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As a ginger myself every child born since me has had a discussion before birth, surely discussing whether or not it will be a certain shade of ginger, we have strawberry blond, orange, auburn and chestnut, is just the same as discussing what shade skin the child will have if it is going to be mixed race. It is not racist to have such discussions.
My grandma lit candles when my mum was pregnant with me and my brother to make sure we didn't come out ginger. Dad is a proper Irish ginger, his mother was strawberry blonde and his sister was a light ginger. I came out with white blonde hair that turned out mid ashy and my brother is a brunette. Genetics are insane.
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Imagine being given the responsibility of hiring someone to do your Christmas lights and picking the Krankies
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Ugh cannot stand Cliff, I heard rumours about him 30 years ago and yes, they were bad rumours and I’ve hated him since. Cannot believe the BBC had to apologise & pay out because there’s a reason he isn’t a uk national any more and it’s not tax.
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Serene Serena

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Has anyone met Kate Moss?
Yes, me, she's small and thin and fag ashy. Friendly enough though. Sadie Frost was a horror, as was her then husband Jude Law. As soon as they realised I wasn't remotely famous, they lost interest. :D :D Kate offered me a cig.
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I mean it'd be fine if she had said it was, although I find the increased use of surrogacy quite disturbing, but faking a pregnancy? Nope.
Agree! I understand some people may not be able to carry a child for medical reasons etc, however most of these celebs just don’t want to ruin their bodies so just pay for someone to have the baby, which I think is wrong imo. Then they have an army of nannies to look after it once it’s born. What’s the point?
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Awww I’ve always liked Sir Christopher Lee,knew he was very clever.

I like this.(probably lots of you guys know this).

"Sir Christopher Lee's incredible life doesn't even seem real. It's said that he is the inspiration for James Bond."
During WWII, he served as part of the Special Air Service in the British Army. He reportedly declined to talk about his experiences in the war because he'd agreed to never publicly discuss the SAS's classified operations. He was reportedly extremely skilled at decoding German ciphers, returned to duty after a bout with malaria six times, conducted espionage missions, etc. Most of his service record reportedly remains classified.
Ian Fleming, who wrote the original James Bond novels, was the actor's step-cousin. He reportedly said that Christopher's experiences as a spy during WWII inspired him to create James Bond.
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Beverley Macker

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What’s worse is it was only £15,000. Just how broke is Fergie if she had to borrow £15,000 of Epstein? And if she didn’t have £15k, how the fuck did she suddenly afford a £5 million flat?
The Yorks are insanely dodgy.
Most of them are named after the same one who famously "had ten thousand men".
David Furnish?
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@Spacemonkey1972 the entire situation is more nuanced than we can go into on a forum and probably always will be, especially given how things transpired and many things are still covered by the official secrets act.

That said, terrorism of all kinds is appalling.
Absolutely. It’s hugely complicated and you are right in saying this isn’t the place for that discussion.
That being said, I think it’s important to note many who joined the IRA were not cold bloodthirsty terrorists but regular people, who after years of oppression, colonization, being treated like second class citizens, being denied their civil rights and subjected to a system which was set up to always have them be kept down. Many felt compelled to take some kind of action and to fight back in some way.
Before anyone comes for me- I don’t agree with murder in any way shape or form and I condemn all loss of life and atrocities carried out during the Troubles by both sides.

But to understand Shane’s comment, it’s important to understand the context, it can’t be dismissed as simply ‘oh why did he want to be a terrorist, what a terrible thing to say’
(I’m not saying your post came across that way)
I don't want to get into it on here (my father was Royal Engineers bomb disposal and served in NI throughout the 70's - utterly horrific. I've had other family and friends who served in NI, so you can guess my standpoint) but perhaps it would've been better for Shayne to have kept his mouth shut on this. Entertainers and politics hardly mix well together
Disagree strongly on this, I’m afraid. Why shouldn’t entertainers be allowed to express their political/moral/religious opinions? Why would he keep his mouth shut on events that impacted the country he was living in and undoubtedly impacted him, his family and friends.
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A bit like Frankenstein maybe? “It’s alive! Quick get the lube” 😂😂😂😂

View attachment 2604937
I actually know someone in their 70's who has a 30 year old bloke on the side (she is still married, but it isn't a happy marriage).

She told me a few weeks ago that she thinks TheOtherBloke is getting a bit too "boring" for her, and she wants someone less vanilla.

There are lots of sexually adventurous pensioners out there, who are very young at heart, and the lady I know is way healthier, more mobile, and fitter than many of my friends who are in their 30's and 40's.

To stay on thread....

