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"There's no point me sitting in my room for hours on end, not getting anything done," Ruby says, after spending another two days doing nothing of purpose or value.
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I SWEAR I'm not trying to be mean but I imagine this is what every candle in her household sees before it gets lit 😭
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AXEFUD is really bringing out the pretentious

View attachment 2490888

I hope - how I hope that she keeps this up! 😁
I usually have an okay tolerance for the pretentious. I'm in the belief that if you can motivate yourself to spice up the mind numbing mundane, be my guest, but Ruby really is taking the piss lol. Writing cards and letters like a dickhead Secret History side character isn't the issue to me, but filming these inane excerpts and hoping that they will make her appear oh-so-clever is.

Nobody gives two shits about your vague, hollow references and 1910s sentences Ruby; save it for your tutors and for heaven's sake, do your actual reading.
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She could’ve spent at least some part of her gap year studying skills and topics that would help her at Oxford but she legitimately did nothing of the sort. I wouldn’t wish anything bad on her but I do hope Oxford is a big wake-up call for her because it might be the last chance for that to happen. She could use this opportunity to actually learn, and grow as a person, but if she manages to performatively busywork and fake her way through to her Oxford degree, she might never change. Then again, what do I care. Guess it just irks me to see someone in her (super privileged) position act like Ruby does. She’s basically RP-ing a child at this point and is so smug about it, while doing nothing of value towards actually learning something. It’s all a super expensive act.
Also; why is she lying about how if she hadn’t had a YT channel as an income, she wouldn’t have been able to take a gap year? Her parents are wealthy and we all know it.
Omg and “I don’t think regret is a very useful thing to have”.. Are you serious? How haughty can she get? Regret is a part of real life, it’s an emotion everyone experiences from time to time and it’s completely normal. Not everything has to be “useful”, jesus christ.
Sorry, guess she grates on my nerves today.
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I like how Visit Scotland appear to have told Ruby to stop her usual "ME! ME! ME!" bullshit for a few brief moments and feature the actual tour guides she was scheduled to meet in this video.

She's always refused to allow any legitimate professional to speak on camera and potentially upstage her before, and instead just edits them away to silent props while she regurgitates their information herself to appear like the expert (like with the Ammily Dickenson tour visit, or her visit to the BARD 'N' BLAND factory).

It's also so blatant that even though she's apparently been forced to feature guides on-screen and allow them to speak, Ruby still tries to find ways around having them upstage her.

"Honnastleeee, the tour guides were SYO knowledgable..."


Cut to Ruby herself pointing at Scottish landmarks, parroting tour information to camera, to give the visual impression that she's the tour guide.

Later, the actual tour guide speaks, then Ruby jumps in with snippy narration to simply repeat what the guy just said and get the last word in herself.

She's beyond embarrassing.
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The lies have reached new levels. She misspelled “Glencoe” in her latest TikTok and is saying that of course she knew that but CapCut wouldn’t let her edit the spelling. Ffs.
And there's tonnes more options beyond CapCut for adding subtitles to videos, so this makes even less sense.

I always love how she keeps shouting how she's crippled by perfectionism and works insanely hard at everything, then her answer for every lazy fuckup is to come up with some unbelievable excuse that always amounts to: "I did everything right, but something else was to blame. I could have fixed it, but that would have required a tiny amount of thought, work and/or effort, so I gave up and settled for this mess."
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New member
This is unrelated (and I haven't been on this forum for a while, so I apologize if it has been mentioned before) but in her Q&A video, she says she'd like to rent a cottage and just read for a month with no internet or distractions or whatever.

Doesn't she own a cottage? Why would she have to rent one?
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I doubt she's comfortable with romantic or sexual relationships, honestly. Her attitude towards childhood is never as an observant; she wants to be a child herself. If she wants kids, I really hope she doesn't become a parent until after she's had some serious therapy.
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Sooooo Roobee just uploaded a Q&A and oh my god she is insufferable.

First off she just seems fake/performative throughout the whole video. It literally felt like she is parodying herself (someone please tell me they agree and that I'm not the only one who noticed this).

Second she doesn't show any of the questions/where or what platform she got them from when she answers them. This to me just sort of proves that she might read here because her answers to a lot of these "questions" are things that have been talked about here. For example the VERY first question/answer is her defending herself in why she chose the MA course she is currently on. She does a great job of answering the question...without answering the question. She talks about how much she wanted to do the early modern lit course but gives no evidence/example/backing for WHY she wanted to do it.

