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The Spice Girls were probably one of the first wave of celebrities to be over celebrated for having a tiny amount to talent. It’s moved on now to people being celebrated for having no discernible talents whatsoever. Nice work if you can get it I suppose.

It all went to Geri’s head and she still lives in that bubble. The white clothing is probably due to finding herself, yoga or thinking it makes her look expensive (it’s a thing, there are whole threads dedicated to it on MN).
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Ronan just isn’t very nice. I thought the way he spoke about his ex wife and mothers of kids kids was disgusting,
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Re Greg Davies. I posted a few threads back that he had an affair with my husband’s mate’s wife. It broke up their marriage.
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Greg Davies...any tea on him? I love the great chunk of a man that he is 🤪
We met him after a show (OH had met his support act who asked Greg if he had any spare tickets as it was sold out.) We were supposed to be going out for a drink with him afterwards but the weather was vile, snowy, icy and cold. Nevertheless he chatted with us and was utterly bloody lovely. I was incredibly star struck and said as much, and he was so so lovely. He even told me to take care and be careful (am disabled and the ice was a falling hazard)

Genuinely gorgeous man, inside and out.
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The only negative stuff I've heard about Paul O'Grady is down to his association with Cilla.
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It's always horrendously sad when a young person dies. You just feel so awful for the parents.

Recently there were a few stories of university students dying during lockdown and one in particular in which the cause of death was very carefully avoided a mention by either the grief stricken father or the press but it sounded similar to whatever may have happened to Archie and the father was furious with the university because some apparently have a terrible track record in caring for the young people on their campus.
I work for a University and with vulnerable young people we can't win. Many have left home because they no longer wish to live with their parents, and don;t want them to know how they etc., many don;t want their parents to know they are struggling because they feel they are letting them down in they were to leave or interrupt, other see fellow students are fine, and think they are weak etc.

We help students as much as we can, but under the law they are adults and we can't tell their parents unless they give us their permission. Some Uni's are making students sign waivers in case of illness and to let parents know, but many students are refusing to do so.
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i think they were all victims of the Royal machine. Diana was a young naive girl whos only value to her family as the third girl was to marry well, andcshe was shoved into a marriage with no consideration for compatibility. Charles was in love with someone else and had to marry a stranger he had nothing in common with and Camilla got fed up of being treated like a tramp byb the Royals because shed had boyfriends. I like Charles and Camilla. Charles and Diana should never have married. Chances are she would still be alive and living an anonymous aristocratic life somewhere like her sisters.

The Mail are using The Crown as a stick to beat Meghan Markle because of their deal. This is Season 4 of The Crown. There is nothing in there that has not been said a million times before in books and biographies. The British Creative industries bring billions into the economy. The Crown was filmed in the UK, employs mainly British talent in front and behind the scenes and broadcasts to an audience of millions worldwide, showing off British countryside, stately homes etc. The government wont regulate Netflix on the back of some griping from some ' friends of the Royals and risk them and other streaming services buggering off. They shouldnt complain too much either. I bet the actual secrets of the Royals havent even been touched on by Netflix.On top of that, the Royals are a soap opera. Without interest in them, they are dead as an institution.
I agree with your sentiments regarding diana (the only member of the royal family i ever liked!) who was basically used as a brood mare and then discarded nice! It shows you their attitude though when being well bred and bloodlines are the only thing of importance?
Victims of the royal machine though (apart from her?) i think that would be us then the beleaguered much put upon humble tax payers!
We pay through the nose so they can live it up in style (while many of us are being evicted and homelessness is on the increase) we pay for them to go to university and get educated (while i'm inwardly debating with myself as to whether or not i can afford it for my two sons).
We pay for their food (only the best for them while many of us have to rely on foodbanks).
We pay for their transport (private jets anyone for all the important junkets that they must attend?) After all someone has to broker the arms deals and the epstein connection explains itself.
Basically we pay for our own oppression we don't need them and frankly most of them exploit their connections and make themselves richer while most of us at the moment are struggling with survival.
Where is the justice or sense in that?
P.s my gripe is with the royal family not you vanillaco (your posts are always intelligent and interesting) but the royals make me sick yes i know not all of them are wrong uns but i just feel that us the general public are being milked for empathic supply by a demented bunch of entitled narcisissts (Rf then!).
Why should we struggle so that they can thrive is actually a very good question to ask? I actually think that being taught to venerate these people (and i for one was taught that) is basically a subtle form of oppression/brain washing that teaches us all to be servile and obsequious and worst of all to know our designated place (assigned by others) in an artifical hierarchy (social class) governed by an unelected elite!
Queen bee and drones springs to mind well how about she buzzes off then and takes the rest of those freeloaders with her with any luck!!


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I’ve followed F1 for many many years and Christian Horner has always had my gaydar going off.
He's never set my gaydar off. But that could be because he is too busy setting off my twat-dar. Never has a man liked the sound of his own voice than him. Such an unlikable arsehole.
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Narc ahoy

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Honey Ross comes across as an unemployed attention seeker. She trying to make a career out of being a professional obese mouthpiece, then having the nerve to call herself a model and an activist. This is what is embarassing: at least if she was traditionally attractive you could understand why she might try to go down that path, because there would be a high chance of success and actual work coming from it. With Honey, there's little chance of legitimate work coming from it, so it seems even more tragic, lazy and attention-seeking. It's like she feels entitled to have some kind of celebrity presence, but doesn't have the requisite showbiz-related talents or traditional good looks, so she's just poncing about on social media trying to get clickbait articles in the Scum.

