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I am going to disagree with the others and say I think you should contact the Guardian. Sali represents the Guardian, in sofaras her public behaviour shouldn't be at odds with her employer's stance as bastions of liberalism or whatever the fuck that paper is.
Well that’s the problem with this sewer of ratty beef faces - we’re all entitled to our own opinion and to express it respectfully, we don’t actually all have to agree on anything (Sali take note!) and can respect our differences.
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That FB rant seems like a step further in delusion and paranoia. She desperately needs some sensible people around her (and professional help). Ruth Alborough is a BACP-accredited therapist/counsellor. I don’t think Sali is being done any favours by the sort of comment Ruth has made in that screenshot. (Although it’s cut off so perhaps sensible advice is given further on.) Being surrounded by sycophants and people who indulge and enjoy her dramas is enabling Sali to escalate wildly and frankly make a fool of herself.
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There were loads of positive comments about her breast reduction article for example - have they all been deleted? Have I been banned and I’m the Sixth Sense version of Tattle and haven’t realised I’m the ghost equivalent of a poster 🤣🤣🤣

There are people taking about it on mumsnet too. It’s a shocking thread with the fact that some people say they like it, and some say they do not.
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Perhaps a written letter would be better. An email is too easy to have "slip through the cracks", ya know? Sali had the opportunity to respond if not with kindness, at least with understanding, but no, she doubled down. She's behaving despicably

Blocking someone for seeing a colour differently on a screen. What next? How fragile can she get before breaking?
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I think it doesn't suit her at all, he colour drains life from her face and whoever did it did a piss-poor job. It looks patchy and the tone is all over the place. I honestly feel sorry for her trying to cope with hair that dull, frazzled and so very lifted when she's not used to even slightly bleached hair at all. My hair texture is such that bleaching would probably make it look far worse than Sali's, I can't imagine having to fight that daily in the knowledge I have to be on camera, or the constant salon visits its going to entail to keep it looking only as bad as it does now. I suspect she will get it altered within a month or two into something both more flattering and manageable.

This may be the best example of the phrase you get what you pay for!!! Or in Sali's case...didn't pay for
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She irks the absolute holy hell out of me. The opening para of that Vogue article. What’s wrong with “sleeping with young men” REGARDLESS of your age if both you and said “young men” are consenting adults and how does one dress as a “college student”, you know, that totally homogenous bunch that they are. Its yet again her same schtick of snottily judging other women in contrast to her “I’m so edgy and interesting, me” ‘she here’ self.
Eleven plus years of this tired old ‘other women are shite, I’m so cool’. Also, going back to Vogue first para, how the hell does the face full of ‘weak dilute’ that has changed its shape and sent her eyebrows in desperate search of her hairline square with her ACCELERATING the aging process? Grrrr

Phew glad I’ve got that off my chest. Sorry :mad:As you were!
Christ that set my teeth on edge. The "slummy mummy" brigade are just as bad as the boasting alphas they supposedly hate. It's just another Mean Girls excuse to have a go at other women. Did you notice the stealth status boasting too - "drain the university fund", kids having playdates with kids whose parents shoot pheasant? Ho ho look at those stupid mothers getting involved in things, I'm far too cool for that and it's wine o'clock!
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Quite. The phrase "rise above it" springs to mind. But no, she cannot abide that this thread exists. She rants about how anyone who visits here is a sewer rat, yet she interacts with it either directly or indirectly herself. It's baffling
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I cannot fathom why someone who made it into their mid 40’s with virgin hair would fry the shit out of it to get it what is essentially ash blind to cover a handful of grey hairs.
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I really hope people have kept screen shots of the GTL exchange that @clondon had to experience before they joined here in despair at Sali’s rudeness.
We know now that Sali’s Facebook group does not make accommodations for ASD and is not an ASD friendly space.
I've just taken one as I haven't been banned yet. I very rarely set foot in there.

Sali has now turned off comments on that thread.
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Don’t want to de-rail the Sali chat, but did anyone get anything from Lisa’s new collection?

I went with the intention of buying a lipstick and a blusher and ended up with 2 x lipsticks, 2 x blushers and a lip gloss ………
I would have done in a heartbeat if she’d restocked the Skyscraper Rose, but I dithered over the others I liked and now they’re out of stock....

And on track, I don’t like Sali’s hair; she definitely could have taken the whole greying process in a slower, better, more interesting direction, i.e. the considered research and good writing levels of her breast reduction piece applied to the whole lockdown hair/growing grey movement, like all the gorgeous photos and links posted here, instead of a quick poorly executed, although COMPLEX 😜, freebie.

