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Chatty Member
As much as I am glad she finally got a larger desk, it feels so anti-climatic as this is something that should have happened years before university days. Now she isn't even doing anything other than posing and pretending. Is she even teaching still, because she never talks about it! Listening to her mother whine about her changing her outro just illustrates where Ruby gets her immaturity and weird personality. Good grief. Let it go and move on. You can hardly squeeze between the desk and the bed now. She has long since outgrown this bedroom and needs to get her own place. Her rooms at uni were bigger than this nursery sized room, which is probably what it was, back in the day. I wonder how her students feel about teacher showing her bedroom and every item in every drawer of her desk like a 10 year old would do. At some point in time, which Ruby has long since passed, you need to grow up and share less. Keep things personal. Stop oversharing on socials. There is such a high level of cringe knowing students know what their teacher's bedroom looks like, even if she is only teaching temporarily. Most people at this point are either done with YT videos or find a more neutral background/setting to their videos, like a sofa and a living room background or fake backdrop. She definitely has Peter Pan syndrome.
Yeah it feels like a video in preparation for finishing school and getting into undergrad studies
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Her new "Wes Anderson inspired" YT-short is just so annoying.
a) would never have guessed any connection to Wes Anderson, the whole "cinematography" is totally off.
b) grow up! Probably over 90% of YT-viewers are facing more problems than ever before thx to the state of the world, but yeah, baguette is happiness. I mean there is nothing wrong with noticing the little pleasures of life and making light hearted content also in troubled times. But Ruby always comes across as so incredibly tone-deaf bc she has the worldviews of a 5yo. Why cant you just say you had a nice baguette and were happy about it?

Aside from the "step one" (which she's stolen off another tiktoker who makes high quality, Wes Anderson esque videos) nothing about this is Wes Anderson at all
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I don't think she'd get a new desk if she knew she got accepted to Oxford? But idk bc rich people just like having things lmao. Also, about the teaching job, I think she really did make it seem like it was a serious job, but it was probably only an exam prep tutoring position. I think we also predicted that she rarely spoke about it on purpose just in case she wanted to leave.

Also, is she teaching at her old school? I looked her up in the current staff directory on their website and she's not on there. (edit: I found it)
Tbf she got the desk on Facebook marketplace, I doubt it cost that much. Plus she lives less than an hour from Oxford by train so if she got in I assume she’ll be back almost every weekend (tbh she might even commute if she’s allowed to)
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Ngl the only reason I want Ruby to get accepted is coz I know how triggered the other dickhead studytubers like Jade and Jack will be lmfao
Thats fucking evil and I here for it 🤣
"Oiy johst wanted tyoo rip off sommone alse's oiydeas based on moiy nyeu JANUINE lovv of Wass Handington - HONNASTLY moiy favoratt diracktorr.

Oiy lovv awhl of his films, like The Regal Tinnypawns, Beetle Pocket, Oiy Love Dogs and The Fantabulous Sir Badger. But most aspashiouly, my varry myost favourat Wils Mandleston myoovie is Roshmwoar, which is like Matilda but with a boy, syo not as gud as Matilda but still varry gud.

Oiy JANUINELY watched all of these films boht moiy thwaots on tham are proyvit, syo please ask nyo farrther qwasschons. Boiy popular demahnd, oiy will gyo back tyoo making moiy yooshual contant of wrinkled clyothes oiy gwot for free in ondeclared ads fwaor Misspah Teena."

View attachment 1991296

Looks like it's still the case. Ruby would never survive.

But it would not shock me at all if Ruby and/or her parents just rented another home in Oxford that she has no intention of living in and did everything possible to get around this. She couldn't stay in Exeter for a full week, and that was a familiar place with her BASST FRAND, she'll break down immediately at Oxford.
Not trying to doxx or anything, but I thought Roobert lived kinda close to
which I know to be about a 45 minute road journey to Oxford, right? I used to live in UK but now in Australia
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Chatty Member
I haven't read even ten books since the start of the new year (I have read 6 books in total) and I have all the time in the world. well, almost.

I would like to study something at the OU, but it's so expensive compared to how much a German uni costs. There's a distance university in Germany which doesn't cost much but they offer only a few courses to study. And I don't want to study again, I want o work, but if I don't find a job, I need to do something.
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Chatty Member
how does she gets invited to those events? through her management or does her father have connections maybe?
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Well-known member
Thanks @LostGhosts for your summary of Rube's autobiography sorry I meant novel. She obviously thinks herself quite the novelist. Message to Rubes if you're sniffing about here. No, Rubes, no (imo) you're not a very skilled writer. Your descriptive passages are pathetic and really aren't too far removed from the sort of stuff I wrote in year 6, 7, 8 or 9. My mum kept a rather pretentious poem I wrote at age 10 all about the colour red. Sadly it reminds me of your current efforts. Your writing is too try hard and you are, imo, decidedly more dumbass than genius.
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Chatty Member
My condolences! 🤣 I used to live in Düsseldorf, now I live between Duisburg and Krefeld, so Niederrhein, i.e. almost like the Rhineland. Carnival is a big thing here. 😆
*waves from her part in the same state* I'm soo glad that we don't live in the center of the city. Yesterday I saw a kid wearing a bucket an their head (the bucket had a face on it). Interesting costume. If I'd celebrate carnival, I'd go as victorian ghost child. Or maybe child waitress? or victorian ghost child waitress!
  • Haha
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Chatty Member
Why does she say single bed and not just bed? I've never heard anyone specify the size of their bed unless it was necessary to the context of the conversation. Weirdo
Yeah, so weird. We can all see that its a single bed. You ask a very good question. Why does she need to specify that its a single bed? Is that important to her? Is she trying to emphasise to her viewers that she sleeps in a single bed?

Have you got the right tense of the verb? Do you mean why does her hair look dead? 😁
Her hair does look both dyed and dead. Maybe the balding, sparseness of her hair is due to the violent way that she brushes it.
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Chatty Member
I'm guessing the beak line is her attempt at synecdoche...

Nobody told her that it actually has to make sense within the poem.
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Chatty Member
I think she spoke about living in the cottage once she had left university, but that was years ago and she was a lot more mature back then than she is now. I think she would be staying at home until her parents basically kick her out. I don't see her deciding to live on her own, not at the moment. Or if she did, I think that she would be at home a lot just 'visiting,' her family as she can't be on her own, and it's the middle of nowhere, so she'll be needing lifts ect/
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Of course because none of these are faults:

1) Being judgemental of others academic ability
2) Being judgemental of others appearance and if they exercise
3) Disliking someone who is NINE because they like lego and not studying
4) Telling off other students in class
5) Ghosting a friend because they suggested she report bullying

The list could go on ...
She was just incessantly optimistic that they would do better with all of those things.
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I know it's been mentioned before, because it's extremely annoying and distracting. But can someone explain to me why she does the claw thing and talks with her hands so much? I'm autistic and honestly don't understand a lot of social things, it just seems so unnecessary.
(Please be kind! This is a genuine question lol. Also, sorry for my English!)
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