God love the family. I hope she fights this back to health again.
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So she lasted just over 5 weeks! No one is falling for the sweet act Shannen with the whispering as if butter wouldnt melt.

It does look like she has pumped some of that go fund me money into her lips. They look very unnatural! And those eyebrows are hideous.

Has that one Brenda not fecked off yet? It seems like the long goodbye!
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Chatty Member
I definitely think the Gfm needs to be regulated .
But Shannen hadn’t legally done Anything wrong , I think she has been made a scape goat and i find the witch-hunt on here abit uncomfortable tbh . She has been through an awful lot wounds heal but words don’t .
I do hope something good comes out of all this and they will be some regulations around gfm in the future . I havnt followed her since she got the all clear and tbh without cancer she isn’t that interesting . I don’t think it was right keeping all that money either but I do hope she is ok .
Wounds heal but words don’t!! Are you taking the piss saying something like that to defend Shannen?? You’ve seen what Shannen said to our Missy and you come here with that?? Sure it wasn’t illegal but it was horrific, immoral and disgusting
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Anyone else offended with the bald head filter picture? I'm shocked anyone would post that.... bad taste and insulting to people fighting cancer.
I totally agree. Thought for a split second it was real. I was shocked too and it's in such bad taste. Not surprised though!
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You know what I'm glad that she's still getting fuck all work in this instahun career shes trying to make of herself.

Please donate the GFM like you promised and then fuck away off back to work Shannen.
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Asks for help and then it so snotty in the 1st 2 replies - Shannen you are asking people for advice. They are offering it. Stop being such a uppity little cow about it - newer followers may not know the intricate details of your full medical history. Someone telling you to get medical advice is helping you not try loads of tips from randomers... seriously. Also add a small bit of excitement into your tutorial video, it sounds so monotone I put it on to help me sleep.
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Anyone else feel it's a pleasure to go onto Insta and not be tempted to watch her moany stories or another splash the cash story either, or on the other site that shares them, can't think of its name right now. I know, we'll never forget that Shannen is a fraudster but it's a pleasure not having to listen to her anymore.

You'd feel sorry for the 190 odd unfortunate ones who have to 😂
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Does that child have any manners, talking over her mother, trying to grab things out of the more in her line to teach the daughter some basic manners than trying to flog shite. There's nothing worse than rude overbearing children.
whats in the cat is in the kitten !!
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Chatty Member
Apart from whether there is anything for her to worry about when it comes to the lumps she has, the decision she made to share the story on Instagram is a terrible one. She posted just the day before about growing her page. The next day she drops the news of a possible recurrence. I’m not questioning her on her need to tell her family about it: it is not something I would do as I would not want to worry them unnecessarily until they had to know, but that’s me. What I do question is her need to share on social media when it did not benefit ANYONE but herself. For people who care about her (they’re out there), it was an insensitive set of stories. She had known for several days that she had a lump before posting her need to increase her followers, then came out with that information the next day. Part of being an adult is knowing that not everyone needs to be there all the time for you. It is part of life to shield others from news/ maybe news/ is it cancer/ maybe it’s nothing- this is not anything that should have been shared online. She shows time and again some strange want and need to get attention, in almost a clinical way. What she did was highly thoughtless, insensitive and manipulative. Imaging getting your friends together for ice cream and telling them the news (and them putting the pic on Instagram a?) It disturbs me that others don’t see through the game she plays and instead, give her the idea that she has what it takes to actually have a career with social media. She does not.
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Yeah me too. I'm nosy I need more information 😂
No disrespect to the poster that said about the new job. I’ve no reason to doubt you. However, I’ve every reason to doubt Shannen. I wouldn’t put it past the sneaky little cow to put a story out about herself. She’s such a manipulative cow she could well have put it out there that she’d given up on her influencer dream, closed her account FOREVER and has a proper job. She’d get the thread closed, keep us quiet and she jumps back to her influencer life. Very odd that she created her account and on her bio said it was closed temporarily but then it’s like she came up with a better idea and said it was closed for good. You have to remember, this is the woman that sent herself babygrows and sent that vile message to Missy. I would put NOTHING past her. She’s desperate now to make this go away and keep the money. She will do ANYTHING to make it happen.
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Think its time you closed down your account now, Shannen. Sitting in a car talking shite about diesel and petrol is not content. Picture of the coffee on the train. We will get the "I fell asleep" post later tonight. Bore off now.
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