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Chatty Member
'Mama life'?? Because you aren't buying yet another perfume for yourself, just waiting to see if you get sent one for free, to add to the grotesque pile of free everything you already have. This is not mama life in my books.

Spending a rare day off from work, walking around in the same pair of worn out leggings with bits of bloody rice cake (or other kids snack) stuck to the back of them and my hair scraped back while I run around like a headless chicken all day carting the kids to their parties and activities on zero sleep sounds more like it. Hemeraging my last scrap of wages on nursery fees and endless school sponsored forms and school trips and such. I can't remember what a perfume or lipstick even looks like 😂😂

She's a bit of a joke at this point.
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VIP Member
"We decided not to go with any of our parents middle names as we didn’t love any of their names" - what a horrible thing to say. It's all about appearances with her, she's a hideous little snob, worried their normal names won't go with her aesthetic.
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Active member
Thread title suggestions -

RVKLoves The Queen of #kindlygifted but has the tide shifted?

RVKLoves crown slips but don’t you dare question her tips!

RVKLoves: The Girl Next Door is a F**king Bore

RVKLoves can anybody recommend a good spade company?
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Iconic Member
Save your awards and Daily Mail double page spread.

How to spot an award winning basic bish Insta Vlogger.

E7C44488-7028-4902-B689-5894A39BDBB4.jpeg 7604AA49-B286-4D1C-B5F7-152F84037D0C.jpeg C2136CE9-CCC7-474D-B925-3DC657321384.jpeg D4E86C0E-4FED-4159-811C-1B64DB1A85CF.jpeg

1) Heart Hands
2) Feet. Obviously Your own. Add a Starbucks coffee lid you’re really feeling yourself 😎
3) rinse and repeat the same content in a different location

I can’t, I need a minute... 😂😂
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Well-known member
I had to unfollow her in the summer due to lack of transparency and a rant she had on stories about a baby crying on a flight. I'd just returned from an essential trip (not a holiday) where we were delayed on the plane 3 hours and then another 3 hours flight time and my baby had a complete melt down halfway through the flight. Hands down one of the most stressful experiences of my life! Her rant just rubbed me the wrong way and I hope she bears that in mind when her own baby arrives!
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U Wot

Well-known member
Why is this not disclosed as an ad then? 85F18F59-B606-48C3-8C2D-67796A9FDAF8.jpeg

Or this?


Or this?


Or this?

Or this?


Or this?


That’s not including any of the holidays you only recently started disclosing as #presstrips and only a small selection of some of your pictures on your feed. It’s not just a creative outlet, Rebecca, it’s your business. Just be honest with people. I don’t know why it’s so hard for you to do this.
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VIP Member
Oh dear Wild Nutrition have replied on the thread too with a discount code. That's an awkward situation.
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Active member
2. You have to realise that you influence people's emotions. It's not enough to say well if you don't like if then block me as I lot of people who will feel inadequate and poor looking at your feed also won't have the strength to say actually it's better for my health if I block this page. You have a duty to people as an advertiser so maybe some of your followers would appreciate some of the more gritty stuff you don't currently share.
This is totally how I feel. You’re not just sharing your life, you profit from what you do on Instagram and just like all other businesses you are in a privileged position and need to act responsibly. As the person said above, you’re an advertiser.

Today for example you post a string of affiliate links to your spring/summer clothes recommendations. WHY did you have to make them affiliate links? Why couldn’t you just share them as innocent recommendations? Do you really need the money that badly? You are also taking advantage of the fact that not everybody will fully understand affiliate links. Also, don’t hide the source on the screenshot so that people can find where they’re from without having to swipe up. You just come across as mean.

Final note: nobody knew that was a Jimmy Carr quote as you didn’t disclose the source 🙂
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I have never known anyone like her, who cannot take any constructive feedback at all. She is beyond! Those comments left by Heather regarding ‘vitamingate’ were very polite and not in the slightest bit rude and yet RVK throws a hissy fit and deletes all comments she views (incorrectly) as being negative. MOD gets a lot of criticism on Instagram, but she never deletes negative comments and on a few occasions has gone on stories to explain herself and admit when she’s got it wrong. I doubt RVK has ever admitted anything she has done wrong or even apologised for anything in her life!!! She has been wrapped up in cotton wool and is unbelievably spoilt. She is extremely wealthy in her own right and so are her family. She does not need to be making money on Instagram, but it just shows her utter greed that she continues to do so. I’m afraid that her deleted ‘paid partnership’ post regarding the vitamins just shows what little respect she has for her followers and how selfish, greedy and unrelatable she really is. Also, don’t get me started on the babymoons and the constant holidays. She needn’t post pictures of every holiday she goes on. She must realise that most of her followers will be lucky to go on one foreign holiday with maybe a few weekend trips thrown in throughout the year. She is constantly on holiday and they are always luxurious - what would be once in a lifetime holidays for most people. Not even celebrities have so many exuberant holidays!!!
She needs to wake up and smell the coffee big time. As someone else said upthread, the tide is beginning to turn, and not a minute too soon!
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Well-known member
Maybe she'll venture north for one of her next babymoon. I noticed she's never been North of the Cotswolds. I'm sure we can find her a Scottish beach sunset for obligatory heart hands and ice cream shot 😏 For a travel influencer, her trips are so samey and uninspired.
Nah, we don't want her 😂

