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Honestly, I am really shocked that she is mostly concentrating on her book, that may never get published and certainly won't be a hit, by any means, yet also left it to the last weekend before she goes off to Oxford. She admits she isn't ready for school, hasn't packed things, hasn't planned much. For the dream school she has been desiring for so long, she seems very neutral about it, like she couldn't care less if she went or not. Maybe she is realizing she isn't up to it as her knowledge on the time period is zilch. She is really going to struggle for her Masters. Everything she studies is little information about books, scripts, terminology, but no actual text. What on earth is she thinking? Peeking at her Pinterest says it all. She is looking at bedding, clothes, dark academia, all the aesthetics she wants to portray. That is the only reason she is going to Oxford. She is going to get slapped hard with the reality stick when she starts her degree. And throwing around the term agents is really strange; still thinking it is a family friend or her mother. lol
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Chatty Member
That's why she makes them, to try to make it seem like she's doing more than other people. Guaranteed, she has no intention of doing most/any of that, she just likes to toss together a list of random, varied activities that fit distinct categories: Ponkin Poddtiftea admin, YeeCheeb waahrk, acadammick stoddy and varry prodocktive janral activities for fon. It's an extension of her staged vlogs, designed to make herself seem far busier and juggling much more than she actually is.

Like, top of the list is a Ponky Poddity task to create a design brief. A hypothetical design brief for the planner should already have been done long ago and would've been done by the people actually running the company (i.e., her management team). Even if she had taken control/ownership of the company back, she'd have no need for design briefs because she'd have no investors or clients to present them to.

It's far too late for a design brief to be beneficial to anyone anyway since she'll be wanting to launch this in December, plus the undated planner is just the existing planner with the dates filed off, so there's no real changes or work involved and would require only a slight tweak to any existing design brief.

She also claims to be editing two videos at once, which isn't happening. But we've seen the end result of every video she's ever edited, so it's clear no work goes into them, regardless of how many she pretends to do in a day.

To her fans who take her blatantly fake bullshit at face value, this will make her seem like the incredibly busy head of a company juggling her studies and YeeCheeb, when in reality she does next to nothing and she's just asked ChatGPT what product managers do and started slapping more fake tasks on her staged to-do lists.
I love how every day your Pumky Pottytittytea spellings get more and more obscure
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Ruby is going to be debating at the oxford union in around a month about whether the rise of influencers is regrettable. Bear in mind that this is not the student union and is not affiliated with the university. Other guests this term include Ben Shapiro and Katie Hopkins so she’s in good company 🤢. View attachment 2493422View attachment 2493423
I'm amazed that she'd voluntarily do this after how much of a disaster her last debate/public roundtable discussion was.

This is going to be an absolute trainwreck and I cannot wait.
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as someone from the west of scotland it’s equal parts irritating and insanely amusing seeing her try to romanticise the krispy kreme shop in glasgow central station🤣
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How long has she been doing the super clunky "I hope you have more than just a productive week" sign off thing? I'm trying to catch up with this latest season of Game of Bones and that's throwing me the heck off.
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View attachment 2486580

"I got caught in the rain on what was an obviously overcast day and so I took shelter in the library (y'know, that place I avoided for 4 years at Exeter) but not before I stood in the rain to pose for a photo.

I was also so desperate to be seen wandering Oxford campus holding books that I'll never actually read that I didn't bother putting them in a bag. They're pretty soaked now, so I'll be returning them water-damaged having not read them. THANKS AWKSFWUD!"

Fucks sake, the OXFORD lanyard
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Untitled5445675456755674564566465675645 - Copy.png

Space is at a premium in Ruby's room, so naturally she's chosen to fill a huge section of it with more superficial nonsense, dark macadamia design clichés, pictures of Shakespeare and "Harmoine from The Winter's Tale ballet". And it'd be one thing if this was decorative stuff she liked and enjoyed, but...

Untitled544567545675567456456646567556756645 - Copy.png

Whoops. Another day, another instance of Ruby trying to seem intelligent and cultured and achieving the opposite.

It also feels like this "myeed bwoard" was half-designed with Tattle in mind; a photo of forgotten sister Martha is given pride of place, blocking pictures of her parents and Blakeney, and there's none of her usual creepy photos of young children.
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She’s never read the original source text throughout her entire academic career, why would she start now?
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To be fair I´m kind of jealous of this kettle, it is very pretty compared to my old one :LOL: On a sidenote, I just remembered why I started to read on tattle in the first place: the whole Karamazov pronunciation debacle. Now evertime someone on here writes "She´s heard it pronounced both ways" in jest I get war flashbacks lmao
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I’m sitting on the train, bored, so here’s a start to our bingo list.
Review of vegan food in the halls (first and only time she goes)
Live study with me in the Bodleian
Home for the weekend
Book shopping at Waterstones
Grades are bad
A wild Blakeney appears!
Honest mental health chat, sponsored ofc
Molly resurfaces
Roobs gets a Pret subscription, coffee consumption skyrockets
No more freckles, only pimples
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Making friends with postgrads isn’t so overwhelming and drink focused than undergrad though, people are more mature. It won’t be the same experience as feeling out of water at Exeter
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This just in - we’ve finally found out what kind of thing it’s okay to call her out on! She won’t get offended and delete your comment, HONNASTLEE.


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I don’t understand why she’s acting like simply being in Oxford is a big deal, with all the “I can’t believe I’m actually here” performances? There will be people who live there that have never been to the university. I went to Oxford the other week for a concert. I got drunk in their Turtle Bay and went to see a rock band, and I don’t have a single GCSE (because of personal reasons unrelated to just not passing them, but still) - God knows what Ruby would think of me. 😅 Does she not realise that she could have visited Oxford before now if she was that enamoured with the place itself? But she’s not. She just wants to be seen in the wild as an Oxford student, hence the lanyard. 😂 Her whole schtick right now is so fake.
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I think she has hyped it up in her own mind too much at this point. She’s been obsessed with the place since she was about 15 and has been building up her expectations for years, it was always going to be the case that she’d have a massive Paris syndrome moment and be bitterly disappointed when she finally got in and realised that going to Oxford isn’t actually exactly like going to school at Hogwarts.
I don’t think it’s really even the aesthetic thing, it’s the academia and I’m the best thing. I think she feels inadequate :(
I actually find Oxford quite a sad place at times. It’s beautiful, but only the centre, the outskirts actually have quite a lot of poverty and crime and grime. And because of the intensity of the degrees and the workload there’s quite an air of… stress? Face it a large part of the town centre is students. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure there’s loads of happy students who have fun, but I’m not surprised she feels an air of melancholy in this new place
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oh my... a hospital bed. of all the victorian beds in the world, she choose to sleep in a hospital bed. But I'm not surprised if I'm honest.
ugh I know right, it feels like bad juju. Or just kind of unnerving knowing a lot of people had their worst moments on that bed.
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If self-proclaimed bookworm and creative genius Ruby doesn't have enough ideas of her own to make one 10 minute video, then that should be as good a sign as any that she doesn't really have any interest in bookish things or YEECHEEB.

She should either make a video about something that actually interests her or just not bother at all.

Getting her fans to do her homework for her so she can slap together another shitty, half-assed video full of recycled footage ain't good enough, nor is simply crediting them for doing her work when she'll be making money off it and they won't.
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