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Indecent exposure in the last pic. Vom 🤮 WARNING: Do not zoom IN 😂
It's not his b*llsack, it's the back hem of his dress, otherwise they'd be quite low hanging fruit, which would be apt, but I don't think his testosterone levels are anywhere near high enough for them be packing that much and hang at forty... sorry guys! 🤮🍒

Last year Jonathan asked the kids who his favourite child is. You know, because he is such a caring parent who would never cause any emotional harm .. Eduardo's face dropped and immediately pointed to Emilia, who was pointing to herself.

Then Jonathan decided to go full-on with the 'my boy wears dresses, aren't we amazing parents' narrative and Eduardo got more attention.

It's no wonder he likes doing Tiktoks with his dad so much after years of being ignored.
Also convenient how E2 started dressing in skirts and dresses and basically going full blown drag queen riiight before his father happened to start wearing dresses himself and monetise on it, all a coincidence, I'm sure... Especially when you look at the numbers of gender dysphoria in children, which is almost non-existent, it also isn't hereditary. The chances of E2 having developed gender dysphoria naturally is below 1%, but Jonathan didn't have the balls to live his true self alone, entrance E2 stage right... It's child abuse, plain and simple, E2 will never get this time (and integrity/privacy for that matter) back, and the trauma Jonathan has inflicted on him by artificially intertwining their 'issues' will be life-long. I said this before, but would E2 have a different father, he would not be prancing around making pouty faces, wearing wigs and make up and filtering his own photos in beauty apps, this is taught behaviour, this is not a behaviour that children naturally develop, even those with gender issues.
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40 something yo man take pouty selfies in toilets like he is a 14 yo teen to illustrate his joy to see his 9yo daughter going out with friends after school…. Disturbing and attention seeking.
This guy is so self absorbed that he makes everything about himself,, let her do her thing, it does not need to be documented, you are an embarrassment.
No need for the mention “unrelated pic” we can see that, twat!


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I've literally jus discovered them thro COLD SHOWERS thing that came up on my suggested youtube... r u serious? I have so much to catch up on 👀
you're in for one hell of a ride. please make sure your safety belt is secured and please keep all hands and feet inside the ride at all times.
good luck, bud.
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Or just basing it off what current Eduardo might like.. we change and grow so much as children and adults... so he may well have wanted to be a knight then, but current Eduardo might choose princess and be sad about the prospect of being a knight now, but that doesn't mean back then he was also sad!
That's not what Jonathan said in today's clip. He said that HE pushed Eduardo to be a knight/prince, when Eduardo wanted to be a princess, and that Eduardo was sad about his choice. That's not true.

He spouts such BS!
Exactly. He's trying to rewrite history, and that does not work when you've filmed yourself and written descriptions like this.
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I gave a quick look at J’s ig feed and his wannabe model poses (more like a z-rated gay porn actor actually) and let me tell you I don’t think I’d ever want to know what he has in his DMs (or wishes to receive).
I haven’t kept up with his gender/sexuality clickbait extravaganza but he should have the decency to keep a profile for his selfies and another for the pics of/with his kids because mixing the two is revolting (not that he’d need to have a ig dedicated to his kids to begin with). Apologise if I sound too prudish but I swear they could use his selfies as a poster for the nofap movement.
Totally agree. Mixing in pictures where he looks like he's fishing for a bear on grindr to come over and burst his man-cherry - in with pictures of his young son posing coquetishly in Princess dresses is about as red flag as you can get.

He's a sick fukc. Like this is how Jimmy Saville just hid in plain sight.
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What the hell is she putting around her neck!! :oops:😂 It looks like she is wrapping a 12 seater tablecloth around her neck.😂


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So Eduardo is a Victoria’s Secret angel now and Emilia calls her dad a dumb slut. It’s going great you guys, going goooooddd…
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She's knackered from driving? Is she physically or mentally unwell? I don't think it's normal for a woman of her age to be as tired as she is, so often.

Or is it performative nonsense to act like she is RUN OFF HER FEET just like you and me?
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Just when you think Anna has stopped using breastfeeding as an excuse, she uses it as a reason as to why Jonathan should deal with Andrea coming into their room multiple times a night.
What a a ridiculous, immature thing to say. You'd think Anna was the first and only person ever to breastfeed her children. If it was such an awful sacrifice for her to do that, why on earth did she have children? She thinks of herself as some sort of martyr. Years ago, many financially poor people often had up to 10 children, all of whom were probably breastfed. The mothers had no washing machines or other modern devices, no cleaners or nannies, and their husbands were out at work all day but they managed and most brought up their children to become happy and responsible citizens. Today, also, there are people with much larger families and none of the resources that the SJs have and they make a far better job of parenting than the SJs do. Not only do the SJs parent badly but they actually do it harmfully. Anna really does think breastfeeding and bringing up children is a chore and all her moaning just goes to show how much she really resents having to do it. She pretends to love her kids but saying things like that proves just the opposite. And if she doesn't want all the tacky, plastic brand deal rubbish that none of her kids needs, she only has to stop "working" on YT and earn her own living in a proper job. She needs to shut up, grow up and get on with it. How dare she moan when they have chosen to live as they do and have chosen to have children?
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Emilia is sleeping over at a friend's house for the first time tonight, imagine the culture shock that poor child is going to get.. 😅
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Someone on tattle says they’ve never seen Anna on the floor playing with her kids, cut to Anna playing with Andrea for the first time ever! 😆
Of course it’s fear based play bc she doesn’t actually know how to play with her kids and enjoys scaring them like a saddest, but hey at least she put on a fake show for us!

side Note does anyone think the new cleaning lady lied about having Covid as an excuse to quit? I’ll be waiting to see if she returns their calls after her quarantine is over.
It’s 💯 for tattle, to “prove” she plays with her kids. Anna, sweetheart, MOST people don’t film playing with their kids, because they’re focused on their child, and not trying to prove a point 😜🤷🏻‍♀️

Have we actually seen or heard anna with her friends,a little glimpse of the location she is in,seen her get ready, or going off solo in her car, or coming back from her meetups ,,, no,so it doesnt happen,
Cue Anna posting photos with her “friends” or whoever she could drag off the streets, slip them £10 to take some photos 🤣
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Mrs Mac.

