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Yes I’m aware of all of these factors. Just not sure if you’re saying people blame Covid-19 for the above or blame Covid-19 for the cause of death?
I’m saying why should we assume they had covid, the same as why should we assume they had the vaccine ,it could be anything caused their deaths but it seems people are only focusing on these two things .
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Just heard about shane warne now. 52 is so young!
I know nothing about his medical history so I’m going just by Twitter comments!

without saying it…..😬 without saying what everyone sees online….

Are you linking it?
this could be a dangerous thread idea but I want a balanced view that isn’t so much a pro or anti stance.

how worried are you that these deaths *could* be linked to
• Covid
• Long Covid
• the vaccine.
Totally agree. Why this isn't discussed more in a rational debate baffles me.
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There is no way in the world he was killed by juicing!
No way, but it’s clearly pushed him to the limits, i remember watching a show (might have been Louise redknap) where they did an extreme juice fast and the results were shocking! It wouldn’t have caused it (there’s a lot more for that) but if someone put pressure on him to do that, that’s awful. I thought we were past those days…..

Doesn’t read like that you said people on both sides have to look for something to back up their argument.
yeah, because they do. But for the rest of us, (which is actually what the question I was answering was saying) it’s not something we consider much. And I did say both sides, meaning those who look for covid causing health issues too. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Because I think there are extremes to both sides. But I don’t think it’s healthy to be getting into this debate again, especially when more has come out to why he died.
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Being in lockdown and not coming into contact with colds and flu really haven’t helped. My husband wasn’t vaxxxed but he’s just the same, he can’t shake any of these colds he’s been getting.
These seem to be happening when they are doing something, like a girl at a festival is likely to be excited, and walking around, sports players exerting themselves, then dying on the spot, perhaps their hearts are weakened and then some exertion causes their deaths? I know some people do get SADS but it is concerning the frequency of it, it's like we have weakened ourselves. Yes I was vaxxed, I have asthma and thought it was right at the time but now I'm thinking we've probably weakened our bodies. I find colds and coughs are harder to shift now. My whole office got that wintery cough thing this month and from the sound of us all we can't fully shift the thing. We are all sniffy, weeks later, constantly having to clear throats etc. I don't recall it being so hard to shift a cold before Covid.
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I’m saying why should we assume they had covid, the same as why should we assume they had the vaccine ,it could be anything caused their deaths but it seems people are only focusing on these two things .
To be fair, there’s only been a few of you saying that on here- that was the whole reason this thread got started!
There been plenty trying to discuss other elements to no avail and have been arguing that covid/a jab has only brought out conditions people already had. But both sides of the covid debate seem to think no one got ill before……. Likewise people have also been saying that it is a ghoulish to be trying to even assume why someone has died.

the one thing I willl say is though is that there is more to debate about with health conditions and people who have had covid, they can study the effects on the body of people who have been hospitalised etc. there’s not exactly a rounded health body looking at the jab as yet……it’s more twitter and google worm holes
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Dooley Doo

VIP Member
Thought I would give a bit more detail on the appendicitis.
My Stepdad got his jab the next morning he woke up with a sharp pain in his abdomen. He made an appointment with his GP for later in the day.
When Stepdad saw the GP he said he could take some panadol and gave him a referral for the emergency.
We were on the way home and discussing whether to go to emergency or not. The pain was getting worse so went to emergency and then 7 hours later on a ward. Then waiting for his blood thinners to get out of his system. (Has protein S difficiency so has clotting.)
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i’m really confused by what you mean “as frequently as we’re seeing now” - is there an influx of young sportsmen collapsing with heart issues? the only recent one i can think of is christian ericsson?
Sorry ! yes there have and not only sports stars .
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Caffeine Fiend

VIP Member
Was Shane Warne even vaccinated? I thought he was on the TV in Aus a lot as being against the vax.

Highly likely his lifestyle has caused his heart attack which is v sad. Abusing cocaine for years isnt good for the heart.

