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Just an update on my health guys. Firstly every message of support and genuine care means the world to me.
I met with my oncology team and I have stopped all treatment. It’s a relief and I’m 100% at peace with my decision. I will now just get palliative care and I have such an amazing support network who will listen to me and respect my wishes. I feel free and I have an inner strength I never knew I had.
I will keep you updated on my journey and I want to say you are one hell of an amazing group of women who have supported and shown me so much love and care.
I’m emotional but I’m at peace now. I don’t know how much time I have left but I’m going to tear the arse out of every single minute and live my life out with a smile on my face and peace in my heart.
Thanks to all of you for being amazing tattle bitches!! Love ya all. 💕💕💕💕
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I’m actually embarrassed for you Shannon not her. For anyone who didn’t see the comments here it is I’m shocked that someone who has been through as much as she has would speak like this about a terminally Ill woman. Maybe she should have a look at jemhow on instagram there is a woman who could do with 200,000 she is fighting to stay alive her youngest child has just turned one
Everytime I read her reply to me I get so emotional……I’m not looking for sympathy but as I’ve said before I thought long and hard whether I would share the exchange of messages here and now I know with every fibre of my being that I did the right thing. I did the right thing for anyone who has ever had to or still is fighting cancer……I did the right thing to bring attention to the shadiness around the whole GFM greediness and fraud that she committed.…I did the right thing to highlight how infallible and untouchable some if these so called ‘Insta huns’ think they are……and I did the right thing for myself because I was genuinely sick to my core of her attitude and pure undignified way she used cancer as a money making tool. I am dying from cancer……and then she had the audacity to slander my character in her messages to Tea Spill.
I might not have €200k in my bank account and I might not have gotten notoriety on the Late Late Show or numerous other media interviews she did but I have one thing Shannen will never have and that is dignity………and that is priceless.
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@Turmeric123 thanks so much. Bit of a rough few days……I have cancer in a few places one being a tumour in my sternum and unfortunately it’s gotten bigger and very painful so quickly since I stopped chemo 😔. Also my weekly blood markers were not good yesterday so I’m feeling so low. I knew when I stopped chemo there would be a knock on affect but it’s happened quicker than expected. I have another 5 weeks of my current course of treatment and then the dreaded scan but I already know it’s not going to be good. It’s just shit and very scary.
I really appreciate you thinking of me 💕💕💕
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Omg I’m done with this one. I lost a child to cancer. He did not get the lucky chance she did. We did not get as far as transplant he was a kind funny chap.

This one seems to think she can treat that body whatever way she likes. Which yes is true. But can she not see how others are upset to see the absolute abuse she puts her body through. And mostly unnecessary. She genuinely genuinely needs to speak to someone. Her mental health is not in a good place.
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She really needs to go away and get off Insta. When you are going into hospital for most cancer related concerns the chances are you don’t have any or much hair from chemo so a scrunchie and a silk pillow case is the most ridiculous suggestion……but as long as she is getting paid for her content is all that matters to her……she annoys me more every flippin day.
But it’s very apparent that very few brands are working with her and I’ve no doubt it’s as a result of all them seeing from her nasty messages what a disgusting vile person she is so that is such a positive thing 🥰🥰.
Hope you are all well and I know I’m not posting much but I’m going through a really bad time with pain, fatigue and anxiety 😔. And it’s coming up to my big scan soon and more radiotherapy so I’m really worried. My weekly markers are elavated so that’s not a good sign……trying to be as positive as I can.
Happy Easter to my beautiful Tattlers 💕💕💕
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Totally agree with everything you have said. There is no excuse to treat someone the way she did with you and then try make it out that you were the nasty one. Good on you getting shots of those messages. You’ve enough going on without any shite from that one. Her illness gives her no free pass to do that to anyone. And her GFM, while she may or may not have it. She will never have luck. Her chickens are coming home to roost. She’s been mentioned on numerous threads. And it’s her own doing. How are you doing Missy. Hope you are ok. And serious question, what are we reporting her account as. I’ll keep on doing it but not sure what to press and haven’t gotten a response above
@Irishgalperth I am actually doing a lot better thanks. The chemo is finally leaving my system and I can feel my energy and emotional state improving every day 🙏🏻
I also had a bit of a breakthrough from counselling in that I’m slowly but surely accepting my prognosis. I was quite understandably in denial and blocking out my prognosis mentally but I sat down with my family last week and found my voice and told them that I want to start making happy memories and I don’t want any one of them having any regrets after I have passed. I want to celebrate and embrace whatever time I have left and be happy. Happiness and peace is the most important thing to me. And I want the people who know and love me to share that with me. It was the most emotional but amazing thing I’ve ever done and it set me free in a way I can’t put into words.
I still have weekly treatment for now but when that’s over I am going to travel and do simple things with peace in my heart 💕💕

