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I’ve already posted about what happened to me at age 14, being hit on by Jermaine Jackson outside Radio 1, and then hanging out with Mark O’Toole and the lads from Frankie Goes To Hollywood. I was a schoolgirl bunking off, and going on Top of The Pops with them, staying all night at their apartment in Maida Vale, they knew how old I was, but nothing ever happened sexually because I was too scared. Mark told me that when I got to 16, he was going to whisk me away to Greta Green and marry me!! And I worshipped him. When I got on TOTP, i had once again bunked off school, and met up with a few other girls (all older than me, I was the baby of the group) and I had my school uniform on, but had a spare top, and my Miss Selfridge makeup (Iron Lady lipstick and black mascara) I was 5”10 at 14, had blonde curls (that I hated) down to my bum, and Mark took a shine to me (he was 19 then) so off I went to Shepherds Bush, to stand outside in the pouring rain, along with all the other fans who were hoping for a glimpse of their heroes and crushes. Then a grey Mercedes pulled in, and the girls were all screaming, and Mark spotted me in the rain, and wound down the window and beckoned me over, “What you doing here blondie?” I said I was waiting to see him and the others drive past on their way to the studios. He said “Hop in, you’re coming with me”. And so I waited for them to come on, and Mark beckoned me over to the front stage, and was angry that a guy from an American group had tried chatting me up. He said “I want you here in front of me” and was crouched down chatting to me, and nearly missed his cue!! He used to phone me at home, and I would phone him during my school lunch break with all my mates squeezed in the smelly phone box, and I was hanging on his every word. He was my biggest crush, other girls had the posters but I had the real thing, my gorgeous, 19 yr old popstar boyfriend. Actually, I was contacted by a woman journalist, I don’t know how she got my number - possibly from the studio (ZTT) and she invited me to Fleet Street to the News of the World offices, and I remember that I had to ask for directions, and even when I outside and trying to get the courage to go in, a man came out, and said to me “Are you here for page 3?” And, even when I was sitting with this lady journalist, I think her name was Polly something? Another male journalist made yet another page 3 comment, and when I said that I was 14, he said that “I should still meet the guy in charge” and they might be able to use me if I said that I was 16. I did still hear from Mark after this, but then the group split up, and eventually Mark moved to Florida. But I still think about him from time to time..
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Won’t you have a cup

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I have more sympathy with Mandy because she was groomed. Not sure why Bill Wyman isn’t the subject of revulsion.

i can remember the ’wild child’ era. Mandy Smith regularly appeared in Mizz and similar magazines in the eighties, after the Wyman story broke. I find it odd, looking back, that the magazines felt it was appropriate to celebrate a girl who’d been seduced by a much older man, had had her childhood robbed from her and had become famous as a consequence. But there she was, telling us what she did over Christmas and what she wore out clubbing in London; she was still 16 at this point, I think.

What is weird is, when the antics of the ‘wild child’ girls were reported in the tabloids, it was all, ooh, aren’t they naughty the little minxes? As if the stories were sexy, not disturbing. It was a very different time. I can recall one headline, perhaps relating to Amanda de Cadenet or Emma Ridley, along the lines of, I was dragged crying from the bed of a 32 year old man when I was 15 (where we were told that she’d gone willingly, and it was the police or her parents removing her). As if that would be served up for titillation now!

Mind you, that was in an era when Sam Fox, Suzanne Mizzi and Maria Whittaker were photographed for page 3 with cuddly toys and being described as 16 year old sizzlers etc. Christ!
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I remember the 'wild child' era and all those underage girls going out with rock stars and attending premieres and flashy parties. They were a similar age to me, and my wild child lifestyle consisted of hanging around outside the off-license with my friends, trying to persuade older people to buy us a bottle of Woodpecker cider to share, followed by a raunchy night at the youth club disco. But at least my teenage dalliances were with boys of a similar age and not men in their 30's. I also remember the countdown to Sam Fox being 16, in the Sun - the countdown to when she could get her tits out.

And I will never understand why Bill Wyman wasn't prosecuted.
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It’s the 21st century. White people are not “oppressors”. We are the only race in the world that bends over backwards for others.

Desiree wasn’t a mockery black people. Every character in the show was comical, and if Desiree and Ting Tong hasn’t been included I’m sure there would have been screeching about a lack of diversity.
Oh dear. Your level of intelligence and understanding on racial issues and equality is clearly nonexistent.

White people have been oppressing others since history began, but you're probably one of these 'we're all equal race doesn't exist' people.

If you refuse to acknowledge this then yes - you are part of the problem.

