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VIP Member
Yeah she claims that the museum staff did not check the video before she posted it yet they must have done because one of the staff members I presume is filming her around the museum. The person filming her around the museum must have been quite tall because in this clip it feels like the person filming is looking down at Ruby and it also feels like the person was recording the video at an angle as the bookshelf looks tilted when Ruby is standing next to it.
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it's all lies with this woman
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Chatty Member
The question is, why does she have to pretend to be a Master's student when she could actually be a Master's student? There is no reason for her not to go back to school...except for the fact that she probably didn't enjoy university. But I'm sure there's some situation where she could take relatively easy courses and get back into the student persona that she misses so much without actually having to work that hard. I think that would do her more good than anything. I can't see her ever holding a real job. It's academia forever or a lifetime of this aimless floundering and trips with her parents.
Yeah it's actually very sad that her fantasy is something that she could be doing right now if she bothered, instead she's wasting her time. And it's a bit worrying that as a writer she can't come up with anything more imaginative.
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Hi! Long time lurker here. Just wanted to jump in to say that this wouldn't be coming out of licence fee money - the BBC has a commercial arm that would be taking care of campaigns like this and that part of the company makes money from the parts of the BBC that run ads - so eg the World News Channel which runs advertisements - which they in turn use for marketing campaigns like this one. I still agree that it's a weird sponsorship for her and the video was totally subpar, but since I have first-hand knowledge of working at the BBC I just wanted to jump in here to clarify that we as taxpayers aren't funding this kind of video!
Tbf the TV license isn’t even funded by tax either, it’s an optional payment which you can easily get away with not paying for even if you do watch TV. I’ve never paid mine in my life
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Well if that’s true, now she has put it as an AD she has fucked up and basically admitted she was doing paid work over there.
I wonder if there may be a rule though which allows certain work to be carried out over there regardless of visas, like for example I know in Spain they basically allow DJs to come and work for a certain period of time with no visa required (obviously bc there’s big music scenes in places like ibiza) and I don’t think it gets taxed either. I think there are other countries who have this sort of rule on very short term remote work as well, so maybe the US allows the same thing for like influencer work from visitors? idk
Yeah I thought about this too. The US embassy website seems to make it pretty clear though:

If you wish to work in the United States for a temporary period you will require a nonimmigrant work visa. It is not possible to work on a visitor or business visa, or under the Visa Waiver Program (VWP).​
Unlike some countries, the United States government does not issue work visas for casual employment. In general, work visas are based on a specific offer of employment. In most cases, a petition must be filed and approved by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) before applying for the visa at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate.​
Edited to add: She doesn't appear to meet any of the criteria for a petition-based visa either.
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hope this isn't too off topic, but the surname thing reminds me of smth that keeps nagging at me lol. is she really sticking with the Hermione Granger thing, what with all the bs coming out of JKR, and her being generally considered a bit of an arse. I just would have thought from someone allegedly 'not a tory' who has a fairly young audience, she'd try and distance herself from that? I feel like a while ago she mentioned JKR in a video and I'm just like... really?

In fairness, it's not a Ruby specific thing, a lot of creators still lean on the Potter thing for content, I just find it odd that someone who's all about positivity and being unproblematic would... not do it.
I do wonder if she's been keeping up with the new things that have been put out in the Harry Potter franchise since the last movie, like the Cursed Child and the Fantastic Beasts movies. Because frankly they have all been embarrassingly bad, and they have seriously made me reconsider not only JKR's attitude towards her own works, but the original series as well lol and I don't think she's ever talked about any of those things? Which for someone who goes by the name Ruby Granger is a bit bizarre
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I'm watching JaackMaates old videos where he roasts Zoella's books and products and it just reminded me of Ruby's to do lists and her planner mayhem 😭
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Well-known member
Yeah, what a huge waste of money and opportunity.

My favourite part of that TikTok:

Ruby: "Oiy awlsyo wahnt tyoo Concuhd Book Shop, which was SYO GWORGUSS. HONNASTLY, this is one of the noicest book shops oiy've syeen syo fahhr in Amarricka."
Ruby: (Shows a book shop that looks like every run-down small-town public library in the western world and gives the fakest, most disappointed, dead-inside smile.)

View attachment 1723484

Places like this have their value and charm, but this looks almost exactly like her own local library. She hopped a continent and spent thousands just to see the same things she'd see at home.

She also claims she spent 4 hours editing a video on this day. Judging by her videos, I don't think she's done 4 hours of editing in an entire year.
It is just an okay, average, privately owned shop. Rare only because all the other nice ones closed down due to places like Amazon and B&N, which can afford discounting. So these places lost their business. Then again, if they stayed open at night when people are home from work and have time to browse, they might have stayed open. This store is struggling too. Especially since rent in Concord Center has skyrocketed over the past 5-10 years. I am not sure why she is acting like it is such an amazingly beautiful place, because it isn't. With her carrying a large sack like that they probably were watching her closely to be sure she didn't lift a few books and stash them in her bag.
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The whole Discloser and Influencer Discussion is a huge problem world wide. I think it should be clear that an Influencer should mark things ad Ad or speak open what they got gifted to stop any confussion or any discussion. And if an Influencer don't to that: Its shady.
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I also feel like people forget how Concord (and all the surrounding towns around it like Lincoln, Wayland, Weston, etc) are very insular towns and tend to be equivalent to the area that Ruby lives in the UK (rich, old money, etc) so there aren’t many hotels at all. Concord is pretty much non accessible besides the commuter rail & you need a car to even get out there.

Of course I don’t expect her to know the deep stuff of Greater Boston but I’d think that she’d have more sense to be more subtle about where she’s staying. Especially when where she’s staying is a wealthy suburb with pretty much no hotels. I think the only other hotels in the area (besides the 3 or 4 in concord) are the Marriott on the highway or Wayside Inn which is in Sudbury.
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Now that's the face of regret.

Bella is definitely not impressed with Ruby is she. The fact that look so awkward around each other tells me that they are not comfortable within each others presence and that them meeting up has not gone in the way that they hoped for especially on Bella's part as she can't even smile in this picture either whereas Ruby is happy to have finally met her, I just hope that it was nerves on there part and that once they got talking they felt more comfortable and natural within each others presence.
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I am so surprised that Ruby has gone alone to the US. Still. Maybe she is playing this role of this little child which can't do anything without her parents.
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So she is staying at the North Bridge Inn. Not smart to show your room, Ruby. One can recognize both the wallpaper and the bedspread at first glance. rofl Stupid, stupid woman.
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*Question: Do we know whether Ruby ever actually read the Harry Potter books? Judging from her infatuation with Emma Watson's specific portrayal of Hermione, I almost get the feeling that her whole knowledge of HP comes from the movies.
She has mentioned reading them several times and I also believe her because of her massive obsession with Hermione. Reading the books was worth it because it gave her so much stuff to use and feed her own fantasy world.
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I think the hair loss is certainly liked to her eating issues. Her hair loss started with her weight loss. She used to have a full head of hair, including a fringe, that sat much further front of her skull.

Bella looks like Martha but normal without make up and the grungy outfits
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