I once served Alvin Stardust in a shop and he actually had "Alvin Stardust" on his debit card.
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Gosh, I just read the article. It sounds like they were polar opposites, I'm surprised he didn't divorce her if I'm honest, not because I think he should of but surely that's not a happy partnership? I'm not sticking up for TJ but he could of walked away from her? It sounds like she had a lot of mental health issues, I wonder if they were compounded by his behaviour? Didn't realise he picked young girls out of the crowd, yuk.
I would imagine what Tom did and how he behaved impacted her. He said he slept with like 200 women in a year and jokes about being a ‘lothario’ and says that no one was hurt but what he means is he wasn’t hurt. His wife didn’t even leave the country after 9/11 and was terrified of everything. Maybe Tom thought that if he divorced her she would just break completely but then again maybe I’m giving him too much credit.
Another interview he did had this: He said: “Linda is the love of my life and she still is – even though she doesn’t look like she did. “I don’t look like I did either but I try my best.”
The poor woman had mobility issues due to emphysema. Combined with being agoraphobic, depressed, anxious, almost paranoid about her safety, having a husband who has emotionally abused her with his numerous affairs and boasting about it all as well as their son allegedly helping out his Dad in that manner it’s no wonder ‘she’s lost her spark’ as he once said.
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Genetics fascinate me. I worked with a girl who I thought had a Mediterranean background, I was thinking Greek. One day her friend visited, a black girl. I say friend, it was actually her sister. Same dad, same mum but their skin colour and features were completely different. I love stuff like that, it is so interesting.

With Meghan and Harry - of course it would be an interest what the child looked like - the skin tone and the hair, the eye colour. Unless Charles and Kate said, god I hope Harry’s child isn’t too black, if they were just wondering what part of the genetic cocktail would be the dominant one, that is not racism.

after my parents died I did DNA testing because i had a niggling doubt that my Dad was his fathers son. Both my Grandparents were very much pale skinned. My father, however, appeared Mediterranean, mixed race with dark thick curly hair, olive skin and deep brown eyes. He’d been conceived in wartime, in a time when we had lots of US Servicemen in the area. My imagination went a bit mad I confess, but he was so different he suffered endless racial abuse as a kid.

So imagine my surprise when Ancestry came back firmly linking him to Galway. I traced the family right back on his side, matching with the same surname in Roscommon. It was then I learned of the ‘black Irish’ and everything made sense.

Geneticists theorise they come from from Vikings, Spaniards or Celts. I do have some Nordic DNA in there so who knows. Fascinating stuff though. I ended up extremely pale like my Grandparents, but with thick dark hair. My son in turn is olive skinned and dark haired but with my blue eyes.
so yeah, genetics. Fascinating I agree!
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I think it's the god complex that can be associated with successful doctors or in this case vets. I often think it's great what he does, but should he do it? Medical technology is awesome & usually veterinary medicine is the practice run before someone says let's try it on a human. You only have to look at Paolo Macchiarini & the absolute shite he got away with.
Also is hair looks like a thatched roof!!
You've nailed it with the 'god complex' I find him arrogant and manipulative. He's exploited people's love for their family pets and in the process made himself a very rich man. I also question the morality of putting animals through extreme surgery and painful rehab; just because we can do it doesn't mean we should do it. (Much bigging up by him about how groundbreaking, experimental etc his work is).
He loves being a celebrity on the back of all this too, it's not a vocation for him.
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I presume that's Winslet? I don't know her but I used to work for Richard Branson in my early 20s. Her husband Ned is his nephew. He was brought into the business after he finished uni and he was one of the most clueless dickheads I've ever worked with. He had no idea how to speak to women, no social skills whatsoever....Just so dense. It was like being managed by Tim nice but dim. I couldn't bear him. I don't mince my words and I think I made it quite clear that I thought he was a simpleton.
The particular business I worked for was a very small part of the Virgin empire and I think Richard must have promised him a job so shoved him in somewhere where he wouldn't matter too much.
It shocked the life out of me when I saw that she'd married him, he was such a wet wipe.
Although I dislike Richard Branson's politics and some of the awful decisions he's made (suing the NHS being one of them) he's a decent boss. Very pleasant to talk to, remembers everyone's names, treats his employees really well.
He legally changed his surname to "Rocknroll" too. Massive gobshite red flag right there.
Kate clearly adores him but anything I've ever read about the man makes him sound simple.
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I always felt horrible for his wife - cheating aside (and bragging so publicly about it) he seems like he'd be a horror to endure. I remember him doing an interview 7 or 8 months before she died saying "she has let herself go" (how dare she! Years of deep depression and poor health - and she's dying - how dare she "let herself go"!). He can claim she was the love of his life but he didn't seem to have any respect for her at all, even as she was dying.
Utterly vile. It seems she fully 'tolerated' his behaviour, but at what cost to her happiness, health, and self esteem? Has she even been able to live a normal life, have a successful career of her own, or was she just cast in the shadows of her cheating husband, who was never home and openly did not care a hoot that she would look like a doormat and a fool. He is hideously ugly and no doubt did all sorts of things with underage girls. The grim bastard. I really can't stand him.
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