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VIP Member
I remember someone on here told me that being a vegan was a weak argument to not have the vaccine and that it wouldn’t stand as it wouldn’t be unlawful , despite it being a protected belief. This ones for you Karen.

I’m glad to see this and hope it gives comfort to all of you on here, that your beliefs are important and respected under law.

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I wouldn’t say I’ve ‘refused’ to have it, having it is an inconvenience I don’t have time for.
I had coronavirus pretty bad last year, but I’m still willing to take my chances.
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Gembo, dont let yourself be bulied into it. There are things going on behind the scenes and lots of opposition. Im sorry you are so sad. xx
I have a couple of weeks until I can get it at the moment due to having just had covid. Last nights briefing felt sinister & chilling to me and on one hand I really want to dig my heels in further but on the other I just want an easy life. I have literally no one around me that I feel I can talk to, I’m pretty sure that everyone I know has got it now & when I expressed concerns to one friend they just said you have to get it though. I never thought a day would come where I’d find myself feeling forced into something medical. I could probably support it & say ok if it really did stop transmission & make you less ill but truthfully the people I know now who are double jabbed & getting covid are getting worse symptoms than the people I knew last year who caught it. Which makes me wonder.

And then there was I getting it & didn’t even feel like I had a cold. And that’s not to say I feel cocky now as I don’t, im still scared by it or getting it again & worse but just as one of many examples I could give a friend of mine spent 3 solid days in bed feeling iller than he ever has after his jab. For balance I do also know people that were absolutely fine after theirs but I just think that where there are potential side effects their should be choice. It definitely doesn’t feel like this is about health.
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Is anyone else unvaccinated and anxious about tomorrow and the high cases rapidly rising each day? My son and husband are fully vaccinated with Pfizer. My son is out seeing friends, shopping in a city yesterday, driving lessons etc and I’m at home worrying myself seeing high cases and many are double vaccinated. If my son gets it I’m scared of what it’ll do to me. I can’t keep him at home as he’s double jabbed now and we hit a lot of stress at home with him during the pandemic as he never saw covid as anything serious and gave us a lot of stress and at times aggression over us being careful and sticking to lockdowns. It impacted my chronic health issue a lot. I can’t go back to that. I always thought once we had a vaccine cases would start to lower but the complete opposite has happened. I promised him freedom once double vaccinated. I’m so nervous to be around him after he’s been out yesterday mixing in shops and in his friends car.

Last summer, no vaccine, no masks etc we had lower cases than we do now. I don’t understand how we’re so much worse. Sorry to post again, I’m having a wobble and have no one I can talk to other than my husband.
No for the same reason as my last answer. If it's really causing you this much distress worrying about getting it, maybe it's worth thinking about getting the vax? I'm not at all trying to influence you because clearly I have made my feelings on the vax known, but it is quite obviously causing you a lot of worry and upset so I do wonder if it would be worth it for your mental health. Worrying about potential vax side effects might actually end up less for you than feeling you can't even be around your family and restricting your life/freedom.

Personally I think cases are going up *because* of the vax pushing the virus to mutate and also because we are constantly testing now whereas we weren't before. Also, cases are always going to go up when we ease restrictions, that's just an unfortunate fact. A zero covid society isn't going to happen.
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User name taken

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What I don't get with statements coming from the government is when they talk about herd immunity they always say it's down to a combination of vaccines and natural immunity....that is the only time they mention natural immunity. Why is it good enough to attain herd immunity but not for anything else? Nearly 9 months on and I'm still testing positive for antibodies that's why I don't want the jab, just self isolated a few weeks ago as my three teenagers had Covid and I tested negative throughout. With all the news of mandate by stealth it's pissing me off more and more.
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This came up on my Facebook yesterday and it was really interesting reading the comments on it. Note the wording that it says ‘shouldn’t pose a risk’ which is what the majority of the comments picked up on. I don’t have kids but I know how protective people are of their newborns and I just couldn’t think of a scenario where ‘shouldn’t pose a risk’ would be acceptable anywhere else.

Does this car seat meet safety standards and will protect my baby in an accident?
Yea should be ok, shouldn’t cause a problem

Is it ok to give my baby xxx medicine?
Yea, shouldn’t be a problem.

Like I say I’m not a parent but if I was currently pregnant or breastfeeding I wouldn’t feel wholly reassured being told by the NHS that the vaccine ‘shouldn’t cause a problem’ and I just find it a bit unbelievable tbh.

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Has anyone not taken the vaccine due to their own choice/valid reason (not that it’s anyone business why someone doesn’t take it) and feel safe and ok about not having it, despite the current wave?

Honestly I'm doubting my choice now. I've never felt pressure like it.

