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Princess Michael of Kent is another one with an interesting history. Her husband, Prince Michael, is apparently, Liz’s favourite cousin, and so the royals have had to put up with her without upsetting Prince Michael. For instance, does anyone remember when Liz said of Princess Michael “Oh she’s far grander than us” (or words similar !!). And what about when she wore the “Blackamoor brooch” (Very controversial!!). Also wasn’t her father supposed to be a Nazi SS Officer?). And does anyone remember a few years ago, when Princess Michael was romantically linked to a much younger, wealthy Russian guy? And also, her husband was also rumoured to have had a long standing affair with a lady who had some kind of dog walking business? And also, the very creepy way that Prince Michael seems to model his “look” on his late cousin, the Russian Czar, who was famously murdered along with his wife, and their children by the Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution. Princess Michael, is rumoured to have had quite a lot of plastic surgery, including several facelifts, but that’s not surprising, as both of them are incredibly vain individuals.!!
I find it creepy that way that the Duchess of Cambridge’s brother models himself on the old Royal Family, growing that beard. Trying to look like the Queen’s cousins and the Russian side of the family.
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I read a good story in PopBitch yesterday re Cilla Black.
Apparently as was her wont she once bollocked and humiliated a poor runner in front of the whole studio.
Her salmon sandwich was smoked, not canned.
Subsequently, the bullied runner rose through the ranks ofLWT, and vetoed any opportunity the old bag for getting back on telly!
This is true. I’ve heard it before.

It reminds me of that old saying ‘Be nice to everyone you meet on the way up, because you’ll meet them again on your way down‘. Cilla was just a horror of a person, apparently she was vile to Bobby who was a nice bloke. He was also a talented singer but Cilla chucked a tantrum when he wanted to launch a pop career of his own because she was worried he’d over shadow her. He had an affair with one of her friends at one point as well, presumably because she was such a nightmare to be married to.

She also used to talk in a cut glass, posh voice when the cameras were not rolling. The ridiculous OTT scouse accent was just that, put on. Which is hardly surprising because I’ve met loads of Liverpudlians in my time time and none of them have ever sounded like Cilla.
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It’s the 21st century. White people are not “oppressors”. We are the only race in the world that bends over backwards for others.

Desiree wasn’t a mockery black people. Every character in the show was comical, and if Desiree and Ting Tong hasn’t been included I’m sure there would have been screeching about a lack of diversity.
Oh stop
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This is slightly before of my time but I definitely remember them in the papers and it really didn't seem a big deal at the time. Holy hindsight!! It's sickening to look back on it now and clearly all of those girls have big problems or are ashamed of their past. I don't feel like they should be, they were exploited plain and simple. I remember Mandy's wedding well (my God - that DRESS yikes!) because it was a big song and dance and there was just a HINT of a whisper about her age which was only seen as mildly controversial. YUCK!! Fleet Street was run by dirty, grubby old men who were labelling them little temptresses which now makes me want to heave 🤮 . The 70s and 80s have a LOT to answer for -namely the exploitation of children.
Completely agree with you, and the newspaper’s at that time used to call these underage girls “Lolita’s” as if it was their fault for tempting these much older rockstar perverts...🤢
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It works if you work it

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I don’t want to be the arsey, pedantic one but it’s a 12-Step programme, it saved my life. And you’re right, we are meant to carry the message to the stuff suffering alcoholic....I’m just not convinced he does it for the right reasons all the time. I personally think the best way to carry a message is going to meetings to help newcomers and pass on what was given to me. Just my opinion (and a little message-carrying, in case someone needs to see it ❤)
In recovery myself almost a year and the fellowship has saved my life too .. big love to you 🙌🏼❤
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My daughter is low teens and I’ve noticed she’s now getting looks - I give the offending idiot the shittiest look and wouldnt hesitate to shout the same as your mum if they didNt look away immediately.
my daughter is 11 and about two weeks ago on a walk I noticed two guys fully check her out. Shes very tall (almost same as me and I’m 5’7!), she looks about 14 - but it made me feel sick, still does when I think about it! I now worry about her when she (finally!!) goes back to school with getting the bus etc, luckily she’s kinda savvy but really why can’t kids enjoy childhood and us not to have chats with them to be wary of idiots :(
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The thing with Russell is that he is a recovered addict, and has completed the 10 steps, and also wrote a book discussing the AA 10 step program. And, when you have completed your steps, the last step, is the one where your mission is to help as many addicts as he can. That is really the focus of what he is doing, and he’s also massively into yoga and Transcendental Meditation, and often goes on these TM courses (along with my hubby). He’s a really nice guy actually, much much quieter in RL. He also doesn’t like being interrogated, and the only famous person he has spoken about was Amy Winehouse and how much guilt he has for not being able to help her when she needed it. But I’ve already posted about Russell, and i wish I had more gossip-especially about his marriage to Katy Perry!! If I do hear anything more - I promise I will post it !!
The thing with Russell is that he took advantage sexually of a lot of young female fans and didn't seem to have a problem with it.
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Won’t you have a cup

