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New laws come out in 2022 regards to driving and phones!!! She makes my blood boil
I couldn’t care less if hands free is allowed or not 1 thing or 1 sec off that ball driving that car anything can happen. Only takes 1 thing makes me sick people who even touch a phone or look at it while in the car it’s pointless being on a live stupid 🐮 🐮🐮🐮
She will continue to do just as she likes because the only person she cares about is her .

Well for all the reporting and everything nothing is changing her view or way of life .
Still doing those cringey deformed hand dances , skull fcuks with her rolling eyes , same awful demeanour , in beginning to think some of the anti shanns on here are her supporters just to get her more column space and attention.
Doesn’t look worried in the slightest about being reported , but you wouldn’t would you if you knew you weren’t really going to be ?
Studies criminology and psychology , studies or uses it as research ?
Dangerous individual , not physically obviously , unless she attacked you with a dance move !
But with those fake tears and acting skills new people in her life believe her bullshit , but look what happens they all see through her , boyfriends , so they get labelled abusive , fellow influencers , look what’s happened there ! Countless fall outs with her family name changes etc .
You don’t need to study much to see she is the common denominator , the problem , the hate , the pain.
Children grow up , they remember .
She did allegedly
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would a man who fractured a 3 week old babies skull still be allowed regular contact with them? I am absolutely shocked if this is the case?
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Anyone see how quick she’s getting off that chair to go and shout at the kids??? Crutch not needed then 🤣🤣🤣
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I've just sat through that live,trying to find something positive to say or think about her,but I just can't.she is a mess at the minute and why people " support" her behaviour and content is beyond me! I'm sure she only keeps checking the screen to see if there's any gifts!!I used to think she was ok,but she really is a mess and like others, I feel for those children. She's apparently had rough life,I get that,but so have many others and many much worse! I also don't get the cult like flowing she has! Clearly adam kept her somewhat "stable",or that's how it seems! She lived her life on tik tok for so long,Adam was best thing to ever happen to her,her children eventually calling him daddy and suddenly it's all over and it's " nobody's business" and "noone sees what goes on behind closed doors" bla bla!!??? Implying god knows what!!! Right, ...I've got that off my chest and have joined this forum just to do so,cos she really has pushed my buttons!!!!
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Lazy Sunday

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So here we go, the Mental Health Card and Bullies/ Trolls. You are only upset because people have exposed the begging. 2) If you are not happy on Tictok just leave simple.3) Care and compassion begins at home, give the kids the attention and love they deserve.
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She's so full of herself. Will she refund all the joint named merch they sold? She did say merch would be changed to just her name.

She also said the account name would be changed to her name yet recently went on about how it was a joint account for them both to use....

You heard her off camera being over forceful with her kids, she's more interested in gifts on TT than actually looking after her kids.

Adam is well rid of her, she's a narcissistic bully and self absorbed selfish person. She can't cry privacy when her whole account has been her and Adam 🤦🤦🤦🤦

She already started on the sympathy with her MS playing up. Funny how she can dance around and climb mountains no problem..... She's a grifter. A feckless workshy beggar.

Adam had a lucky escape. She's a shit for saying he wasn't up to it, you cheeky cunt, he at least had a go with someone else's kids and you show him no respect. Papa Blaze was right when he said she's a cunt.
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She will continue to do just as she likes because the only person she cares about is her .

Well for all the reporting and everything nothing is changing her view or way of life .
Still doing those cringey deformed hand dances , skull fcuks with her rolling eyes , same awful demeanour , in beginning to think some of the anti shanns on here are her supporters just to get her more column space and attention.
Doesn’t look worried in the slightest about being reported , but you wouldn’t would you if you knew you weren’t really going to be ?
Studies criminology and psychology , studies or uses it as research ?
Dangerous individual , not physically obviously , unless she attacked you with a dance move !
But with those fake tears and acting skills new people in her life believe her bullshit , but look what happens they all see through her , boyfriends , so they get labelled abusive , fellow influencers , look what’s happened there ! Countless fall outs with her family name changes etc .
You don’t need to study much to see she is the common denominator , the problem , the hate , the pain.
Children grow up , they remember .
She did allegedly
I really reported to school, NSPCC, Immimgham council, crimestoppers and DWP
Gave my real name, address, email and phone number, just not heard anything back
All I have atm is a 2 way log in with crimestoppers in case they want more info but nobody has been in touch.
No regrets here, I have never reported anyone before but those kids especially her son haunt my thoughts
Oh I reported CJ for dog neglect after but like I say not something I did lightly
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Shann maybe suffers with Maunchausen syndrome
As someone who suffers a chronic condition (invisible illness) as it can’t be seen I hope that she is not lying about ms because that’s really sick, maunchausen is mentally I’ll which she would need help with. I cannot bare to watch her pretending she’s struggling to walk etc saying left leg playing up because I suffer to the point I cannot physically walk and I’d do anything to be able to live a life without having this illness. For her own sake I hope she’s not lying but I have thought myself it could be that too. !!
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I’ve been a silent watcher for a while now. But after watching her live this morning I was disgusted. Why does she feel the need to go live rather than sorting her kids out. Rather than being live she could be helping them get dressed etc it’s so strange. Make the kids lunches the night before rather than doing stupid dances constantly. Think Adam had a lucky escape
I've literally just had to make an account on here to get this off my chest...I should stop watching her as she winds me up,but I don't!! That crutch?? Just pathetic how she runs around the house with it and sits there doing whatever she's doing,with it attached to her elbow!! And I'm not even gonna voice my opinion of the way she treats those children,other than if spent less time doing live videos maybe they would listen to her??? But that won't happen cos she is begging for sympathy and gifts! It's only recently I've seen through her,I didn't mind her before..just thought she was a but up herself and cringey,but my days...she winds me right up now!!