I've refused it up to now on medical grounds. I have a lot of reactions to medications, allergies to opioids, permanent scar from a bad reaction to my BCG in school. And I'm on a daily high dose of meds which naturally increases my blood clot risk to x3.
I'm scared to take it.

But also worried about 'life after freedom' if I'm not vaxxed.

Urgh. I'm so sick of this shit
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Chatty Member
Thank you so much.

I totally agree with you, the media have had such terrifying headlines recently. It’s no good for us, xx
You're welcome!

If I'm really honest with you I think that the PHE figures published won't do you any favours as they come with all the following notes - Which are probably clear as mud to most. And that's just from 1 table in a 55 page document. :

(Data sources: Emergency care attendance and admissions from Emergency Care Dataset (ECDS), deaths from PHE daily death data series (deaths within 28 days). NHS trusts are required to submit emergency care attendances by the 21st of each month. As a result, the number of cases with attendances may show substantial increases in technical briefs prepared after the monthly cut-off, compared with other briefs from the same month. ¥ Cases without specimen dates and unlinked sequences (sequenced samples that could not be matched to individuals) are excluded from this table. * Cases are assessed for any emergency care attendance within 28 days of their positive specimen date. Cases still undergoing within 28-day period may have an emergency care attendance reported at a later date. § At least 1 attendance or admission within 28 days of positive specimen date # Inclusion: Including cases with the same specimen and attendance dates ‡ Exclusion: Excluding cases with the same specimen and attendance dates. Cases where specimen date is the same as date of emergency care visit are excluded to help remove cases picked up via routine testing in healthcare settings whose primary cause of attendance is not COVID-19. This underestimates the number of individuals in hospital with COVID-19 but only includes those who tested positive prior to the day of their emergency care visit. Some of the cases detected on the day of admission may have attended for a diagnosis unrelated to COVID-19. ^ Total deaths in any setting (regardless of hospitalisation status) within 28 days of positive specimen date. ** Age <50 + >50 do not total ‘all cases’ per category as some cases lack reported age data.)

For what it's worth, I'm much more worried about the increase in death rates from suicide & cancer and all the other things we lived with before than I have ever been about Covid. My elderly relative (84) with many comorbidities tested positive for hospital acquired Covid and Pneumonia after going in for a bowel obstruction. She outlived the ridiculous 28 days reporting so it wasn't Covid but if she'd died a week earlier she'd be on those stats. Despite never having any Covid symptoms. I recognise that this is my own anecdotal story.
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If you get injured or die absolutely no one will be there for you especially those who coerced or lied to you to make you get it. You will be called a liar your injury or death will be a coincidence.

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I’m just trying to talk myself into getting it now for an easy life. If someone could guarantee me that I’d have no serious side effects I’d go today but they can’t.

ETA also would be nice to know in advance how many and how often I will need jabs to be allowed to go anywhere!
This is so sad, please don’t give into coercion, you are not alone and you don’t need to rush and get it now, I’m waiting to see how things play out, honestly I’ll be last in the queue if I end up getting it.
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VIP Member
It’s making me so fucking panicky now. If Biden mandates it there’s no way in hell we won’t follow. We are literally going to be living in a dystopian horror movie soon.
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VIP Member
That will be the end game though. If you don't have a digital photo ID on your phone then you either...

1) Get someone to shop for you.

2) Learn how to do it so you can keep going in shops, on public transport, to events, kids to school, doctors etc.
I actually don't have any polite way of responding to such a vile comment, I hope you have more human decency in your daily life than you do on this forum. There's few things that come out of people's mouths that actually shock me these days, but you win. Disgusting.
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Chatty Member
Ok. I promise I’m not panicking but I’m after some perspective and advice from others. You all know I’m not vaccinated, my eldest son is as is my husband. Both double jabbed with Pfizer. My daughter is 16 and obviously not vaccinated. I have ME and I’m 42. I can’t get to be vaccinated, have reasons why I don’t want to be and I also have medical trauma from 5 years ago.

Anyway, obviously during lockdowns we stuck to the rules. Last summer once out of lockdown our children met their friends, went on day trips etc but all mainly outdoors with it being summer. In the early autumn they chose a friends house each and started going round some evenings for a few hours. Then came the winter lockdown and we went back to following the rules. It’s been hard of course on our children being teenagers and the eldest did give us hell on Earth at times despite us not being in control of lockdowns. Then when we came out of lockdown we followed the restrictions of meeting groups of no more than 6 outdoors, son and husband still working from home etc.

