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Yep, I really just wasted half an hour of my life hoping to catch up on some piping hot tea.

Instead all I got was Royals/Paul Burrell and Tattlers arguing over roman numerals 💔

Anyone else miss the days/threads of jizzing in hair and slender willies? Coz same 😭
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Okay.... appropriate for the day.

Husband has worked with Pudsey Bear...yes really. An event for Children in Need some years ago.

He described Pudsey as "a cunt" who demanded his own room so he could get "into character" and who was generally demanding of the staff working at the venue. 😂 He also apparently refused to attend any briefing meetings held for the performers at the event.

Disclaimer to add that it wasn't anyone famous inside Pudsey and that several people are employed to be Pudsey across the nation. It was just this particular Pudsey who was an arsehole. 😁
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Vardy's a rent a cunt who struck gold when she married Jamie. Her lowest point was crying on Loose Women about Rooney accusing her bringing back the trauma of childhood sexual abuse. Fucking vile. She would sell her own children for a Gucci handbag. Rougher than arseholes
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Shamelessly nicked from today's Popbitch, but this made me chuckle.

Back in the 80s, (Richard) Harris was starring in a play at the London Palladium and spent most of his time during the day getting drunk in Soho. One afternoon he got chatting to a beautiful blonde woman. Harris explained to her that he was in a play and that she had to see it. He then got a friend to run round to the theatre and pick up two comp tickets.
Hours later, Harris and the woman were hammered. He reached in to his pocket, found the tickets and took her to the theatre. They took their seats and about 10 minutes in to the play, Harris suddenly stood up, loudly exclaiming "Oh fuck, I'm in this!" and ran off backstage to get changed.
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I'm sorry but when it comes to celebrity spawn - Jermaine Jackson takes the crown by a mile. His son is named JERMAJESTY!!!! Absolutely batshit :m
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I don’t know who this guy is but some may know of him.
He was on Ex On The Beach. Olivia Walsh’s ex.
He is also currently or atleast was in a relationship with Brooke Carey the girl who slept with Stephen Bear when she was 15 two years ago.

Right I’ll bite. Slim is the healthy way to be. Like it or not. It’s also more aesthetically pleasing. Clothes look better on slim people, especially swimwear.

I am late forties and grew up in a time where you maybe had one fat friend. These days due to the whole western world being obsessed with snacks , ready meals and takeaways at least half of young people are fat.

Even while people dress it up as body diversity, say you go girl, fat people do look bad and are unhealthy.

if I was a size 20 at age 20 I wouldn’t have left the house. Now it’s seen as normal and even celebrated. Strange times.
“If I was a size 20 aged 20 I wouldn’t have left the house” And that’s how people get mental health issues and end up taking their lives.

That’s a very old fashioned view to have, but I’m not surprised as you are middle aged, I find older people tend to have outdated views.

I’m 27 and a size 24, I leave the house.
Yes I’m morbidly obese and yes it isn’t healthy, but I didn’t get here just by “eating too much” I have anxiety and I also suffered with depression from 21 right up to about 25 thankfully I’ve healed, but my anxiety is still there, I lost weight, I also put it back on, then I developed a brain condition that’s directly related to my weight called IIH, which means I’ll be having weight loss surgery next year as it’s painful to exercise due to debilitating migraines and excess cerebrospinal fluid.

Food was my comfort and what sometimes stopped me from being suicidal, I’m sure some will laugh and think “how”. But when you’ve been at your lowest point you’ll find anything for comfort, some people find drugs, sex, alcohol or gambling, mine was food.

It’s easy to sit back and have an opinion when you’ve never been in the position.

Of course some people are just downright lazy and don’t want to help themselves but does that mean they should be hidden away so as not to offend those who can’t stand the sight of fat people? No. They have a right to life just as much as you.

I don’t agree that clothes always look better on slim people, there’s a page on Instagram that showcases clothing on a size 6 and a size 16 and sometimes the size 16 looks better, although she’s a model 16, so flattish stomach.