He may also have had Covid previously which I do think can cause myocarditis.
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it’s why I wanted this to not be about CTS or anti CT’s
And more to do with the people in between who went from a full scale “don’t leave your house without a mask, a passport, don’t go to work, don’t mix with more than xxx amount of people” to nothing,
No masks, no passports for dining anymore, and these young sports starts having heart attacks and some dying, or having medical issues on the pitch,
Then seeing straight away that it’s linked to the vaccine on social media,

I’m wondering could it be, could it be the vaccine,
COULD it be linked to covid 🤷‍♀️
COULD it be long covid related,
COULD it be the lifestyle they lead as sports stars, in the same way it’s known they can be prone to get dementia later in life due to head injuries.

when I see it reported, any deaths reported I immediately see the vaccine being questioned and I’m wondering how worried people in day to day life are, the normal folk if you will 🤣

I didn’t know much about him but I’m shocked 😂 he needed quite a few health Checks by the looks of it. 😕
I don’t think normal people think owt with the vaccine tbh, I normally just think ‘oh they’ve died’. I just get annoyed that people on BOTH sides have to look for something that back up their argument. but I think due to social media it’s so much easier to discuss and put across either side, anyone can put anything out there.
we need to get back to jsut remembering people get ill , die etc and focus on the the really shit happening. But then again, even then, it’s surprising how many people who didn’t take history past year nine are now soviet history experts 😂😂😂😂

as for Warny, the real subject. I’d heard that he could be nasty on the field, but I gather all cricketers are, sledging is so normal. And demanding, but again, celebs normally are, you don’t get anywhere without sharp elbows. But from what I’ve seen and read, including Liz Harley’s tribute, he doesn’t seem all that bad. I’d certainly like to know more about the rumours someone else posted here though!
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Dooley Doo

VIP Member
In the written media here in Aus it says Shane was on one of those liquid diets to lose weight quicker.
I wonder if true it put pressure on his heart.
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VIP Member
then i’m truly confused as to what you’re saying in this thread. you started by saying there was a link, but now it’s important to be open minded? am i misunderstanding you?

exactly we don’t know what these people died of. that’s why bringing up previous deaths and trying to assume a link between them is ghoulish.
I’m saying we can’t rule anything out why should we only focus on a certain thing, when did I say they were linked? I showed the possibility of a link to vaccines just as others have pointed out the covid link, what’s the difference.
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If I’m honest,
this is kinda why I wanted to ask this question,

For people like me who are confused by a lot of what I’m seeing/reading/hearing and not knowing what to think or believe,

I never questioned any of it really, at all until now, and I’m not in either camp, never believed CT’s
So for people like me just in this limbo, in the middle I wanted to know are they concerned seeing reports like deaths and heart attacks etc.

It’s hard to know what and who to believe as there is a lot of misinformation/disinformation floating around. Heart attacks and deaths have always occured, pre pandemic/Covid-19.

People have been attributing a lot of these deaths to vaccines, talking about it on social media and it just spreads like wildfire, therefore increasing awareness. This has soon been replaced with Ukraine/Russia conspiracies.

There were a few celebrities who died in the past year or so and people automatically mentioned the vaccine. One was Nikki Grahame from Big Brother, who sadly passed from complications of anorexia nervosa. Another was the rapper DMX who sadly passed away from cocaine-induced heart attack. Again his death was being linked to the vaccine on social media.
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@LaBlonde totally. It just annoys me though when you read announcements of people being ill or passing away, and whilst it is completely tragic, and I don’t find any joy, but wow, the sheer acceptance we have now as humans to ignore frailty or human error is unreal. Even though there’s tonnes of research that say serious illness can make other conditions come to light- I know many diabetics for example who have really become bad health wise because that has kickstarted a domino effect.
But now it’s all about finding someone else to blame rather than accept the human body does have design flaws. It used to be the doctors and medics for not noticing things and telling people they were unwell (even when people were dishonest about symptoms) And now we can blame covid and jabs for it all, and never take any responsibility for our own flaws.
It doesn’t help of course when charity ads basically make out with research we can stop x,y,z conditions. It doesn’t say that there’s no guarantee and that other things might come up if we cure it, so there’s no wonder that those failing in critical analysis think everything can be cured.
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Hugo talks, has done 14 videos on young-er people having problems since the vaccines came out 14 videos! .. of course not all will be the vaccine but I'm not buying that none were or its always been a thing. Yes sadly sometimes a young person dies but if it's as common as people are saying then it should be easy for those people to put together as many as Hugo has over say a year and a half period before the vaccines came out.
Did you bother to read the link I put up from 2009, yes you read that right, 2009. It has always been a known issue, you j6st weren't interested until you could push your agenda.
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