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Thanks so much to all of you who sent me well wishes. Not long home and I’m fecked 😔. But grateful that 1/12 treatments is in the bag 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Really heartwarming to read so much love and care from my amazing trolls!! 💕💕💕
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I know this message will prob seem like I’m in her camp! I’m not, dont know her from Adam. I am just trying to be devils advocate.
Her story struck me as it did lots of people so I donated to the GFM. I know everyone is entitled to have personal views but the bottom line is- people donated the money!
Once that money hit her account it was hers!If she chose to set it on fire it was hers to do what she wanted.
Some people have been saying she committed fraud!
Legally she hasn’t!
Depending on your moral compass it could be said that her ethics were in question - but again, irrelevant
She is under no obligation to tell anyone what she did with the money.
I think she has rubbed people up the wrong way by not answering the questions people had so the court of public opinion has no found against her.
I don’t think she has been particularly flamboyant with what she has done, some clothes off SHEIN and Nike. I know she had a few weekends away- after going through cancer treatment. With the mental and physical stress that caused I don’t see an issue with using some of that money to unwind. It’s not like she did a bunk to Dubai or something outlandish. I’m sure most of the money went on paying rent, bills, etc. Just because Barry wasn’t taking her up all the time doesn’t mean he was working- maybe he took time off to be present and consistent in Roisins life. Maybe he worked part time. We don’t know and frankly it ain’t our business. Cancer doesn’t Just affect the patient.
She has not bought the house and I know this for a fact as the house is belonged to a personal family friend of mine.
I just think this thread is being quite malicious in its suggestions (she sent herself the baby grows)! Come on- no one has proof of that. It’s all suggestion!
Finally- her comment to that lady who is terminally ill- AWFUL, no excuses and the very least she should do is make contact and apologise.

At the end of the day- we are all entitled to an opinion and mine is- there are far worse off people out there. I don’t think Shannen is a bad person, she’s has been through shite and god forbid she may well have to continue through this. She really isn’t out of the woods until she is at the 5 year mark. She has become an instahun like lots of the others but so what! We know it’s the most disingenuous job out there so shouldn't pay any mind to the Ad,SP,collabs etc. We see it for what it is. How does it serve any of us to focus on others and how they are choosing to live their lives. We are great at tearing people down- maybe we should focus more on not judging.
Ok new member 🤣
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I don't believe for one second she's truly deleted her big Instagram. She's simply waiting until she sees this thread suitably calm down to sneak back...
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Chatty Member
There are people I follow who mildy annoy me the odd time and I tap passed them. Not everyone in going to be your cup of tea, etc.
But this one gives me the absolute rage and I couldn’t bear to look at her face for as long as it takes my thumb to swipe passed her. She rots me from the inside out. I only watch this thread so I can see if she ever owns up to conning tens of thousands of euro from the public.

So I guess thank you to all of you who keep me updated 😂 Ye have a much stronger constitution than me 🤢
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I’m going to keep reporting her page. She has stolen money from people as far as I’m concerned. She took money from people for treatment that was covered in ireland. She said she would donate the money if she didn’t need it. She hasn’t needed it and she hasn’t donated it. She has spent it. She is a fraud and a thief.
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@Missymeister I hope you’re doing ok and you’re taking some time for yourself and your family❤ Sorry I have been a bit missing. I nearly died after having our baby,was at home in a severe amount of pain,rushed to hospital because I knew something wasn’t right when these pains were getting worse not better. Sepsis,retained products left behind in there. Well that explains the “I am going to die” feeling. I am in the mend now,slowly.
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I feel a bit stupid lads. I’ve been taking anti depressants for years for my anxiety and it turns out I just needed a bagel. Sorry for letting ye all down.
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24 hours of attention seeking & now it’s just a 1cm lump.
I’m telling ye, she wanted the attention and love Saoirse got this week.
She’s sick for sure just not what she thinks.
Also a girl of her history you can be sure bloods & biopsy would be key.
She knows for fact this isn’t anything but she won’t say that now as that’s not bringing in the attention
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I’m sorry but if I had been through what she has, and went all the way to Dublin to have a registrar tell me that a new found lump is probably nothing to worry about, I would not be leaving the hospital without a biopsy!

