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Very traditional

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Arod was caught cheating earlier this year, for other woman admitted it I believe? Madison Le Cory her name is. And there's been so many rumours about his fidelity throughout the whole relationship so I don't blame her at all for ending it.

I do agree that she can't be alone though, I've read an interview with her ex manager or someone like that who confirmed years ago that JLo needs to be adored and needs a boyfriend to feel worthy.

Yes I agree. It's such a shitty thing to do imo. She was engaged to be married and her children and A Rod's children loved each other apparently. She literally just split up with the guy and 2 seconds later is going for days out with her kids and Ben Affleck. How utterly bewildering when you are an impressionable teen and learning about what love is, creating boundaries etc.

As for Ben...well I can only assume J Lo is doing it for publicity, why would you go there given his track record? I'd understand if she didn't know any better as a young 20-something, but its just laughable now.

Also Jennifer Garner must just constantly be rolling her eyes into the back of her head. I do not envy her having to pick up the pieces everytime he fucks up.
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Another article on Lilly Allen.She doesn’t look her best.I’m sure the last I heard of her before this that she was going to try for another child.Wishing her well even though she had that shit bbc 3 show with James Corden on it

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Not sure if anyone remembers the TV Series, think it was Rags to Riches with Lilly Allen & her sister, her sister was obviously suffering from an ED & alcohol issues (if I remember correctly) but they never spoke about it Lilly just made bitchy comments about her often & was very disparaging of her. Such a shame that Lilly looks like she's on the same path too.
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All this Blur tea is making my head spin! That picture of Alex, just...what. I'm a very old fan, I didn't know. 😂 Is Dave Rowntree the only decent one?
Haha sorry if I’ve shattered anyone’s illusions. I was and still am I big fan. I’m able to disconnect what I know 😅

Dave is alright I think. Although he’s mostly been single and had his fair share of groupies too I’d imagine.

I read on Popbitch years ago, that his marriage to a Canadian woman in the 90s fell apart because he had a secret child. Apparently she was going round telling everyone who would listen !
Dave? No way! I’ve never really read into much about him though I just assumed he was the sensible one 😅
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i know that he used to speak to girls on Twitter (and met up with a couple overseas when blur were touring in 2012) who were age between 17-20. Not underage, but I mean he was pushing 50 at the time. I have no idea what happened between them. I assume things were said on tumblr about it then?

I never imagined him being physically abusive. But mentally yes. He was very calculated. He’d act almost like a child in order to create the image that he couldn’t possibly do any wrong. Or that he was being unreasonably treated by people he was leading on.

he used to play very close to home too. I only ever met him a couple of streets from where he lived. That’s why I was so surprised he was still with his family.

he has a secret Facebook account too that is friends with many young blur fans.
The Tumblr I stumbled across was written by some super fan who was trying to excuse his behaviour or make out that the catfishing incident was all made up but there was clearly more to it.

Im guessing he tried it on with you?! (Obv not my business and you don’t have to answer that). You mentioned it being very close to his house and family so he was clearly pushing the boundaries of acceptable behaviour. Also by talking to other girls who are young and impressionable.

This all sounds very much like an ex of mine who always acted innocent and manipulative but was actually talking to loads of girls behind my back (and most likely cheating too).

lastly, what was he like to talk to?!

I’m sorry, I’m just fascinated!
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Sideboard Bob

VIP Member
Has Chris Pine ever really been in anything that could lead to him winning any awards? As if not, it would make sense why he wouldn’t be lol.

I haven’t read or heard many if at all negative things about him though of course it could be hidden.
I suspect somebody else.
I have no reason to think it could be him, but it all fits the clues pretty well so far.
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Re Gary Glitter - I would think that some of that would be because his stuff was never on karaoke and he had already become well-known for his sexual activities. His songs were never that good either really.
His stuff is still played outside the UK, including in the US, iirc.
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Lily Allen is looking rather scrawny these days. I hope she is ok, I've always had a bit of a soft spot for her even though she can be a bit of an idiot. I hope she settles happily with David Harbour. I always felt bad for her that she was down on herself about her looks, and Cheryl whatever her surname was then bullied her about them.

Cheryl Cole?
I had no idea she would do something like that, but didn’t she once attack somebody?
I have always loved Lily Allen.
I remember listening to smile and the fear a lot when I was a child.

I think it sounds like actory hyperbole. What if 5 years later she decided she had fallen out of live with him? He could turn round and say 'well 5 years isnt forever!' Well so what if she wanted to protect her career? Its hers that shes worked hard for. Why should she throw it away because she used some over flowery language? Women are always expected to play nice.
I have no doubt that whatever decision she made was the best one for her and I completely applaud her for doing so. When I give my opinions I express that it is up to individual how they feel, react to situation etc but then I also state what I think I would do in that situation which I already stated that I might have given an explanation. I couldn’t agree with you more.
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What do you guys think about celebrities announcing the birth of their children / posting photos of them online? I think if I was in that lifestyle, I would want to keep it completely private / away from public view though I understand it’s hard to do that sometimes and of course, it’s completely up to the individual. If my parents were posting pictures of me from such a young age and I got to my teenage years, I would be quite upset about it because those photos cannot be erased and will always be somewhere on the Internet.
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There was a Sky Arts documentary about Suede reasonably recently, with older and more up-to-date footage, and I agree, Brett looks great. Always quite liked him. I remember he was obsessed with Bowie and always talked about (the DB album) Low - which turned out to be the first Bowie album I ever bought/listened to and started my fascination with 1970s/early 80s David.

I once bought Dog Man Star* on cassette (!) and bought it second hand from a independent record shop, not too long after it was released. Unfortunately some of the tape was chewed (making part of one song unlistenable).

I said to the assistant, Am I able to return this album?
He actually said, Why? Is it crap? 😅

*Actually, think it was Coming Up, as that was one of their not-so-great moments - after Bernard Butler left, I think?
I enjoyed that documentary on Sky Arts but was stunned how old young Richard was. Such a change! I am not nor was a massive Suede fan loved Bernard but found Brett just odd. Dunno just did not get him. But it was really interesting show.
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JW didn't write Robbie's music, Guy Chambers did and it was him that Robbie fell out with. Jonathon was supposedly an old schoolfriend who jumped on the bandwagon by portraying himself as Robbie's best mate (despite being 7 years younger, so would never have been at school together).
Thanks for that! i had confused Jonathan for Guy… i had no idea Jonathan was 7yrs younger… but then im not the biggest fan.
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