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She wrote a blog post about picking baby names. There's not much to it, other than her repeating that they are not going to share the name with anyone until the baby is born. She comes across as very pretentious in it. She said that her gran hopes she doesn't call the baby a silly name like River. Isn't that what Fleur de Force called their girl? Anyway, Rvk then says she is almost tempted to just to cause controversy. She seems like a brat that doesn't like when people don't agree with her.
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In what world does anyone run a business in that way?! No other profiting business would say to their customers, I don't want your opinion unless it's to tell me I'm amazing. If you don't like it, just don't look anymore.

I think she forgets that without these people, brands wouldn't be sending her a damn thing. It's not her lovely peony arrangements that get her these ads, it's entirely her followers!

She only sees this as a personal attack on her because her entire business model is 'profiting business selling any junk that pays, disguised an an innocent personal Instagram account'.

I am absolutely sick of 'influencers' untouchables attitudes. And whenever they get called out of bad business tactics, they play the troll card and run away on another free holiday.

I think you're right @swipeup - she's lost the bloody plot.
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I was giving the shed a paint today and thought back to when I used to read Rvk’s blog, on one of the posts about painting (or rather starting it and not being arsed to finish it herself) her summerhouse she says something like ‘the paint is so thin but the wood just drinks it all in’ who even speaks like this?!

Honestly if when my husband comes home tonight and asks me what I’ve been up to today and I replied with ‘well husband I was woken up early by the sunlight this morning so I decided to paint the shed, the wood simply drank it all in and that sun today though, the weather has been so so pleasing don’t you think?!’ He would have me sectioned immediately 😐🙄🤣
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"How would I find or choose a disadvantaged family to give a Bugaboo to? That would be incredibly patronising and unrealistic."... so we just kept it all for ourselves.

You have enough money to take a once in a life time trip every other month and fanny around all day with expensive bed sheets and flowers and call it work. But god forbid you actually had to try and do something for someone else.

In what capacity could offering your free pram to a needy charity or woman's shelter or donating some of the money you were happy to spend on one be considered patronising when a) you were offered several prams and b) you were literally sat there with the money waiting to buy it anyway.

And no, "huge perk to my job but there are perks to all jobs" is just not true at all and just highlights how incredibly detached you really are from reality.

There are thousands stuck on zero hours contracts or working 60 hour weeks on minimum wage to try and scrape enough together to support their family with absolutely no perks at all.

I find incredibly 'patronising and unrealistic' that she expects those people to happily sit and watch her fill her house with freebies she can afford when she gloates on twitter about how much her husband earns compared to others.

And most importantly, the main reason people have an issue with this kind of thing is, as she describes in the post, her job is an 'influencer'.

A girl in an incredibly privileged position who does not live in the real world and isn't afraid to gloat about it, is majorly cashing in and living off freebies with the sole intention of making others feel like their life won't be 'goals' unless they have all of these things.

That's how the whole marketing and influencer industry works. Influencing people less fortunate into thinking their life should look like RVK and they should have all these expensive things, flash car, big house, crazy amount of holidays when that just isn't real life at all.

It's just dirty advertising that can have such a serious impact on people's mental health and self esteem when they don't realise these people are living off hand outs just to make you feel like you should spend your hard earned money on the things that they wouldn't.
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Well-known member
Four Easter eggs gifted from Marks and Spencer’s. If this was me (and I appreciate not everyone would agree). I’d keep one (of course) and pop the other three in the food bank box at local supermarket for the food bank. Share the love!

Ps... no I’m not jealous (need to clear that one up) I am also very content with my life (need to state this too) 👌🏻👌🏻
I think anyone would do that if they’re gifted so much. The fact it doesn’t even cross her mind says it all.

After all, HOW WOULD SHE be able to find disadvantaged charities or food banks? 🙄
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I just read her story referencing the terror attack in Sri Lanka. She comments that to her, Instagram is a form of escapism and pretty pictures!
No, I don’t think so!!!! For you Rebecca, it’s your job - advertising, influencing and making money!!!!!! Stop trying to make out that your account is not a business one!
I wonder how many other people in the real world see their ‘proper’ jobs as escapism????
Most people are back at work tomorrow, while you are off on another holiday to Norfolk for a few days! Do you even realise what a charmed life you live???? 🤔🙄
I'm sorry to be cynical about that story of hers but it just comes across as another humble brag. That she was there staying in a five star hotel there.
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Over the moon about this thread. I thought it was just me who couldn’t stand her. She blocked me 3 years ago for asking how she afforded all the holidays!
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As for wanting to put yourself in a private bubble, I honestly wish you would. Absolutely no one asked you to share every intimate detail of your life, trying to conceive, meeting your husband while still at school, your parents having issues with alcohol, your obscene amount of holiday and where you live. You share all this all over the web and expect absolutely everyone agree and can't handle it when they don't.
On point!
She already exists in a middle class bubble, she chooses to post it online for all to applaud and criticise!
I think as wealth inequality continues to grow, more and more people are going to turn on these influencers. It's fucking exhausting work 40+ hour weeks and barely getting by, when these knob heads do nothing but swan around their impossibly large houses answering a few emails and calling it "work".