@Irishgalperth I am actually doing a lot better thanks. The chemo is finally leaving my system and I can feel my energy and emotional state improving every day 🙏🏻
I also had a bit of a breakthrough from counselling in that I’m slowly but surely accepting my prognosis. I was quite understandably in denial and blocking out my prognosis mentally but I sat down with my family last week and found my voice and told them that I want to start making happy memories and I don’t want any one of them having any regrets after I have passed. I want to celebrate and embrace whatever time I have left and be happy. Happiness and peace is the most important thing to me. And I want the people who know and love me to share that with me. It was the most emotional but amazing thing I’ve ever done and it set me free in a way I can’t put into words.
I still have weekly treatment for now but when that’s over I am going to travel and do simple things with peace in my heart 💕💕
Oh and btw my heart is happy this evening……I’m the BC that Tea Spill gave a shout out to for International Womens Day and it means so much 🙏🏻💕🙏🏻
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Catching up on the last few days and trying to get my head around it.
On Wednesday 114k people are informed with snots and tears that Shannen has found a lump ,prayers candles are needed. She goes off to St James the centre of excellence in blood disorders to meet her team and arrives with a packed bag as she was told to do.

Less than 24 hours later she informs us that a "Reg" had a good feel and its nothing to worry about. Her consultant who she named to 114k instagram followers was not on duty that day. Here's my issue whose Reg did she see? Was it a reg on rotation? Was it a 1st year a 2nd year ect? St James have 6 consultants who are all experts in their fields of blood disorders which cross over multiple diseases. There was definitely one of those on duty.

114k followers have now been told by her that if you present to The Centre of Excellence with a lump after relapsing multiple times a good feel is all thats required. She has so many followers who are going through the cancer process or even going through the transplant journey and this is the story she's telling. How reassured are her transplant followers today? How does St James feel today that 114k people have been informed of this tale .

We have this week watched a young child go through the horrors of relapse and surgery with dignity and Grace. We have seen bowelbabe use every ounce of strength she has to raise awareness and funds for cancer research and we've seen Vicky who the women of Ireland can never repay just bask with pleasure with the wind in her face by the sea. We have also watched last night Shannen looking to purchase a fake handbag.

@Missymeister I'm thinking of you all the time. I'm praying for you. I'm sending all my positive energy your way
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Lads, this is serious post.

Can ye all light a candle for Shannen Bulman Joyce. It is clear that her covid/cancer brain is in full swing. She can't remember what fuel the car we bought her takes. She is 14 months post transplant and has forgotten to donate the left over money she doesn't need from the GFM to other people who are in need of some genuine financial support.

I'm so happy to see that she spent €101 on fuel for the car we bought her, to get her to Dublin, via an 8 hour park in Kent train station with €30 for parking, and then another €60-€70 on a first class return ticket. My heart really goes out to her - I hope she had enough spending money for a nice coffee and some online shopping for good measure. I hope we are treated to a haul really soon.

Thinking of buying one of those church candles with 500 hrs burning time - have you a discount code I could use for it Shannen? Asking for a blocked follower.
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Got my donation back from GFM by lodging a complaint against the fundraiser (do it through the GFM page). I'll donate it to someone who actually will use it for the specified purpose.
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Anyone else offended with the bald head filter picture? I'm shocked anyone would post that.... bad taste and insulting to people fighting cancer.
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il agree I thought the message was looking for a reaction.
Hi there @Moohoomoo the only reaction I was looking for was an answer to the question regarding how she was going to distribute the large amount of GFM funds she received to benefit others who had the misfortune of going through a situation similar to hers…… and Shannen herself stated she would do this after a year. You are fully entitled to your opinion that my message was looking for some kind of underhand reaction as is @Watchwoman who goes a step further using the word ‘nasty’ with regard to my message. We are all entitled to our opinions and I love that tattle allows this. I don’t feel I need to defend myself in anyway but as I’ve said I’m happy you can express your opinions here.
Just an update…… I will be sharing my cancer story and how I’ve accepted my diagnosis and prognosis on a media show around Daffodil Day. I can’t at the moment say where but I will be able to nearer the time when it’s fully signed off. But I have made the decision not to mention Shannen and maybe that might show anyone that I have and never will be nasty or look for any kind of a negative reaction. Quite frankly I don’t have the inclination to and never have. I will be sharing my story in the hope that it might highlight how important it is to remember that every day some man woman or child are diagnosed with this awful curse called cancer. And if my story helps even 1 person then the joy and contentment that will bring me is more than I can put into words. 💕💕💕
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Credit to @Gizmo79 for the title.

