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When I’m having a bad day, I can now think to myself well, at least I’m not sad, lonely with no real friends, overweight with tits that need a refurb, being dumped on TikTok live by a drunken, snoring, dribbling mess while I’m laid down in my shit hole flat with a massive rip in the pjs I’ve worn for a month. Suddenly my day just got a whole lot better 😂😂😂
This even makes my shit show of a marriage ending look good🤣🤣🤣🤣
This even makes my shit show of a marriage ending look good🤣🤣🤣🤣
Although I will add mine never touched the columbian or ripped people off, 🤣🤣
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It’s definitely trying to get the village idiot back 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Clarence you knob shut the fuck up worzel has a business to run it’s been called back into work where’s the army of employees 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Yes I saw that but she threatened to do the same to Sam Payne, and others in the past. She’s nothing but a parasite
And this is why she works for herself, illegitimately, topped up by benefits because which employer in their right mind would employ her? Yet she tries to lose people who work proper jobs their employment.

Remember that bar job she had a couple of years ago when she was wanting to do personal appearances to bring people in 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. Oh how we laughed!
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grove girl

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Ever heard such Horse shit in all my life, thanking her 3 friends for their support, running around after her- Not sure what they done Windy Cindy who doesn’t live near her and Lou btw lives in Birmingham! Maybe spoke on the famous whas app group - Is this a call for Dickhead to coming running to her aid🤔 Who comes out of hospital with the pads still on them and cotton wool on the arms for blood tests and shoes them off - kids do that- mentally unstable piece of shite she is🤮
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Bob a knob drives all the way to Birmingham to pick Clarence up then to Clacton to drop em off and its leader worzel won’t drop it off at Stratford train station says it all that does 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Wonder when Clarence will make the effort again 😂 I'm going for never 🤦‍♀️
She'll be home around 6 this evening 😂😂 nice trek back to Birmingham 😳 sod that won't be cheap either
Clarence would she do it for you 🤔 big fat NO she definitely wouldn't wake up you fuckwits 🙄
The leader won’t even drive to Stratford 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 that’s how much she will put herself out 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Clarence should ask where the team of employees are that its leaders meant to have 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I think Ruth was too trusting,Haha was really jealous of her friends,straight away she started posting very personal stuff about them all.I remember the video in Benidorm, Sasha was so jealous because the other women were getting all the attention.
I remember an early vid of them in Benidorm when she sneered behind Suzette’s back (I think that’s what she was called) and I thought to myself here we go. It’s started. Ruth’s friends were classy, slim and knew how to conduct themselves. The old mutt was out of her depth. She’s classless and crass. She walks into a room and you get the “stench of benefits Britain”. Utter chav. She tried to close Ruth off from the rest of them and they saw right through her 😂. Oh Benners was fantastic 🥊 😂😂😂
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I'm laughing at sindy can't go cos men will be there pmsl 🤣🤣 have you no mirrors windy poo they wouldn't give you a second glance unless it was after triple vodkas at Tudor bar don't kid ya self 🙄
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Hope the cunts woke up with a raging toothache and can’t afford a dentist .👍🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞
She cant afford a headlight bulb 💡 let alone a dentist 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ffsake windy and your leader you really are a pair of thick cunts clutching at straws I never knew I was 3 different people I suggest you go watch the film the usual suspects you might get a clue 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
And worzel I really don’t think your getting it your loosing accounts and followers cause nobody likes you take the hint and fuck off
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She was on LouLou’s live later on last night crying saying she’s not a bully wah wah wah and it was Laura wanting to find Sam Payne and get a rifle (apparently she’d played the voice notes but I missed that bit. Bore off Sindy that’s nothing new. Laura owned that and apologised. You’re not exposing anyone. Bore off. It was as scintillating as ever. Loulou has all the charisma of one of Sindy’s farts. I switched off and went to sleep.

Conversation was something like this:

Loulou to Windy “have you taken your meds?”

Sindy “yeah. The boy ate all his school dinner today. It’s such a milestone as he usually only eats packed lunch” 😂😂😂

Loulou “we all know Sasha’s said some bad things but we’re not talking about her and we don’t need her to be here “ (after people were asking where she was).

