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Sometimes I look at my dog who wolfs down any food he's given and wonder if all animals are just meant to not have too much temptation where food is involved. When I was growing up there was so little junk food available compared to these days. Shops shut at 5pm. Now it's 5 donuts for 99p and so on. Why do we have a situation where business create very tempting processed food products and offers to make them money only for the NHS to have to pay for the outcome?

I'm all for personal responsibility and will power but I do think it's gone to far.

Greg Davies...any tea on him? I love the great chunk of a man that he is 🤪
As I said on a previous thread, I would climb him like a tree
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I have always believed that she was bumped off by The Firm. They are very good at getting rid of people and making it look like an ‘accident’ funny how the driver of the other car has never been found.

Are they? What are you basing this on, other than a conspiracy theory about Diana getting into a car with a drunk driver and refusing to wear a seatbelt?
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They had met each other 4 times at that point. She thought she was ' in love' in the Disney Princess way where you meet a handsome prince at a ball and bang, they are in love with you. He was telling the truth. It was an arranged marriage just like many arranged marriages. My parents had one. I doubt they even considered whether they were in love when they married. ( they met twice, have the same 11 year age gap and have absolutely nothing in common, but are still married 😄) They both went into it with their eyes wide open, not expecting any more. The shame is the Royals and her family let Diana believe in her fairytale and the public desperately wanted to pretend it wasnt an arranged marriage but was loves young dream. The disappointment probably killed her more than anything else.
Has anyone seen Diana in her own words on Netflix? I really like Diana but I don't think she loved Charles when she agreed to marry him any more than he loved her. In the documentary there's footage of an old guy who knew Diana and her family, he said that Diana said to him when her sister got married "nothing like this for me, Westminster Abbey or nothing". Also the recordings of Diana herself saying she always knew she'd marry someone in the public eye, that she'd be an ambassador's wife.
I do believe she grew to love Charles but when they got engaged she was probably in awe of him more than anything else, she knew he was in love with Camilla even back then. She talked about Camilla leaving a note on her bed congratulating her on the engagement and recalling seeing Camilla as she walked up the aisle. Wouldn't he surprised if her Father gave her a push, he seemed delighted about the whole thing and lapped up the attention.

I do think she was far too young to contemplate what she was taking on. I think she was far too fragile and marrying into that family ruined her mental health, the bulimia, the throwing herself down the stairs when she was pregnant. Unpopular opinion but I think Harry and Meg did the right thing.

Sorry for the Royal post, back to the celebs!
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Likely the UK will follow India and order Netflix to be regulated by Ofcom.

It's front page of the Mail saying how disgraceful it is - The goverment won't want to annoy the Mail by not punishing them.
The Daily Mail thinks everything is disgraceful if you listen to them. They are just whipping up a storm for the hell of it. Netflix isn’t UK based so Ofcom can do bugger all about it. Thank God for that!
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Yes she did. Shane Richie was telling the group about when he performed at Buckingham Palace and Ruthie went up to him and said “you performed on the stage, I was shagging in the bedrooms”
Was so cringe it felt like she said it just to better his story! Then Shane was asking her about Edward and she started telling little stories 🙄
As if Edward shagged any female EVER 😂😂😂
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I loved the slender willy tea ☕! Those were the heady days *sigh*
For God‘s sakes don’t put a slender willy in tea, you’re asking for burns that way!

Yes!! I miss those days too.
Slender willies don’t grow on trees! If you’re not part of the finding amusing celebrity willies gossip solution, then you’re part of the problem😉
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So many of these 'amazing' businessmen are usually found to be nothing more than paper tigers. Branson has done nothing for many years, a lot of the business that have the word Virgin on them (Virgin Radio, Virgin Media, Virgin Money, etc.) are not owned or run by him. People have paid him for the use of the Virgin name, and nothing more.

Tony Blair had a businessman called George Simpson as an advisor. Simpson managed to bankrupt GEC Marconi which had been one of the shining lights of British industry. He also was a big fan of Fred Goodwin, Cameron got Green in, Harold Wilson had Kagan, Miller, Thatcher had Ernest Saunders and Jack Lyons etc.

