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She’s going to be in for a big shock. I don’t know how old her nephews are but having them over and expecting them to eat cod risotto with leek, asparagus & mushrooms is hilarious. Rebecca, your allotment veg pickings are going to be replaced with beige replacements whether you like it or not
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I have never posted here before, but the ridiculous comment about every job having perks has literally made my blood boil! What a silly spoilt little brat she is. Utterly out of touch with the real world. Found her latest post embarrassing to read. Sadly she is surrounded by sycophants when she needs someone to tell her how it really is!
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U Wot

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I was pretty disparaging about pregnancy and babies until the time was right and then I loved becoming a mum.

Her teeth look fine. Criticise the ads and naff feed but personal appearance is unnecessarily nasty.
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It does just come across like she's writing this stuff for the sake of it. Or she is just a major over-sharer that has completely lost touch with reality. It's just weird.
I think it’s her immaturity and/or lack of real life experience tbh. Or she thinks people actually hang off her every word and need to know pointless details of her life. I think when she’s older she will look back and want to punch herself in the face
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That’s it in a nutshell isn’t it. She’s chosen a career that is pinned on others being less fortunate than her, hoping that they will spend money that’s been earned as a result of a real job in order to try and buy into a piece of her life.

It’s so contrived it’s unreal. Her feed is a unrealistic catalogue. There is nothing ‘normal’ at all and it’s very damaging.

How she can think going on luxury holidays most months whilst owning a massive house, with a big flashy car and expensive interiors is normal.

There is nothing humble about her at all
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I can’t understand why they are building a decking area at the bottom of the garden for yet another seating/dining area? Surely that space would be better used as a play area for their daughter with a swing, slide and sandpit etc for when she’s bigger? That wouldn’t fit with her instagram though would it?! I feel sorry for that child, it seems to be all about her instagram image and not actually what’s best for their daughter.
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All trust goes out the window when there’s money involved. If you’re being paid for your opinion then it is NOT genuine. As if she’d write bad things about a brand for 85k people to see having signed and return contracts?!?

Have you ever seen her shop in Joules outside of her disastrous paid promotions with them for example?! She only ever bangs on about Zara and H&M when she talks about clothing but it looks like they haven’t picked up the bait just yet.

Your morals are gross, your ethics are backwards and you’re so far removed from reality that you need to have a quiet word with yourself.
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Ever since someone here mentioned about how awkwardly she stands, I just can't stop seeing it! What is she doing!

She's walking around like she needs a shit all the time.
She’s done it for years. It’s been the source of much hilarity for me 🤣
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Chatty Member
It amazes me how in such a short space of time she's gone from not wanting a child and being pretty derogatory about people that have children, to bring pregnant, to already discussing 'next children' before this one is even here.

In the last week or two she's discussed having another before this one is out of prison cot and how a disadvantage of her freebie buggy is that it's not suitable for multiple children but how she can always use a sling and a buggy board with it.

I appreciate changing your mind but going from not wanting kids to already planning your second and third in the near future before your first is even born?

Maybe experience this new born first before you're worrying about begging for a double buggy and a sling.

Every child is different with different needs. New borns are hard and toddlers even harder! They haven't even started to adjust to having one child in their life. I don't think she even considers this, just her image.

Unless it will be the nannies job to deal with the practicalities. 😒
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😡 the latest insta-story. Instagram isn’t the place it was because of the constant sales pitch from you “influencers”. She is so infuriating
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I’ve just read her blog post about the things they’ve “bought” for the baby....surprise! pretty much been gifted everything. Makes me sick when so many young families are struggling to get by. What a spoilt, ungrateful little madam she is, honestly. I hope that baby turns their lives inside out! Maybe one day she will wake up. Until these brands wake up too though, I can’t see it happening anytime soon.
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So kind of her to highlight that she’s trying to show how important it is to take vitamins.....she just has to mention that these are a more affordable brand as the ones she takes are EXPENSIVE 🙄 FFS
She couldn't have done that got free? Oh no, only when being paid to advertise pregnancy vitamins that aren't good enough for her to actually use 🤦‍♂️

All this ad does is make me wonder why she isn't using them herself if they're so great.