Sindy “I ain’t bothering Sasha she’s asleep ill. She’s had a car crash”. No, she had a tiny prang and her shit heap car wasn’t even damaged. If it even happened at all.

Sindy “I wake up to about 60 messages a day on TikTok “. Yeah course you do.

Loulou always sounds like she’s had a heavy dose of tranquiliser. It was the best sleep inducing live ever 😴
Sasha's said some bad things! that's an understatement. Genuine friends would be telling you to catch a grip of yourself, get off social media. Me personally I would do the above and take a step back from the 'friendship' as it's obvious this is her and who she is. But then I don't have to fear anything being released about me after stepping back. Good friends don't record and save every interaction, they have no need to.
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That was such a crap attempt of staging a heart attack, blood clot, stroke. Iam speaking from experience and you are kept in monitored and would not be let home I had an ECG and was told I’d had a heart attack I was given meds every 4 hours I then had stents and was in for a week, the lies she spouts are an insult she didn’t want to go for the gammon . And there’s no way she would have driven I despise her and her enablers
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Was she banned or did she end it?
Can you imagine a weekend of that in the tin hut, I certainly WON'T be watching the birthday weekend 😴😴😴
The birthday weekend in clackerwick where its gonna take Clarence over 4 hours to get to 😂😂 for an exciting weekend at the Tudor bar with 6 people in it and the pensioner hiding behind a Bush stalking gonzo 🤦‍♀️
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Chatty Member
Big old fat common , uneducated , angry , jealous , dragged up toddler in an huge unfit adults body .
In her sixties and recording every conversation with her online mates and fuck buddies .
“My mate wants to know if u fancy her “ jeeeeeesus Christ this woman is beyond cringe it’s painful . So so dumb it doesn’t even realise . Imagine being so thick and immature !
Anyway her and mumbler will be back together by Sunday , they have a gammon roast to eat In a house full of fag smoke . Ugh it’s benefits Britain on steroids
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Well my lovely tats. It is actually my birthday today and I’ve been out with friends and family for a very boozy afternoon. I blame the husband for buying too many drinks 😂😂😂. I’ve totally missed what has happened with her lives etc. but as I said yesterday she went to the lodge on the prowl for dicky. But it would seem dick has moved on and quite rightly brought his daughter back into the fold. Oh Shazza you ain’t the catch you thought you were 😆😆😆
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Has she actually met Sindy yet… or just another close friend/gewwwlllzzzz from the interweb.?🤣🤣🤣
she’s been to her haaaauuuusse.

Have I been to Sindy’s haauuuse? Yeah, course I ‘ave.

Does it stink of fags and arse? Yeah definitely. 💯 percent 😂😂😂
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Omg that opening the card with £100 in was so staged it’s cringe

she literally threw the money towards the camera 🤣🤣🤣 instead of it falling out the bottom like everyone else 🙄

so she went down cashpoint, withdrew £100 of her pip money, put it in a card and gave it to herself, reminds me of the mr bean episode where he buys himself a birthday card 🤣🤣

no wonder she didn’t make it in the acting business if that’s anything to go by.

on a serious note, I think she needs medical help, what must she see when she looks through her camera roll? Most of us it comes up with memories of 1 year ago today or 4 years ago, and you send it to them people to remind them of what fun you had or what you was doing, she looks at her camera roll and it’s a completely different set of “friends“ every 3 months, every holiday is with a different person, every birthday, no family no friends, just TikTok, how very very sad, is it everyone else or is it you Sharyn/Sharon/sasha?

If you’re reading this Sasha, have a look in the mirror, have a look at your phone, look at your pictures from 6months ago, a year ago? You need help, you need to wake up, NOBODY is jealous of you, honestly, NOBODY wants to be where you are right now in your life.
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Chatty Member
She just can't help that gob ... Out popped her true to self !! Another racial slur.
Hey Sindy .... The more you defend your fake friend .. the more stupid you are looking 😉
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