I've seen you're also on the JK Rowling thread making transphobic comments over there. Lovely.

Racist and a terf... why am I not surprised??
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Sexual perverts like him need stringing up . I'm a victim of sexual abuse it's an odd feeling as it catches up with you years later it was my brother actually, and I had to bury it so as no one would find out .
But I never had people stay over etc as he was a drunk that used to threaten to kill me etc etc it was horrendous.
But I survived it .
Lovey, I was an abused child as well. What I do know is that psychopaths like JS and his ilk are incredibly powerful. My abuser was my brother in law. He just enjoyed it all. It wasn’t even about the molesting, it was about power. My love to you x
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Is anyone else now curious about this gangrene but too scared to look?!

My mum who vaguely knew music industry people in the 60s always said Cilla was super pushy and milked her Beatles/ Liverpool connection for all it was worth. I've never heard one person say anything nice about Cilla; most people get a mix of good and bad, especially after they die there tend tend to be more good stories coming to light (George Michael for instance whose final years were a bit overshadowed by getting done for cottaging, crashing his car etc, yet after he died so many people came forward to say how he'd helped them, how kind and generous he was etc), but Cilla seems universally disliked in death as in life.
This is so true, universally reviled. Only her circle of friends had anything nice to say. I can’t bear her, I had to knock the radio off this morning when they played a song of hers on Alan Carr’s radio show. It makes you wonder about the people who were friends with her, they must have seen her behaviour towards people. I can remember reading excerpts from cabin crew staff before and she just sounds like she has no redeeming features.

I love George Michael, the gutter press treat him appallingly, just outright homophobia and he dealt with it so well, just refused to be cowed by them. It was lovely seeing all the tales of his generosity coming out after he died. Similarly I was thinking of when Keith Flint died as well, how so many people from the music industry, fans who had met him, people who lived near him had nothing but good things to say about him. Then you have people like Cilla, just an embarrassment who managed to make a career out of what little talent she had.
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It also rarely gets mentioned but I believe Steven Tyler 'adopted' and underage girl so he could take her on tour. Disgusting.
I read about this in a book written by the wife of one of the other members. I think it might have been the drummers wife. Anyway, Tyler got the parents Of the 13 year old girl to sign over guardianship to him so she could travel in tour with him. (The author said she was disapproving if it) Tyler would dress her up in costumes. The one I remember being mentioned was a Little Bo Peep costume.
I don’t know how he has escaped being hounded about this.

This is vile, if not a bit fascinating. What is it with there sicko weirdo millionaires having deformed boy bits?! All that’s going to do is prove intimate info if anyone goes to the police. Jeffrey Epstein’s complainants all described him as having an egg shaped penis.
Stormy Daniels said Trumps cock is shaped like a toadstool. With a very large glans and small shaft 🤮
Sorry for the image
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The mothers of the 'wild child' girls appear to have lived vicariously through their daughters - getting dressed up to the nines and consorting with rockstars, I bet that's what they secretly wanted to do. But the rockstars in question weren't interested in age-appropriate women, they wanted pretty young girls. John Peel was another one, he had the Schoolgirl of the Year competition on his radio 1 show. He died most conveniently, and is still hailed as a hero for promoting alternative music, instead of being labelled the dirty pervert that he was.
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Speaking of Peaches Geldof (from last thread), she was in another reality show about a magazine. Seems like a very pretentious bunch:

She was awful, just awful. Pixie wasn't much better either. Bob should be ashamed to have daughters behaving like that. The press absolutely loathed her at the time but after she died it was article after article about what a vulnerable, helpless girl she was. It went on for weeks and it was nauseating. I can tell you for nothing that girls with serious drug problems and small children living on council estates do not get that kind of love, least of all from the press.
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my daughter is 11 and about two weeks ago on a walk I noticed two guys fully check her out. Shes very tall (almost same as me and I’m 5’7!), she looks about 14 - but it made me feel sick, still does when I think about it! I now worry about her when she (finally!!) goes back to school with getting the bus etc, luckily she’s kinda savvy but really why can’t kids enjoy childhood and us not to have chats with them to be wary of idiots :(
It goes both ways too, when my son was 15 he took a weekend job collecting glasses in one of our familys city centre pubs, packed it in after a few weeks as he kept getting felt up and propositioned by middle aged women on hen dos - even after saying he was still in school they would still try it on! And he only ever worked up to 8pm!
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Speaking of someone you will never hear a good word about - Chris Martin!!! I know people who were at UCL with him and no one had a good word to say about him. I had some professional dealings with him after his career went stratospheric (whilst he was still with Gwynnie) and holy shit, he is the most self-absorbed tosser you could ever imagine. So much so, I felt really bad for Gwyneth.
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New poster but love all the ☕
Nothing too exciting ....
Ray Winstone, met him in a bar in Manchester, stood next to him at the bar and he helped me get served and we had a long chat about football. Gentleman personified.

