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I believe time will tell one way or another whether more young people are dying for whatever reasons or whether it just seems that way. But I do think that people who go around trying to shut down discussion by belittling everything as CT aren't very helpful.
That's why I like to keep an open mind we'll not know anything for years .
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I don’t think his death was anything to do with the vaccine. My post was in response to a couple upthread that weren’t aware of any link between myocarditis & (some) vaccines.
no, i apologise esmeee! i read your post back and realised but then couldn’t edit my reply, it was clear what you meant and what you were replying to 🤦🏼‍♀️
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You are mistaken I am afraid.Here is a screenshot from the British heart foundation.
It is a side effect , rare but there .A lot of young men are worried about it. I am not saying this is what caused his death I am saying this may be why some jump to conclusion.
If it was talked about more and proper reassurance was given , it may help.
But the point is, the bhf have only had to start doing that because the twitter drs started listing it as a proper side effect, rather than accepting it’s rare. There was a rumour going round at one stage that the vaccine brought on early periods and people started thinking ‘me too’ so it grew. There was no connection to it, but the more people said it, the more it grew. And then women started saying this was the infertility kicking in. And yeah, it probably was a side effect for some, but not many. the reason some side effects are having to be discussed is because health charities are inundated with people asking about something they read on Facebook….. they also seem bigger because no one is talking about the majority of us who have had no issues with it.

and there are lots of rare side effects to any drugs. I started losing my hair on one brand of the pill. It wasn’t listed as a side effect and my gp didn’t link it until we looked at my hormone levels. But that doesn’t mean we can jump to saying all brands of the pill make you bald.

but look, I’m not saying the vaccine is perfect and we don’t know a lot. But it’s a massive leap to start saying that a rare side effect has suddenly caused people to start dying of health conditions they may have already had. And Imwhilst I’m not saying you are doing that, we need to temper those who do because it just get nuts. It’s like when you read about major terror attacks on the internet, it’s surprising what comes out of what one person says is the case
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@monga more is coming out about sports men with heart conditions but that is a, because there is a massive disparity in screening between leagues, countries etc. I’ve just been reading a sports book that alludes to that. And b, things are more widely reported because we can see it. Twenty years ago, no one heard of the local footballer dying on the pitch in a local game because it was well, local news. You couldn’t google it and find it like you can now. We need to stop saying x y and z is a phenomenons when it’s always happened, but we took it for what it was, a tragedy, not something for Joe who’s medical info comes from Greys Anatomy reruns to be looking into to find a cause. That’s what specialist researches are for.
This is really pissing me off tbh, I wish we could just accept people have health conditions, they might not be apparent at birth or just come out of the blue, but no one is infallible and the sooner we accept that the better, rather than forever looking for a blame. Or Googling something that’s sod all to do with you just to look for an issue….. check it out if you are curious, but when you start deliberately hunting for stats then yeah…..
I’m also guessing you’ve not had a jab, that’s cool, I know loads who haven’t, but if both sides- (the vaccine fanatics too, I’m an equal opps judger!) gave up googling about the other side those of us in the middle would be much happier.
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I just think it’s simple, it’s the same with anything. If it’s from a source linked, for example a dr or a study related to the field, it will probably be ok. If it’s from the news, it should be ok. If it’s from Bob the builder who posts nothing but football scores and stupid memes, and says ‘rip, ur an angle now, the vax kld ‘im’ then ignore it, and don’t give it head space
The one thing I’ve learnt through social media etc is that critical thinking really needs to be taught so much more.
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no worries. i did some research and it seems something of a ct tbh:

like said upthread, there has always been a link with cardiac issues and footballers. gabby logan’s brother died tragically young just having a kick about in the garden with his dad. ct theorists are probably paying more attention now because they want to link it somehow.
I know that but just going by my own observations I have seen more than usual ( whether they're showing more than usual ? )my son plays football I take an interest in these things as that would be my worst nightmare …Comirnaty PIL
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What’s really sad is Warne wanted to take a year off but his manager and ‘friend’ (who he was on the holiday with) said everyone will have forgotten about you by then. So he compromised and planned to take three months off instead.

He obviously felt he needed a break. His manager is on the payroll so didn’t necessarily have Shane’s best interests at heart - how heartbreaking. (And there’s no way he would have been forgotten about in just one year - it’s Shane Warne.)

So what other pressures was he under from his management and could it have contributed to his early death. We will probably never know. No matter how famous you become it’s so important to have at least a few people around who want the best for you with no vested interests.
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I’m saying why should we assume they had covid, the same as why should we assume they had the vaccine ,it could be anything caused their deaths but it seems people are only focusing on these two things .
Nobody should be assuming anything without facts. People have a different idea of what facts are and where they get their factual information from.

(Generally speaking, not aimed at you!)
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Edward Dowd who is big in the finance world as a ex black rock fund manager is also now talking after looking at the data himself.

From this podcast:

"It's devastating. These are real people not just numbers. Every single point is someone with a life and a history with a mother and a father , friends and a life".

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The other was Rod Marsh (also from a heart attack) who was in his 70s and had health problems

He reportedly was trying to quit which might have put more pressure on his heart - or he could have gone off the wagon, not realising his tolerance would have lowered in that time
He was back in the gym so that could've contributed to it along with his lifestyle...ironically he had tweeted about Rodney's demise only a few hours before his own.
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Iconic Member
I honestly don’t think normal folk are worried about this. Far bigger things to worry about at the moment 😭
it really has geared up a notch in the “wtf is happening to the world” scale.

remember when it was small scale things like recycling 😂
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But it just feels like looking for something, and death was and should still be a private matter. Trying to link things and stats etc just feels ghoulish if it’s nothing to do with you or a specialism which is what people appear to be doing.
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What’s really sad is Warne wanted to take a year off but his manager and ‘friend’ (who he was on the holiday with) said everyone will have forgotten about you by then. So he compromised and planned to take three months off instead.

He obviously felt he needed a break. His manager is on the payroll so didn’t necessarily have Shane’s best interests at heart - how heartbreaking. (And there’s no way he would have been forgotten about in just one year - it’s Shane Warne.)

So what other pressures was he under from his management and could it have contributed to his early death. We will probably never know. No matter how famous you become it’s so important to have at least a few people around who want the best for you with no vested interests.
Shane Warne did not die of a heart attack because someone else put pressure on him to take 3 months off. His lifestyle raised the risk of a heart attack and particularly his smoking.
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I think it’s only spreading within CT’s who now believe any death is related to a vaccine.

Frankly we are going to see more premature deaths because people have had inadequate access to healthcare over the last 2 years
absolutely - it’s only spreading among those circles (thankfully), it’s just they’re a vocal minority. people saying those things were getting slapped down pretty quickly on twitter from what i saw yesterday.

@Underthetabletop - you’re right. i think any kind of illness like that (even flu) really knocks your immune system for six and will put pressure on a pre-existing condition. so many things strain the heart because of how fragile it is and a disease which attacks your breathing/respiratory system is always going to impact it, even if your symptoms are mild. if your heart is already weak for various reasons then it can’t be surprising that having covid has a long-term impact.
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