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Chatty Member
She really needs to take her own advice about thinking before you send a message , she didnt think about missys feelings when she sent her that message and she is only racing she might miss the gossies she is not bothered about collecting her daughter from school sure she never has her and is constantly in the bed
If it was an anon acc, how does she know the person doesn't know what they are talking about, maybe the person is going through terminal cancer or has a relative in pallitave care or a child having cancer treatment who hasn't lived for 27 years like she has.... But it's the me me me show so nobody else is ever as badly off as she is... She lives her life as a cancer victim.. Your cancer free Shannon enjoy life while you can. She can't just have a bloody cold.. I'd say that hospital are sick to death of her
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Frilly Milly

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No Shannen, not a sign you're getting old, you're just a bore.
The lisp was coming out in that last segment, aka lying, looking around while recording but no one was noticing her. She must have been devastated she got no special treatment.
I think she was fairly pissed too, they hung around the back just outside the bar area, didn't even get into the concert properly.
No Shannen, you're not old honey, I'm much older, waiting for a knee op and in bits this morning (I didn't drink, it's the knee that's in bits!), but I put effort into attending a concert and enjoyed it SO much. But then this was my first real night out after 2 years of lockdown, Shannen didn't really do lockdowns and stop nights out did she ....
Such a pity she didn't appreciate the concert.
Oh yeah Shannen, your daughter would have loved the experience if you brought her, so many kids there thrilled to bits. Nah, stay on your phone hun.
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Glad she's ok but never had any doubt that she wouldn't be. It sounds awful but the first thing I thought when I watched her story last night was that she was lying. Maybe she was, maybe she wasn't, but she has proven herself to be untrustworthy, stealing almost 200k from well intentioned people, saying disgusting things to a cancer sufferer with little or no conscience about it, and beyond attention seeking. So it wouldn't exactly be out of character for her.
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Chatty Member
See, this is what annoys me.

Her plan is working. In a matter of days, this forum gathered enough momentum for people to start questioning who she was, what she used the money for. She was being held accountable for the first time since the GFH was started.
She clapped back, became angry. Called everyone trolls. You could see the stress and sheer panic starting to hit her.

No doubt she was given advice to fade off into the background for a few months. She "deleted" her Insta, set up a private one. In a matter of weeks, it's all settled down. People have moved onto something else.
Now, don't get me wrong - it's not this forums fault. She's clever, in that what can we talk about when she's "no longer there".

Just because her page is gone, doesn't mean the issue goes away. She still needs to answer for her actions. She's sitting pretty in her little hideaway in Youghal - no doubt checking in daily on this page, delighted with how it's fading out day by day.
Let's keep this going.
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Chatty Member
OMG I haven't been on social media for about a week went on for a nose and I have second hand embarrassment for this fool, the absolute state of the haul , I mean seriously the clothes don't even sit right on her , quality must be shite , her nails are mank and the cowboy boots well I suppose she is a cowboy they suit her snakey personality 🙈🙈🙈🙈 also someone said a few pages back about the pronunciation of the child names and sweet mother of God it drives me absolutely soft 🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉
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VIP Member
I think Barry has gone. No mention of each other on their SM and we haven’t seen sight nor sound of him in ages. Shannen reads here so no doubt if he’s still around, we will see him soon!
As you predicted....he appears today in photos 🤣🤣🤣
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Defending it by saying "it's good to hear from people who have gone through similar things" is such a weird thing to say about... a stomach bug.
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Chatty Member
Also, absolutely MORTO for her thinking she's a style icon - Stevie Wonder would pick nicer stuff.
She looks like a scene from Father Ted, so so sooooo bad!
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Look at the spoilt child "poor me" head on her cos shes to go into hospital..... She will be spitting fire if she dosnt get to go to the Gossies😂 couldnt happen to a "nicer" person i say! Her ego is big enough without being at the Gossies with all the other huns blowing smoke up her ass..... DELIGHTED FOR HER👏 Now shes on whinging cos she cant collect her brat from school😆 Give over Shannen, you dont give a shit about that, its all about not going to the Gossies, to get content for the gram, show off, and network with the huns to gain followers.....sad pathetic twat....