Not sure where it came from as I just went onto dan sprags live and he said he had heard that a couple who arnt together no more .one of them was so controlling they wouldn't even let them see there own mother and everyone was guessing shan and Adam
That would be no surprise!!

Why is she on live sat down but with her crutch hanging off her arm? WHYYYYYYY????? 🙄🤣
Sympathy? Seeking attention? Hoping she gets more gifts? Just madness!!

Omg her live this morning poor me with the crutch sitting on a stool making pack lunches and everyone saying your doing amazing (what at shouting at the kids while being an attention seeking twat)
It's ad if they've all been bloody brain washed!!
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The amount of digs she keeps making at Adam - I’m starting to wonder if it was more his decision to break up . We can see how unstable she is from her tik toks, imagine having to live with it !

Talk about scraping the barrel! Get a proper job .
That’s what I think and she’s just a bitter twisted women who plays the victim 🙄 #JUSTICEFORADAM
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Tbh we know shann is scamming that money. She claimed she had nothing for Christmas, but hours before she was listing off everything she had bought to her grandma. She’s not skint in the slightest. Says she’s a student, not an influencer etc but it’s all over her Facebook that she is & shows she works for an agency etc.

People need to see the real her. It’s disgusting.
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I don't have anything against anyone who is on benefits if they genuinely need them.....however people getting them when they shouldn't be then I do have a problem. If she is getting benefits for MS that is one thing, but she said the other day she is using TT for a job and also she must be making money from her merch and also from the gifts she gets in her lives, I just wonder is she declaring all that extra income.....I couldn't see it??
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Up until the age of 13 I was beaten daily by my dad, so where my siblings. I mean broken arms, ribs, parents where alcoholics etc I don’t really want to go into much more detail BUT I don’t let this change my parenting, if anything I parent better, I don’t want my children to feel that way. Yes you can discipline etc whilst being a loving mum. There’s times where Shans kids need a cuddle, one to one time with mum, they need support especially if Ruben is having a few issues going on too. They are treated horrendously and being “a stressed mum” doesn’t condone this.

There’s times where I need to let my kids carry on what they are doing, take a breath and go back in with a distraction etc but I wouldn’t treat my kids horribly 24/7 like she does.

I’m going to write another email to the school. Hopefully this time it will get a response. I’m fed up of them poor kids having no one looking out for them. Not even their mum, it’s sad x
Firstly , I’m sorry you had such a horrid time , and well done you for wanting better for your children .

Let me reassure you all she has not been through anything like you describe .

She has had years of support ever since her children where born .

She has turned her back on it all by her own doing by continually lying and trying to hurt people around her .

Accusing the wrong people of things , she even assumed I am family and a man , very wrong but she’s like that assumes lies accuses then plays victim .

Her parenting is text book bullying , emotional blackmail , threatening verbally “ if you don’t wear this you will get lice “ a young child has no concept of lieing so grace will believe everything she says

Firstly , I’m sorry you had such a horrid time , and well done you for wanting better for your children .

Let me reassure you all she has not been through anything like you describe .

She has had years of support ever since her children where born .

She has turned her back on it all by her own doing by continually lying and trying to hurt people around her .

Accusing the wrong people of things , she even assumed I am family and a man , very wrong but she’s like that assumes lies accuses then plays victim .

Her parenting is text book bullying , emotional blackmail , threatening verbally “ if you don’t wear this you will get lice “ a young child has no concept of lieing so grace will believe everything she says
Diglet are you local to her
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Let’s be honest guys, she’s not been on in a few days, I’ve not seen any comments from her either. Last time she was this silent, she had split from adam. Wonder what’s happened this time 👀

The shan fams a scam, Adam ran, now she's on track for a driving ban
This one is the one 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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If you had a horrible childhood. Why would you want to to treat your children badly? The way she speaks to her children isn't right. When she goes live in the morning her little girl is trying to speak to her and she speaks back to her so sarcastically. It's like their in her way all the time like they are a big problem.. maybe the kids play up for her cause they want a bit of attention of their mummy instead she gives all her attention to random people on tiktok.. always playing the victim like she never does anything wrong.
Like earlier when she says she's not playing the game but if you want to send gifts you can... begging for gifts isn't the way forward 😕 it's like the gifts are more important in her life than her children. She shows to much on her life. If she can speak to her children the way she does on her live what the hell is she like with them when she comes off....
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I totally agree, she doesn't seem to have it easy at times and especially at the moment with the break up etc and we don't see everything behind the screen.....but her daughter was playing up so why did she not just come off live and eat her dinner with the kids like us normal people do. I honestly believe that if all the gifts were removed from TT a lot less people would do lives.
Oh yeah I absolutely agree. The whole gifting thing to me is weird anyway. I would never part with my hard earned money to give it to a stranger on tiktok. I feel like a lot of people gift to be noticed by their favourite tiktok creators, possibly even when they can’t afford to. I’d rather give my money to a charity or someone who needs it 🤷🏻‍♀️
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