I’ve gone through breast cancer, at a routine check up a nodule was spotted on my lung and my consultant came and told me, sat with me, said they couldn’t tell if it was cancer or not without a biopsy, and had me back swiftly for a biopsy!

My bloods are checked regularly for markers. I don’t believe a word Shannen says anymore.
Being told you have cancer is scary; dealing with the changes your body goes through after treatment is horrendous but the carry on of this one is just so disrespectful to anyone going through their own cancer experience.
She is high on attention, craving fame, all on the back of cancer and it drives me bonkers!
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Feeling like a woman again because she has hair on her head and a period. Kind of insensitive to the thousands of woman going through treatment or have been left infertile from chemo. Are they not women? But look she never fails to surprise me with her ignorant statements that think only of herself.
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I don’t know if I’m stupid but I’m struggling to see the logic.
She was on saying ‘I’m telling this so that people don’t think ‘oh, she’s fine, she only has check ups every 6 months’
What’s wrong with people thinking that? Who cares what strangers think how often you are in the doctors.
Her family know the truth , and that’s all that matters.
This doesn’t make sense. Is it anything to do with the the fact she’s haemorrhaging followers and suddenly has received a bump of an increase.
I’m sorry but this attention seeking is sooooo done. This crap they all go on with.. gorry telling us it’s ok to cry- eh thanks hun, I’ll cry for the first time in my life now.

my take- she is further down the line with this process Than she’s letting on. I think she found the lump weeks ago, was biopsied weeks ago and was told yest she was fine.
The other day she was looking for content. Then she sees the 2 ladies getting attention. No point coming on telling everyone ‘I had a lump but it’s fine’
. No candles, no reshares, no bump in followers.
I’d say she’s also hoping for a headline in one of those pathetic rags ‘brave Shannon has suffered another cancer scare’
Think she’s now poison after those missy texts… and no one wants anything to Do with her. And the only ones who do are utter fools
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Lads when she come in and said I'm going to be completely honest with ye ...I thought the go fund me was going to be addressed aye nae debates
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Well-known member
We called it - none of this was genuine from the get go. And the smug selfie “I’ll sleep better tonight”. What a waste of space
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Why didn't himself drive her up instead of going on train with her? After all according to herself she was told to bring an overnight bag in case she's kept in. It'd make more sense to me to drive and he could scoot home anytime instead of fannying around for trains
In they car they bought with the GFM money for going to appointments.....
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Somebody is obviously watching Saoirse get all the attention .
Terrible to say but I thought with the timing, the exact same….. she’s a childish, jealous little monster. Wants another late late show appearance and all the reshares and people lighting candles for her too.

As someone who has relapsed multiple times over the last few years, there’s no way I would even mention it to my parents or family until it was 100% confirmed as a relapse, never mind put it on social media.
It’s the most horrible time ever waiting for those results. After I have told my mother that it’s back, sometimes there’s a 2-3 week wait to hear about the treatment plan, start dates etc. and my poor mum doesn’t sleep a wink in that time with stress and worry, so I’ve even stopped telling them until I have all the details. She’s actually unbelievable looking for attention at this stage
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A family have this week lost their little child there was a GoFundMe set up but sadly a lot of the money not used
But already they have updated the GoFundMe to say the money left is going to help other familys.
Isent that the right and decent thing to do fair dues and to update at their most difficult time.
Shouldent others take heed
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Her post about feeling anxious, today above all days with Saoírse and her parents facing into lung surgery tomorrow. Can you actually comprehend their anxiety? Childhood cancer. An amputee from her last diagnosis.
.... at 9yrs old. That girl has more class and dignity than Shannen, a 'grown' woman will ever have. Shannen really hasn't a fucking clue how to count her blessings or be sensitive to what others are actually going through. It's all me me me with her. Poor me. Grown the fuck up Shannen.
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