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It's simple with rhiannon - she always wants to be seen as what she thinks is "better than" aka part of the upper echelons of society. She's easy to read. She doesn't sound better off, she sounds disgusting. "Help" - call the person what they are e.g. if it's a friend/parent/nanny/childminder - "help" indeed as already said on here...sounds derogatory.
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I see she’s done a post on kindness this morning on stories so does that not apply to her because she’s pretty unkind calling people out on Instagram
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She has spent her whole career basically saying you don’t need supplements, you can get all the nutrients you need by having a balanced diet etc now all of a sudden, supplements are recommended! Especially if they are in spray form and quadruple the price of other supplements.
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She really would look so much better with shorter hair. That long hair looks very infantile and also it swamps her now her frame is so tiny
It's very 'little girl-ish' isn't it. Skipping around Waitrose swishing her waist-length hair and flowy white skirts while she fingers packets of nuts that cost the same as a whole meal for some, she just doesnt come across as relatable at all.
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I just ran here after seeing her latest story on her Rhi page - she’s seriously shutting her toddler in her tumble dryer?! What is she teaching him?! Also whilst very unlikely what if the lock mechanism broke and he got trapped in there? It happened to my washing machine once and the door got stuck shut. I’m usually just a lurker on here but I have never seen anything so crazy and dangerous 😵💫
Oh my GOD, this has been one of my biggest fears for years and years. Whenever I would have my niece and nephew over I would drive myself mad thinking about one of them locking the other in the washing machine and turning it on, it makes my stomach go queasy just thinking about it. When we bought a new washing machine after having my little boy I deliberately bought one with a blacked-out window at the front so he wouldn't think it was anything interesting or worth playing with. Feel a bit sick now thinking about it.

Absolutely mad that Rhi is so regimented and puritanical about so many other areas of Z's life, and here she is happily shutting him in a tumble drier for #content.
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She owns her own business in Harley Street and you don’t think she is well off??🤣 I don’t begrudge her though, she’s worked hard and she knows her stuff, she’s been through the proper channels and got the necessary qualifications…not one of these instagrammers jumping on the nutrition band wagon without the qualifications.
She hires a room. It’s not like she owns a building there.

She looks skeletal… her body looks like it isn’t getting enough calories to sustain her health and grow that baby.

I know she has this fear of the bump/ weight gain, but I feel like she needs an intervention, where are her friends/family/husband????
Last time she claimed she didn’t gain weight due to sickness and she was mainly eating carbs. I doubt she is nourishing her body enough judging by how scarily thin she is. Mind you she’s hanging out with Sophie loads which probably doesn’t help!
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This is her husbands insta page. It’s obviously just a work page and he doesn’t seem to use it or update it.

The whole biting thing! She has given no context as usual, did the parent see that their child had bitten Z? If they did then absolutely I would expect an apology. If they didn’t, then it’s not likely that the child is going to tell them that they have bitten someone. Or Rhi could have mentioned it to the other parent at the time and resolved it then rather than running to her social media for content 🤷🏻‍♀️


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I find it SO disturbing that she’s promoted as an expert in weight management and eating disorders when she’s … well … we’ve all got eyes, we can all see what’s up. She’s lost huge amounts of weight since first developing a public profile. She’s openly admitted to being depressed and yet she’s apparently not making the link between that and her unhealthy weight loss, and flagging herself as a cautionary tale for others.

I am massively predisposed to feel sorry for women when they’re so obviously unhappy. I’m not here to hate on Rhiannon (I’m mainly on Tattle for Jack Monroe who is a pretty sinister grifter and deserves opprobrium) but I do wish she would take a step back from public work and publicity and focus on sorting herself out.

Rhiannon definitely knows in her logical brain what she should be doing instead of what she is doing, but her emotional brain seems to be driving her these days. I know there must be some technical psychology terms for that but I ain’t a psychologist, so if anyone is, please feel free to chip in haha. It’s so weird watching her decline like this, whilst knowing she “shouldn’t” really be able to go so wrong. But despite all her knowledge she appears to be in thrall to her own eating disorder. I find it more sad and baffling than anything else.

I do hope she manages to step away, get psychologically and physically healthy again, and come back better. Because she was quite good as a food/nutrition talking head a few years ago. She’s a woman who knows her stuff, she is actually trained to a pretty high standard in her field. But even though I was a fan, I can’t take her seriously now at all 😕
She had an absolute meltdown not long ago when a Doctor dared to tell her that she should know better about how to eat to help herself. I think she was anaemic, the dr also said she should look after herself so that she is there for her kids. She just can’T deal with not being perfect in every way. I think she needs a lot of therapy and help, she seems to be crying out for it and it’s terribly sad.
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Her latest update.. more sleep, 2 lines later no sleep 😂 she’s possessed. How has she been banging on about the same shit for 3 years now, she’s not new to the game
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Farmer Sam

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Apologies for putting this into Rhi’s thread - we need to start one for Skeletal Sophie (how does that happen?!) but as a member of her nutrition team the message here is so so so damaging. She looks awful, and posing to make herself even tinier. This girl has such massive issues.


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I can only imagine the doctor has said in a kind way 'let's get this sorted so you can be in best shape for your kids' and Rhi has gone off the deep end and taken it totally the wrong way. She is unbelievably highly strung. It does seem like she has a lot on her plate but as we've touched on before in this thread, she's in a position where she could reasonably take some things off her plate but she won't.
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Now I know she gave a crumble afterwards but genuinely interested to know what others think of this meal for Z??
Looks bowfin as we say in Scotland kids would have turned their noses up at that 'offering'
the veggies look overcooked, ( and cold) meal is very dry and she seems to feed him his lunch incredibly early ( 11am!)
Whats wrong with a stew, , baked potato and beans, mac and cheese , or hearty soup with some crusty bread and then some this age I'd be giving my kids a smaller portion of what I was having
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So many digs at her husband in her unhinged cooking rant today. She makes it sound like he’s incompetent but I’d bet it’s just her being a martyr.
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The only time she mentions her husband is when she’s complaining about him. When he was ill, when he fainted during the birth, when he split her milk…
I really feel for their children as the way she speaks about him… paints a picture of an entirely useless man who only ‘helps’ at weekends. Doesn’t seem like they’re in a very good place. And posts like this on social media can’t be helping their relationship.


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Wow, Rhi’s response really doesn’t suit the tone of the original persons message. They were nice and clearly didn’t mean it offensively. She’s gone straight on the defensive. Also I’ve been following her for a while and her spelling and grammar is much worse than the occasional there, their, they’re mix up. Being “quick” isn’t really an excuse for a professional Instagram page.

Also her flimsy defensive excuse about it being “healthier” doesn’t make sense. Yes it’s healthie not spend so much time on SM, not to spend every second you’re on there typing at breakneck speed apparently 🤣 just spend half an hour on it doing a half hours worth of stuff not half an hour doing an hours worth. You’re not performing a public service Rhi 🤣

Other reason the health thing is weird is it’s her business page, not her personal page. If it’s your business it’s not really unhealthy to be on there, it’s your job. You’re presumably not endlessly scrolling through unrealistic beauty standards, you’re posting and promoting your business.

She’s so defensive that she’s lost all logic. Maybe it’s the pregnancy hormones (also pregnant so I can say that). Also, to be perfectly frank and fair to the woman, if a bit mean, she has always struck me as a bit dim.

Agree - it wasn’t a rude post at all and if that’s how she speaks to people no wonder she appears to have no friends other than Lucy Meck 🤣

As for being dim - Probably why she hangs out with Alice.

Or used to anyway!! It seems they haven’t bothered seeing each other in months!!
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