And credit to @dontcome@me for the summary (I can’t work out how to do a wiki)

WIKI Shannen Joyce.
Thought it would be great to put together all the research and a timeline to package it up nicely for any new readers here since Tea spill or to package it up nicely for the media to pick it up and run a story on:

2019 - mid 2020
Shannen gets cancer for the second time. Starts an Insta page (the big c and me) because she wants to share her journey and help people.
Gets shared on Galz who snap, by the likes of Sue, Rosie and Grace - her following gets up to about 10k. She gets a Late Late Show appearance, a Voduz brand ambassador gig, radio and media attention and is the face of an Irish Cancer Society campaign. Her and Barry start a podcast. She’s getting a taste of the spotlight and the freebies from being in the spotlight.

Early- mid June 2020
First up was Shannen’s multiple attempts at creating drama to gain sympathy and boost following. Her first attempt was coming on ranting about “trolling”, saying she got a couple of nasty messages - she got shared by a couple of the influencer gang (outrage that poor Shannen the cancer victim was being trolled, go over and follow her to support her etc.) but didn’t quite gain the traction that Shannen needed to grow her numbers. Only got her from just under 10k to around 14k in a week.

June 30
Cork cancer survivor sent babygrows by 'sick troll' mocking her infertility
The Youghal woman, who promotes cancer charities and raises awareness on her Instagram page, said she suspected a cruel troll was mocking the fact that she can't have any more kids

Only 2-3 weeks later - she needed to think bigger - the golden ticket scam, pretending she got sent babygrows. Came on stories first playing dumb laughing saying I don’t why someone sent me these. Then within a few hours she was on crying saying someone random had sent her a dm saying “it’s a pity you’ll never get to use them”. Dramatics of her saying she wouldn’t be on social media for a while. However - no explanation of how some supposed random troll would’ve got her private home address. Remember she wasn’t an influencer at this stage. Got media coverage due to big outrage from some of the big influencers like MRS who came on her stories bawling about how awful it was, poor Shannen being trolled. Her followers started to really grow.

7 July 2020

‘Here we go again’ - campaigner Shannen Joyce (25) reveals her cancer has returned for third time
Instagram influencer and campaigner Shannen Joyce (25) has revealed that her cancer has returned for the third time.

Less than a week later, she dropped the news that she had relapsed publicly (which she would have known all the time the baby vest saga was ongoing). Then she gets propelled to the 100k mark in a matter of 2-3 weeks.

July 8 2020 - 1 day later! the famous GFM
Then her instagram friend Ciaran Byrne (had they ever even met in person) launched the GFM straight away (knee jerk reaction) before Shannen even knew for sure what her treatment was even going to be! Initial goal amount set at €10,000 - we all know the story, claimed it was needed for treatment and living expenses. However, within only a few days it had exploded to over €100k. Shannen came on saying it was going to be closed however it wasn’t closed for another few days and left climb up to €175k along with other public fundraisers (Voduz etc.) and private local fundraisers and private donations that there wouldn’t be any public record of. Safe to assume she got over €200k total easily.

Late July/August 2020
Within only a couple of weeks of the GFM, there was a fairly new car purchased as well as numerous hotel breaks away to places like the Castlemartyr resort. People started to raise eyebrows already about what the money was being used.

I could keep going but it’s all documented in these threads. Shannen’s treatment was all free, she could’ve used a free apartment in Dublin supplied by the hospital. The apartment that she needed to rent for 6-9 months was only rented for 3-4 months and in fact if they stayed in it for a month in total it would’ve been a lot as she was released from hospital and left go home to Youghal very quickly and then they were only staying in 1 night a week or a fortnight when they were coming to Dublin for appointments.
Her Dad was driving her to all the appointments (Where was the new car that had to be bought for all the trips to Dublin and where was Barry who they needed the money for to be off work taking her!?)

In the meantime, Shannen continues to try and be an influencer and gets signed to an agency in August 2021.

Shannen then gave an update in January 2021, available to view on the GFM - only because people were talking here on Tattle and I think because she was blocking anyone who commented or messaged her asking her about the GFM, people started to contact the Byrnes who were the instigators of the GFM. Shannen was shamed into giving an update on the page. Made a statement that she would keep the money until January 2022 in case of relapse and then donate it. No evidence of any donations made to date.

Shannen in the mean time trying to make it as an influencer. Lived very carelessly as a post cancer and transplant patient during COVID, money being splashed on runners, Nike jumpers, eyelash extensions, nights away, nights out. Bold as brass refusing to be accountable or answerable about the GFM.

Which leads us to now. The traction is building and people have had enough of Shannen. She’s losing followers. She’s been called out by Tea Spill. Her agency look to have dropped her. She was highlighted for abusing a terminally ill cancer patient for asking about the GFM.