What a disaster.
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Whoop whoop! She’s been called out a number of times now. Great to see. It doesn’t matter what her reasoning is for this advert as she’s proven now that if you pay her enough she’ll advertise anything. I’m so glad people are finally seeing through her 👌🏻
Her exact words were 'I'm not interested in selling something in every other photo, I will only take on partnerships that are really well suited. It would harm my brand too much if I promoted something just for the money being offered. I don't want to create content for something I don't like or wouldn't use'...

Well you don't seem to like Pregnacare Max vitamins enough to slum it and use them yourself. And it seems like you most definitely are doing it for the money seeing as a bunch of your followers bought a completely different brand of expensive pregnancy vitamins on your recommendation. Now they're wondering why the cheap ones you don't use are slapped on your grid in a paid ad.
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I've really tried with the blog post but have a few thoughts/general ramblings...

1. As has already been said...not "all" jobs have perks. In fact I would say it is a very very small proportion of the working population get any perks with their job. They get paid, yes, but that's not a perk and is often a pittance in exchange for long hours in shit conditions. I class me and my husband as being relatively comfortable and he recently had a pay rise but he hadn't had a single penny pay rise in 5 years before that. I still class us as lucky compared to so many but her lack of insight into the real world is hard to take.

2. She never ever seems to be down or struggling or sad or worried. She never comments on shit things happening in the world (but loves a bloody royal wedding as you can insta that with bunting which looks perfect on her grid). Her insta is like a desperate housewives set.... nothing out of place for the world to see...everything is perfect here. I'm also pregnant and don't have my mum and I'm struggling a lot at times and it makes me feel bad that I'm not having this picture perfect pregnancy to look back on. I think influencers have a duty to stay in touch with the real world and realise that bad stuff happens and that they influence people's emotions as well as what they buy.

3. She says she spends 2 hours a day replying to messages asking for advice. Is that her idea of a days work? 2 hours sat in her garden replying to people telling her how great she is?

Considering unfollowing but it's like a car crash.... I can't help but look to see what happens when the baby comes along.
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Four Easter eggs gifted from Marks and Spencer’s. If this was me (and I appreciate not everyone would agree). I’d keep one (of course) and pop the other three in the food bank box at local supermarket for the food bank. Share the love!

Ps... no I’m not jealous (need to clear that one up) I am also very content with my life (need to state this too) 👌🏻👌🏻
Food bank, children's hospital etc, would be so happy to receive some. She is so greedy.
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There’s me hoping it’s all covered in baby sick and shit for a reality check for her 😂😂
Shame is she leads such a charmed existence, what’s the betting that she will have a bloody perfect baby? No doubt it will sleep through the night, never puke and fill it’s nappies with rose petals. Rest assured though, that should Betsy, Petal or whatever the hell is in ‘that envelope’ ever be any trouble RVK’s Mumma will come to the rescue, with The Pup in tow, Lassie style. We wouldn’t want our favourite little princess losing sleep or getting stressed, would we?
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Exactly. Maybe even that would’ve been too much stress for her 🙄

They also helped with her current house. Another problem with the mortgage....During a Q&A on Instagram a few years ago she said she was able to buy that house as Ben is a property developer and they’d made money of their flat......hmmmmmmm 🤔 I followed her when she had 2k followers and she gave so much away at the beginning
Whenever anyone says they had a problem with the mortgage in these circumstances I always wonder if it’s becaude of dodgy tax arrangements. No reason why they’d have a problem if her hubby is earning so much and declaring it
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A free bugaboo fox coming their way :rolleyes: “we would have bought it ourselves”- would be nice if they donated the money instead then!
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I've been reading this thread the past few weeks and it's great to find others who think the same as I have! I've been following RVK for a few years, I used to enjoy her interior photos and her gardening tips. I think with new guidelines my eyes have been opened to just how much free #gifted stuff these influencers receive and how money grabbing they can be #ad #paid partnership #affiliate - its relentless! I think every day now she posts a freebie or is pushing something to make money. It's really put me off her.

From the blog post she wrote about her husband being 10 years older she says "it was most definitely an issue for wider society at first and I think on paper if you hear that in essence a teen and a 25 year old are together people tend to judge?" Yes Rebecca that's because in our society it's illegal to have sex with a minor and your husband pursuing you could be looked at as grooming a minor, so yes people will judge! I volunteer working with vulnerable children and families and see this a lot, the fact she is portraying this as a great love story is incredibly worrying!
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