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That was one of the most cringe things I have ever seen in my life. Wasn't she like faking an orgasm or something? Gross.
The only time I have ever felt sorry for the royal family was when they were forced to watch Cilla and Lesley Joseph doing that routine from Gypsy at the Royal Variety performance. It was ‘You’ve got to have a gimmick’. I don’t subscribe to the ‘poor royals, life in a gilded cage, they can keep their privileged life’ thing but my heart went out to queenie that night, I can tell you.

Cilla, from memory (hard to erase) was being the stripper whose costume lit up and was feigning shock when the bulbs lit up. Which I think she was trying to make look suggestive. God help us.

I think they might even have reprised it on some sort of telethon. I say that because Ricky Gervais once went on Room 101 and put ‘telethons’ in there, making specific reference to that godawful routine. I seem to remember the phrase ‘ropy old tarts in tights’. Spot on Ricky.
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Cilla’s mum had a stall in a market in Liverpool and would sell all cilla’s dresses. Her mum went into a nursing home when she couldn’t care for herself anymore and apparently Cilla would very rarely visit her. Always just flying visits for a few minutes once or twice a year.
I think that’s awful. Not just because she couldn’t be arsed visiting her own mother but because she could have brought some joy to the other people in the home by visiting too. My dad was in a home before he died and they can be sad places at times. She could have done a lot of good, selfish cow
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Just saw on daily fail that Matt from muse had announced the birth of his daughter - I had totally forgotten he was engaged to Kate Hudson !

Any tea on the muse members ? You only ever really see Matt in any press
I love Muse but I've just seen she's been named Lovella. Seriously? Sounds like a contraceptive pill. Kind of cheesy considering his wife's name is Elle. One for the weird kids names thread 😂. Bassist Chris has 10 kids now I think.
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I'm not banging on about this but I thought the same initially and had it pointed out to me that white people have historically laughed at black people by 'blacking up' and parodying their culture (black and white minstrel show etc). White people have never suffered this. I changed my opinion after that and stand corrected.
Please don’t get me wrong, I’m completely for anti racism. I don’t think there is any place for the type of parody we’re discussing that has occurred in the past in today’s society. That said, I don’t think wrong doings of the past should all be censored but remain a part of history as isn’t that how we learn? If we just eradicate all of what we disagree with today then how will future generations know the plights that have been overcome to reach a constantly evolving civilization?
Sorry to be heavy and not looking for a debate just my thoughts.... And remember I make p3nises out of *napkins so am definitely not an authority on anything 😊

Edited to add: *napkins, towels and any other material depending on availability 😉
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I remember this, he said something like “thanks buddy, I’ve always wanted to do this”, as if the deer would have chosen to die a painful death just for some prick’s momentary feeling of transcendence.

Other animal killers off the top of my head include Alexander Armstrong (who actively campaigns for hunting), Richard Branson, and Mick Hucknall.
This makes my blood boil. How can these fuckers call this sport. I know this is a simplistic view but If someone chased them with a gun it’s attempted murder, but them chasing an animal is “sport”. Sorry for the rant but I am fuming! 😡
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I remember the never ending copy in News of the Screws about Mandy and Wyman and, at the time, no one turned a hair at that type of thing. Young girls were viewed as “juicy little cherries, ripe for the picking“ by the red tops and hideous old perverts like Wyman. 🤮🤮🤮
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Won’t you have a cup

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Re Mandy Smith: I invite you to read this article from 1987, when it was published in the Daily Mirror. It beggars belief.

Not least because it was written by a woman, who describes Mandy (aged 14 or 15 during the period being described) as ‘a blonde child/woman with knowing eyes and jail bait body’. What????

it describes some seedy club manager called Maurice who met Mandy in a Marbella nightclub in 1985 (Mandy Smith was born in 1970) after her first encounters with Wyman and when she was going out with Maurice’s younger cousin.

