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Chatty Member
The new people in this thread really have no filter this morning.

Rumours are flying about. I don’t think we should interact with the account wishing death on Rosie as the thread will be removed and it’s just a disgusting thing to say in general.
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It's mental that rosies funding samantha mumbas life right now probs gets 20p everytime rosie asks alexa for it.
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Did you also know Prim pure loves jesus?
Sorry for anyone religious, but seeing that she used to do inspirational talks about loving god, crosses round her neck and on the walls in the background was unexpected.

This was before she was eating penguin pussy tho.
Aww man i really wish i could unread that 🤢
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This is just something that shouldn’t be on social media in my opinion, we can’t do anything, mags can’t do anything, let the right people deal with it, this really shouldn’t be discussed on something like this, yous can hate me if you like that’s ur choice but things are getting serious now and I think we really shouldn’t discuss it guys, I’ll be staying off here for a while it’s very triggering for me, I hope it gets investigated by the correct people though x
Imagine being that young boy going to school & everybody is online talking about your mum SA your wee sister. Honestly, these fucking idiots don’t care the damage they are causing to that boys already chaotic life, all they care about is getting their knife stuck into Rosie. Get every last one of them in the fucking bin! If they think SA of a child, disabled one at that, has took place then report it to the relevant authorities & stop dragging it through a public platform. Absolutely sickened with these cretins and their continuous lives about the issue!

Letisha just asked "Am i braindead?"

I wish i was in the comments to answer her.
aye she is! Fucking moron of a lassie 🤬
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I highly doubt they were smoking crack and to suggest they were without looking for evidence is very silly just plays into RBs “oh tattle just make things up”

Rosie does have an alcohol and drug addiction wether is prescription or illegal! She is on downward spiral and her behaviour is erratic! She is heading for a mental breakdown and I’m concerned for her! I’ve been where she is and the emotions she’s going through is up and down! It’s a horrible place to be! I can see her being admitted to a psych ward she just hasn’t got there just yet but it is on the cards. I just hope both kids are safe if and when it happens! Not one of us here want any harm to come to Rosie at all if anything we’d help her if she reached out! They only good pal in her corner at the moment is jade and I’m glad she has her tbh

I’m in no way condoning her behaviour and her failings as a mum but I’ve been like Rosie and I bet my life on it she’s completely broken inside and puts on this big act that she’s happy etc
Jade Frati? Come on to fuck man, she’s as bad if not worse than any other `pal’ Rosie has. She’s only interested in drama herself. She’s a big scheme munter, she would turn on anyone at the drop of a hat. Rosie is actually far too trusting taking on people like her. Frati would annihilate Rosie.
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That wee stewart is unbearable. He keeps shouting about the wanes and making DLA jokes.. .bit awkward coming from him because you just know he couldn't care less about them or her for that matter and is defo just wanting someone to get on it with
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Chatty Member
I agree, we all know the bush is a vile cunt but i dont believe these voice notes, they have been taken out of context. Like youve said i think theyve seen videos on TT and put 2 and 2 together and got 193. Like, if they had physically seen SA with their own eyes, then surely there just as bad. I would turn in my own family if I had any sort of inkling that something like that was going on. Not sit on it for months/years and then announce on social media. What the actual fuck is wrong with these people. It makes me sick to think this is all over the place as "gossip" and topic of conversation now. Personally I dont think we should give it any more light on here until there is something definite. These are serious and dangerous allegations. Im feeling very uneasy of the whole thing

But back to business....any more info on the court 🕵🏾‍♀️ im betting anti social behaviour 🤣
Or she skipped community service yesterday to service rosies bush🤢
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She's gonna say they aren't back together they just love each other and anyone would support their ex at court but I wouldn't id give a false statement if it meant they suffered 😭😭😭
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Well-known member
She’s a fucking weapon honestly - blame TL it wasn’t TL that fucking started this horrible rumor and by fuck I hope it isn’t true for the sake of Z and Z only!! Everybody on this app has nothing but concern for those kids never once have we been nasty about them but who has been nasty about them their own fucking mother and her reason because then others won’t do it if she does it first (yep fucking common sense right there)
The evidence is all over social media of how shit a parent she is, she advertises it on the daily she thinks by taking her kids to a hotel for a night makes her parent of the fucking year! Her enablers blow smoke up her arse and she fucking believes it, her daughter is in kinship because she can’t cope now I’m all for help but what has she done to help her situation what has she done to create a better life for those kids she doesn’t access any support to help her get better, drama is her life and she won’t fucking change she’s got tunnel vision, same shit different day that is the definition of her life!
When you have to constantly post shit about your comeback is better than your setback funny that Rosie been watching a while - the setbacks are getting worse hen you’re not convincing anyone!
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I quite like Stacey from what I've seen of her.
Terrible taste in pals but if they've been friends pre-tiktok you can't really blame her.

I cannot stand watching No Rhythm Primm tho.
See her doing tik tok dances it actually makes me cringe.

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I know i had to unfollow primm 'right hen up ye get' every single morning is getting a bit old also the predictable roll and sausage. The shite dance moves and calling everything the gucci makes me want to greet.

Also what's with the 'Hazel eyes' filter makes her look like a demon and mentioning her BPD everyday like it's a fashion accessory.
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Well-known member
Fucking terrific aye Rosie you take all the drugs and drink I mean you could stop it that would improve your mental help but NO here’s a free/discounted fucking gym membership my mental health is to shit funny I’m no getting offered a gym membership 🤬 oh and btw Rosie here’s payment each month for you to look after your kids or you can piss it up a wall - we don’t care Rosie as all those dumb fucks that work pay it for you, fill your fucking boots Rosie we love paying you to sit on yer lazy arse in your disgusting house and start shite with everybody on TikTok 🤯

If nothing screams the problems with the benefit office or fucking social services is that right there all they need to do is go on to social media fucking grinds my gears fucking these scumbags play the benefits like a fucking fiddle and neglect their weans but keep getting the help

Oh and just while I’m on my rant go to Terry if you want your hair done she does it for free for all you dole dossers out there that need extensions bush/dugheed they can show you the way
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Yess thank you, this is what I was trying to get across, but apparently this isn’t the place for me as it’s always the topic of discussion…. It shouldn’t be 🤷🏻‍♀️
i hate talking about her kids, i try to refrain from it as much as i can, they are innocent in all this madness. Its mental how people can sit on a live talking about something so serious without a care of how it impacts they kids lives 🤷🏻‍♀️
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