Bob Geldof, I worked for a charity and he was booked to come and speak. He asked for first class flights and a five star hotel (this was in Aberdeen where no such thing exists). He spat dummy and refused to come. Quick call to Annie Lennox who obliged with no demands and was an utter delight.
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I saw someone mentioning George Michael yesterday. He is the only famous person who I've not heard a bad word about. Seems like he really was a lovely person.
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Princess Michael of Kent is another one with an interesting history. Her husband, Prince Michael, is apparently, Liz’s favourite cousin, and so the royals have had to put up with her without upsetting Prince Michael. For instance, does anyone remember when Liz said of Princess Michael “Oh she’s far grander than us” (or words similar !!). And what about when she wore the “Blackamoor brooch” (Very controversial!!). Also wasn’t her father supposed to be a Nazi SS Officer?). And does anyone remember a few years ago, when Princess Michael was romantically linked to a much younger, wealthy Russian guy? And also, her husband was also rumoured to have had a long standing affair with a lady who had some kind of dog walking business? And also, the very creepy way that Prince Michael seems to model his “look” on his late cousin, the Russian Czar, who was famously murdered along with his wife, and their children by the Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution. Princess Michael, is rumoured to have had quite a lot of plastic surgery, including several facelifts, but that’s not surprising, as both of them are incredibly vain individuals.!!
She was also dining out in New York and at the next table were African Americans celebrating something. She was not happy with the noise so shouted over 'remember the colonies' or something else massively racist at them. She seems like a Nazi tbh.
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I think that’s more likely. I’ve heard that she’s a real eccentric. I massively admire her actually. She’s ploughed her own furrough! Peggy being Su Pollard that is.
My SiL lived near her in London. Didn't know her but she used to go to same pub. We went for lunch in the pub once and Su Pollard made a real fuss of my dog. She kept picking him up and stroking him and walked round the pub showing him off to her friends. She was mad as a box of frogs but really sweet. She was dressed like a mad drama teacher, all the colours of the rainbow and hairbands with huge flowers on. I thought she was drunk but was reliably informed that she was sober and 'always like that'!
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In about 1986 I went to school with a girl who lusted after older men. We were 11 years old. Then I moved hundreds of miles away and we wrote to each other all the time. She used to go to Butlins type places with her mum. She’d send me pics of whatever perv she’d hooked with. They were in their 40s or even 50s. She was 11-15 years old. Her mum allowed it. It used to make me feel sick. I had to hide the pics she sent me because my dad would say it was vile. I’m still friends with her now. We‘re 44 now. Her husband is 65 and a Roy Orbison impersonator. But looking back I do wonder if her going to Butlins was an arrangement when dirty pervs knew there would be accommodating mums allowing vile behaviours with their daughters. But it was just accepted.
That is super chilling. I will tell you for nothing that she was being exploited. The Lolita myth is just that, a myth. No 11 year old girl is attracted to older/old men. If she was acting out sexually inappropriately it will be because she was abused.
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Jelly Bean

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She was awful, just awful. Pixie wasn't much better either. Bob should be ashamed to have daughters behaving like that. The press absolutely loathed her at the time but after she died it was article after article about what a vulnerable, helpless girl she was. It went on for weeks and it was nauseating. I can tell you for nothing that girls with serious drug problems and small children living on council estates do not get that kind of love, least of all from the press.
Do any of you remember a programme where Peaches went on an 'assignment' to a Muslim country to meet a typical teen girl. It was Morocco. Anyway after a few days there her most insightful comment was - 'it's really wierd. They don't have any proper fashion'. :rolleyes:
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I'm a similar age too, I wasn't even allowed out to the offie, let alone to nightclubs 🤣🤣 I do remember though having adult men following me down the road in their cars trying to talk to me when I was 13 or 14, and although I looked a bit older, I was obviously still a schoolkid in uniform, shoes and socks. Proper creepy. Also at school we used to have to walk along a major A road to get to PE lessons (in short PE skirts), the comments we used to get from passing car and lorry drivers were grim.... I knew a few girls at school who had 'boyfriends' in their late 20s when we were 15 - with their parents full knowledge and approval (which always baffled me, even back then!) It's odd how normalised something like that was comparatively recently.
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