The speed of this transformation has obviously left her no chance to reconsider her makeup, and how dare anyone suggest it no longer suit!! You can see in that photo with the red-lip-singular how much better even that one pop-of-colour thing looks compared to the corpse-like weirdness displayed in the Live.
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Prognosis Negative

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I also think a letter to the Guardian cc’d to NAS and a couple of their big name Ambassadors could be the way to go. You literally commented on her hair colour, that’s it.
I would certainly contribute to something like this, I am not interested in starting any kind of pile on or punitive action.

I would just like the appropriate professionals to have a conversation or deliver some training or something so she understands why this isn't the way to communicate with people who have disclosed their conditions and attempted to rectify the situation.

Thank you for the kind words about my hair!

Just to let you know, I PAID 😆
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I can’t , for the life of me, think this is what Sali pictured her new grey hair would look like.

Every time I look at the screen shots it looks worse than the last time.
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Chatty Member
Sali, if you are reading you need to take some lessons from this thread. You’ve every right to be offended by our feelings about your new ‘do and that’s obviously your prerogative but your behaviour towards the normal folk who seem to genuinely like you is absolutely despicable. Remember, these people mean that you have a viable career, they read your articles, buy your recommendations and follow you on social media, enabling you to draw ad revenue and more beauty media work. Hate us all you want but trampling on your fans seems to be absolutely self-defeating.
This has been said before but every word here is so true

There's an account on Instagram called Thesilverlining_1970 and she has a highlight saved about her transition to grey. It's a really interesting read to compare and contrast to She.
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Can I ask a question/get some advice? My hair is very like Sali's, dark and very fine. In lockdown 1 I got tot to fully see how grey I was going and started to put a lighter colour on, chestnutty to try and soften the colour. I was also contemplating doing what Sali has done, but am glad I didn't!!! What is everyone else doing to about this greying situation?
I try to keep my hair fairly low maintenance - cut every 6 weeks, all over chestnut brown colour every 3rd appointment for the shine it provides - but the grey coming through is now really obvious. So now my hairdresser is gradually lightening the base colour (this will take time) and has added some subtle highlights to take the edge off the grey regrowth. I love it as it is still close to my natural colour and feels comfortably 'me'. I consider it to be a process rather than a hurdle, but then I don't have to provide click-worthy content by doing 'brave' things.
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Oh so many pages of excellent chat have appeared overnight. Thank you all for making me chuckle over my morning coffee.
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I have very similar hair type to Sali’s and feel she’d made a major mistake with the amount of processing. A few years ago I got hung up on going blonde from auburn and managed to get to a nice shade of cool blonde, but heck it was such a faff to keep on top of the dark roots. Kept it for 3 months and ditched it. My poor hair was not happy. It took a lot of elasticizer to get it back to good health. Thin hair is a total b*tch to lighten more than 2-3 shades without serious damage.

Sali’s hair looks over processed, uneven and dull to me, as well as totally washing her out. I am sure she wanted shiny locks rather than what she’s having to deal with with the added bonus that the colour she went for is the most difficult to reflect light and look healthy IMO. I found it quite a change to see myself as a blonde after being a brunette my whole life too. Was she not the one to declare that she’s a brunette by heart in the ITB episode with C Moran? Might be wrong but I’m pretty sure she’s declared it somewhere in the past. Anyway, what she’s ended up with is def not grey, rather uneven soft blonde.

I’m at the stage when I have a few random grey hairs at the front and in my eyebrows (I know!!). Having inherited my mum’s hair type, she covers her greys with dark brunette which I think looks ageing and harsh. I reckon I’d rather go a shade or two lighter, sort of light brown with some warmth in it which should blend quite nicely and still look natural and kind of embrace the greys.
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I couldn’t articulate exactly what the photo of the hair was making me think of - thanks for Whitesnake!! I think in my mind it was AC/DC. Or Bon Jovi.
She is not a good advert for Goldwell, the hair colour evokes memories of pub wallpaper in the days before the smoking ban.
I miss @NoF*ckingJoke GTL, she went brown in lockdown, I have done too. I actually did go and buy a load of new tops. I needed lighter colours now my hair is darker. I do think it’s totally normal to change your wardrobe and makeup when you change your hair colour!

I think it's a myth that there was a time when you could 'turn up at the doors of a media company and get a job'. Then, as now, a lot depended on connections and I don't think SH was any exception. Her teenage runaway backstory used to include her staying in London with an uncle who ran clubs and hung out with Leigh Bowery - so pretty well connected on the London scene. Whether that led to an introduction or just how she came to know that there was an opening... At the very least you needed to know which door to turn up at when.
Also, Burchill did it first.
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