RVK Loves

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Probably one of the biggest ad dodgers there is. She's been posting for years endless holidays (and I mean almost a holiday every 6 weeks) and until recently never declared ad, gift, aff etc. And what does she do all day, doesn't look like she's got a job? There's only so much artfully arranging of peonies one person can day surely?
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I had to unfollow her in the summer due to lack of transparency and a rant she had on stories about a baby crying on a flight. I'd just returned from an essential trip (not a holiday) where we were delayed on the plane 3 hours and then another 3 hours flight time and my baby had a complete melt down halfway through the flight. Hands down one of the most stressful experiences of my life! Her rant just rubbed me the wrong way and I hope she bears that in mind when her own baby arrives!
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To be fair, I think most of the holidays are paid for by themselves although she is guilty of saying "thanks to such and such a place for having us" if it's been a free stay. That's definitely not going to cut it any more with the new CMA rules out this week. What do you make of this current trip to California? She seems to be trying to portray this image that they're sort of "living" out there for a month rather than (god forbid) being on holiday with the rest of the tourists. It all seems a bit self indulgent, just taking yourself off to hang out in California for a month because you can't face January in Britain. I will say, I felt for her having the scare with the baby and having to go to hospital while out there. I think she tried to play it cool but I bet that was really worrying.
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Completely unrelatable. Had to unfollow as can't stand the artfully staged images.
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She lives a very charmed existence of appearing to not having a job, the ability to take luxury holidays every few weeks and also complete a series of high end house renovations over a short space of time. She is fairly young too I believe - that’s not the average exisitence of someone in their late twenties.

She doesn’t declare all her freebies either, and she blocked me for asking her about AD disclosure.
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She's proud to call herself an influence on her profile. Weird.

Along with a stealth boast.

Doesn't get many likes or comments considering how many followers. Did she buy them?

Rebecca ♡

As featured in the Sunday Times as a top influencer
?? UK based Interiors, Travel & Lifestyle Blogger
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I had no idea she is only 25 or 26 which is my age. I thought she was in her 30s. How did she gain momentum? I used to really really like her but she def doesn't declare ads. Also, since announcing her pregnancy, she won't shut up about it. And she's complained that people are saying she's posting too much about it. I have no kids yet and not interested in that content so maybe that's why it feels endless to me.
Her and her husband must've gotten together when she was really young ? I'm sure there's about a 10 year age gap and I could swear I read that they've been together 10ish years?? I could be wrong
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Her and her husband must've gotten together when she was really young ? I'm sure there's about a 10 year age gap and I could swear I read that they've been together 10ish years?? I could be wrong
Yeah, I read on her blog that they had been together 10 years or so... How does that even work if she is only 25 or 26 and he is older than her? Gross.
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In her pregnancy blog, she says: "we've been married over four years and together for over ten."
She wrote a post in 2017 about not being sure if they wanted kids, where she was 25... so she is around 27 I guess.
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Yeah, I read on her blog that they had been together 10 years or so... How does that even work if she is only 25 or 26 and he is older than her? Gross.
So she must've been 15 or 16 and he was in his mid-twenties?? Her parents should've been calling the police!!
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So she must've been 15 or 16 and he was in his mid-twenties?? Her parents should've been calling the police!!
Has she posted on her blog about their age difference? I didn't know he was THAT much older. I wonder what he does for work. They seem to have quite a lavish lifestyle, especially her when she is so young.

And also, I know it works for some people but I couldn't imagine being with the same person that I dated when I was 15 or 16. I have changed SO much since then.
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Has she posted on her blog about their age difference? I didn't know he was THAT much older. I wonder what he does for work. They seem to have quite a lavish lifestyle, especially her when she is so young.
Nosiness got the better of me ?? this is the link to the post:

She confirms he's 10 years older then a few paragraphs later confirms he was 25 when they met and she was at school!! She tries to dress it up as a fairytale movie plot... all I think is predator ?
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Nosiness got the better of me ?? this is the link to the post:

She confirms he's 10 years older then a few paragraphs later confirms he was 25 when they met and she was at school!! She tries to dress it up as a fairytale movie plot... all I think is predator ?
duck, that is weird. Obviously, once you are older, the age difference isn't a big deal. There are 12 years between my husband and I but we didn't start dating when I was underage.

Why would a 25-year-old man be interested in a 15-year-old though? Why couldn't he get a woman of his age? How vile and you are right, seems like a predator. She has been with him since she was so young and that is all she knows...
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Sorry, but I laughed at this quote: "I think on paper if you hear that in essence a teen and a 25-year-old are together then you tend to automatically judge?"

OF COURSE, people judge that. In my eyes, it makes the person a pedophile -- especially as she was FIFTEEN. Not like she was nineteen and almost 20, which may be a bit less weird.
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Yeah totally agree about the age difference. There's 14 years between my mum and stepdad but that's later in life. I don't understand how her parents were ok with this. She was a school girl, and not even a senior one (not that that would make it much better)
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Yeah totally agree about the age difference. There's 14 years between my mum and stepdad but that's later in life. I don't understand how her parents were ok with this. She was a school girl, and not even a senior one (not that that would make it much better)
Right. It is like, what is wrong with him that he can't get a woman around his age? Anyway, that is how I think of it. If my mum found out I was dating a 25 year old when I was 15, I'm pretty sure she would have called the police. It seems like grooming.
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She also writes about being glad she missed out on all the dating stuff. Errr.. that's the fun bit! It's like she jumped straight from school into middle age. I wonder if she'll regret that later in life. That's what your late teens/early 20s is all about.
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A 25 year old going out with a 15 year old? I didn't know that and it is bleeping odd and not right.
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She also writes about being glad she missed out on all the dating stuff. Errr.. that's the fun bit! It's like she jumped straight from school into middle age. I wonder if she'll regret that later in life. That's what your late teens/early 20s is all about.
Maybe. It all seems weird now that I know about that. She posted two years ago about not really wanting kids. I know things can change but I wonder did she feel pressure from her husband as he's older.
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