There was a quote in there about finding her identity by expressing herself on instagram. Having Instagram as your identity is not psychologically healthy.

Neither is promoting obesity. Being obese is selfish, abnormal, and drains the NHS. And yes it is ugly. Many obese people don't even look human shaped any more. (I will say she looked ok in her nude though, maybe she's lost some and wanted compliments). It's not body diversity, it's toxic anti-science propaganda.

There's an argument to be made that people shouldn't be judged for their looks, but the way to fight that is just to have a successful, fulfilled life, with your appearance not being relevant. Not trying to force people to objectify obese girls as much as they do attractive girls.

Like many celeb offspring, Honey should try to forge a meaningful non-showbiz career.
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The thing is, not everyone IS 'body beautiful'. Not everyone looks good naked, I know I would rather fly to Mars than pose naked on social media. Having a 'good' body, healthy, athletic, toned, is usually (unless you're very genetically blessed) the result of good discipline and healthy living. Honey Ross does not look good naked IMVHO, but that's fine, there is more to life. Some people are funny, some are intelligent, some are talented, some are beautiful, we should all own and embrace our strengths and own our bad bits. Just because we're not all cooing and comparing her to Emily Ratajkowski and she's throwing her toys out of the pram. It's astonishing.
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I feel so, so sad for Archie Lyndhurst's parents but does anyone think the way his death has been reported is odd? It honestly sounds like he died by suicide because there was a welfare check and he was described as being found dead, but his mum is absolutely adamant it was not suicide and the media describe him as having had a "short illness" but on Instagram his mother says they have no idea what happened, and it sounds like they are waiting for a coroner's report or something to clear things up? So how could he have had a "short illness" if it was all such a shock and his parents don't know how he passed away? Unless the short illness was mental health related, that is?

I mean absolutely no disrespect at all, I just think very little makes sense about the way this has been reported. I totally understand (and am pleased for) the attempt at sensitivity being shown towards devastated parents by the press in a rare show of humanity from them, but nothing adds up at all and maybe being straight forward from the off, if they aren't, would have stopped all the speculation on social media. His mum was replying to people speculating it was suicide and was very upset but as crass as it is looking for answers to mysteries is human nature.

Sorry if rambling, I'm trying to make sense of it although at the same time I'm well aware that death is often totally random and senseless.
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Yeah. I bet he is actually. She has the confidence to pose naked despite being far from the media-acceptable version of beauty. She is confident and tenacious and speaks up for what she believes in. The whole family seem to have a strong, loving, supportive and close relationship.
if my kids were happy and living lives that didn’t hurt other people, I wouldn’t dare less if they appeared starkers on the front page of the DM or in Tesco’s.

What the fuck is it on here with all the shitty comments about young women photographed in revealing clothes or naked and the retort “Bet her Dad/Mum is proud of her!” <snark>

Are you all really this narrow minded? Especially when they are promoting body diversity. Where they encouraging dieting or body shaming you’d have a point. But mostly they aren’t!

I think it’s Noelongerinhisbrothersshadow

I’ll see myself out

I know you weren't responding to my post so apologies for butting in, but you do have a point; however, what is she promoting? I mean if she was super skinny people would be accusing her of promoting an unhealthy body shape. She is the other end of the spectrum so is she 'promoting diversity' or just like someone super skinny, promoting an unhealthy body shape? It is not healthy to be that size just as aiming to be the size of Victoria Beckham is just as unhealthy. She seems a very troubled young woman to me and actually aren't there more productive ways to spend your life than posing naked on the gram? It all just screams of low self-esteem to me and is not something we should be celebrating.
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Any gossip on Susanna Reid? She acts like a stereotypical Millennial "snowflake" (I hate that term but it's the best description I can think of right now) but she's nearly fifty. I feel like she could be rather hard work.
Well she wasn’t fortunate enough to bang any of the Strictly lot!

WTF is Anias Gallagher doing in the papers in her knickers? Why aren’t her parents stopping her? She is not a model in any shape or form. The comments are absolutely brutal. It’s another Brooklyn Beckham scenario but with even less dignity.
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I really hope that Jesy takes a step back from social media; I’m so very glad none of this existed when I was growing up and I feel very sad for all she has to put up with. A friends daughter once refused to go to school (obvs she was made to) because she didn’t get enough likes on a picture of her new haircut - it was literally a trim - to live an existence where your self worth is dependent on the clicks and opinions of strangers on the internet must be horrifying
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Rachel Riley is a twat, and not nearly as clever as Carol Voorderman. When Carol did count down she never got the maths wrong, but apparently Rachel has lots of times. And yes she did leave her husband for Pasha.
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I think I’ve told this story here before but since odious little cnut Phillip Green is making the headlines...

My friend worked in the flagship Oxford Street Topshop. Phillip Green was visiting and kept his cigar lit inside, smoking it as he went. No ashtray so he had his PA follow him holding her cupped hands out to catch the ash.
In a similar vein but not celeb related- I had a friend who worked for Arcadia as some kind of analyst for HR. It sounded awful working there. Some of it is your general office cut-throat, will stab you in the back to advance, kind of colleagues. But the higher up management sounded abysmal. Basically got paid the big bucks to be on holiday most of the time, sometimes expensing it out and getting a load of bonuses whilst the junior and lower levels of staff got very little, if anything. No doubt these directors will get a lovely redundancy package to tide them over whilst the rest suffer.
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