In a bitter mood today, can you tell? 😆
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Chatty Member
She doesn't want to specify which items were gifted in the photo because it would make the caption too long???? Is she for real?! 😡

More likely she doesn't want to admit the sheer volume of stuff she hasn't paid for.

As for only having to mark things as ad when she's specifically paid for that post... she doesn't even manage that most of the time!

She does the absolute minimum to scrape by with regards to declaring things, and then plays the 'oh the guidelines are oh so confusing' when someone calls her out. You have a law degree for Christ sake woman. The guidelines really aren't THAT hard to follow.

People seem to be getting quite frustrated with her doing as little as possible to be transparent with her followers. It's really going to bite her in the ass if she's not careful.

Also, the fact they people are saying please don't block me for asking really says a lot about how she treats her followers.

That woman's post though 👍🏻
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VIP Member
Yes the post was titled 'How we chose our pram' so all you really needed to write was.

Wrote hinty posts
Make a HUGE deal about the John Lewis trip
Make a short list.
See what gets gifted.

Voila and cringe! It's not even subtle anymore.
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Long time lurker but I feel like if her parents were OK with it and clearly are now then why does the age gap matter? They've obviously been together for a long time and look happy
I absolutely agree that it seems less relevant now, but a 15 year old schoolgirl and a 25 year old man is just not right on so many levels.You obviously have enough of an interest to set up an account today purely to defend what is questionable behaviour on both her husband and parents part?
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I think we can do better then reduce this to digs at her physical appearance or that of her unborn baby. Remember those Adele tweets and how grim they were.
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Her true colours show right though that latest blog post. I have read blog posts on the same topic from Emma Hill, Cara Sutherland and ‘Getting stuff done in heels’ (Sally). All of whom wrote interesting posts and explained their job as influencers really well. These women have also always been completely transparent when declaring paid partnerships/ads/gifts etc. RVK has not always been transparent, and even now writes about ads/gifts etc in tiny pale font on an equally pale background colour so that it is barely visible or impossible to read clearly.
Her comment about all jobs having their perks just shows how completely detached from real life she actually is!!! She is always at pains to let her followers know how much work she has to do on her laptop, yet all her ‘work’ is done at home, in between long walks in the countryside, lunches with friends, exercise classes and baking. How many other people live such a charmed existence???
I notice that someone further on up the comments has replied to her latest blog but her comments have not been published by RVK below. Why bother writing a blog post on a contentious issue if you are not prepared to allow people with views on either side to contribute to the discussion? The truth appears to be that she is a very spoilt, over indulged, privileged, controlling person who must never be questioned about her opinions or actions. Good job she doesn’t live in the real world - she wouldn’t last two minutes!!!!
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Active member
Also, the fact they people are saying please don't block me for asking really says a lot about how she treats her followers.
So true! I think people are starting to catch on, it also helps that all these companies gift most influencers the same items/services. Which makes their houses look the same!!

I swear I have seen that bloody nursery pear print in someone else's nursery.

Nothing is turning me off brands faster than those that gift these dishonest cretins.
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U Wot

Well-known member
Personally, I’m looking forward to seeing a picture of her hands making a heart around a Maldivian sunset and a picture of her and her husband awkwardly holding hands with their back to the camera, perhaps with a balloon or two. Is the babymoon a #presstrip?
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Chatty Member
In all seriousness though, how much stuff can one woman (and baby) actually need?!

I have a couple of perfumes. One nice one that my mum bought me for my birthday. One cheap 'everyday' one. I consider that to be more than enough and I value and appreciate them and use them sparingly until they are gone.

She had an obscene amount of everything. Her spare rooms are always piled high with mountains of clothes and crap she's 'collected'. That baby already has more clothes than my 7 year old has had in her entire life.

She just seems very 'more, more, more', nothing is enough and nothing makes her happy or has any value to her. Just mindlessly grabbing more stuff for the sake of it.

Just because you can have it, does not men that you should. Less if more in my eyes.

It's just plain greed and wasteful, surely! Consumerism at its worst 🤢
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