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I’ve come to the conclusion he is a sad lonely twat, come on I know women can chat and get “involved” but a man, oh please. What a complete sad fuck that is.

He met his now wife in one of Trashbag's lives a couple of years ago. Tells you all you need to know about that stupid cunt (y)
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Just listened to that Rudeboy, whatever the fuck his name is, going on about women in their 40s and 50s being on the internet all day…😂😂😂
Have a word mate, Trashbags is in her 60s and she’s on the internet all day.. that ok is it.?🤷🏼‍♀️ twunt.!!!
Also, actually… Lugggzzz may only “upload” once a day, but she sits on Trashbags Live for a fair number of hours during the day, while her kids are left to their own devices. Calling her kids “Baboons”, We’ve heard her say herself that they “were downstairs doing whatever” while she was in bed.. great parenting that.! Seems he needs to know himself if he’s gonna get pally with dimwits and charity thief’s 🙈👀. Typical online male behaviour, ok for him to say shit but when it’s “jobless grown women who should be baking cakes” it’s different…😂😂😂
A lot of them have the same profile photo and the same name.??? Where’s that then..🙈🙈
Men in 2024 = uneducated🫣
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She’s off again, Saying that when she was a kid there was no such thing as ADHD, it was just naughty kids…Educate yourself you scraggy cnut..!!
blaming your kids anxiety on lockdown..👀🙈
Seriously, everyone was in the same position, my daughter was seriously ill, having just qualified as cabin crew she lost her job, her social circle and her social life… take some responsibility 🫣
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I had a message from our friend Welsh Di today 👋🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 😊
She wanted to clarify that it wasn't Ang Diamond trying to help with the rehousing, it was in fact another member of the then 'Whatsapp group' named Brenda.
Brenda did indeed work for Social Services and was trying to help SF get relocated 'on medical grounds'
However, because SF couldn't produce the necessary paperwork. ie: a letter to confirm her 'heart issue', Brenda, quite rightly, was unable to help her further with the application.
This is the reason that SF 'fell out' with Brenda and Brenda subsequently left the group.
What a surprise if theirs nothing in it for our Waynetta it’s bye ✋ bye 👋 and proves what we all know the heart condition is fictional
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Oooo Lugz is in Rudis live (in the box) whilst Trasha is live with Loopy-Lou in the box. 😂 😂 😂
Bye bye bridesmaid, bridesmaid bye bye 👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼
Under the bus next is.. LUUGGGZZZ 😂😂😂
And Christopher (her mod) and Wilson (Gemma from Dance Parties) all in Rudi's box :unsure:
Is she not getting ready for Dance Party tonight.? Thought Dance Party is tonight.???
Pretty sure it was Dance Party Friday… is she not going.??? It was her favourite venue after all.???
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Rudi is in Pastor Jonathon's live.
Sindy is hosting a live with Annette in the box :sleep:

Annette is desperately trying to backtrack that she said that Lugz was visiting Trasha yesterday :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
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Imagine not researching the background to the person your about to give money to … click would have saved the dollar .🙄🙄
I’m pretty sure that people can still apply for a refund due to fraud I’ve seen it before, and it’s not like they didn’t have the emails to warn them😡. GFM need to be held accountable for this.
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Chatty Member
Well that’s what happens when you come on to a live public platform and threaten to put up the faces of someone’s grandchildren and then to threaten to beat Mrs BBC up . Kerry has NEVER behaved in such a way . Even that Gollum looking thing in the box shut up because it knew its leader had gone too far .
HEY SHARON Kerry begged to go live with you the other day … you wouldn’t though would you ? So less of the threatening behaviour pls ,
Ugh it thinks it’s something out of rise of the foot soldier .
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I’ve lost count of the amount of times the word jealous is used. She said she had therapy. She didn’t and I know for a fact she didn’t because I started seeing a cancer therapist 2 years ago and I still see her. You think and act differently because they show you how you’re behaving. Or how you’re treating people or how people treat you and it makes you think that you need to change and you work with your therapist to do that. You don’t see a therapist once and think oh I’m cured. I actually get stressed watching her now. Between her and cla i think im gonna have to block them and just watch on here what goes on 😂😂
She wouldn’t cope with any sort of therapy, She would be arguing all the time. …and contradicting herself🙈😂
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She’s off again, Saying that when she was a kid there was no such thing as ADHD, it was just naughty kids…Educate yourself you scraggy cnut..!!
blaming your kids anxiety on lockdown..👀🙈
Seriously, everyone was in the same position, my daughter was seriously ill, having just qualified as cabin crew she lost her job, her social circle and her social life… take some responsibility 🫣
Ffs she never learns does she. Ignorant cunt that really is
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His the cunt come in the live talk about it Waynetta slob robs charities robs furlough money throws people under the bus outs people and is genuinely one evil cunt but none of that matters robs raffle prizes robs food bank donations does go fund me and then goes on about doing 10 k On a van and all these cunts support that total wrong on fucking brain dead arseholes
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The actual audacity of some people 😲
I present to you the 'real' Loopy-Lou, just in case you don't recognise her from her profile pic :oops::rolleyes:🧐
Well ain’t that a pig. If she went missing and we went by her profile photo she be lost forever. I’m never seen such a Catfish 😂😂😂😂😂
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Hahaha this is the funniest Sharon moment yet ! Goes online and threatens to beat Mrs BBC up calls her a fat slag and then claims she’s taken herself in to the police station. ….. oh Sharon u are funny !
her command of English is so terrible she literally has such a limited vocabulary . Pasta John .. more comedy gold
And didn’t she say on her 3 posts yesterday (1 she took down) that she was goin to the police. The difference is. She is threatening bbc not the other way round. She has the memory of a gold fish. She just forgets everything not even 24 hours later. All joking aside this woman is delulu. She needs serious help and fast or she is gonna seriously hurt herself or someone and blame others. This is the female version of my ex husband
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Anyone got her number? Maybe disturb her live!!

