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I don't think her original hair looked at all like a wig. Undyed mid-brown colour with lots of silvery bits underneath. Looked great! Her new hair though, now that does look wiggy, flat and frazzled with no light bouncing off it. But what can she do? I suppose her allergy means she's stuck with it even if she is having buyer's remorse. Or freebie remorse, or whatever it's called when you haven't paid for it!
Karma 😂
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This morning I was a member of the GTL group - this evening I am blocked. Interesting. She's definitely reading here guys.

I should say I have never ever commented or posted on GTL...

Also blocked from Instagram. Fuck she IS angry!
Whaaaat! How did she find you? She is definitely angry at the moment, the snippiness is off the charts in her GTL and IG replies.
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I don’t know how you can care about beauty and not be. However, she does have all the Vogue covers, wide range of experience and actual a list celebrity connections (and personal friends) that Sali craves so maybe she is just jealous.

Also she is just really nice. And her husband is also mega successful (so I think as a couple they are truly minted). She bought Audrey hepburn’s lipstick on auction and wouldn’t say how much she spent because she said was ridiculous and not what she intended - but I looked it up. It was over £20k.

Before she did her own jewellery range she had these three coloured stone rings by William wellstead that were probably 5 to 10K each and she has made more affordable versions that she also always wears now.

not at all to say she doesn’t deserve those things at all - i think she is amazing. And also from an ordinary background, single mother no less. She gives her ad revenue to charity, doesn’t merch except her own products.
She sounds a very good egg , no side to her and and a genius at what she does.

I could see Sali being jealous of the beautiful, multi talented and well connected Lisa , maybe Lisa was invited onto ITB and said no thanks?
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Tesla's Ghost

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The Guardian isn't bothered with her frequent use of "mental", "loon" etc. on Twitter either. Whether she's describing people or perfume (I still don't get it). So...
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Jelly Bean

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I'll just leave this here... :whistle:
I was just reading this again and see Sali has been 'delighted to work with Head and Shoulders to educate people about the importance of skincare for the scalp'. (Or something like that).
Really? When was this educating? Certainly not on IG or Twitter. Or The Guardian. In fact the only mention of it has been in this H and S ad. I cannot remember one time Sali has mentioned scalp health.
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Oh my, that thread on the other site is hysterical. I can see how it would trigger her meltdown. And it’s only got worse this afternoon...

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Developing social skills = learning how to lie :unsure:

She literally said what she saw. Fuck that! And had to apologize for a completely neutral statement.
Exactly. A better response would’ve been ‘no need to apologise for being who you are, but I appreciate your apolog
Okay so might get blocked from GTL and following on IG. I am the Autistic woman who posted in her group. Most of us state exactly what we see and can't avoid being unfiltered. We literally learn to lie by interacting with neurotypicals who often bullshit. We lack that skill and therefore often say what we think and as an earlier poster mentioned we are often worth listening to as our thoughts are simply honest not rude (while to neurotypicals it comes across as exactly that - rude ) My thoughts after the interaction were there are millions of autistic women and men most of us are blunt, direct etc most of us love social media as it is easier than interacting face to face. Sali didn't know I was autistic but surely everyone not just influencers needs to learn to accept those that are different from themselves. I didn't even mean brassy blonde in a rude way. I actually think it looks nice but from the photo isn't grey. Sali - if you are reading - you can't always get nice comments believe me anyone who is autistic knows this, no environment works like that and if all you want is praise then get off social media - it is a tough environment to hang out in - also educate yourself on neurodiversity it is very common.
Her response to you was completely unnecessary, and her lack of acknowledgment when you disclosed that you are neuro diverse was very very telling. Welcome to the group, you can say whatever the fuck you like here.
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The constant need for validation is dangerous, insidious and extremely unhealthy.

I'm really good at my job, if I were an extrovert, I'd probably be a lot more successful but I know my mental health could not cope with it as I don't like putting myself out there. I just like getting on with things in the background and doing a great job and building my reputation that way. I don't need industry recognition or awards to sustain me, seeing the success of my projects and clients is enough for me without my name being out there or schmoozing at industry events constantly.
That really resonates with me - I feel the same about my role, and there is value in enjoying being good at your job rather than living for the extrinsic praise. David Zweig's book 'Invisibles' is about just this, and as a complete introvert I found it really inspiring!
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Jade Mitzi

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tickles me Sali the narcissist flogging NARSissist. Loyalty is when a brand names its range after your personality.
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"A Fortnight ago, I broke my own rule and got a french manicure. The last time I wore pastel nails with white tips, Donald Trump was on wife one and Oasis was still just a shop."
Truly starting grim. I do not want to measure time via Trump wives.
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See there is an article about her new hair for Vogue?
Oh, of fucking COUR$E there is.

Unbelievable shite from ol' Face Full O'Fillers.

Does it still qualify as a midlife crisis when, instead of desperately trying to stay young by sleeping with young men and dressing like a college student, you actually hit the fast forward button and accelerate the ageing process?
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Jelly Bean

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I'm late to the party and have about twenty pages to read. I actually like the hair colour on her, and when she does eventually rethink get colour tones for make up and clothes I think she'll look cool. But OMG does it need a good cut. That needs lifting off her shoulders, it would look thicker, healthier and remove some of the brass.
Ooh you are skating on thin ice using the B word 😂
When you're catching up you'll see brass set her off on one. The other B word is blonde 😂 That set her off on another one.
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Completely agree with this. Comes across that She’s done very little wider research on this topic, because as usual, she has literally only written about her own very narrow personal experience. She’s only researched it in as far as it applies to her particular set of circumstances, and she doesn’t understand the wider subject at all. So why the fuck Vogue thought her a fit and proper person to write a piece on it I don’t understand. It’s only of use to anyone if they slot into Sali’s own extremely unique ‘complex’ set of parameters.
To be fair, Vogue is hardly ‘New Scientist’. It’s full of poorly researched, guffy, puff-pieces.
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