She just comes off as so smug and tries to be all cutesy and clever but it just feels so so tone deaf to me.
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my god she’s so pretentious and cringe, pretending she’s just doing Latin translations casually 😂 girl thinks she’s in a Donna Tartt book lmao and by the looks of it so far she’s just taken pictures of and with a load of books, hope she’s ready for that first class discussion
Her whole latin spiel irks me to no end. I had latin for six years in school and there is so much that goes into eventually being able to accurately translate a text, even if it´s only a small excerpt. I suppose since she seems to have an actual latin class at uni she´s finally going to learn it properly as opposed to her "learning latin = copying random conjugations into a notebook" she did at home - at least I hope so.
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Thanks to @CatCafe234 for the new title.

(I hope I didn't skip anything else with a higher vote.)

Ruby is off to Oxford soon, without the aid of her favourite tutor friend Blakeney, but she's not entirely alone, as she's already sharpening her ChatGPT skills to carry her through a degree she doesn't care about. Performative studies and endless to-do list continue.

Carry on!

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The move-in vlog is live! 🥳

She went to one (1) tea social and is drained from all the socialising so decides to have a night in. She’s really going to sit in her room and not make any friends, isn’t she 🙃
I mean, I get the introvert thing she mentions, but she has already bailed on the first social evening on her first day 😬 I would have advised her to at least go to the first one to put faces to names and then sit out other events later in the week. Now she's already going to be behind on knowing who anyone is. Oh dear. I say this as someone who leans more to being introvert myself.
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I do see her avoiding the halls for her meals , she'll go occasionally but I see her staying in her room as she'll find going to eat with others taxing as she's an 'introvert.' I think she'll want to be in control of her meals and I do wonder if that's why she cooks the meals at home, so she knows what's going into it.

I'm wishing her all the best with Oxford but I do see her being caught up in her Hogwarts /dark academia aesthetic. I do expect to see her regress again but I'm hoping that Oxford brings her out of her shell a bit.
I'm pretty sure it'll start on a very Harry Pottery/dark academia/any boarding school possible way, then she'll be tired of that and will turn into a more christmas-y version focused on gifts, sugar plum fairy music and kindness, also coming home. After the festivities she'll definitely have an exam - good resolutions period before going full "I'm at home this weekend" with the weekends being longer with the time and making excuses for it.
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She’s going to use AI to summarise all her texts, isn’t she? She will regurgitate what AI says, in her seminars, won’t she?

She’s robbing herself of the opportunity to study properly, and also robbing the place of someone who would appreciate the content more.
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And of course, the next IG story is about recovering the lost files - all 3,89 GB!


And then...


Of course! Silly me, this is what a happy and humbled person looks like! I would say 0 things and wouldn't even post it if she would be honest once in life, and be like "Hey, guys, I managed to delete the footage, but here is a website I found useful in recovering your lost data in case similar thing happens to you" instead of staged nonsense.
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Satisfying Click

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I haven't seen Ruby self-sabotage like this before; she seems really unprepared for (- and uninterested in) her masters. Putting her eggs into this book will hit her hard if/when it's rejected in the middle of the academic intensity of Oxford.
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Chatty Member
I genuinely do feel a bit worried about this. I know Ruby can be a bit of a twit but I’ve watched quite a few OU debates online (they have a YouTube channel) and it looks like it can be quite a bruising experience for some. Since Ruby appears to be so scared of Oxford and other students that she’s only leaving her halls at 6.30 am to go to Pret, I don’t know how she’s going to cope with that. That and if she’s not keen on being recognised, this seems counterproductive.
Agreed. I sadly can also see her running out in tears. No one is going to be treating her with kid gloves at an Oxford Union debate. My feelings on the Union aside, it's a sort of long-standing well-known forum where being gentle with the love islander, tiktoker and youtuber is just not going to happen. If it's recorded, there's going to be clips of 'InFLueNcErS SlaMmEd By JoUrnALisT' being spread everywhere. Up against a journalist and a member of the House of Lords, good God, she's in trouble.

For the love of God, Ruby, pull the introverted card and drop out of THIS, not a casual pizza night!
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