She’s insinuating she has to make a decision on something tomorrow by midday, but it’s not yet on the market. The fucking only market she can afford it Pitsea.

Also asking where Laura is. Nobody had the balls to say she’s in that twatty blokes live 🥱
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She only takes “PayPal” mate 🤣🤣🤣🤣. She will show you the receipts so no need to worry where you cash goes 😝😝😝
Yeah PayPal straight into her personal account, god that recording is embarrassing, how old is she !!!what an utter disgrace. The lies that pour out it’s spiteful gob are just unreal. NO ONE HAS EVER SAID ABOUT BURNING HER FLAT DOWN. She actually believes her own lies in the end. Says it enough times that she convinces herself someone has said it. GONZO it’s the voices in ya head love , you are a very very sick individual!!!
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OK, so this was interesting.
I popped in to PastaJ's live this evening.
Rudi noticed me enter the room and asked me a few questions.
I answered them.
I was not provocative at all and merely responded to questions that he asked.
I was blocked. 🤡

Here is the comment section of the said live, it is condensed in size to fit the parameters (of 10mb upload) set by Tattle.
As you can hear, Rudi is loving the sound of his own voice 😂
Apparently I'm hiding behind a fake profile which is ironic coming from someone with a profile that has a fake name and depicts a photo of an actor 🙄
Also, he surmises that as a member of this thread on Tattle (a fact that I am proud of I might add!) I am 'generically' responsible for anything written herein. It was at this stage that he proved to me (first hand) what an idiot he is, as surely, by his reasoning, that would mean that as a member of tiktok he is 'generically' responsible for everything said on there????
D'oh! 🤦‍♂️

You can listen to what he says and make your own mind up.
I've certainly decided what I think, and that is that he is a deluded cockwomble 🤣🤣🤣
Honestly he really is a complete Bell End, I struggle to understand what he says, it’s not like it can string a complete sentence together. He Knows what Gonzo is and really doesn’t care, he has no morals whatsoever, he is there for the drama, wouldn’t give that piece of shit the time of day to be honest.
I have NEVER seen anyone on here say shit about ironing boards kids, whats he on about?
Nothing he says makes any sense
All that’s been said about her kids is that we feel they are neglected, she called them a “Baboon”, she says she was upstairs in a “live” not knowing what they were doing. So yes we are guilty of saying “BIG EARS NEGLECTS HER KIDS” there you go Bell End that’s what we say !! ALSO what man spends his evening sat on people’s Lives on TT, surely most would be talking to their wives/partners, what a fucking sad life them pair lead 😂😂😂😂😂😂
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Midlands minger new video oh dear wonder what our Waynetta slob is going to do next she’s getting proper fucked 🤣🤣🤣🤣
And part of this cost of living crisis and everything going up and up and up is down to cunts like Waynetta robbing the furlough money as the government was just throwing money at people and not doing checks said before that cunt didn’t have a pot till she got Boris money and who knows exactly how much it started with a 10 grand grant for a business address and how many furlough wages was the cunt actually drawing
And really does make a mockery of its suicide attempt more staged bullshit and mates giving it Tesco food vouchers all cause of di not getting items she bought and paid for and ruining cuntfaces buiznessss
Waynetta! Makes me lol every time :ROFLMAO:


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She’s kissing rudi clouseau arse at the moment and the pricks meal deals ffsake brain dead morons
I wonder how Rudi is feeling now, knowing that Trasha outing his name has led his real identity to be discovered - oopsy! :rolleyes: 😂 :unsure:
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