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It’s interesting how Helen is still in touch with Dimwits bio dad and his new family, but not his mum and sister. Their loss I suppose, but I don’t know how anyone could just cut contact with their grandchildren and nephews/niece like they have. Especially having been in their lives prior. I just couldn’t do it. All because they don’t want to upset him no doubt 🙄
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Helen talks about their relationship in her book and says she was knocked sideways by their split and didn't see it coming. In the photos of her straight afterwards, she looks in deep shock.
When Zippy was trolling Helen as Asgoodasitgets she referred to Baby E as 'a band aid baby, unfortunately' but who knows what story Myler spun her.

Agreed she does say that in her book, she doesn’t slag the father of her kids off either, and the door is always open for him to have contact, no matter of her own feelings her kids come first, kids can look back over insta and see happily family they once were.. kids are not stupid.. I guess the only thing that will be difficult for Helen is when they ask the questions she doesn’t have the answers to all the why’s
Why doesn’t dad live with us? Etc she can’t answer them on his behalf and I wouldn’t either.
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Burgess chucked it on Myler's toes in that tunnel.
🤣 myler was an absolute bitch not being able to back up his mouth....
I was shouting at the telly! Go on Sam! From what I can gather... there was an issue with replacements.. Burgess approached Myler n said we need to change as it compromises our players wellbeing, health n welfare is paramount... n myler refused! Sam has an expectation of integrity and respect as a professional sportsman does... hence his utter disgust towards dickie the dickhead. Like I said on a previous post... thirkill pockets ain't deep enough to buy friends and integrity.
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She’s not going to go to America and leave him at come on his own is she? He might shag someone else
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Also, he was shagging other women while he was with Helen.. (allegedly) cough cough. while there are exceptions to the rule this is not.. he will not stop shagging around and also he is just using her for her status.. she also knows this.. the directors job.. when he has fuck all experience, also people pissing on his parade saying he is inexperienced… I doubt people have little or no respect for him..
If her Father wasn’t who he was Dickie would have jumped ship long ago and been on to the next one, he likes the lifestyle and travel Zippys allowance brings and his now Father in laws money brings imo, even the Queen vic isn’t in his name.
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Boom Boom!!

Chatty Member
Their relationship started in deceit, both knowing that they could have taken the honourable route of waiting a while so Richie could end his marriage in a mature way, putting the kids first, but choosing instead to run full steam ahead, deceive, shack up and play house and play happy families two minutes after he leaves the woman who has only four months ago birthed his third child. No matter what facade they try and put on their lives, how many kids they have to try and cement their status as a normal happy family, the world knows who they are and what their character is. And unfortunately they will have to live with that 24/7, Stephanie knowing he has a roving winkie and can’t be let out of sight, Richie slowly realising he cheated on his family for some fun and ended up within a few months in exactly the same position he was in before, married with little kids, only this time with five or more mouths to feed. Their therapists will make top dollar off these two.

meanwhile Helen is seemingly loved by the nation, an inspiration to many, a strong and loving mother, and if and when she starts a new relationship it will be pure and not a result of lying and cheating, no public shaming, no difficult questions to answer to her kids, she will be able to settle down with someone she can trust and who loves her. She will sleep well at night knowing there is nothing on her conscience to answer to. She has all that to look forward to if and when she’s ready.

I bet Stephanie has been wearing some sort of ring on her fourth finger since before the divorce was even finalised. She strikes me as deeply insecure. Trying to speed run the relationship as fast as she can to try and match up to Helen and what Richie and Helen had. Unfortunately it will be their undoing. Far too much too soon. No time taken to try settle the existing children, make them feel secure, build up coparenting, adjust and adapt. Just an instant add water family while the old one might as well never have existed. The stress of it all and having no time to breathe and settle as a couple, just excitement and drama of an affair then a couple months of shacking up then a baby on the way. Poor kids, all five of them.
TBH myler it seems was shagging around behind Helen’s back.. the saying goes “ you lay with dogs you will get fleas “ He was an absolute slut.. I blame Zippy for all of this.. She knew he was married probably knew about him being an absolute tramp but still went ahead.. she could have said go back and work on your marriage as there is a small baby.. Then if it doesn’t work out then let’s give it a go.. No she didn’t she chose to trap him.. If she had any morals and respect none of this would have happened.. Myler is an absolute dog by all accounts “ any port in a storm “ way .. if was he wasn’t going to get his way with her.. he find someone else..
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Let’s hope his three eldest were invited to the wedding of the year and got to congratulate their dad / new stepdad. Oh wait……
His youngest one with Helen wont know him..he never sees his first 3 children! Hopefully beautiful Helen will meet someone nice soon, and her children will have a father figure in their lives. Horrible deadbeat 'dad'
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TBH I think he was a household name in Rugby league because of Helen.
He may have been a good player with the clubs he played for & won cups/ trophies /medals nearly all of them while married to Helen & 2/3 kids.
Players held back when the affair with Steph came out YES AFFAIR now it's open season with their thoughts.
This new job via the Thirkill money which will have be used to get him released from York knights.
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Boom Boom!!

Chatty Member
Jack is my guess. Jackshit

Getting the word dad mixed up with sausage again myler....
My word… I think someone has been dipping his nib in someone else ink…. The cake is really showing that she is marking her territory… that like a dog.. she is showing ownership and she is the top bitch.. it’s looks as if he has started to wander.. she is extremely insecure that she has to have him by the balls.. yes all this just gossip…
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Wonder how long it will take for a new ‘poor me’ article to come out.
‘Everyone is being really mean to me about my new job’ 🤣🤣🤣
How embarrassing that your only option at this point is to get daddy in law to buy you a job!
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Boom Boom!!

Chatty Member
Helen and dimwit did the majority,
They will have been far more hands on.
They lived in the house at the same time with 3 kids plus both worked.

zippy will have a designer giving her options because she is brain dead and too busy
taking half naked selfies for tattle....

Dimwitt will be sick of it by the end,
having to be present for everything!
Every tap, wall covering, plant, upholstery trimm, tile. The list will be endless for the wet nurse.

All rammed into 52 weeks 🤣
+ another baby

It's going to an expensive year for Mr thirkill because myler won't offer, but he will take.
Too true… you know he actually looked happier when he was with Helen… Also younger, the situation has actually aged him.. Helen was not watching every move he made but zippy will be.. That would age anyone.. I hope for Helen’s sake she finds happiness..
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I mean I get her name being on the cake because it’s her baby shower, but his name on it as well gives me the major ick talk about being under the thumb and hen pecked.
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Boom Boom!!

Chatty Member
There was a gap of him leaving the house after helen found out about Stephanie & her statement on Instagram that they were no longer a couple & he left..... Now I wonder if it had been any other female would Helen take him back?
I'm guessing as it was the club he played for presidents daughter that was a step to far.
The guy is in dream land thinking everything is different with Stephanie but really as many have said before he has went back 4/5 years to stared the progress for 2 small children, house Renovations & a wife plus injured.
You know. You would think that Helen would make a go of the marriage after finding out.. “for the sake of the children “ some marriage's can be repaired after an affair.. I think there maybe more to this.. was zippy already pregnant when Helen found out.. that was the straw that broke the camels back situation..
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