Come to think of it, I'd be more suspicious of business people hanging around politicians than the other way round.......
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Now I get it

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Did anyone see Nigella on Graham Norton? She was slurring a little and it’s not the first time I’ve heard her speak like that. Sounded like her dentures were slipping. I’m hoping she just got pissed in the green room before showtime because I love her, but I also searched her on Twitter (as I always do when I’m watching TV “live” and a celeb is being weird) and a couple of people were saying she moves awkwardly like she’d had a stroke. I really hope not.
Coke head. The quality of the Charlie being sold in London since lockdown is not that great and it is being mixed with other pharmaceutical crap. But the demand is high and supply is low.
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Does anyone have any gossip on Anna Kendrick? Just seen an advert for a new show she’s in. She plays the same characters in everything she’s been in, same voice, same expressions. Same everything!
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My cousin was on the phone to me over the weekend and was telling me a rather delightful story where, at a dinner party, Fergie randomly starting snorting whilst people were enjoying the hors-d'œuvre. My cousin said she sounded like a malfunctioning horse having a stroke and everyone was really perplexed. This was after the divorce so maybe she was having a bit of a breakdown but apparently one minute she was enjoying an appetiser and the next minute she just...started snorting. She was walking up to people and making this weird snorting noise and scrunching up her nose with her lips showing her teeth. My cousin spent a moment on Fergie’s teeth, said they were quite yellow and stained (I was hoping she wasn’t taking inspiration from the Queen Mum). Quite a few people thought maybe she was trying to cough or was choking but nope. She was just randomly doing a pig impression.
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The latest Popbitch newsletter mentioned a tape Diana had which recorded testimony from a Palace staff member about Charles doing something so bad, it would prevent him ever taking the throne.

I thought I'd read on here that he'd been caught doing something intimate to one of his footmen? Anyone else remember this?
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Hollh Willoughbys kids were showing covid symptoms but tested negative
Odd through that she wasn't able to stop the big 'Where is Holly' headline the Sun run with- you would have thought her agent or ITV would have told them why before they published it. It feels like they trying to say something more newsworthy is happening to her.
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If you're talking about celeb Covid rule breakers then the most annoying of the lot, for the sheer amount of stuff he's done against the rules this year AND been honoured for it... take a bow, Mr Joe Wicks
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I've never understood the appeal of veneers. They always make the person who has them look like they've stolen them from Red Rum and the idea of grinding down your real teeth to have them fitted makes me cringe just thinking about it.
I think when you mix with those who have had every help and contivance re appearance, it eventually skews reality.
poor Bev Callard looks like a wax death mask of a killer prostitute from Newgate who has been blasted for 30 seconds in a microwave.
Theres a whole raft of really shoddy cosmetic work going on at mo. Not only do they look shocking, you out yourself as needy and vain at an age when others are growing in wisdom and self-acceptance.

It’s ok, she decided not to go into work and stay at home ‘being a Mum’. Good for her... yay.. what a selfless hero she is
I feel another of her self-help books coming on. (well they help her, she lives in an effing mansion). “How to be a stay at home Mum, and still look great”. “ I did it Tuesday, and i can tell you how you can too!” £14.99

On Princess Diana and Charles, this clip is very telling in retrospect. Look at her face just after he says it.

Does anyone else remember feeling a sense of un-ease at this? At the time? I was at school and I mentioned it to a grown up, but people so wanted to believe in it, they made excuses, but wtf? There’s a body language analysis of this on tinterent.
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We all MUST remember to spell it Greg. And ensure he sees it. Every little drip drip drip of annoyance might eventually make him go away, haha.

DM had a phase of showing his "t-shirt-pulled-up-look-at-my-abs" photos once a week for ages, hopefully I never see them again in my lifetime. Awful, slimy twat of a man.
Didn't he boast on Strictly that he never wears underpants? Yes he fucken did.
No wonder his pro partner Aliona always looked pissed off (no pun intended)
How rude is that! going commando during dance lessons where intimacy is often part of the routine. Dirty bastard.

Aliona tweeted, “Rehearsal with Gregg Wallace went from funny to disturbing… trousers split at the back = funny… Gregg not wearing underwear = disturbing!”
The pro dancer said she’s happy it happened in training, rather than during a live show. So are we, Aliona, so are we…

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Yeh you are right! She has! She’s quite beautiful in her own way.
I don’t care whether she’s plus size, but whether you are skinny or fat I’m sick of seeing so many girls on insta with half their clothes off!!! 🙈🙈🙈but I think that’s just my age!
But in regards to her I always can’t help but feel that her getting her kit off is some sort of karma for her dad- I still think what him and Russel Brand did to Andrew Sachs was disgusting and disgraceful. Him and his granddaughter didn’t deserve any of that at all. Who a woman sleeps with is her business and not to be shared to the world, it was so disrespectful and Ross’s language was appalling. So I hope Honey keeps taking her clothes off and it might give Jonathan just a bit of embarrassment that their family felt at the time. Odious little man.
I follow Georgie Baillie on FB. She paints some fabulous paintings...she posted this one recently of her Grandad. She’s suffered with MH issues but seems to be in a really good place now. She’s lovely. She paints beautiful pictures of her friends and herself.


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