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I wonder how many more times she is going to hint at this ‘bad crèche experience’. No doubt it will be some massive mountain out of a molehill situation.
She’s desperate for people to ask so she can explain it, she’ll keep banging on about this until he’s 18, she needed something else to explain things because his teeth are all through I think.
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Shes “amused” that people have messaged her to show their concern? Then goes on to patronisingly explain what having a baby is like, because noone else has ever had one and no Rhi, it isn’t always like you are making it out to be, your desire to control everything and for it to be perfect is your biggest problem. I never once worried about the tog rating of a sleep sack because they didn’t bloody exist. I have never known anyone overcomplicate motherhood as much as she does, has to be a martyr to the bitter end.
How the hell does she think mums cope with babies in the tropics? without the need for so many "things"
My husband was born in India in the 60's, but I somehow don't think his mum freaked out about what he wore to bed!
She'd also freak out that I was fed carnation milk as a baby as there were few, if any alternatives then if your mother was unable to breastfeed due to medical condition!
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It’s so stupid and it doesn’t even teach her child to like vege it just teaches him to like porridge (or in this case hate porridge 😂)
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I suppose she couldn’t really answer the question of when did you decide to start trying again with as soon as I found out Millie and Lucy were having another baby! Both of which still haven’t liked or commented on her announcement!
Found the comment about dreading a bump very strange too.
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I so saw this coming!! Loll, im wondering how far along she is. That doesn’t look like a 12 week scan to me lol! Hope she keeps people involved 😂😂😂😂 wanna know if she’ll gain any weight this time lol
she went to drastic lengths in her first pregnancy to not gain any weight. She basically starved herself during pregnancy and immediately after to lose the baby weight. I agree with the other comments - God help her trying to cope with 2! No doubt she will get the Nanny in full time!
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She does love to play the martyr when it fact she has it much easier than most. She should try being my sister - three kids under 3, one with additional needs, recovering from an emergency C-section where she lost 2l of blood, absent partner... I have no idea how she gets through each hour, never mind a day. But yeah, how awful to have to go for walks with your newborn while your toddler is safe and cared for elsewhere. Just terrible.
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Beetroot porridge...that's just rank! What is wrong with her? Who thinks oh yes beetroot will go well in porridge- just NO
I'm a proud Scot and I love porridge with milk and touch of sugar or maybe maple syrup and I can categorically tell you in all my 57 years on earth I've never had beetroot porridge nor would I want to , or would I subject it to anyone, let alone my children! 🤮
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Rhi doesn’t have a working class background at all! She has done well for herself coming from a small town in Wiltshire which is not the best town but it is certainly not the ghetto or anything. Her parents could afford to get her singing lessons and she is classically trained so she is definitely not working class.
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Cant find the reel? Nor his insta but man, she looks super worn out- pregnant but skinnier then ever. Dont get me wrong I love being ‘fit/lean’ but this is on another level. I feel like pregnancy/motherhood ruined her rather then ‘bloomed’ sad
36 weeks pregnant here yet you can still clearly see her ribs. She clearly has an eating disorder bless her. What an awful advert she is for her clients!


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I can’t believe she blasted her husband like that, also find it worrying that so many people messaged in support. She’s meant to be a professional using Instagram for her business too.
She’s so toxic on Instagram about her husband (and everyone tbh), if Instagram is meant to be just a snippet or a “highlight reel” of how you want to represent yourself, imagine what’s she’s like behind closed doors 😬

