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Twitter has an algorithm that pay attention to your interests so therefore you won’t see anything that you’re not interested in.
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Without kicking everything off again, I use Tweetbot which doesn't use the algorithm. I can't stand the actual Twitter app, I feel like I have way more control over what I do and don't see now I solely use that.

Anyway, this has absolutely nothing to do with celebrity gossip so I'll leave you guys to it (y)
OT but I use Tweetbot too as I can't stand the actual Twitter app. The Twitter app is full of crap. I also feel I have a lot more control with Tweetbot.
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None of that era of male musicians have really aged well, except maybe Conor Oberst, but he's also 10 years younger than most of them.
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Ah thanks but I meant the Hollywood actor. Don't worry, I will search for it. Got it now, off to do some sleuthing...
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He used to bitch about the super fans and then start following and DMing them. I think he’s always been like that. I doubt very much he’s changed. With his status comes power and control that he’s very aware how to use it.

I remember congratulating him when I heard he’d had his youngest. Then he went quiet for a while and when he came back was very Twitter friendly with lots of girls including me. When he asked to meet I just assumed he must be single now. I feel awful thinking back. But at the time for me it was exciting and an opportunity I never thought would arise. He never told me to keep anything quiet, I was invited round his, there didn’t appear to be any secrets. But clearly there was. He was a very private person really. Seemed to juggle 2 very different lives without the 2 colliding. Which is why I’m not too surprised that there’s very little on their apparent break up. Didn’t they only get married a couple of years ago?

he seems very quiet on Twitter lately. There was a time he was constant on there. I wonder if he’s laying low for a little.
I can guarantee if anything comes out it’ll be him that pulls out the victim card.
It’s all very hush hush about them being married at all or his second daughter- you have to dig to find that information. Maybe he wanted it that way…
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I thought the same, she was always slim but never bony like now, her head looks too big for her body.
She looks really unhealthy. I'm aware that she has suffered with health problems in the past but I don't believe she has ever looked this thin.
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Hi! I deleted my account last night because I freaked out about putting personal stuff on here and realised I couldn’t delete it. I’ve had a day to get over it now and may as well embrace the gossip. Soz.

yes, he has a false image. He uses his shyness as a weapon. He acts so vulnerable. I remember him acting like he wasn’t allowed to do anything he wanted in his life. I knew it was bullshit.

I have always wondered about the other pregnancy too. She was definitely pregnant in 2015. I wonder if something bad happened… I really hope it didn’t.
Did he never ever mention any of his family at all ?
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I can confirm Josh lives in Surrey. I have posted before he lives down the road from me. He is lovely, and apparently very happy raising his kids

Rumour has it Adele’s son now goes to Bedales too
I’ve heard a lot of bad things about that school and it’s overly permissive culture from parents of ex pupils. I wouldn’t send my kid there.

yeah I did think he looked off his face :( I fear it won’t end well for him, he needs help, although it never seems to stick
JLo doesn’t drink so should be better for him than the previous girlfriend who liked to party. However there were blinds that she wants to get his kids on photo ops and their mum has said no.
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Any tea on the Spears family? I heard something years back the Jamie Lynn's daughter was fathered by a much older tv exec or am I thinking of someone else. Her current issues aside the whole family has always seemed very shady.
You should (if you have half a day to set aside to watching the highlights in order - but totally worth it!) follow this Insta account for a whole lotta ‘deep dive’ on Britney and the key players - incl JL
Edit - in case that link doesn’t work it’s ‘houseinhabit’
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I thought she then had a further weight loss operation and has lost weight again (?) or am I miles behind 😂
She has lost it again - I think she looks like a size 12 or 14 now ?

Makes her look a bit older too imo but she does seem less, erm, wired ? With less chub.
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