I would love to see the Irish media put spotlight on how the unregulated Go Fund Mes have to stop in this country. Shannen is the absolute worst example of it but there are many more. Irish people are too trusting and generous. This girl is literally the reason many of us on here will never donate to go fund mes again. That’s her legacy.

Also - can I just add that the Tattle thread is now the 4th top Google result when you Google Shannen Joyce. Well done everyone, let’s ensure anyone Googling this scamming piece of work finds these threads so she can’t pull the wool over anyone’s eyes anymore. So include her full name as much as you can - especially in the thread titles.
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Shannen i know you read here..... you horrible, horrible bitch!!!!!! Im fuming...... how dare you spout such shite when you ripped apart a terminally ill woman, and sent her unforgivable vile messages!!!!! So no one can call you out for ANYTHING, EVENTHOUGH YOU DAILY YOU MISUSE A GFM THAT WAS MEANT TO PAY FOR CANCER TREATMENT? You were able to go for weekends away, buy a car, spa treatments, plenty of luxuries, jewellery, composite bonding, fillers in your lips, paid for with money from the generosity of others.... And someone says "you should be gratefull not to have cancer" and thats not ok? Just fuck off Shannen, you are the lowest of the low😤 We all know you are RAGING to be missing the Gossies...... GROW THE FUCK UP


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I've said it weeks ago, predicted it!

The Social Media breakdown. Closes account. Takes time out for her mental health/focus on her family and wellbeing.
She'll do this for 6-8 weeks.

She'll be back. A new and improved Shannen. She'll say she went for counseling due to the "trolling" backlash and reevaluated her life & priorities. It wouldn't surprise me if she'll have teamed up with some charity in the meantime to "give back".
She'll make some abstract, bullshit comment about the GoFundMe and the money - to "address" it. All the lick arse media outlets RSVP, etc. will praise her strength and she'll be back posting about her crunchy nut cornflakes whilst maintaining her butter wouldn't melt, sweety pie, doe-eyed Cork girl act.

Mark my words!

Initially I emailed RTE re: the whole GoFundMe thing. The lack of accountability. The untraceability factor. The fact that practically anybody can make up a story and have unlimited funds donated by kind-hearted people.
I was contacted by a researcher and had an hour long chat.
Used our Cork girl as an example. Researcher got back in touch to say it's something they're looking into however, lots of red tape but definitely something they are pursuing.
It's something I'm incredibly passionate about. Especially in these times, when people are struggling so terribly - you have others that relish in the selfishness. I'm not letting this go!

Don't want to say anyone as I know Miss J is watching intently.
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She’s really hit another new low! The absolute lowest of the low she is and she actually needs professional help in my opinion if she gets some sort of weird kick out of illnesses,sympathy,more illnesses and now this lump that appears the very same time as Saoirse and Bowel babe! Then this foot dance in the waiting room at the hospital?!!! Like it’s some achievement being back there! Delighted with herself with all the sympathy from idiots ( and they are idiots if they can’t see through her!) I mean, that’s just sick, it really is,actually jealous of the attention that Saoirse and Bowel Babe are getting????!!! Seriously??? For once I’m actually lost for words and can’t think of anything to say about this absolute faudster and vile little cretin! And that yoke she’s with is the same as her, disgusting waste of space!

I’m just wondering if anyone has heard from @Missymeister? I’m concerned that she hasn’t been on in a while now. I hope she’s just taking a break and she’s enjoying her time with her family and friends. I’m just worried about her and I think of her every day.

This sick disgusting human aka Shannen needs to be called out on something? A podcast, the radio? Something! She can’t keep getting away with this surely? Basically fraud! People go to jail for fraud but just because she fraudulently obtained this obscene about of money via a go fund me where she fabricated the truth to get it from well meaning people she gets away with it? How is that right or fair?! It’s fucking not!
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Yeah I was chatting to Liz and she had sent me those screenshots……they are similar to the messages I got. Whoever is behind it seems to have deactivated the account. Honestly didn’t need that last night. Tea Spill is livid I’ve been dragged into this she messaged them to tell them it was completely out of order to contact me. Anyway I’m putting it behind me. Had treatment this morning and I’m feeling crappy 😒
"our legal team" has nearly done me in 😂
Alright, Aly McBeal. That's enough internetting for you today - Shannen needs to try harder. Referring to "people can't make mistakes and move on" or something similar. Definitely Shannen behind the page. It's given me a right laugh, I hope you're laughing too Missy - it's all that deserves. X
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Hospital visits for sympathy on The Gram, how much is left from your Go Fund Me scam??

new thread suggestion.
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