The thing that pisses me off is people look down on obese people and see them as fat lazy slobs but nobody looks at a slim person eating McDonald’s or a bunch of cakes in disgust. It’s still unhealthy. If only people were kinder and actually helped others rather than berate them there would probably be less issues in the world.
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Right I’ll bite. Slim is the healthy way to be. Like it or not. It’s also more aesthetically pleasing. Clothes look better on slim people, especially swimwear.

I am late forties and grew up in a time where you maybe had one fat friend. These days due to the whole western world being obsessed with snacks , ready meals and takeaways at least half of young people are fat.

Even while people dress it up as body diversity, say you go girl, fat people do look bad and are unhealthy.

if I was a size 20 at age 20 I wouldn’t have left the house. Now it’s seen as normal and even celebrated. Strange times.
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Sorry but I’m an older woman with adult children. The Honey Ross scenario is like watching a car crash in slow motion. She seems very vulnerable and is being exploited. I can imagine her parents are sick with worry and I really feel for them.

Same with all the young celeb daughters posing in underwear. In my day, it would have been seen as pimping your child out into soft porn. These girls do not have happy endings when they have lost their dignity in the name of ‘empowerment’. What utter bullshit.

The young seem so sexually in continent these days, having to announce their sexual preferences the whole fucking time. No one cares and, it’s nothing new!
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Remember when Paul Burrell was about the go on trial for ‘stealing’ Diana’s belongings? Then as he was about the take the stand the Queen suddenly remembered that she’d given him permission to take them. Suspicious as fuck that was. I know a lot of people dislike Burrell but he used to live near me and I know lots of people who met him and said he was really nice. He did a lot of stuff for charity and in particular the local hospice as well.
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Catching up with the news of Rita Ora's illegal lockdown birthday party and I am really tired of the way these celebs don't even try to hide their utter contempt for the "little people" when they issue statements like Ora has.

What she did wasn't a bloody error of judgement, it was a calculated desicion to break the rules because she can. That her mum is a nurse makes it all the more unbelievable that she's done this and thinks her pathetic apology is good enough. I'm disgusted at the restaurant too as apparently they refused to let police in at one point?

Just so sick of the one rule for us, one rule for you thing going on.
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I've never understood the appeal of veneers. They always make the person who has them look like they've stolen them from Red Rum and the idea of grinding down your real teeth to have them fitted makes me cringe just thinking about it.
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Nice to see fat phobia alive and well here...NOT.

Someone saying that if they'd been 20stone at 20 they wouldn't have left the house.

Yeah because that would solve the weight problem rather than be encouraged to leave the house and exercise. 🙄

I mean god forbid you should be overweight and allowed to live without judgement.

Time for some to read Prof Tracy Mann and Secrets from the Diet Lab before spouting on about weight.
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Absolutely awful that Meghan has lost a baby, very sad.
However, not sure whether I’m biased as I don’t like her, but the way she worded it in the article is just so ???? I don’t know, actress / monologue like??? Things like, “I knew as I clutched my firstborn child, that I was losing my second”

I thought she wanted privacy? The public never knew she was pregnant, she’ll probably become a patron for a miscarriage charity now- earning more money:rolleyes:
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So Bobby Brown’s son Bobby Brown Jr has been found dead.... not long after losing Bobbi Kristina. Cause of death not given yet. V sad.
Side note: how narcissistic do you have to be to name two of your kids after yourself?
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Just saw this when scrolling through IG and seemed fitting as we’ve had a few Charles comments. I didn’t realise there was such an age gap!

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A friend of a friend worked in Harrods’ music dept in those days and MJ got him to play a grand piano to see how it sounded! He bought it 😃
I worked at Harrods in the summer of 2009, when MJ died. Al Fayed was so upset, for 4 weeks, the whole store had to listen to MJ music all day every day. on repeat. I'm a fan but that was hard going after awhile...
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