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Lots of red flags in her most recent video.

1. Only applied for Oxford. If she couldn't get into Oxford, she didn't want to continue. I mean, no matter what she says, that is the truth in a nutshell.
2. Once again, she reminds us of how privileged she is. Funny, because money apparently doesn't buy honesty or intellect, does it now?
3. Talks about her hard work with YouTube and part-time job at her old school, as what kept her so busy this year. have no idea what work is.
4. Doesn't mention how she spent 1/2 the time, this past year, travelling all over the place and basically learning nothing new.
5. Mentions her "best friend" again, like "I am so lucky and privileged to have a best friend" and I am over here thinking of the group of over 20 of us that hung out together on a daily basis during uni and a good dozen from work after I graduated. Are we in Kindergarten that we feel the need to rank our friends?
6. Still far more interested and excited about her unpublished, unaccepted book, as opposed to giving Oxford every fiber of her being.
7. In the meantime, breaking out in zits. Acne is often associated with stress. Yeah, get ready, Rubbish.
8. Goes on and on about how we should be ourselves and find an aesthetic that fits us, rather than look at an aesthetic and try to fit into it. OMG Isn't this what her channel has been about over the past several years? Her trying on every persona she could because she really hasn't a clue as to who she is!?!
9. Gave up on learning Latin. As usual, she starts things and never finishes them. Latin, gymnastics, ballet, painting, sewing, the list is endless. So far, no talent, whatsoever, in anything. Maybe because she never gives things a chance!
10. Yikes. Just hearing her say the best thing about making dinner for everyone is that she gets to eat what she wants, not what her parents want. That control of food screamed ED to me like nothing else we have seen from her yet.
11. Undeclared ad for her planners at the end. These must not be selling well, at all, because she is really pushing them this year.
12. She is disappointed in herself for not taking a full month off to read and get away from social media. You had the entire year, Rubes. The only single person that stopped you from actually doing something interesting and for yourself alone, rather than performance, was you. No pity here.
13. Lots more, but I find it pointless rubbish from the Queen of Rubbish, herself. A useless post summer, pre-Oxford, this is where I am now video, with little new information and nothing unexpected.
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I don’t think she forgot to bring her lanyard. I think she left it at home so she had an excuse to buy an Oxford lanyard so everybody she walks past knows she is studying there. Even though not a single person she walks past would actually care.
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She literally just went to Oxford to shop.

The way she kept saying "Oi cahn't believe I'm here" as if Oxford, the city, isn't open to the general public.
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my god she’s so pretentious and cringe, pretending she’s just doing Latin translations casually 😂 girl thinks she’s in a Donna Tartt book lmao and by the looks of it so far she’s just taken pictures of and with a load of books, hope she’s ready for that first class discussion
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Palisades Lost? What a stupid title. It just sounds like word salad. Gives me zero idea of what the book is actually about. Unless it's about, idk, a medieval village's struggle with their exterior walls vanishing in the night as an enemy army approaches
maybe she’s hoping people will mistake it for Paradise Lost and not realise until they’ve already purchased it
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I honestly think she will “get through” Oxford, even if it’s with a pass and not a merit/distinction.

Oxford ultimately don’t want students to fail as it’s bad for their reputation and so will give her at least some support if she’s struggling. It’s also been her dream for so long I don’t see her dropping out (although I can see her switching courses). The uni is full of rich kids who are bright enough, but not insanely intelligent.

If she does get a pass and not a distinction, she’ll never disclose it on her linked in / cv, just the fact that she went to AXEFURD.
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Is it bad that when I saw the slow motion thirst trap of her dad, I thought of you guys and that dark time in 2021 when everyone was lusting for Daddy Bones . I really have spent too much time here 😂
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As she's claiming she doesn't like AI and NAVVAR YEEZES Genei to summarise texts, she does her patented one-eyed-squint poker tell that she does whenever she's lying her ass off about something.

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She later shows herself using Genei to summarise more essays, then copying it all into Notion because she's nothing without redundant busywork.

Note that she has the essay questions lined up, a bunch of copied summary information from essays, while her 'Key Thoughts' section is completely blank. Because she's never had a thought pass through her vacant brain and she clearly hasn't done any of the actual reading for herself to form her own ideas and opinions.

This is the only study-related part of this "SAPTAMBER STODDY DAYYYS" video and it's clearly Ruby trying desperately to hide the fact that she's just trying to cheat her way through uni again.

The rest of the video is just Ruby offering up an endless parade of undeclared ads, fake timescales, head shaking/eyebrow-waggling 'AMMA WATYSON' dramatic readings and abysmal editing, as always.

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Ruby got her latest shit-show of a novel back from her agent with feedback and suggested edits.

"Thahhr is one big strocktural change that oiy'm avverything alse is quoyte moyner."

She doesn't shed any more light than this, so I can only assume her feedback from her agent was:

The big structural suggestion: Scrap the entire book and start over with something good this time.
The positives: The font was okay.

Without any insight into what kind of feedback she's getting, how she feels about her book at this stage or what her book is even remotely about, this section is, much like the entire video, completely pointless. It's just another interchangeable sequence of Ruby staring morosely at her screen in timelapse footage, pretending to be VARRY BUSY AND PRODOCKTIVE.

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And in more 'Ruby doesn't understand how anything works' news:

"Oiy can clear out moiy downloads folder and think that moiy compyeetah is completely cleahhr and thaahrr will still be foyles on thaaahr," Ruby says, shocked that every single file on a computer isn't located within the 'Downloads' folder. Former "child genius" approaching, people, clear a path.