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That picture someone posted I thought they were from the Bridget and Eamon show!! Dire.
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New member
Just an update on my health guys. Firstly every message of support and genuine care means the world to me.
I met with my oncology team and I have stopped all treatment. It’s a relief and I’m 100% at peace with my decision. I will now just get palliative care and I have such an amazing support network who will listen to me and respect my wishes. I feel free and I have an inner strength I never knew I had.
I will keep you updated on my journey and I want to say you are one hell of an amazing group of women who have supported and shown me so much love and care.
I’m emotional but I’m at peace now. I don’t know how much time I have left but I’m going to tear the arse out of every single minute and live my life out with a smile on my face and peace in my heart.
Thanks to all of you for being amazing tattle bitches!! Love ya all. 💕💕💕💕
Missymeister I haven’t commented on this post but I think what happened you was disgusting…no human with a heart would ever do what she did to you. I look forward to your posts as I know it’s been hard and if there was anything I could do pls let me know. My heart is broke for you that you also had to get this abuse from Shannon. Shannon never tried to reach out after blocking you to you or try to apologise maybe thru another account or through a friend. It’s not hard to get messages to someone. She just must be heartless and she out of most of us would know what you’re going through. Pls keep us updated or thru Instagram if you want to do a private page. Mind yourself and I think you are one amazing woman xxx
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This one is a pain in the bollix... can't watch her she annoys me that much. 100% happy when something is wrong with her ....
Never mind a chest xray...a psych evaluation would be better ffs...
She's not well posting things like that. Please god lads we don't see her "eating a sandwich in her sleep" this time round.
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Chatty Member
She no more has a poxy migraine, a fucking headache maybe but if she had a real fucking migraine she'd be in a ball in a dark room not standing like an awkward eejit in her kitchen talking drivel into her phone. She gives me fierce rage. Fuck off shannen empty head
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VIP Member
How old is Roisin? She’s around 4/5 and she won’t let her mummy sit with her while eating ice cream. Why is she letting her dictate to her, no way would I have allowed my 5 year old telling me where to sit. She’d be back in the car minus the ice cream 🤣
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Scarlet for ye Shannon. You had cancer, you set up a page - your better now, thank god, go away now! Your embarrassing yourself.

Ah before all of that she got with Barry when he had a girlfriend who had moved away to be with him and then dumps her for this one 🙄
He really let himself go over the years with her
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I hope she is ok but I feel this is something she should have kept to herself until she knows for certain.. from what I have seen of her… she looks to me like she is always sickly with infections, flu etc and the first thought that came into my head was that she enjoys the attention that being sick gave her 😬 so it is not surprising that people are questioning the timing of this
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Isn’t that what she always does? Lies in bed watching Netflix?! I’m sick to teeth of these lazy fucks like her,all the time in the world to sit there glued to Netflix for hours on end in fucking bed when they have a child or children! I can’t even hear my own fart,actually I don’t even have the time to fucking fart! Netflix? What the fuck is Netflix? Eating a bowl of cereal? What the fuck is that also? I just heaped my bowl of cereal from this morning into the bin an hour ago because I didn’t have time to eat the thing all fucking day! Why? Because I have children who I take care of and make sure they’re ok and fed,there’s no fucking time for Netflix or eating some days! I gulped my dinner,I say “dinner!” It was more like a few spoons of mash and a Kiev…hiding in the kitchen in one second before I had rush and do something else! Where is this one’s child? I noticed she said one morning “she just went out the school there now!”
Shannen was still in the house! So she didn’t take the child to school! She does fuck all by the looks of it!
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Well-known member
My theory:
Bloods were already done (if not biopsy too) locally or with GP & nothing showed up.
The visit to dublin was to have a look and confirm like bloods/biopsy that there was no concern.
There isn’t a hope that a lump, no matter how small, would be ignored from someone who had cancer 3 times and all times it started with lumps.
She knew telling us the night before this was all ok.
The tears were for drama and attention, maybe even late late show appearance or an online rag interview.
She knows for sure it’s nothing but wants to drag this out not for maximums content.
I found a breast lump in Jan, had it checked in March due to family history but it was nothing. I can tell you I did not worry any additional people only my husband about it. Didn’t even tell work or my sisters/friends or my Mam.
Shannon doesn’t know how to be Shannon without cancer as she thrives off of being sick and the attention
My theory:
Bloods were already done (if not biopsy too) locally or with GP & nothing showed up.
The visit to dublin was to have a look and confirm like bloods/biopsy that there was no concern.
There isn’t a hope that a lump, no matter how small, would be ignored from someone who had cancer 3 times and all times it started with lumps.
She knew telling us the night before this was all ok.
The tears were for drama and attention, maybe even late late show appearance or an online rag interview.
She knows forsure it’s nothing but wants to drag this out not for maximums content.
I found a breast lump in Jan, had it checked in March due to family history but it was nothing. I can tell you I did not worry any additional people only my husband about it. Didn’t even tell work or my sisters/friends or my Mam.
Shannon doesn’t know how to be Shannon without cancer as she thrives off of being sick and the attention
@brandambassador literally this. There was no more worry in her putting up videos in the waiting room. She had already been told all was good . And conveniently no more mention of it now since. She’s an absolute disgrace. Also she said she took a day off on her stories 😂 a day off from what ? Lying around in bed
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Who the hell wants to see a day in the life of the most boring woman on the planet? The close up of her cleaning her face, Jesus wept!!!!
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Her content is dire. Apologising that she hasn't been on - no one cares. I wasn't on my phone on Friday - yes you were. How Don't tell me she bringing out a brand - seriously, no one cares. She is really getting to me now with the smug face, sitting with her big pot of money that she scammed from the Irish public, when that poor little girl and her family are going through so much. The comment about Barry being like a 70's porn star 🤣🤣🤣, spot on.
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