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I hate the busy forgetful mum thing that Anna has going on. She thinks it makes her so relatable and cool! I'm a mum of 3 about the same age as her and I work am actual job as well. My kids are on time for everything at school, I'm on the PTA (not coz I enjoy it but coz my kids enjoy having fun activities at school to do so somebody has to organise them!) I remember all school dates, I'm at every parents evening and concert, I spend ages with them making costumes for book days, halloween, easter bonnet competitions and such. I put effort in!! Because I'm a Mum first. It's what comes first in my life and I hate the narrative at the minute that good mums are sloppy and forget kids lunches and school dates and run late and stuff because fuck that, it's just lazy. That shit is important to your kids and it might be nothing but annoying to you (I get that!! Trust me I do!) but to your kids its important so suck it up. It's not hard to write the dates to things on your calender when you get the weekly or monthly school emails. Just sort it out Anna. Nobody is laughing with you

Exactly. My youngest daughter is about to leave school for University and I can hand on heart say my husband and I never missed anything she ( and her sister ) were involved in during their years at school.
All the volunteering , coaching sports teams, helping on trips, fundraising, going to assemblies, concerts, recitals, driving them to various after school activities etc etc. It’s not hard to write things down and remember to go to them while working, looking after sick parents and running a household.
I would be so embarrassed if I looked back on my girls lives up to this point and had been so unorganised that I had forgotten to go to things.
Over a million people watch this woman!! It’s not settling the bar very high for people.
While I’m ranting , what was the latest vlog about? Busy Mum of 4 ?? I didn’t watch it to the end but all Anna seemed to do was drop the kids to school, cook Mac n cheese, and do some washing. Surely she’s taking the piss?
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So your young daughter has a trip to the hospital and needs treatment, as a mother she can't be bothered to go to hospital with her 😡, she is now going out for the evening, what sort of mother is this bitch, it's unbelievable, what an absolute piece of 💩 Anal is.
That poor little girl, I want to give her the cuddles and attention she deserves, it makes me so sad, I can't imagine how the poor thing must feel, breaks my heart 😭😭😭
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That’s just Jono trying to be “funny” with sexual innuendos. Nothing happened, this Anna removing her final layer of make up before going to bed at 8pm.
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If anyone wonders where the kids pick up the bad language, on Anna's story jonathon is constantly saying shit and andrea is right there. Lovely

Actually looking at it again I wonder if it is just the word 'shit
When she hands him the gifted bakery item he says what the hell is that? Then he says what the fuck is that? Right in front of one of the kids. So classy. How they get these brand deals is beyond me 😳
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I feel like the children don’t actually leave the house outside of school any more unless it’s summer with the pool out so J can get some “content” :sick: At least in the old house, I remember them all going for a walk daily with the dogs. All they’re going to remember from their childhood is dad getting drunk daily, mum arguing with him and going to bed at 7 and being exploited on the internet to pay mum and dads mortgage so they could keep up with the Joneses
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So Andrea's favourite parent is jonathan and anna can't understand why? Well as much as I hate jonathan, I haven't seen him complain about spending time with andrea unlike anna who complains she can't look after him alone which would be the perfect opportunity to have some bonding time or have all 4 together, she scares them for her own enjoyment, films stories and vlogs including herself being too rough with the little ones, I think it was mentioned she digged her nails into someone's leg possibly strapping them into the car on more than one occasion and laughed about it, we have seen the A's flinching near her or just ignoring anything she says. Whilst they are both just as bad as each other it's no mystery why andrea prefers jonathan anna.
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It's like when they were in New York, and Eduardo had a terrible double ear infection and they left him with Tasha because Anna had to have her birthday meal out.
Not only is she a narcissist, she's also heartless. I have never ever left my sick child to go to work, let alone to go out on a non-essential night out. It's not even a case of "well men can look after kids too", but rather it's a case of a loving mother not wanting to leave her sick child to go out on the town. The fact that her husband is a drunk makes it even worse because it's actually endangerment of all 4 kids, not just the sick child. What is one of them got sick ? What if Alessia was actually concussed ? Would he be in a fit state to actually manage to administer medicine or take them to the ER ?

Pair of sickos, they don't deserve anything they have: not the children, not the house, not the cushy life they have afforded while exploiting their kids.
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So he's never crossed the line with his family vlogs? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Also, could he stop saying that he failed school! He has a fucking degree. If youtube weren't a thing, he'd have been able to find a job. There are many people out there with real mental issues that keep them from completing school at all or finding a job. His issue is he's a narcissist and they often have problems holding a job because they think so highly of themselves they don't like anyone telling them what to do or how to do it. If he went through many jobs beforehand it was because he doesn't like being told off for the stupid shit he was probably doing.
Yea, being alone is nice, but when you have four kids and a wife, that goes out the window. Staying hold up in your office not helping your wife is a problem. I'm an introvert and enjoy my downtime but I chose to have a family and that means I have to do things to keep my house running. I think the only reason he vacuumed was that we've called him out on being a douche husband. He won't be vacuuming next week, I bet.
And before I close out, Jojo those voices in your head need to be checked out by a professional.
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