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Oh, she definitely won't be doing it herself, but she has an accountant either privately or through her management. Probably a friend of her dad's for maximum tax loophole shenanigans. I think she's mentioned in older videos having to email someone with details of her expenses for something YouTube related.
Exactly, if her dad already has offshore companies (for tax avoidance), I'm sure they know what they're doing.
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has anyone seen @/lady_of_the_mercians tiktok video responding to being called the “ruby granger of history”? it’s an excellent takedown of her videos. i also saw her in ruby’s comments questioning her on miss patina but of course there was no response lol
Just went for a nose and she’s got it bang on! I wonder if Ruby will leave a comment defending herself lmfao
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According to hardcore American christians its not only about covering body but also about the garment itself. Women are supposed to wear skirts, not pants, thus this monstrosity was born.
Why Ruby, an atheist(or a lukewarm Christian, im not sure) that dabbles in reading the Bible would wear a skirt(made from a flimsy fabric!) for skiing is beyond me.
Hardcore American Christians are strange, strange people! It's a completely different world 😆
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Ruby gives us tips again to be extra kind today. Thanks to her we learn that leaving "motivational stickynotes" in random magazines in waiting rooms is just as kind as donations to earthquake victims.

Once again, I'm lost for words.
Yet another staggering lack of insight from Ruby.
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I can't believe she actually doesn't know how to pronounce aurora borealis and doesn't care enough to look it up? English is not my native language and it's still ridiculous to me. I can't imagine not knowing something so basic in my own language and happily broadcasting it for everyone to see 😭
It’s not as if they’ve been a news topic or anything recently …
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Yeah, I said before we should prepare ourselves that she's going to get accepted. The main reason is that they don't actually have to speak with Ruby, i.e. an interview, to make the decision. Trying to memorise her way into Oxford as an undergrad caused her to bomb the interview.

But provided they don't actually look into her background and watch any of her youtube videos (or read her ghastly novel), Ruby looks very good on paper. We know from her firsts at Exeter that even though she takes critical feedback extremely badly and seldom seems to accept it, when it comes to her academics she is both willing and able to "play the game" by implementing it. And she will have probably had someone look over her application to fix any problems, as well as learned from her previous applications. This is almost certainly her third attempt at getting into Oxford and her second attempt at getting in for her masters. She had it the applications on her to do list last year, and then we didn't hear anything until she said she was taking a gap year. Knowing how obsessed she is with Oxford, there's no way she didn't apply last year because that would be giving up a chance. As we've seen with Jack, there's only so many times she can keep reapplying. She'll have learned from Jack's mistakes too.

So she's applying with excellent marks; likely excellent references from those tutors who gave her firsts; an application that will have been carefully crafted, ruthlessly edited, and proofread (unlike her novels); and although it will matter less to Oxford tutors, claims to have run a successful youtube and stationery business. The trip to America was also likely with the application in mind.

The annoying thing is that she'll take this as vindication that the tutors made a mistake and didn't recognize her brilliance during the undergrad interviews, or just put it down to her nerves like she explained away her lower-than-expected A level grades. Nothing to do with her appalling preparation, though! I wonder how many of her impressionable teenage followers failed to get in because they followed her dreadful advice.
I know she will be insufferable if she does manage to get accepted. Tbh tho, I will be surprised if she is accepted. If her previous failures, along with Jack's are anything to go by...

Lets see...Its got to be soon, right?
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I'm watching her old videos and I was watching her Victorian dinner party (where Martha is a waitress for it) and there's three girls who I assume are Ruby's age, but look and come off as so much older than her, come to the party and spend it eating in the dark, but they are never mentioned again. It's the same with all of her friends that she makes in uni, she would vlog with these people and they are never mentioned again and seemed to have disappeared.

Unless she's private with her friendships, I do wonder what happened with those friendships. I'm assuming they just fizzled out because Ruby doesn't go outside and is so immature. Unless she is using being an 'introvert,' to justify her lack of friendships. Is she even 'Friends,' with those from studytube these days? She was friendly with unjaded jade but I can't imagine them being friends even though it's online. I think she was 'friends ' Holly Gabrielle and there was a video of them together and I always could see them being friends more than Jade.
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I'll try to make the new thread if we can confirm this has the highest number of votes? (I got it wrong last time lol)

Ruby Granger #37 You can still get one while you can
Made a new thread. Hope I haven't messed it up. 😂

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She barely works for 3 hours some days and leaves her work to her 15 min ride? Thats time management for you :rolleyes:

Another task is to have lunch. This girl almost needs a to-do list to get out of bed and take a dump every day.
To be fair I tend to delay meals when doing tasks and when there is a lot to do in a day, I end up skipping meals. So I write them in my to do lists too. :oops:
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The thing that gave away the bullying thing to me was when she posted that video years ago trying to “tell off” the bullies who were picking on one of her friends. She’s scowling at the camera and going on “how DAAAARE you?!”

I was bullied badly at school because I was very awkward and quiet and shy, to the point where I had to change classes (and almost schools outright) to get away from it, and I feel like anybody who’s been through it would know doing that sort of thing would make them absolutely piss their pants laughing rather than help at all. All that did, if they even saw it, was give her friend’s bullies something to quote at her next time. It’s new material. I know she’s not the most self aware at the best of times, but surely if she’d been through it she’d know that?

She absolutely does give the vibe of somebody who would think others not wanting to be her friend was a form of bullying rather than a chance to look inward and question why.
DOES ANYONE HAVE THE LINK TO THIS? My mates and I used to quote this all of the time in sixth form, I need to see it again for old time's sake I beg
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Thanks for sharing @LostGhosts. Hope you're recovering from your ordeal.

"I close my eyes to the morning and say a mental hello to the large oak tree just outside my window"
HALLO it's Oakbee *tree waves its branches*

[Florence Nightingale] is one of my greatest inspirations, after J. K. Rowling, Barak Obama and Queen Elizabeth I"
Don't forget David Cameron! I just knew Mary Seacole wouldn't get a look in...
Who goes to sleep in a shower?
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When she wrote 'book club poster on drive' does she mean Google drive or a USB, maybe?? It seems ridiculous that she'd make a poster on a car journey when she sits at her desk nearly the whole day lol.
i didn't think of that! mostly because for me drive is ... drive, something you do and I forgot that Google Drive exists or that a "drive" is a piece of hardware. But with Ruby, you never know. 😆 I can totally see her doing thing on her journey to work. Like a politician, sitting in the back of a big car while being driven around
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