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JUSTICE FOR ADAM!! And FYI Shan as I know u read here you have painted yourself in a bad light always playing the victim! It’s about time people called you out for the bullshit!!
It is I guarantee she’s one of these gals that paints every man in a bad light by saying he’s this and that. It’s disgusting. She spoke to him horribly all the time, treated him like a child. We all said it before she split. Maybe he read here and realised how he was being treated 👀

Oh look at this comment 😂
We are not trolls we are just pointing out her shit
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On live looking through her kids memory boxes. Pictures of there dad's have gone missing, and she's insinuating that Adam took them out! And how she's fuming and will sort it out. Why sit on live going through memory's with your child 🙄
The day before on live she quickly jumped off because Gracie said whilst Shann was on live that apparently Adam had told Gracie that he was her dad but wasn't Ruben's 🤷🏻‍♀️and that's why next day she was showing her memory Box because that's the sort of thing you share with the world then complaining she couldn't find a photo and accusing "someone" off taking it and on another live she was moving furniture in the kids rooms to put new TV on and she digged "I asked for this to be do obviously it hadnt" then also made a sly comment about how someone had brought the children new tvs because "someone" else had took the other ones but wouldn't say who it was why mention it then 🤦🏻‍♀️and on every live complaining about the dog going on sofa saying "this is why I didn't want the dog going on sofa" "dogs shouldn't be on sofas" And now "hes" gone she can have her rules back she now in control 🙈 someone in the comments on her live asked what's happening with house and car and she was pi**in herself laughing saying just because someone works doesn't mean they pay for everything hmmm wonder why someone took the Tvs is it because they paid for them and belittling him saying its a lot for someone who is used to being at home with their mum and they don't do anything for themselves oh and Gracie hurt herself and was crying shann said what you want don't tell me you want a plaster and Gracie said yes and she replied you've been molly cuddled to much lately and you not what happens to people that are molly cuddled they turn in to bullies and they can't look after themselves she is digging too much at Adam for saying she doesn't want to talk about it hmmmm she said she hated Ed Sheeran and glad Adam got the tickets because she cant stand Ed but then was in car live with her friend and said thats one things she gutted about not being able to go to Ed gig make your mind up 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🙈#JUSTICEFORADAM
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Fucking helll she can swing around fast on that crutch can’t she
Pretty sure she just holds it in the air. You’d hear it hitting the ground if she was using it. There’s just no need to have it on her arm as she’s sitting 🙄

What winds me up as a person with MS is that she’s got this huge following and she could use it to educate people about MS. I have no issue with her mentioning it on social media. I do. But I explain the highs and the lows and what it’s like to live with this shitty disease. Not use it to gain sympathy and a reason to excuse being an asshole. Rant over 😂
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Haven't been on for a few days, what is the name of the expose account x
Shann_fam_official x

Just saw her latest post where she’s talking about self care. It’s great she is doing some self care but whyyyyy has she got her crutch hanging off of her arm? The days where I need crutches I do anything to take the attention away from the crutch. Why did she need to include it in the post? It’s for sympathy and attention. It would be different if she was using it for support, but it’s swinging off of her arm 🙄🙄🙄
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Watched some of her live, someone said she has a motorbility car, I thought you had to not be able to walk a certain distance for one of those, does dancing the night away in heels qualify her
She was driving and reading messages again. I think I saw on the news the law is changing and nobody will be able to use a device even if its in a holder for scrolling socials. I think only using your phone for sat nav will be allowed once the new law comes in.
It is really difficult to get PIP and get a mobility car. At one point I couldn’t walk and I had crippling depression and I wasn’t even awarded the smallest amount of PIP. So she must be laying it on really thick in order to get one or has gained mobility back since getting the car. It’s always the people who need it most that don’t get it because they’re honest. My other half used to work in car sales and he said people would come in limping to get the car and walk normally out. Because they thought he had control on whether they get it. Sorry for the rant. Just winds me up
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She said yesterday that she “doesn’t like Ed Sheeran, and it was adam who loved him” etc it’s all you play on repeat darling, all your dances are to his songs & you was acting all excited when he bought you tickets etc. So your saying you faked it all… 🤮 shows why he left you tbh
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Papa is live now he says he stands by calling her a cunt as she is one but he said he's going to reply with a video of DHB taking the piss out of shan 😆
So papablaze was having a laugh with everyone saying no way everyone should get a medal, the ones who only got half way up should only get the ribbon from the medal. Shann then turned to him And said “some people didn’t get to the top because we have disabilities” papablaze then said “ Well I have disabilities, I’m dyslexic” Clearly joking to which Shann said “ I have MS” Papablaze Then said “ Fair play for even trying you should be proud of yourself, I didn’t mean to offend you if I did I’m sorry” to which she replied I’m not accepting your apology you are disrespectful I have no respect for anybody” so he replied with “go fuck yourself” That’s why I thinks what he thinks of her.
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Why would u sit on live eating your Sunday dinner with 1.5k watching.....turn your phone off and spend the time chatting to your kids while eating your dinner??? 🙄🙄
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Mum of the Year is trying so hard not to scream and yell at her kids on her live, you can see she's ready to explode. Her deluded fans are full of she's doing great, it's not easy being a full time mummy.... If she was to crash her car whilst on a live because she was reading comments instead of driving and her kids were seriously injured they'd label her a hero for raising awareness of the dangers of driving whilst in your phone...
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She's ended her live so she can go shout at kids cuz they wanted her attention I've got a feeling that none of her tick tock friends like her now manley family claire etc they all see thru her bullshit now it's took them long enough
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She’s deffo got smashed at the party at the weekend and caused murder she’s hinting he was controlling I think she’s tapped plus don’t forget guys she’s dropped a new dance learn it over the weekend! 😩🙄😂 x
she probably done what she did to poppy and jay again, making a show of herself and everyone around her then kicking off the next day. She’s like that embarrassing drunk old woman at a party!
Someone asked why she broke up with Adam and one of her mods said she’s happy now
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I can’t believe some deluded person actually said it’s a celebrity breakup 🤣🤣🤣🤣 feed her huge ego more why don’t you 🙈
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I don't like to comment on her MS because I have an invisible illness which affects my mobility but I do try to hide it as much as I can, and in reality no one knows how she is actually affected by her MS but she really needs to have a look at how the way she is living her life on TT could not possibly be helping her illness!

