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Joshua Wolrich is another pleb I see right through.
Fat Dr seems like a fucking mess on twitter.
Josh does have his own thread, whereas fatdr doesn’t. Don’t know how you create one though. They’ve lost the plot again today over their dog and has video of them arguing with a woman and screaming at her, naturally everyone else is wrong except for fatdr. They just love conflict and to be the wronged party, must be exhausting to live with.
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For accuracy I’ll leave the NHS link about weaning in case there are any new parents reading this thread are interested 😅

View attachment 2415828
She is so strange posting stuff like this. I’ve been refollowing the last couple of days out of curiosity and it’s safe to say she has not improved 🤣 I assume the arguments at home are with the husband, so bizarre to announce to the world
Nothing positive there about her husband… maybe he’s one of those asshat dudes who doesn’t lift a finger for the kids cause he works 12 hour days in the office
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Honestly moaning about her neighbours building again! If she doesn’t want to deal with neighbours she should move to the middle of nowhere, otherwise she is always going to have neighbours and she can’t expect them to be silent because she has to do a few stories for Instagram. Also what the hell was that reel with Lucy meck all about yesterday? I cringed myself inside out watching that!
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Didn't she say Zachary was a bit delayed with his speech? If I was her I'd be taking any opportunity to work on his speech during everyday activities rather than putting my earpods in and ignoring him.

I always find the way she talks to/about her kids on stories really passive-aggressive. She'll be on stories like 'SOMEONE had three wake-ups last night DIDN'T THEY beautiful boy' and then she'll sort of halfheartedly stroke them as if she's showing affection when really she's stressed out to the max. It's all so neurotic.
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She said something like every time someone came to the door he thought it was mummy.. how did she know that? My niece is same age as Z, they're largely incomprehensible 🤣
If she was watching and could see it all why didn’t she go and get Z if he was so upset? Most illogical story ever.
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Lucy Aeroplane

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I find it SO disturbing that she’s promoted as an expert in weight management and eating disorders when she’s … well … we’ve all got eyes, we can all see what’s up. She’s lost huge amounts of weight since first developing a public profile. She’s openly admitted to being depressed and yet she’s apparently not making the link between that and her unhealthy weight loss, and flagging herself as a cautionary tale for others.

I am massively predisposed to feel sorry for women when they’re so obviously unhappy. I’m not here to hate on Rhiannon (I’m mainly on Tattle for Jack Monroe who is a pretty sinister grifter and deserves opprobrium) but I do wish she would take a step back from public work and publicity and focus on sorting herself out.

Rhiannon definitely knows in her logical brain what she should be doing instead of what she is doing, but her emotional brain seems to be driving her these days. I know there must be some technical psychology terms for that but I ain’t a psychologist, so if anyone is, please feel free to chip in haha. It’s so weird watching her decline like this, whilst knowing she “shouldn’t” really be able to go so wrong. But despite all her knowledge she appears to be in thrall to her own eating disorder. I find it more sad and baffling than anything else.

I do hope she manages to step away, get psychologically and physically healthy again, and come back better. Because she was quite good as a food/nutrition talking head a few years ago. She’s a woman who knows her stuff, she is actually trained to a pretty high standard in her field. But even though I was a fan, I can’t take her seriously now at all 😕
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Anyone notice that Sophies Healthy Kitchen (an employee at Harley Street) is looking even worse than ever? Extremely skeletal, malnourished and unhealthy. Such an awful role model of healthy eating. Sophie looks like she needs some help. She looks absolutely horrendous and a picture of ill health.I am tempted to complain to Instagram. She looks as if she is promoting anorexia.
Sadly not the first time she has been called out in this thread for that sort of behaviour.
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So this wasn’t even like a proper nursery she just wanted to work at a cafe at a fancy sports club? If it isn’t a regular nursery no doubt Z was hysterical kids that age need to be settled in with familiar people
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That was so triggering for me as I'd suffered 2 miscarriages and subsequent pregnancy anxiety....she's so smug and pushes the nutrition side just too much as a general panacea .There are so many other aspects behind miscarriages and taking a vitamin pill won't magically cure a hormone imbalance or cure genetic disease
I’m so sorry for your losses and I totally relate to the pregnancy anxiety ❤
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She lives near-ish me and 3 kids is the done thing. I wouldn’t be surprised. She would also love a girl.
So she can pass on her disordered eating.
Unfortunately her boys will have disordered eating too going from how she feeds them now
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Getting quite a bit of flak in the comments for her latest reel, people saying she just spent their weekly food budget on snacks, buying sushi in Waitrose when the reality is most people are trying to stretch their cash in places like Aldi.

Those reels of her floating around a supermarket and fingering all the healthy food make me cringe so much. The things she says give her away so much. 'Not all snacks are bad' yeah no shit! 'They can be a lifesaver for blood sugars' they're also really bloody tasty if you get the right ones. She views food as something purely functional rather than something to take pleasure in!
Lol one comment said it was horribly middle class 😂 these huns spend their entire lives moulding their identity around a very specific type of blonde, middle class, posh girl from in and around Fulham, then get so fucked off when normal people call it out?
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Just happened to be taking her tree down in practically her underwear and filming it cos that’s normal!
Literally what I thought & now her workout where she has to prove she hasnt gained any weight yet. Shes so trying to be Lucy Meck by following her workouts whilst Lucy might be nice to her but doesnt give a shit about her- this is so amusing😂
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Rhi: I’ll never post a still photo of Z’s face

2 stories later…

A still picture of Z’s face and bare bottom 🤦🏻‍♀️

if she really is worried about her childrens safety that’s great but she’s not doing enough. Don’t post your children AT ALL. Also don’t post your house, your local area, don’t tag the baby groups you are going to and absolutely don’t post pictures of your baby in the bath. How can anyone actually take her seriously talking about childrens safety and then posting that. It’s performative nonsense to suddenly stop showing Z’s face and carry on posting T’s.
So ridiculous - you can’t possibly claim to care about your child’s privacy and post bath images like that. Makes me sick what these Instagrammers think it’s acceptable to post 🤦‍♀️ She sounds so unhinged in her Q+A, complaining about her baby not sleeping (I.e. being a normal baby) and her weird pumping scheduled which just creates extra work. If she’s giving formula her body will adjust and produce less milk, there is no need for the pumping - it’s just extra work for milk that she then goes on to say is going out of date in her freezer?!?!
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This might be below the belt but she seems to really prefer her youngest to her oldest child. Interesting to see her admitting to PND with her oldest when at the time she seemed to suggest it was all rainbows and roses.
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She looks skeletal… her body looks like it isn’t getting enough calories to sustain her health and grow that baby.

I know she has this fear of the bump/ weight gain, but I feel like she needs an intervention, where are her friends/family/husband????
And yet this is the person wanting to be the *only* face of “health and nutrition” for the UK. She needs to sort herself out.
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Don’t want to be the Mum police at all but that car seat is not adjusted properly to that baby - you can see a massive gap in the strap so if they were involved in a crash (heaven forbid) baby would go straight forward. Also a shame to see such a little baby forward facing when the law says they should be rear facing until 15m for safety reasons :(


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I feel like she was so close to saying single mum, then said breastfeeding mum to save it.. even if her “help” did come through, she said herself she wouldn’t be able to stay for longer than 45min so…?

Yea I couldn’t understand this, she was devastated her “help” cancelled, yet she could only go for 45 minutes anyway… which she did anyway?!
Side note- I was under the impression that tongue-tie babies are meant to do better on a bottle (not causing a mum pain, and easier to get milk out) so seems an odd reason anyway as to why she couldn’t go for long?!
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