Ruby endorses the sponsored product (which she never actually uses): A random bloatware program called 'CleanMyMacX' which Ruby offers a "15 PRUSSANT" discount for and assures us that it will "speed opp the pruffwormance" of her Mac. Her Mac is brand new and she only uses for internet browsing, word processing and basic editing, yet she apparently has performance issues with it, because the sponsor told her she needed to have them for this video.

Ironically, though she's sponsored by a company called 'CleanMyMacX', Ruby has never physically cleaned any Mac that she owns, or any of her possessions, for that matter. Her bedding also goes unchanged still, over a month after she put it on.

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Ruby claims she really wanted to make the "POMPKIN PANCAKES" from Gilmore Girls. Ruby watched part of the first episode of Gilmore Girls after seeing people talk about it on social media and that was the sum total of her experience, but she still claimed it as part of her VARRY AUTOMMINUL fake identity. So it's no great shock that she doesn't want to make them because she's watched the episode in question, she wants to do it because she saw other people doing it on social media. Monkey see, monkey doofus.

Ruby serves these pancakes in a saucer and eats them with the world's smallest fork, because ED-baiting. Every "meal" show in this video is a dessert.

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"The nomba of outfit changes in this videeyoww is ridiculous, oiy dyon't even knyow how many toymes oiy've changed outfits at this point."

Yep, it's hard to keep track of something when it happened across several days and you're now doing a bad job of pretending it all happened in one day. The baffling lies keeps piling up as Ruby claims she AWHLWHEYS keeps a list of go-to outfits to wear in the weeks ahead, to "save wasted time thinking of an outfit to wear". Yet here she claims it's normal for her to just change outfits 86 times a day on a whim - a pretend activity which would take up a substantial chunk of any day, if it were actually happening.

Despite her hilariously unconvincing lies, Ruby can't even stay organised enough to just make a note of what outfit she was wearing in a section of footage and ensure that she puts it back on when recording more footage for that "day" and do a better job of faking this shit. If only there were a planner of some kind in which to keep track of these things...
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Rewatching her first day at Exeter vlog is an interesting contrast to this one.

There, she went out on campus and made an effort to meet people, strike up a conversation and put herself out there. Later she mentions that she'd left her door open all day while she was in her room to encourage people walking by to say hello.

At Oxford, all the work to meet people was done for her, all she had to do was show up and still she couldn't be bothered. She's clearly not there to learn, she isn't there to take part in the social side of university, so she's just paid £40,000 just for the opportunity to take staged photos on an Oxford bench.
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HELP! I returned from a weekend in Gloucester earlier and need to go to Bournemouth tomorrow. I just don’t have enough time to reset from one trip before starting another! Can anyone dust my desk for me?!
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"I got caught in the rain on what was an obviously overcast day and so I took shelter in the library (y'know, that place I avoided for 4 years at Exeter) but not before I stood in the rain to pose for a photo.

I was also so desperate to be seen wandering Oxford campus holding books that I'll never actually read that I didn't bother putting them in a bag. They're pretty soaked now, so I'll be returning them water-damaged having not read them. THANKS AWKSFWUD!"

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Re: the new video;
  • Ruby pretends to like Lola by yelling "LOOK HOW CUTE YOU ARE" in an unhinged voice
  • when it's lower and she doesn't RP Hermione Granger aged 11, her voice actually sounds quite pleasant
  • Ruby admits she feels a little underprepared (a LITTLE?) for Oxford, proceeds to do literally anything other than to prepare for Oxford
  • says her main pritority before the term starts is to finish the book she's wroiting (one would say her priority should be, idk, PREPARING FOR OXFORD)
  • if I hear Lola sloshing water around noisily one more time I'm gonna scream
  • I swear Ruby says "sucktion" instead of "section"
  • screaming break because of ANOTHER clip where Lola drinks but it sounds like they have a pet elephant or a hippo, not a dog
  • I am actively choosing not to comment on Ruby's baking
  • another undeclared khamboocha ad
  • Ruby packs for Hogwarts, I mean Oxford, the trunk could've fooled me
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Looks like she didn’t get the dark academia hogwarts room she always dreamed of 🤭 I wonder how disappointed she was when she got assigned a modern accommodation
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The move-in vlog is live! 🥳

She went to one (1) tea social and is drained from all the socialising so decides to have a night in. She’s really going to sit in her room and not make any friends, isn’t she 🙃
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View attachment 2488546

I have to admire Ruby's commitment to consumerism tea by buying a beast of a kettle 😁
That's no kettle, that's a water tank which she'll fill with lye to help dispose of the bodies of whichever lecturers give her a bad grade.

"Why nyo, officer, OFFCWOARSE oiy GANUINELY haven't syeen Profassar Womblefword AVVER BAWFWORE.

Oiy've haaahrd that he had an ethanol problam thyough, syo he probableee myoved to Australia or Antrarctica.

Didjoo know that they're called AA meetings because alcoholics always move tyoo a place beginning and anding with an A after they've been blodgeoned to dath with an Awksfwud Anglish Dictionaaahry--OIY MEAN, gone on an ethanol binge navver tyoo be seen agann?

Oiy've alsyo haarhd that he moight have abscyonded with the univaaaarsity charity fonds so you can awlsyo close that case and don't need to look in moiy ryoom for those, OIY PROMMISE YOOO THAT."
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