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Did she take a creative writing module in undergrad? I can't remember. If she did she probably recieve feedback she couldn't handle and then decided to never take another creative writing module. But similar to what replace32titles said that if you loved writing you would keep doing it for the love of it over anything else.

Ruby could have taken loads of creative writing classes, workshops, internships, explore online resources, etc. She doesn't because you're right in that she doesn't love it, she loves the idea of it.
She did a couple of creative writing modules, for one in her first year she got her lowest grade, then she did a children's writing module in her final year. She handed in this nightmarish crap, complete with her patented language fuckups:




"What a depacle" indeed.


Her Lemony Snicket ripoff book was also part of her creative writing module, and she handed in this absolute mess of an essay to accompany it. This was apparently her final draft of this essay, yet the first paragraph alone is riddled with massive errors and general stupidity. Ruby hypes up how her Lemony Snicket knockoff, by virtue of being just like Lemony Snicket, will fill a gap in the children's literary market...y'know, that gap that Lemony Snicket already fills.

"First-person middle-grade narratives are engaging and intimate; however, no popular third-person novel engages readers as intimately as David Handler."

She loves Lemony Snicket so much that she gets the author's name completely wrong, but thanks to her linguistic incompetence, she makes it sounds like David Handler (whoever he may be) is a novel, not an author.

She somehow got a First for this incoherent garbage. The wonders of grade inflation.
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I cannot imagine looking at the work of one of my MYOST FAAAAVOURITE writers and deciding “you know what would improve this? My shitty paintings over the top.” 💀

It’s one thing if you’re a really good artist, or even just a passable one - those videos on IG of that woman who paints scenes from LOTR onto the fore-edge of the books are always unreal - but this is just uhh…questionable. I guess if it’s between that and actually reading, though, we know what she’d rather do.
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I wonder if she's not showing herself studying for her upcoming degree so she can pretend to know these books by heart without bothering to read them recently.
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I agree. But whyyyy I don’t understand? It can’t JUST be that the course wasn’t her top choice, she still likes literature, it’s not like she has to do maths or something.
She likes being seen holding or standing next to literature and she likes when people think that she's smarter than they are, but that's all.

She's shown time and time again that she doesn't actually enjoy reading or learning and will actively avoid it however she can. Now she's in a position where not only will she have to buckle down and do work, but she'll be expected to work harder and to a higher standard than she's ever been expected to before. She'll have to do it without Blakeney doing most of the work for her.

She wanted to get into Oxford purely because she was told it's where all the best and brightest students go, but the reality is that she's probably a strong contender for the dumbest person there. Other than the superficial trophy appeal of being able to tell people she's studying at Oxford, there's nothing there that she'll enjoy and the novelty of being able to brag about getting accepted will quickly wear thin for her.

She can lie about how excited she is as much as she wants to her fans, but she certainly knows herself that she's about to put herself through the ringer, all for something she has no genuine interest in.

Plus she'll have to be away from mummy for extended periods of time, and she's never happy when she has to do that.
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Ruby’s all “you study the materiality of texts at Oxford”

(making it very clear she hasn’t actually looked at the equivalent Cambridge course at all, since it includes masses of work on the materiality of texts!)
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Why is the window blurred??
I think it’s her attempt to keep her whereabouts secret. Even though she’s already showed us her room and a quick Google will tell you exactly where it is. She also failed to blur out the other window so you can pretty much pinpoint exactly which room she’s in too. Once again a poor effort from our Roobs, but it’s that thought that counts, right?
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I actually can't believe it but a girl I know has won a pumpkin productivity planner AND received it AND shared it on Instagram, absolutely wild

Guess the giveaway actually did happen?!
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I think Ruby should go home now and quit while she's ahead. She's got into Oxford, moved in, visited the library, been to afternoon tea, got the OXFORD lanyard in a photo. It can only go downhill now.

In other news, what's Marfa up to? Do we know?
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I'm still recovering from her last trip to Scotland where she was in Perth, visiting Scone Castle as she called it, where I live ten minutes away from her. I don't know how I would cope seeing Ruby out in the wild when I'm trying to do my shopping etc.
Think fondly and pityingly of me, then, the thread’s resident Oxford-dweller, about to get a whole year of dear Rubes nearby and going to all the same places… 😂
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She’s reading and taking note on an essay on early modern paleantology. That’s not a word in any language, let alone English. No wonder she can only manage to take a singular note. There must not be that many to go around.
I am honestly confused as to why she is reading and taking notes on this because Paleontology is the study of ancient life from dinosaurs to prehistoric plants, mammals, fish, insects, fungi and microbes. So, unless I am missing something what has this got to do with her Masters?
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Anyone heard from gossip guy? Has Rumbster finally made a video so stupid and fake that she actually killed someone?
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Buys a Jesus College pin, says she’s going to put it on her “layple”. I believe she means lapel. Her inability to pronounce basic words and use language appropriately is just embarrassing at this point.
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From her videos it seems like there is not one single soul in Oxford except for her. Where is everyone??
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I have to say it still baffles me as to why she has started the course reading so late because if it was me in her situation, I would have started my reading the minute the reading list was given to me.
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I don't think she's lost considerable amount of weight, I just think she's not 17 years old anymore. Her face has thinned out but everybody's does by their mid-20s. She's not fat, but she's by no means thin and willowy either. She looks to be a healthy weight for her height.
this. Why does everyone keep saying she looks "unwell" and things like that? I think someone said it at some point and everyone just parrots it mindlessly when they run out of other criticisms. No, she looks a perfectly fine weight, and it's even more obvious when you see her with shorter skirts and tights like in the Scotland vlog, for example. I don't know about her eating habits, she shares very selectively about them. Others have said they don't look healthy, but how can you tell?
Anyway, I have no idea what healthy eating habits are, but looking thin? Unwell? where?

those comments are super weird to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Haven't checked in on Ruby for a while but might start now she's going back to uni...will be an interesting year with her starting at Oxford and Vee starting her PhD.

Have to say reading the last few pages, it's the first time I think I have EVER seen someone say funding for literature isn't rare, especially at master's academic background is interdisciplinary and happy to disclose that it isn't literature, but it is in humanities, and it's pretty well known that there is next to no funding at master's level. It's certainly not misleading to say that. The master's degree I taught on had no funding options and many students were going onto self-fund PhDs because again, hardly any funding in these areas. If people didn't self fund pure literature PhDs then hardly anyone would be doing any. Oxbridge are also notorious for giving more offers than there are funding opportunities, I know several people who have self funded PhDs because they were taken in by getting a place at an elite university and practically bankrupted themselves to go there.

I also don't think it's right to say the 'best projects' are funded (again disclosure: I had full funding for my PhD, and then was an academic for several years). How we conceive of 'best' projects in academia is pretty narrow and generally tends to be 'filling a research gap' which doesn't mean other projects are not also excellent and deserving of funding, but rather the way that funding bodies allocate funding is, in my opinion, deeply flawed.

Anyway didn't want to sidetrack or anything just found some of these comments very strange.
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