Now restrictions have gone and cases are rising I’m feeling confused. My son is vaccinated and I promised him full freedom once he was so I’ve stuck to that but after hearing on the news it doesn’t stop you catching covid at all, only lessens the severity I have been concerned this week I won’t lie. My son goes out maybe 4x a week now he’s double jabbed. To a friends house, eating out, the pub, friends cars… and I won’t stop him because I can’t go back to his anger and outbursts towards us because he’s struggled with lockdowns in the past, as we all have. I fully understand as someone who’s been in lockdown for a few years now due to my health, it messes with your mental health and it’s hard I know.

My daughter is 16, last summer she did something’s indoors but mainly was outdoors and was ok about things but I promised her a normal summer this year. I thought once vaccinations came life would be so much safer and cases would lower. Well quite the contrary. Now I feel terrible if I go back on my word. She’s happy right now to meet her friends outside as it’s summer but she wanted a summer of freedom as I promised her early this year. She wanted trains to the city centre, shopping days, cinema, holiday with her friend, sleepovers at friends houses etc and now with cases about to peak at 100k a day I’m feeling too concerned to let her have all that freedom. I’ve not discussed this with her as yet and that’s why I’m posting here first. I would love some perspective on this please.

My extended family think covids a hoax including my mother, they’ve broken every rule and none have had covid and refuse the vaccine. So I can’t speak to my Mum about this.

Anyone with children who hasn’t had the vaccine are you giving them full freedom despite a peak coming next month? If you have a health condition would it concern you to give full freedom? I trust my son, he wears his mask everywhere he goes, handgel and stays outside where possible. Like last weekend he had a BBQ at his friends and said they all stayed outside all night and He will always do that where possible. My daughter though she wants all indoor freedom. I fully understand why, they’ve had enough. My daughter wanted to get the vaccine and she’s quite angry she won’t be able to. Not that I’d want her to now at all. My husband even regrets it.

So if you were in my shoes or if you are in my shoes, what do you feel about it as a parent who may be more vulnerable? My condtions aren’t on the high risk catergory for covid but I struggle daily and have been housebound for a few years due to the ME and I have another health condition which again isn’t high risk but I don’t want to mention it here incase it outs me but it also causes a lot of fatigue issues 😃

I’m not panicking, I’m honestly just after some motherly/sisterly advice 😄💜 I apologise this got long😂
Please try and keep in mind that the PCR tests are run at cycle thresholds (CT) of between 40-45, any CT over 35 produces a very high (>90%) false positive result, meaning that practically any protein or fragment can amplify to produce a positive result. It’s also with keeping in mind that cola, papaya and a goat have all tested positive for COVID.
Do what you can to keep your immune system in good shape, Vit C and D, Zinc, Q10, Selenium are all helpful (provided of course there are no contraindications), eat a balanced diet, get outside in the sunshine and fresh air, do things that you enjoy. Fear and anxiety are not good for your body, get in the best shape you can, physically, mentally and emotionally so that IF you do get COVID you’re in the best shape you can be.
Also, turn off the MSM and stay away from
Social media if you can.
Sending positive energy your way ✨
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Well-known member
I just tell them that I don’t see the need for an experimental ‘vaccine’ (MRNA gene therapy) for an illness with a 99.8 survival rate, I’m good thank you, I’ll trust my immune system!

If they persist I have asked about the person’s medical history, that wasn’t well received but serves them right for their nosiness! 😂

Pro informed choice is an excellent response, after all how many of those that have had both jabs only did it so they could travel! A friend of mine did, she’s feeling pretty angry right now!
If you're calling it gene therapy then you are clearly not in a position to make an informed choice 😅
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3.6 billion doses have been administered globally. On the grand scheme of things, 1400 deaths (which haven't been confirmed to be from the vaccine) and 1m adverse reactions (again, which haven't been confirmed to all be from the jab, and could also count as a sore arm) is pretty small fry.
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Chatty Member
I’m so glad to find some like minded people on here. Even though I knew vaccine passports were coming and have done for a long time, I still feel so scared and down at the latest announcements. I never wanted to be proven right about my fears. My husband is also feeling so low about it even though he’s on the same page as me. My son is 18 months old and I’m so scared for his future. We’re supposed to be planning our second but it’s sucked all of the joy out of it and I’m wondering what kind of world we would be bringing another baby into.
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Walter's toupee

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Do you think at some point we won't be able to avoid not being vaccinated? My biggest concern is I have immediate family who live overseas and if there was a an emergency I wouldn't be able to go. This would be the only reason why I would get the vaccine.

I really want to understand if I don't have the vaccine am I really putting other people at risk?
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It’s perfectly fine if you don’t want to take a vaccine for whatever reason. But please don’t finish your comment with “WAKE UP PEOPLE” so cringe. It just makes ppl automatically think that you are sitting there with your tin foil hat
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