Maurice was 38, married with children. Did that stop him from offering to manage Mandy, calling her ‘my baby star’ and trying to get off with her, knowing she was underage? What do you think? It was OK though, because according to the article ‘men long to possess her’.

Most chilling of all is this sentence:

“Don’t ask me if I knocked her off. I’m a happily married man and that question puts me in a difficult position. Draw your own conclusions.”

although the article isn’t necessarily complimentary about this awful man, can you imagine it being published today? It is jaw dropping.
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I remember at some awards show (maybe the Brits?) Corden was speaking on a link to Nick and his first words were “How’s Harry?” Or words to that effect and then quickly realised his mistake.
For some reason, James Corden really irritates me. Maybe it’s the way he was massively kissing arse when he first went to LA, and went on the Ellen show singing this cheesy song “Let’s get Ellie on the telly” - meaning that everyone in the UK was missing out by not having her on our mainstream channels. I’m sure the video is still up, and seeing Cordon out of breath, making a total Pratt of himself is a sight to behold....😂😂😂
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Ohhhh that’s brought memories back. I used to be a hardcore Larry Stylinson shipper (I was sixteen, forgive me 😂) - this baby stuff is what made me stop! I still believe Louis and Harry had something (and that Harry is gay) but didn’t think the baby was fake from day one - and he looks th SPIT of Louis now Imo!

Does anyone remember the thing about the bear? In the days just before 1D split they had a rainbow build a bear ‘mascot’ called Rainbow Bondage Bear (yes, really) which the Larry shippers seemed to believe was proof that Larry was real! It had a twitter account and used to post countdowns or pictures or notes, and then the bear would appear onstage wearing a similar outfit to the pictures shown (hard to explain sorry!). For example I tweeted the bear a picture of him with a phone... and the next day, they’d set him up with an iPhone, and people could text ‘him‘. God I wasted HOURS on conspiracy theory/‘proof’ blogs about Larry and the bear, people trying to work out who was behind it and that at the last concert (and thus, appearance of the bear) Larry was going to be confirmed real 🙈 makes me absolutely die thinking of it all now, although haven’t felt that entertained or invested in anything since! 😂 google it, it’s all bloody mad
There were a group of Larries on Mumsnet, all middle-aged women, some of whom claimed to live life on LA time so they could keep tabs on 'their' boys. They plotted to go to LA and upturn the pram so the baby fell out, to prove it was a doll and not a real baby. When someone gently suggested that tipping a newborn baby out of a pram onto concrete wouldn't be the smartest move, they responded that they wouldn't do it if they genuinely thought the child was real. Even when video footage emerged of the baby moving and crying, they explained it away by saying it was some kind of sophisticated robot. Honest to God, they were certifiable :eek: Alas, Mumsnet deleted the whole series of threads so no evidence remains of the craziness. I wonder sometimes, now the little fella is so obviously his father's son, whether they still hold their ridiculous beliefs.

You can be forgiven for shipping Larry, you were a teenager. These fans were all in their 40's and 50's with children the same age as, or older than, One Direction :D :D :D
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Talking of 90s throwbacks, anyone remember Eurotrash with Antoine de Caunes? I would 100% would. I used it watch it with the sound down low. Just incase. 😂
Same! Wasn’t it on just before or after The Word? They’d never make those programmes today. I remember being 😮 when Kurt Cobain announced to the world that Courtney Love was ‘the best fuck in the world’ and a member of L7 pulled her trousers down on live TV 🤣 And those were probably two of the least controversial moments.
Those were the days.
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So I've still not googled the gangrene (not sure I can face that, once seen etc) but in reading the DM article on Weinstein, it"s said he'd had this back in 1999, had to be medivac-ed from a Caribbean holiday, and had his testicles removed as a result (which one of his victims mentioned, that he didn't have any balls)...that being the case, his children with Georgina Chapman must be donor sperm then? Wonder if she ever had to have sex with him? I hope not for her sake, there is not enough money in the world that would have persuaded me to do that 🤮🤮
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Apparently Mandy’s mum suffered with ill health & spent much of the girls childhood in bed. They essentially did as they pleased. But yes. She failed her daughter for sure.
Yes I did read that, but Patsy soon found the energy to get out of bed when Bill was first with Mandy, and seemed to have been miraculously cured when she went down to Gedding Hall, and copped off with his son, Stephen.😉
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