She only has herself (and others like her) to blame for Instagram not being the fluffy friendly place (or whatever inane rubbish she said) anymore. Influencers has sucked the joy and simplicity of the platform with their greedy, shady ways.
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VIP Member
😂 god you are so right.
It's just unbelievable that she can even attempt to say she works hard.

I work from home 2 out of 5 days a week and getting up is certainly not optional! The only perk I get is that if I work flat out, I can squeeze in doing the laundry on my lunch break and pick the kids up. Most people don't even get that!!!

The last time I got the luxury of being in bed passed 6am was probably 9 years ago!! Even when I was pregnant, the whole world did not stop!

There she is, stretched out over those fancy sheets all day tapping away when she feels like it. The rest of us are racing to work 5 or 6 days a week, juggling house chores, school drop offs, after school clubs, kids homework, grabbing the food shopping on the mad dash home from work.

Who knew just staying in bed for the day was an option (and one she regularly seems to take).

No wonder she brags about her husbands income if it allows her to be such a lady of leisure. Just a shame she can't do anything constructive and useful herself.

She's going to have one hell of a shock or a LOT of help when this kid arrives.
I’m looking forward to seeing how she copes when she’s covered in shit/wee/sick but knowing her she’ll make out her baby shits rainbows and pukes up peonies
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VIP Member
I cannot stand people like her who don't work but always go on about how busy they are, basically doing the stuff that the rest of us fit in around work and/or kids.
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When I see all those beautiful pastel baby outfits I just wander what they’ll look like with shit up the back of them
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Chatty Member
Ever since someone here mentioned about how awkwardly she stands, I just can't stop seeing it! What is she doing!

She's walking around like she needs a shit all the time.
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Active member
Personally I think the biggest issue with your feed is that it's all SO perfect. Yes I've read what you've said about this above but have two thoughts...

1. Why don't you want to use it as a platform to advance certain views or causes? I would kill to have the voice you have to so so many people and the influence that could bring. Just one example I use as you are soon to have a daughter... I run a Rianbow unit (girlguiding) we have so many girls on the waiting list in the area I live that we could open 24 new units and fill them.... if we had the adult helpers and we cannot find any for love nor money. Why couldn't you use Instagram to advance a cause like that?? You could have such an impact rather than just posting about peonies and candles.

2. You have to realise that you influence people's emotions. It's not enough to say well if you don't like if then block me as I lot of people who will feel inadequate and poor looking at your feed also won't have the strength to say actually it's better for my health if I block this page. You have a duty to people as an advertiser so maybe some of your followers would appreciate some of the more gritty stuff you don't currently share.
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Active member
I would love an influencer to promote the cheapest way of doing things - even if it was so you could spend money on other things. I don't buy into any expensive vitamin crap. You need folic acid and a healthy diet that's it. 99p folic acid from Poundstretcher would suffice.
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Active member
I’m glad you’re reading this Rebecca, I hope you can see that your ‘influence’ is a privilege and that you should be using it for more positive things.

Stop being a drone to huge fast fashion businesses that don’t need any extra exposure and realise that you have the power to make a huge difference if you want to. This would ultimately be more rewarding than the constant cycle of ‘asking for recommendations’, deliveries and #gifted posts.

Also, you’re about to have a daughter and it would be an amazing time for you to re-look at your view of women. You play a very traditional role as a dutiful wife and you never speak up about womens’ rights or gender inequality and you’ve got to see that you’re way behind with all of this. Remember you’re an ‘influencer’, as you so boldly boast in your bio, so don’t just call us haters for talking about you - You’ve put your whole life out there for the world to see.

So many young women will look at your holidays, home and clothes and feel inadequate. That’s the danger of influence and you do nothing to mitigate it. You talk briefly about anxiety sometimes but you contribute to so many people feeling like they’re not doing well in life.
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