Agree with the milk comments - yes it is upsetting in the moment you’re told (Sterilising equipment and sitting still to pump isn’t the funnest of tasks so it’s annoying when it goes to waste) but unless you’re exclusively pumping milk or desperately need the milk to be away from your baby (which she always bangs on about that she can’t do anyway) then it’s hardly an issue, her son will just feed off her and not starve 🙄
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I just never want to read the words “pandemic mommy” or “lockdown baby” again. Everything you are experiencing is what all moms experience, I didn’t go anywhere when mine were babies because I was poor, I didn’t miss the Harbour Club or Soho House, the gym or farm trips because I couldn’t have gone there if they were open. I didn’t have family or friends to visit every day because they were all at bloody work, honestly the self pity at times drives me mad, we all worry about our babies and the world we’re bringing them into, I vividly remember the drive home with my first,it was terrify8ng she seemed so little and the world seemed so big and scary.
Have to disagree, my boy is a few weeks older than Rhi's and his first few months were incredibly strange. He didn't meet any friends or family at all (including grandparents) until he was 5 months old. No local baby classes or mum groups, no trips to cafes, not even any supermarket trips. Just the house and a 20 minute daily walk for months and months. Plus the constant panic about loved ones getting Covid, what would happen if baby got it, will daddy be furloughed much longer, etc. There were a LOAD more pressures on top of the regular pressures of being a first time mum.

But all that said, my boy is 18 months old now and completely thriving. So for influencers to STILL be blaming stuff on the pandemic is highly self-indulgent and attention-seeking.
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Agree. Does she present a particularly affluent life though? Certainly not compared to be people like Alice Liveing at a private members club several times a week and blowing several grand on clothes a month.

As for the size of their house - you just can’t make assumptions about someone’s income on that basis. One of the people I know who lives in an incredible house lost both their parents young and inherited. Tbh some of the comments on here just smack of jealousy.

Anyone, on another note, is anyone else disappointed she isn’t doing a gender reveal this time 🤣
Omg, who remembers the last gender reveal!!!???? 😂😂😂 The bridal gown and the overly dramatic reaction when the gender was unveiled. She almost fell to the ground 😂
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She didn’t grow up rich or spoilt - she says it herself, she came from humble beginnings. She even went to a dog-rough secondary school in Wiltshire…so rubbish that it closed down. She has simply been strategic about working her way up to where she wanted to be and that is it. I’ll give her that…I’m no fan but she has been savvy and has worked hard ..or maybe just smart… in her field. Credit where credit is due. I do also like the fact that she seems wiser with her dosh than her pal old almond head alice - it seems to go on things that matter more longitudinally than just “look at me I have money” in the form of clothes and throw-away things.
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She’s fallen prey to the insta sleep accounts who seem to think babies are like robots who can be trained to sleep on demand. It’s sad really, I wouldn’t be surprised if she is soon saying the new baby has a dairy allergy or something. There always has to be a negative explanation for everything and everything has to be diagnosed.
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Yeah it’s just a way of exploiting her unborn child for likes and engagement so she can increase her ad opportunities and get more freebies. It’s disgusting but then Rhi made a whole separate insta just to exploit her child share motherhood so it’s not surprising.
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Yikes. I wouldn’t say her reaction is out of line to feel upset about some wasted breast milk, I for sure have cried over spilled breast milk. But to blast her husband like that, yeah that’s not going to end well. A reaction like that shows some insight into her mental state big time. Kinda worrying actually
To feel really upset about the breast milk I totally get. She can feel how she feels. It’s not being able to think about whether someone, your significant other no less, actually deserves you to be annoyed at them ie. Did they fuck your milk up on purpose? And then to decide that you need to blast them out on social media.

I remember having a shit young relationship like that, where we wouldn’t always talk properly and we’d be more likely to complain about the other on social media. I can’t imagine behaving like this with my husband I have a kid with though. She needs to get a grip and grow up and figure out if she actually wants a decent relationship or not. It’s an emotional maturity thing
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I know she said baby was measuring bang right, but she herself is not measuring right. She looks skeletal, I worry will she have the strength for birth
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Not sure what else she was expecting from a gym crèche. It's hardly going to be gold star childcare is it, it's literally just a place where your kids can be supervised while you're busy.

Love that she called someone 'outrageous' for pointing out her very privileged position throughout the pandemic.
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