Who on earth would spend mornings & nearly every meal times on TT live with two small children when you aren't feeling 100% and have to constantly shout at them which surely is adding to your stress levels which is turn could not be helping your MS....I don't get it?? The tone she uses speaking to her children and the way she has to beg them to do things is ridiculous. Yes they are small but put some discipline in place instead of constantly having to shout orders at them when they clearly aren't listening. She acts like she really can't be bothered with them at all the majority of the time.

I get she wants to show how she isn't ok all the time and it is totally ok to not be ok, but she comes across as not genuine and it is all for sympathy.

Put the phone down Shann and deal with your children and while you are at it tell your bulldogs in your lives to mind their business when someone asks a simple question, which surely is the whole point of a live! You yourself could make a bit of an effort and answer people's questions and act like you are interested in the live yourself, why people send you gifts is beyond me because to be honest you are quite rude on your lives so the mind boggles!
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On live looking through her kids memory boxes. Pictures of there dad's have gone missing, and she's insinuating that Adam took them out! And how she's fuming and will sort it out. Why sit on live going through memory's with your child 🙄
I’ve seen this behaviour before. She WANTS to blame everything on adam BUT doesn’t want to outright say it because people will know what she’s doing.

All digs etc on lives, it’s all drip feeding her audience to send out a hate party on adam. She’s making him out as a bad one slowly and slowly so people don’t realise it’s her at fault. Disgusting if you ask me. Real narc behaviour.
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I can't believe what I am seeing....her Son bit her daughter, she stayed on live!! Hugged her daughter for 2 secs and then made her Son apologise....where is the discipline so it's ok for him to bite her as long as he says sorry!?! Get off live and sort it out, im not saying being a single Mum isn't a hard job it defo is....but surely she is more interested on the likes etc on the live than what just happened to her daughter!!
I’m lost for words over what happened. Says a lot that her daughter was crying out for her grandma rather than wanting to be comforted by her mum
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Them kids must get it bad at home, other day she was live, loosing her shit at them, if she can do that on live, I feel sorry for them in private!! Disgusting if you ask me. Also driving, whilst reading tiktok comments on her phone, with the kids in the back? Makes me sick honestly. Why would you risk your children’s life like that? What mother openly risks their kids life for the sake of tiktok?
Well look at the guy who not long ago was abusive towards his son on live and was outed for it and the son was taken away. He painted such a picture of himself as a loving dad and even then some of his videos you could tell the boy was upset and looked scared. Goes to show some of these Tik Tokkers aren't fit to be parents.
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Wow. What worries me the most about those screen recordings is how many women are commenting stating that she’s a brilliant mum and acting like this is normal.
As someone commented on one of those lives she speaks to her kids as though they are a total inconvenience to her. Very hard to watch.
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She seems unstable a lot of the time like she’s going to have an angry outburst. I also think she twists things with a lot of the “popular” creators on tik tok to cause drama. Her partner seems normal and chilled out, you can tell he cringes doing her daft dances. The dances are just 🤯
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